26 research outputs found

    From one-dimensional charge conserving superconductors to the gapless Haldane phase

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    We develop a framework to analyze one-dimensional topological superconductors with charge conservation. In particular, we consider models with NN flavors of fermions and (Z2)N(\mathbb{Z}_2)^N symmetry, associated with the conservation of the fermionic parity of each flavor. For a single flavor, we recover the result that a distinct topological phase with exponentially localized zero modes does not exist due to absence of a gap to single particles in the bulk. For N>1N>1, however, we show that the ends of the system can host low-energy, exponentially-localized modes. The analysis can readily be generalized to systems in other symmetry classes. To illustrate these ideas, we focus on lattice models with SO(N)SO\left(N\right) symmetric interactions, and study the phase transition between the trivial and the topological gapless phases using bosonization and a weak-coupling renormalization group analysis. As a concrete example, we study in detail the case of N=3N=3. We show that in this case, the topologically non-trivial superconducting phase corresponds to a gapless analogue of the Haldane phase in spin-1 chains. In this phase, although the bulk is gapless to single particle excitations, the ends host spin-1/21/2 degrees of freedom which are exponentially localized and protected by the spin gap in the bulk. We obtain the full phase diagram of the model numerically, using density matrix renormalization group calculations. Within this model, we identify the self-dual line studied by Andrei and Destri [Nucl. Phys. B, 231(3), 445-480 (1984)], as a first-order transition line between the gapless Haldane phase and a trivial gapless phase. This allows us to identify the propagating spin-1/21/2 kinks in the Andrei-Destri model as the topological end-modes present at the domain walls between the two phases

    Rise and fall of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound-states in charge conserving ss-wave one-dimensional superconductors

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    We re-examine the problem of a magnetic impurity coupled to a superconductor focusing on the role of quantum fluctuations. We study in detail, a system that consists of a one-dimensional charge conserving spin-singlet superconductor coupled to a boundary magnetic impurity. Our main finding is that quantum fluctuations lead to the destruction of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) intra-gap bound-states in all but a narrow region of the phase diagram. We carry out our analysis in three stages, increasing the role of the quantum fluctuations at each stage. First we consider the limit of a classical impurity and study the bulk semiclassically, finding YSR states throughout the phase diagram, a situation similar to conventional BCS superconductors. In the second stage, we reintroduce quantum fluctuations in the bulk and find that the YSR state is suppressed over half of the phase diagram, existing only around the quantum critical point separating the unscreened and the partially screened phases. In the final stage we solve exactly the full interacting model with arbitrary coupling constants using Bethe Ansatz. We find that including both the quantum fluctuating bulk and quantum impurity destabilizes the YSR state over most of the phase diagram allowing it to exist only in a small region, the YSR regime, between a Kondo-screened and an unscreened regime. Within the YSR regime a first order phase transition occurs between a spin singlet and doublet ground state. We also find that for large enough impurity spin exchange interaction a renormalized Kondo-screened regime is established. In this regime, not found for BCS superconductors, there is no YSR state and a renormalized Kondo temperature scale is generated

    Dissipation driven phase transition in the non-Hermitian Kondo model

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    Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians capture several aspects of open quantum systems, such as dissipation of energy and non-unitary evolution. An example is an optical lattice where the inelastic scattering between the two orbital mobile atoms in their ground state and the atom in a metastable excited state trapped at a particular site and acting as an impurity, results in the two body losses. It was shown in \cite{nakagawa2018non} that this effect is captured by the non-Hermitian Kondo model. which was shown to exhibit two phases depending on the strength of losses. When the losses are weak, the system exhibits the Kondo phase and when the losses are stronger, the system was shown to exhibit the unscreened phase where the Kondo effect ceases to exist, and the impurity is left unscreened. We re-examined this model using the Bethe Ansatz and found that in addition to the above two phases, the system exhibits a novel YSR~\widetilde{YSR} phase which is present between the Kondo and the unscreened phases. The model is characterized by two renormalization group invariants, a generalized Kondo temperature TKT_K and a parameter `α\alpha' that measures the strength of the loss. The Kondo phase occurs when the losses are weak which corresponds to 0<α<π/20<\alpha<\pi/2. As α\alpha approaches π/2\pi/2, the Kondo cloud shrinks resulting in the formation of a single particle bound state which screens the impurity in the ground state between π/2<α<π\pi/2<\alpha<\pi. As α\alpha increases, the impurity is unscreened in the ground state but can be screened by the localized bound state for π<α<3π/2\pi<\alpha<3\pi/2. When α>3π/2\alpha>3\pi/2, one enters the unscreened phase where the impurity cannot be screened. We argue that in addition to the energetics, the system displays different time scales associated with the losses across α=π/2\alpha=\pi/2, resulting in a phase transition driven by the dissipation in the system.Comment: 6 Pages, 2 Figures, 1 Appendix, due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract appearing here is slightly shorter than that in the PDF fil

    Kondo effect in the isotropic Heisenberg spin chain

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    We investigate the boundary effects that arise when spin-12\frac{1}{2} impurities interact with the edges of the antiferromagnetic spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg chain through spin exchange interactions. We consider both cases when the couplings are ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic. We find that in the case of antiferromagnetic interaction, when the impurity coupling strength is much weaker than that in the bulk, the impurity is screened in the ground state via the Kondo effect. The Kondo phase is characterized by the Lorentzian density of states and dynamically generated Kondo temperature TKT_K. As the impurity coupling strength increases, TKT_K increases until it reaches its maximum value T0=2Ï€JT_0=2\pi J which is the maximum energy carried by a single spinon. When the impurity coupling strength is increased further, we enter another phase, the bound mode phase, where the impurity is screened in the ground state by a single particle bound mode exponentially localized at the edge to which the impurity is coupled. We find that the impurity can be unscreened by removing the bound mode. There exists a boundary eigenstate phase transition between the Kondo and the bound-mode phases, a transition which is characterized by the change in the number of towers of the Hilbert space. The transition also manifests itself in ground state quantities like local impurity density of states and the local impurity magnetization. When the impurity coupling is ferromagnetic, the impurity is unscreened in the ground state; however, when the absolute value of the ratio of the impurity and bulk coupling strengths is greater than 45\frac{4}{5}, the impurity can be screened by adding a bound mode that costs energy greater than T0T_0. When two impurities are considered, the phases exhibited by each impurity remain unchanged in the thermodynamic limit, but nevertheless the system exhibits a rich phase diagram.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures; due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract appearing here is slightly shorter than that in the PDF fil

    Effect of Hund coupling in the one-dimensional SU(4) Hubbard model

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    The one-dimensional SU(4) Hubbard model perturbed by Hund coupling is studied, away from half-filling, by means of renormalization group and bosonization methods. A spectral gap is always present in the spin-orbital sector irrespective of the magnitude of the Coulomb repulsion. We further distinguish between two qualitatively different regimes. At small Hund coupling, we find that the symmetry of the system is dynamically enlarged to SU(4) at low energy with the result of {\it coherent} spin-orbital excitations. When the charge sector is not gapped, a superconducting instability is shown to exist. At large Hund coupling, the symmetry is no longer enlarged to SU(4) and the excitations in the spin sector become {\it incoherent}. Furthermore, the superconductivity can be suppressed in favor of the conventional charge density wave state.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Spin-stiffness and topological defects in two-dimensional frustrated spin systems

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    Using a {\it collective} Monte Carlo algorithm we study the low-temperature and long-distance properties of two systems of two-dimensional classical tops. Both systems have the same spin-wave dynamics (low-temperature behavior) as a large class of Heisenberg frustrated spin systems. They are constructed so that to differ only by their topological properties. The spin-stiffnesses for the two systems of tops are calculated for different temperatures and different sizes of the sample. This allows to investigate the role of topological defects in frustrated spin systems. Comparisons with Renormalization Group results based on a Non Linear Sigma model approach and with the predictions of some simple phenomenological model taking into account the topological excitations are done.Comment: RevTex, 25 pages, 14 figures, Minor changes, final version. To appear in Phys.Rev.