66 research outputs found

    Application of Multiple Criteria Decision Models for Oilseed Crops in Pakistan’s Punjab

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    Pakistan is deficient in major food products. Self-sufficiency in food has virtually always been a major priority, because imports of wheat, edible oil, sugar, pulses and milk products put a massive burden on the balance of payments for the country. The increase in the production of oilseed has been a priority goal of the agricultural development policy in Pakistan. The oilseed crops have been validated as alternative crops on several target locations of different agro-ecological zones [PARC (1990)]; but the success of this validation work in terms of their dissemination is very limited. The possibility of including these crops in well established systems needed to be well conceived. The selection of farming systems, which have the potential to adopt such crops, is a prerequisite to investigate the problems and prospects of oilseed crops. The emphasis of the study is, therefore, on the identification of typical farm situations where the oilseed crops can be evaluated for their potential inclusion in the cropping plans. A real decision-making environment in agriculture involves several objectives along with their explicit targets.

    Role of Opposition Parties in Pakistani Democracy: A Case Study of United Democratic Front (UDF)

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    This study is an attempt to explore the contribution and role of opposition parties to strengthen democracy in Pakistan. It also investigates and snoops the opposition alliance resulted from the politics of United Democratic Front which was a Parliamentary opposition alliance from 1973-1976 during Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979) period. Furthermore, this alliance exhibited critical views, presented their constitutional demands and played pivotal role in constitution formation of 1973 in Pakistan. It also encapsulates the role of aforesaid parliamentary alliance in various other amendments during Bhutto Government. To explore the role of this parliamentary alliance further, UDF demonstrated resilience and put forward their critical views for the constructive, productive and active role in democratic, constitutional and political developments specifically in Bhutto regime. Bhutto’s chrisamatic leadership was exquisitely responsive and dealt them tactfully regarding the UDF and opposition’s demand related to constitutions and political issues in Pakistan politics. This research work presents a fact finding analysis regarding political reservations of opposition parties, depicts circumstances and various compulsions which necessitated the formation of UDF; its aims and objectives as well as political resistance of UDF to Bhutto’s policies, constitutional formationand in different other constitutional amendments under Bhutto’s rule

    Composite split cord malformation associated with a dermal sinus tract, dermoid cyst, and epidural abscess: A case report and review of literature

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    Background: Split cord malformation (SCM) is typically present at a single level but rarely, may be present at multiple levels in the spinal cord and can be associated with a wide array of lesions such as myelomeningoceles, lipomas, teratomas, and dermal sinus tracts (DSTs).Case description: We describe a case of a 15-month-old female child who presented with high-grade fever and progressive motor weakness in the lower limbs. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed the presence of SCM along with an epidural abscess, DST, and dermoid cyst. The child underwent surgery for excision of DST along with removal of the dermoid cyst and drainage of epidural abscess. The postoperative course was uneventful. Elective repair of the SCM was performed 4 weeks later. The postoperative course was uneventful again.Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, the combination of a composite SCM with a DST and dermoid cyst with associated epidural abscess has rarely been reported in literature

    Correlation of Musculoskeletal Dysfunctions with Enhanced Computer Usage and Prescription of Management Strategies, In Computer Users of Afro Asian Institute, Lahore (Pakistan)

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    OBJECTIVE: To nail down the frequency of musculoskeletal problem’s in computer users and Recommend treatment/management options to the papulation with MSK problems. STUDY DESIGN: It is a cross-sectional descriptive study. PLACE AND DURATION: This study was performed from April 2019 to November 2019 at Afro Asian institute. Lahore (Pakistan). METHODOLOGY: One hundred subjects (54 males and 46 females) who were using computers were studied from Afro Asian institute Lahore. We used a questionnaire for collecting data about MSK status of individuals, data was statistically analyzed using SPSS. We used Chi-square test for evaluation of data. Moreover, Physiotherapy Management (Postural education, stretching of tightened structures, strengthening of weakened structures, heating modalities and periodic AROM exercises) and medical management (NSAIDS, muscle relaxant, analgesics) was prescribed for improvements, according to the severity and grading of MSK problems. RESULTS: The frequency of MSK dysfunctions was 52.60% in those who had been using computers for less than or equal to 2 hrs, 68.15% for 2-4 hrs computer users,81.45% for subjects with computer using of 4-6 hrs, and 93.72% in subjects who were using computer for more than 6 hours, respectively. The frequency of MSK problems (cervicalgia, LBP, shoulder pain, and elbow pain and pain in carpels) was classified according to a scale of pain ranging from grade I to grade V. Keywords: Musculoskeletal Problems, Management Strategies, Postural Education DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/71-08 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Ethno-National Identity in Pakistan during PostModern Era

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    This paper is an attempt to explore views of historians about the Ethno-NationalIdentity in Pakistan during Post Modern Era. Historians have assessed EthnoNational identity in the prism of nationalism; while explaining differentinclinations of any nation to express themselves; their ethnic behavior, exposureand attitude with the help of their distinctiveness; related to their own history and culture. As far as national identity is concerned, Herodotus was for the forerunner of ethnic identity. He was the one who well-defined the Greeks in positions of their ethnicity, and the rest of people as savages. A struggle will be made in this paper to disclose the role played. This paper will present an analysis of the works of Pakistani historians on the ethnic identity. In Pakistan, ethnic identity increases at the cost of its national identity, and due to such an incursion in ethnic identities, Pakistan has been even acknowledged as a country without having any identity of a nation. Thus, the paper will help to fulfill existing an important gap related to historical literature and would help to study the prevailing views about EthnoNational Identity in Pakistan during Post-Modern Era. If we deliberate the question of ethno national identity in the outline of post modernism, then there is a resolution for every problem, because every group is permissible to recollect its identity. Multiplicity is measured to be a component of appreciation

    Effectiveness of Mckenzie Traction and Exercises on Neck Pain Secondary to Upper Crossed Syndrome.

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    OBJECTIVES:  To examine the effects of McKenzie traction and exercises on neck pain, cervical ranges, functional activities and posture secondary to upper crossed syndrome. METHODS: Randomized control trial was conducted on patient of neck pain secondary to upper crossed syndrome from physical therapy setups of Lahore and Sargodha in total six months. 120 patients of 20-60 years’ age group were allocated in two groups (experimental and control), both contained 60 respondents, both groups received neck pain exercises with TENS for eight weeks, weekly three times and McKenzie traction and exercises were additionally received by experimental group. Partakers were assessed after eight weeks of treatment. Oswestry questionnaire was used for assessment, reed co scale and goniometer parameters, was used. RESULTS: Collected data was analyzed in SPSS 20. Independent sample t-test was applied to compare mean of quantitative data at the end of treatment in both groups. Mean pre-treatment Oswestry disability score in general exercise group and McKenzie group was 60.37 and 56.82 respectively (with p-value > .05). Mean post treatment Oswestry disability score in general exercise group was 30.63 and in McKenzie group was 26.70 (with p-value.02). Mean pre-treatment flexion, extension, side flexion and rotation means in general group were 36.38, 47.10, 36.32, and 66.37 respectively whereas in McKenzie these values were 38.30, 45.47, 37.47 and 67.38 respectively (with p-value > .05). CONCLUSION: Both general exercises and McKenzie treatment improved neck pain secondary to upper crossed syndrome, however the McKenzie treatment stood significantly better than general exercise. Keywords: Mckenzie Traction, Exercise, Neck Pain, Mckenzie Treatment, Syndrome DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/74-07 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Impact of Epidemiological Factors on Development of Puccinia Triticina Sp. Tritici on Wheat in Pakistan

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    The weather changes after the host-pathogen interaction play a vital role in the wheat leaf rust development. This study presents the impact of weather changes at wheat growing areas of Faisalabad, Bahawalpur and Sakrand  on development of wheat leaf rust  by taking into account the disease and weather data (from 4th February -5th March) of the respective years from 2003-2009. For the purpose multiple regression analysis of the temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity with the disease severity on six wheat cultivars namely Morroco, Inqilab-91, Sarsabz, Kirin-95, Soughat-90 and Tandojam-83 was conducted. It was found that temperature and relative humidity both played a significantly positive effect in disease development while wind velocity had negative impact on disease development. The most favorable conditions for leaf rust development on wheat in Pakistan were recorded at Bahawalpur, where the temperature (16.85-20.44°C), relative humidity (57.08-76.95%) and wind velocity (1.98-4.07 km/hr) acts collectively in onset of leaf rust. When these weather parameters were individually regressed no clear trends were noticed keeping in view their coefficient of determination (R2), regression coefficients/lines. This study depicts that all these factors interact with each other in a multi-colinear interaction, and had a collective effect on onset of leaf rust in the natural environment. Key words: Climate change, wheat, leaf rust, weather parameter

    The Global Engineer : Incorporating global skills within UK higher education of engineers

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    Background. The Marburg virus (MARV) has a negative-sense single-stranded RNA genome, belongs to the family Filoviridae, and is responsible for several outbreaks of highly fatal hemorrhagic fever. Codon usage patterns of viruses reflect a series of evolutionary changes that enable viruses to shape their survival rates and fitness toward the external environment and, most importantly, their hosts. To understand the evolution of MARV at the codon level, we report a comprehensive analysis of synonymous codon usage patterns in MARV genomes. Multiple codon analysis approaches and statistical methods were performed to determine overall codon usage patterns, biases in codon usage, and influence of various factors, including mutation pressure, natural selection, and its two hosts, Homo sapiens and Rousettus aegyptiacus. Results. Nucleotide composition and relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) analysis revealed that MARV shows mutation bias and prefers U- and A-ended codons to code amino acids. Effective number of codons analysis indicated that overall codon usage among MARV genomes is slightly biased. The Parity Rule 2 plot analysis showed that GC and AU nucleotides were not used proportionally which accounts for the presence of natural selection. Codon usage patterns of MARV were also found to be influenced by its hosts. This indicates that MARV have evolved codon usage patterns that are specific to both of its hosts. Moreover, selection pressure from R. aegyptiacus on the MARV RSCU patterns was found to be dominant compared with that from H. sapiens. Overall, mutation pressure was found to be the most important and dominant force that shapes codon usage patterns in MARV. Conclusions. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed codon usage analysis of MARV and extends our understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to codon usage and evolution of MARV

    Correlation of Foot Wears with MSK Disorders in Ankle Joints Among Females

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    AIM: This paper is a report of study conducted to explain the factors that causes ankle sprain by wearing high heels among students of Sargodha medical college and university of Sargodha.BACKGROUND: High heeled shoes have been worn for several centuries and despite numerous cautions against their use, they remain extremely popular. Wearing high heeled shoes is thought to increase the individual’s likelihood of experiencing a lateral ankle sprain. The 19th century saw the first warnings that wearing high heels footwear could lead to trips and falls. Previous investigations have shown that high heeled shoes align the foot in planter flexion, modifying the relative orientation of the skeletal structures of ankle, midtarsal, and metatarsophalangeal joints, and alter the insertion angles of the foot and gliding joint muscles, therefore increasing the risk factor for ankle sprain.METHODS: observational non-experimental study was conducted via a questionnaire which was distributed among 500 female students of SMC (Sargodha medical college) and university of Sargodha. These female students fall in age group between18-26.RESULT: The result of our study concluded that the types of heel and height of heel are the most significant factors that cause ankle sprain. The ankle sprain caused by wearing pencil heels and by use of <3 inch heels are greatest. Keywords: Pencil heel, height of heel, Ankle sprain, SMC, Female student. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/80-09 Publication date:September 30th 202
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