55 research outputs found

    Rigid Connections on the Projective Line with Elliptic Toral Singularities

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    We generalize two studies of rigid GG-connections on \pp which have an irregular singularity at origin and a regular singularity at infinity with unipotent monodromy: one is the work of Kamgarpour-Sage which classifies rigid homogeneous Coxeter GG-connections with slope rh\frac{r}{h}, where hh is the Coxeter number of GG, and the other is the work of Chen, which proves the existence of rigid homogeneous elliptic regular GG-connections with slope 1m\frac{1}{m}, where mm is an elliptic number for GG. In our work, similar to Chen, we look for rigid homogeneous elliptic regular GG-connections, but we allow the slope to have a numerator greater than 11. However, for the present purpose, we essentially restrict to the case where GG is either \Sp_{2n} or \SO_{2n+1}. For \Sp_{2n}, we show that Kamgarpour-Sage connections and Chen connections exhaust all the rigid homogeneous elliptic regular connections; furthermore, we write down explicit matrices for all rigid homogeneous elliptic regular \Sp_{2n}-connections. For \SO_{2n+1}-connections, having introduced the notion of generalized Chen connections, we classify all rigid connections of this type. We conjecture that any rigid homogeneous elliptic regular \SO_{2n+1}-connection is in this form. We also construct an explicit example of a rigid non-Coxeter \SO_9-connection with slope 34\frac{3}{4}, as well as an explicit construction of Chen \SO_{2n+1}-connections with slope 12\frac{1}{2}


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    Titanium and its alloys are typically used for fabrication of dental and orthopedic implants as they possess various desirable properties including biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. In spite of such benefits, titanium implants show lack of osseointegration after surgery in minor cases. The objective of this research has been to modify the surface of titanium alloy for medical applications through increasing surface hydrophilicity and drug loading. Primarily, anodization method is employed for fabrication of nanotubes on titanium surface to act as anchoring cite for cells. Considering the key role of surface hydrophilicity on cellular attachment to the surface and subsequent biological behavior of attached cells, the fabrication condition of nanotubes during anodization and following heat treatment is optimized. It is shown that anodization voltage, anodization duration and heat treatment temperature and duration can be controlled to fabricate a nanotubular surface that maintains its hydrophilicity over a long period of time. In order to verify the role of surface morphology on obtained characteristics, smooth, anodized-smooth, rough and anodized-rough surfaces are explored. The results show that anodized-smooth and anodized-rough surfaces show higher hydrophilicity than non anodized surfaces. Hydrophilic nanotubes not only promote cell adsorption; but also increase absorption of aqueous drug solution. Consequently, nanotubes are successfully loaded with drug and act as nano drug reservoirs that are potential to deliver the loaded drug locally after surgery. It is shown that dimension of nanotubes can affect rate of drug release. In fact the results indicate that nanotubes with higher aspect ratio (ratio of length to diameter) prolong drug release. A novel method for fabrication of naotubes was investigated which suggests a new way for controlling length of nanotubes. It is shown that heat treatment of the substrate prior to anodization affects length of nanotubes obtained eventually after anodization. In fact, the results show that anatase crystalline structure affects mechanism of formation of nanotubes to form longer nanotubes. Finally, it is demonstrated that corrosion resistance of heat treated nanotubular surface is higher than either heat treated surface or nanotubular surface alone

    Assessing phytoplankton community structure in relation to hydrographic parameters and seasonal variation (Pre & Post Monsoon)

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    Abstract. Mirzaei MR, Seraji F, Erfani E, Rad TA, Aminikhoei Z, Azhang B. 2017. Assessing phytoplankton community structure in relation to hydrographic parameters and seasonal variation . The present study is conducted to assess hydrographical parameters, phytoplankton composition and the relationship between physicochemical parameters and phytoplankton assemblages along Chabahar coastal waters, South coast of Iran. Based on the collected samples from four stations, all the hydrographical parameters such as sea surface temperature, salinity, pH, DO and nitrate, inorganic phosphate, silicate, and phytoplankton assemblages were studied for five months (from April 2014 to August 2014). A total of 165 phytoplankton groups/taxa were observed in which the Dinophyceae formed the dominant group in all seasons. During the pre-monsoon season, Dinophyceae (56.5%) was the most abundant phytoplankton group followed by Bacillariophyceae (40.8%), Cyanophyceae (1.7 %) and Dictyochophyceae (0.8%). Meanwhile, in the post-monsoon season, Dinophyceae was dominant (49.5%), followed by Bacillariophyceae (46.7%), Cyanophyceae (1.8%), and Dictyochophyceae (1.8%). The highest phytoplankton density was in mid-May (19584953± 345182 cell per litter) and the lowest was in late July (163928± 1790 cells per liter). Salinity, nitrate, phosphate, silicate showed significant variation (p<0.05) among seasons while pH, seawater temperature, dissolve oxygen did not show significant differences in all stations over the study periods (p<0.05). Phytoplankton density correlated positively with water temperature and salinity. Results showed an increased concentration in phytoplankton density during Pre-monsoon season followed by Post-monsoon and monsoon season

    Surfactant-assisted hydrothemial synthesis of fluoridated hydroxyapatite nanorods

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    Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite (FHA) nanorods were synthesized using Apricot Tree Gum (ATG) as a novel surfactant and then compared with Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate (EDTA) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) as conventional surfactant agents under hydrothermal condition (70 degrees C and 1 atm). The effects of pH values and various types of surfactants on the formation of the FHA nanorods, crystalline phase, and chemical compositions were investigated using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) equipped by Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The findings indicated application of the presented ATG as surfactant is able to produce the hexagonal nanorods of FHA along their c-axis direction. Moreover, it is illustrated that diameter and length of nanorods which is obtained by ATG surfactant are bigger than EDTA and SDS. In addition, it is demonstrated that pH values can play a major role on formation of hexagonal FHA nanorods. The increase of pH transformed the shape of synthesized FHA from particles to rods. Ultimately, based on the similarity of synthesized FHA nanorods to the shape, structure, and composition of enamel; it is suggested for its potential to be used for dental applications

    Investigation on feasibility polyculture of Litopenaeus vannamei with Mugil cephalus in earthen shrimp ponds

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    This study was conducted in order to optimizing of the biological condition and enhancing of the harvest efficiency for cultured shrimps of Guater site. Experimental design was consisted of three treatments and each treatment with three replications (totally 9 ponds with 600 m^2 area for each pond). After preparing and watering of ponds, the ponds was stocked with shrimp post larves in a density of 0.007±0.001 g (or 20 numbers per m^2) per m^2. After 35 days, the fingerlings of gray mullet were released to shrimp ponds in densities of 0/100 m^2 (T1/), 2/100 m^2 (T2) and 4/100 m^2 (T3). During experiment, the physicochemical parameters of water (temperature, O_2, pH, water transparency and salinity) were measured daily for two times (morning and afternoon). Also, the nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and silicate concentrations and BOD5 as well as chlorophyll (a), phytoplanktons and zooplanktons were measured every 15 days one time. To determine the organic values of the bottom sediment of the ponds, monthly sampling was conducted. Health status of shrimps was investigated monthly too. Growth rate, mean weight, survival value, Food conversion ratios (FCR) and total shrimp harvest (Kg) were measured after 107 days rearing in ponds. ANOVA analysis showed significant differences between treatments. The highest (212 Kg, 3533 Kg; weight mean was18.4 g for each shrimp) and lowest (187 Kg, 3116 Kg; weight mean was16.23 g for each shrimp) of harvested shrimps were yielded in T3 and T1 respectively. There was not significant differences between treatments in terms of survival rate (P>0.05). After 107 days rearing, the highest (1.27 0.2) and lowest (1.2 0.1) of FCR were observed in T_3 and T_1 respectively. Although, there were no significant differences between T_2 and T_3 in ammonia, O_2, Total organic material, pH and BOD5, but, T_2 and T_3 had significant differences with T_1 in these parameters. In this study, 27 genus of phytoplanktons belonged to Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), blue-green algal (Cyanophyceae) and dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) were identified. Diatoms with 20 genus had more abundance than dinoflagellates (6 genus) and blue-green algal (1 genus). Also, 7 orders of zooplanktons including copepod, mollusks, nauplius of crustacean and rhizopoda were identified. Health investigation of T1 (without shrimp) showed more pathogenic pollution (parasites and bacteria) than in treatments with shrimp. In this regard, among bacteria, the Vibrio genus (V.Alginoliticus and V.Fluvialis) had more abundance and among parasites zoothamnium sp and Epistylis sp were identified which more abundance was for zoothamnium sp. In conclusion, our results concluded that mixed culturing of white shrimp and grey mullet in optimum densities is possible and is caused more production of shrimp

    Using Nonionic Surfactants for Production of Semiconductor-type Carbon Nanotubes by Gel-based Affinity Chromatography

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    Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) have remarkable properties based on their electronic properties, i.e., metallic or semiconducting types, but as-grown SWCNTs contain a mixture of both types. Presented here is an improved and detailed method for producing highly enriched semiconducting SWCNTs from a colloidal suspension of as-grown SWCNTs through agarose gel column-based affinity chromatography. After a 2 wt% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) aqueous dispersion of SWCNTs is passed through the gel column, metal-type SWCNTs preferentially elute out using a 1.5 wt% SDS solution. Semiconductor-type SWCNTs are subsequently recovered from the column using a 2 wt% Pluronic F77 surfactant solution eluent. The semiconductor-enriched fraction purity is in the 90-95% range, based on detailed UV-vis-NIR absorption and resonant Raman spectroscopy characterization of the particulate suspension. Semiconductor-type SWCNTs are recovered in solid form by evaporating the suspension fluid, and heating the dried sample in air to a temperature just above the Pluronic decomposition temperature. Using Pluronic and other nonionic-type surfactants can aid the scalability of the chromatographic production of semiconducting SWCNT samples

    Spatiotemporal and estimation of washed out seaweeds biomass in Sistan and Baluchistan coasts

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    In order to studing and determination of Seaweed biomass in the Oman Sea coast (Sistan & Baluchestan Province), according to obtained reasults and experiments and observations on seaweed studies in 15 years ego, Beris, Chabahar, Pozm and Tang were high density zones and Jood and Lipar were low density zones in west and east of chabahar respectively that were selected for study stations. Total length of sistan and balochistan coasts from Gwatr area with geografical position 25˚ 10′ N & 61˚ 30′ E to Mydani with geografical position 25˚ 24′ N & 59˚ 5′ E were 354.3 Km. Among this length, 54.6 Km were rocky coast and 299.7 Km were sandy coast. Among this, 18.2 Km were high density zone and 281.5 Km were low density zone. Washout Seaweeds area in intertidial zones determind by measuring and recording of geographic positions by meter and GPS, then were obtained 2 transects determind with equal distance in high density area and 1 transects in low density for monthly sampling. The length of these transects were 100 meter and cross of Each transects were seaweed washed out average. The transects divided to 10 bluck and sampling were done randomly monthly from 5 bluck or 50 persent. The samples were transfered to the lab and the weight of each species was obtained after being cleaned, and separating. The biomass of each species per area unit and in the total area was obtained after determing the average weight of species and also determind geografical position by GPS. In relation to this project were done water sampling for recording of fisical chemistry factors. Total data for analysis recorded in this computer. During this research 9 species were collected. Among these seaweeds, 2 species green algea (composed of 2 families and 2 orders), 6 species brown algae (composed of 3 families and 3 orders) and 1 species red algae were identified. Wet biomass of Sargassum in the total area of Sistan & Baluchestan coasts were 445.9 ton in 2012. Among this biomas, 269.1 ton (%60.35) high density area (Beris 112 ton or %25.11, Pozm 83.7 ton or %18.76, Chabahar 59 ton or %13.22 and Tang 14.5 ton or %3.26) and low density zone 176.8 ton (%39.65). Monthly average were estimated about 74.3 ton (high density zone 44.9 and low density zone 29.5 ton). The maximum biomass was obtained 270.4 ton (high density zone 155.5 and low density zone 114.9 ton) in Azar and minimum biomass was obtained 3.5 ton in Esfand. At last, were suggested, This project were done in persian gulf coasts nessesery

    Sexual diversity of red algae using isomorphic generations of Gracilaria corticata in the northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea

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    In conformity with the sex determination of Gracilaria corticata in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, a total of 41 samples were collected from two stations of Bostaneh region (northern Persian Gulf, 54° 38´ E / 26° 30´ N) and Lipar regions (northern Oman Sea, 60° 49´ E / 25° 15´ N). The specimens were cultured in PES media for observing the different life stages. The anatomical structures of thallus were taken into consideration. The diploid tetrasporophytes and spermatangia in thallus of male’s gametophytes; and Carpospore and cystocarps of female were determined. Due to DNA extraction, the parasites and epiphytes were cleaned and then the under growing sections were sectioned using liquid nitrogen. After extraction of DNA, by using 20 different primers according to ISSR molecular indicator, the sex diversity and genetic diversity of populations were studied; and four primers were selected ultimately. The obtained results were analyzed by GenAlex and PopGen softwares. In total, 74 bands, all polymorphisms, were propagated. According to PIC index, polymorphism separation of primer C (0.33) was higher than other primers. The Marker Index was measured between 4.48 and 6.51 with mean Shannon’s index of 0.46. The genetic similarity amongst algae was 96%. The genetic diversity inter and intra populations had significant differences of which 83% of total diversity was related to the intra diversity and 17% was related to inter diversity populations. The highest genetic distance belonged to the specimens 5 (Bostaneh) and 35 (Lipar), and it indicated the inter populations diversity in addition to intra population. As an overall conclusion, these populations can be considered as broodstocks for hybrid production for further species breeding and also to attain the maximum heterosis in adaptation with environment. In Ward clustering analysis, the dendrograms showed 5 different clusters in genetic distance of 12.18 of isomorphic phases. The PCA analysis as a complementally method was used for attest the findings. In this research, the ISSR primers could determine the male and female gametophytes and diploid tetrasporophytes in which the primer A (bands of 1200 & 1700 bp) specific for diploid tetrasporophyte and band of 300 bp specific for male were produced. The primer C showed the bands of 820 & 900 bp for diploid tetrasporophyte, and 500 bp for female gametophyte. The primer AB (990 bp) for male, 520 bp for female and 1600 & 1900 bp for diploid tetrasporophyte were specified. The primer ABC showed the specific band of 1100 bp for male; 500 bp for female; and 1200 & 1500 bp for diploid tetrasporophytes

    Imatinib in patients with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial

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    Background The major complication of COVID-19 is hypoxaemic respiratory failure from capillary leak and alveolar oedema. Experimental and early clinical data suggest that the tyrosine-kinase inhibitor imatinib reverses pulmonary capillary leak.Methods This randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial was done at 13 academic and non-academic teaching hospitals in the Netherlands. Hospitalised patients (aged >= 18 years) with COVID-19, as confirmed by an RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, requiring supplemental oxygen to maintain a peripheral oxygen saturation of greater than 94% were eligible. Patients were excluded if they had severe pre-existing pulmonary disease, had pre-existing heart failure, had undergone active treatment of a haematological or non-haematological malignancy in the previous 12 months, had cytopenia, or were receiving concomitant treatment with medication known to strongly interact with imatinib. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive either oral imatinib, given as a loading dose of 800 mg on day 0 followed by 400 mg daily on days 1-9, or placebo. Randomisation was done with a computer-based clinical data management platform with variable block sizes (containing two, four, or six patients), stratified by study site. The primary outcome was time to discontinuation of mechanical ventilation and supplemental oxygen for more than 48 consecutive hours, while being alive during a 28-day period. Secondary outcomes included safety, mortality at 28 days, and the need for invasive mechanical ventilation. All efficacy and safety analyses were done in all randomised patients who had received at least one dose of study medication (modified intention-to-treat population). This study is registered with the EU Clinical Trials Register (EudraCT 2020-001236-10).Findings Between March 31, 2020, and Jan 4, 2021, 805 patients were screened, of whom 400 were eligible and randomly assigned to the imatinib group (n=204) or the placebo group (n=196). A total of 385 (96%) patients (median age 64 years [IQR 56-73]) received at least one dose of study medication and were included in the modified intention-to-treat population. Time to discontinuation of ventilation and supplemental oxygen for more than 48 h was not significantly different between the two groups (unadjusted hazard ratio [HR] 0.95 [95% CI 0.76-1.20]). At day 28, 15 (8%) of 197 patients had died in the imatinib group compared with 27 (14%) of 188 patients in the placebo group (unadjusted HR 0.51 [0.27-0.95]). After adjusting for baseline imbalances between the two groups (sex, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease) the HR for mortality was 0.52 (95% CI 0.26-1.05). The HR for mechanical ventilation in the imatinib group compared with the placebo group was 1.07 (0.63-1.80; p=0.81). The median duration of invasive mechanical ventilation was 7 days (IQR 3-13) in the imatinib group compared with 12 days (6-20) in the placebo group (p=0.0080). 91 (46%) of 197 patients in the imatinib group and 82 (44%) of 188 patients in the placebo group had at least one grade 3 or higher adverse event. The safety evaluation revealed no imatinib-associated adverse events.Interpretation The study failed to meet its primary outcome, as imatinib did not reduce the time to discontinuation of ventilation and supplemental oxygen for more than 48 consecutive hours in patients with COVID-19 requiring supplemental oxygen. The observed effects on survival (although attenuated after adjustment for baseline imbalances) and duration of mechanical ventilation suggest that imatinib might confer clinical benefit in hospitalised patients with COVID-19, but further studies are required to validate these findings. Copyright (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Pathogenesis and treatment of chronic pulmonary disease

    Investigation the factors influencing on demand for lumber imports in Iran

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    Due to limited forest resources in Iran, imports of round woods and sawn lumber are the inevitable solution to satisfy the growing needs of wooden industries, therefore, in this research we have investigated the most important effective variables on demand for imports of lumber in Iran, by reviewing trends in imports of lumber based on single-equation regression model and using the time series data of 1984 - 2009 and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) approach. The functional form of the applied equation is in the form of log-log linear regression. The results indicated that in the estimated demand for imports function, intercept, gross domestic product and export petroleum incomes variables have positive impact and exchange rate, the domestic production quantity of studied product have adverse impact on demand for imports of lumber. The significant negative impact of fluctuations in exchange rates of currencies against the Rial in the recent months is major obstacles on development of forest products industries in Iran. Also, import quantity of lumber with the first lagged isn’t significant at 5%level and therefore isn’t a variable affecting the demand for lumber imports. This is due to the unique role of imported lumber to meat demands of various cellulosic industries in Iran