874 research outputs found

    Expression of MMP-13 in Human Temporomandibular Joint Disc Derangement and Osteoarthritis

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    Objective: MMP-13 performs digestion of collagen, which is a primary component of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular disc. This study evaluated the expression of MMP-13 in patients with anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR), and in the presence of TMJ osteoarthrosis. Methods: Thirty-nine human temporomandibular joint disc samples were collected and divided in two ways: ADDwR (21 samples), ADDwoR (10 samples), and a control group (8 samples); and with osteoarthrosis (10 samples) and without osteoarthrosis (29 samples). Immunostaining of the TMJ discs was statistically compared between the groups. Results: There was no statistically significant difference for the area of MMP-13 immunostaining between the control group, ADDwR, and ADDwoR, nor between groups with and without osteoarthrosis. Conclusion: This study suggests MMP-13 is not significantly involved in collagen degradation in human TMJ disc displacement or osteoarthrosis

    Immunohistochemical Expression of Matrix Metalloprotease-2 and Matrix Metalloprotease-9 in the Disks of Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

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    Purpose Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) are tissue-remodeling enzymes that function during the remodeling process, such as in immune-inflammatory diseases. Metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) and metalloprotease-9 (MMP-9) are gelatinases that degrade several types of extracellular matrix collagen. It is hypothesized that in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression levels may be elevated. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the association of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression with temporomandibular joint dysfunction using an immunohistochemical approach to evaluate the joint disk. Material and Methods A total of 45 human temporomandibular joint samples were collected, with 36 samples in the test group (patients with anterior disk displacement with reduction (n = 29) and without reduction (n = 7)) and nine samples in the control group. The immunostaining of the TMJ disks was statistically compared between the groups (P \u3c 0.05). Results There was a statistically significant difference for the area of MMP-2 immunostaining between the control group and the displacement disks with reduction group (ADDwR) (P = 0.048) and between the groups with disk displacement and without reduction (ADDwoR) (P = 0.029). The expression of MMP-2 was significantly elevated in the ADDwoR group. Conclusion No statistically significant difference was found between the variable area of MMP-9 expression in the disk with and without disk displacement, as determined by immunohistochemical analysis. However, there was an elevation of MMP-2 expression in the disks of patients with displacement and without reduction (more severe alteration)

    The role of parental rearing styles in anxious symptoms of adolescents from middle school

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    FasL Expression in Articular Discs of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    Background Apoptosis is a programme of cell death which does not induce an inflammatory response. Recent previous research has suggested a correlation between temporomandibular internal derangement and apoptosis. Fas ligand (FasL) is an apoptosis‐inducing factor, known to trigger apoptosis through distinct signal pathways. This study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of FasL in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with reduction (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) in patients with and without osteoarthrosis (OA). Methods Forty‐two (n = 42) TMJ articular discs were divided into two cut‐offs: (i) 8 control, 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR, and (ii) without OA (n = 25) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (P \u3c 0.05). Results Statistically significant differences were found in the expression of FasL in TMJ discs between the three groups (P = 0.001). ADDwR presented significant higher FasL expression when compared with ADDwoR (P \u3c 0.001). Significant higher FasL expression was observed in the group without OA (P = 0.001). All patients without OA presented ADDwR, while all the patients with OA presented ADDwoR. Conclusion A higher area of in situ immunostaining of FasL was found in temporomandibular discs with reduction, which is the less severe condition. Moreover, a reduced expression of FasL in the discs of patients with osteoarthrosis was found, suggesting that some aspects of apoptosis might underlie the progression of TMJ disorders

    Correlation between the spread of COVID-19 and the Interest in personal protective measures in Poland and Portugal

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    This research initiated during Artur Strzelecki’s research stay at Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal.The pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has gained extensive coverage in public media and global news, generated international and national communication campaigns to educate the communities worldwide and raised the attention of everyone. The coronavirus has caused viral pneumonia in tens of thousands of people around the world, and the COVID-19 outbreak changed most countries’ routines and concerns and transformed social behaviour. This study explores the potential use of Google Trends (GT) in monitoring interest in the COVID-19 outbreak and, specifically, in personal protective equipment and hand hygiene, since these have been promoted by official health care bodies as two of the most protective measures. GT was chosen as a source of reverse engineering data, given the interest in the topic and the novelty of the research. Current data on COVID-19 are retrieved from GT using keywords in two languages—Portuguese and Polish. The geographical settings for GT are two countries: Poland and Portugal. The period under analysis is 20 January 2020, when the first cases outside China were known, to 15 June 2020. The results show that there is a correlation between the spread of COVID-19 and the search for personal protective equipment and hand hygiene and that GT can help, to a certain extent, understand people’s concerns, behaviour and reactions to sanitary problems and protection recommendationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interleukin-6 Expression in Disc Derangement of Human Temporomandibular Joint and Association with Osteoarthrosis

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    The inflammatory process is a coordinated response that protects host after infection or trauma, involving several molecular reactions. Once the inflammation is closely linked to the process of destruction of the temporomandibular joint, this study aims to examine, by immunohistochemistry, the expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), an important inflammatory marker, in temporomandibular articular discs of patients with anterior disc displacement with (ADDwR) and without reduction (ADDwoR) and its association with osteoarthrosis (OA). Thirty-eight (n = 38) articular discs were divided into two cutoffs: 1) analysis 1: 4 control (acute pathology), 17 ADDwR, 17 ADDwoR; and 2) analysis 2: without OA (n = 21) and with OA (n = 17). The area of immunostaining was compared statistically between groups (p \u3c 0.05). In the disc samples, no significant differences were observed between the groups ADDwR and ADDwoR, and with and without OA, in respect to the expression of IL-6 by immunohistochemical examination. Future studies should be conducted with a larger sample size, which could clarify the association of the inflammatory mediator IL-6 with temporomandibular joint dysfunction

    Letter to the editor

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    Gastric cancer is an important cause of cancer death worldwide and in Brazil. Given the recent studies on this disease's mortality and survival rates in our country, we offer a view on future research possibilities

    Manual de procedimentos administrativos para projetos financiados

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    Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Alcina Augusta Sena Portugal DiasNota: 17 valoresO presente trabalho, denominado Trabalho de Projeto, representa a segunda etapa de um processo de formação académica, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. Trata os temas abordados ao longo do Trabalho de Projeto efetuado na Associação Florestal de Entre Douro e Vouga, empresa na área da exploração florestal, em Arouca, e pretende enquadrar, quer os conhecimentos teóricos, quer os conhecimentos práticos adquiridos ao longo do Mestrado em Auditoria. Teve o propósito de desenvolver e implementar um Manual de Procedimentos Administrativos para Projetos Financiados, que pudesse funcionar como um guião orientador para o trabalho efetuado neste âmbito. Na revisão da literatura abordam-se as seguintes temáticas: tipos de auditoria, planeamento de auditoria e controlo interno, processos e procedimentos e gestão de projetos. De seguida, faz-se a apresentação da metodologia utilizada, que se trata de um estudo de caso com o desenvolvimento de um Manual de Procedimentos numa organização específica. Após esta segunda etapa, faz-se uma breve apresentação da empresa onde foi efetuado o trabalho de projeto, a AFEDV. Por fim, discutem-se os principais resultados obtidos, designadamente, as vantagens e as dificuldades sentidas no desenvolvimento do Manual de Procedimentos.This study, Project Work, represents the second step in a process of academic training, in order to obtain the degree of Master of Auditing at the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. The issues addressed throughout the Project Work were achieved in Associação Florestal de Entre Douro e Vouga, a company in the field of forestry, placed in Arouca. This project seeks to embrace either the theoretical knowledge or practical knowledge acquired during the Master in Auditing. Literature review addressed the following topics: types of audit, processes and procedures, planning of audit and internal control, and project management. The methodology used, is a case study in a specific organization with the development and implementation of a manual of procedures. Finally, we discuss the main results obtained, in particular, the advantages and difficulties felt in the development of the Procedures Manual

    Acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico em portadores de Diabetes tipo 2 no Brasil : estudo descritivo

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, 2017.Diabetes mellitus (DM) é um grupo heterogêneo de distúrbios metabólicos crônicos, identificados pelo aumento da concentração plasmática de glicose. O Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) é caracterizado pelo defeito na ação e secreção insulínica, assim como na regulação da produção hepática de glicose. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em averiguar a influência de acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico como ferramenta no auxílio do tratamento de portadores de diabetes tipo 2 no Brasil. A busca de dados foi realizada através do uso de descritores de assunto nas bases Pubmed/MEDLINE, SciELO, Cochrane, LILACS e Web of Science. A partir dos artigos escolhidos, analisaram-se suas metodologias, estando estas dentre as mais utilizadas no Brasil, representando modelos de acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico adequados para realização de consultas farmacêuticas. Os testes laboratoriais (glicemia em jejum e hemoglobina glicada) avaliados nos grupos pós-intervenção apresentaram reduções consideráveis quando avaliados a partir da diferença entre o início e fim dos estudos, embora não tenham se enquadrado nas recomendações da Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes e Associação Americana de Diabetes. As intervenções farmacêuticas responsáveis por intervir na identificação e resolução de Problemas Relacionados a Medicamentos (PRM) foram analisadas demonstrando altos percentuais de PRM resolvidos e/ou melhorados. Neste estudo, as metodologias, testes laboratoriais de glicemia em jejum e hemoglobina glicada e as intervenções farmacêuticas foram analisados e comparados a fim de atingir o objetivo do estudo descritivo.Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a heterogeneous group of chronic metabolic disorders, identified by increased plasma glucose concentration. Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is characterized by a defect in insulin action and secretion, as well as in the regulation of hepatic glucose production. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of pharmacotherapeutic follow - up as a tool to help patients with type 2 diabetes in Brazil. Data search was performed through the use of subject descriptors in Pubmed / MEDLINE, SciELO, Cochrane, LILACS and Web of Science databases. From the chosen articles, the methodologies were analyzed, being those included in the most used in Brazil, representing models of pharmacotherapeutic monitoring suitable for conducting pharmaceutical consultations. The laboratory tests (fasting glycemia and glycated hemoglobin) that were evaluated in the post-intervention groups showed considerable reductions when measured from the difference between the beginning and the end of the studies, even though they did not fit into the recommendations of the Brazilian Society of Diabetes and American Association of Diabetes. Pharmaceutical interventions responsible for identifying and resolving drug-related problems (DRP) were analyzed demonstrating high percentages of DRPs resolved and / or improved. In this study, the methodologies, laboratory tests of fasting glycemia and glycated hemoglobin and pharmaceutical interventions were analyzed and compared in order to reach the objective of the systematic review

    Oral health status of children and adolescents victims of abuse: a literature review

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    Violence against minors can manifest in many forms and is considered a public health problem due to the physical and emotional consequences it produces. The dentist has a fundamental role in detecting victims of violence, as the face is often the most affected region. Objective: To review the national and international literature concerning injuries and most common oral conditions of children and adolescents victims of abuse. Literature review: The descriptors used were “child abuse”, “child violence”, “physical violence”, “psychological violence”, “dental caries”, and “oral health” for international databases and the corresponding terms in Portuguese for Brazilian databases, with no restriction of year of publication and language. Through the articles included in this review, it appears that children with maltreatment history presents not only high prevalence of head injuries and dental traumas, but may also have poor oral hygiene and low search for dental services and consequently higher rates of untreated caries compared with children who lived in contexts without violence. Conclusion: Although the literature suggested that children and adolescents who have suffered abuse may have worse oral health status than those who were not victims of violence, more studies are needed to understand whether there are actually significant differences in the prevalence trauma, soft tissue injuries, tooth decay, and periodontal disease among types of child abuse