349 research outputs found

    Physico-chemical properties of shallow and deep peat soils planted with pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) / Ahmad Azam Mohamad Zahari

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    The physico-chemical properties of peat soil are dynamically altered after several years of utilization. This study aims to assess the physico-chemical properties of shallow and deep peat soils at two different depths after several years of pineapple cultivation. In this study, soil samples from shallow and deep peats were collected at Pontian, Johor using a random sampling method. Samples were taken at two different depths, 0-25 cm and 25-50 cm, and were analysed for selected physical and chemical properties. Results showed that the colour of shallow peat soils is dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) whereas the colour is very dark greyish brown (10YR 3/2) for deep peat. Soil bulk density is higher (0.61 g/cm3) in deep peat compare to shallow peat (0.58 g/cm3) with a water table of 21.8 cm and 74 cm from the soil surface, respectively. Shallow peat is more acidic compare to deep peat, with higher concentration of Mg saturated in former peat. In comparison, shallow peat soils have a lesser concentration of all elements except for Mg, compared to deep peat. From this study, it is suggested that management of peat soils must consider the thickness of the peat layer as nutrient behave differently at different peat depth

    Pocket-hydro turbine into capsule hydro turbine

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    The capsule hydro turbine (CaHT) is a continuous power machine in which a wheel or rotor typically filted whereas produce electricity. It is designed like a capsule shape which has two twin turbines on both output to generate energy as an alternative power supply. The devide is capable of producing output of 12v to power up electrical applicances. The device consist of dynamos, turbines, charging circuit, battery, inverter, and wire cables. The result of the capsule hydro turbine (CaHT) field is presented in three types of graphs as in this paper. The optimum voltage of battery was 6.97v. By using these terms, the research project has successfully improvised the pocket hydro turbine (PHT) into capsule hydro turbine (CaHT


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    Purpose: Outcome based curriculum one of the fastest implementing curriculum approach in the field of curriculum development process all over the world today. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affect the intention to use SOLO taxonomy in the development of outcome based curriculum model in the secondary level school education. Method: This study applied SOLO Taxonomy model and input-process-outcome model to develop the conceptual framework for the study. Data is collected through questionnaires filled Accounting teachers in secondary schools, Accounting lecturers, academic staff of Ministry of Education and senior lecturers worked in curriculum development workshops in National Institute in Education (NIE) in Sri Lanka. Findings: It is found that there is a positive, strong and significant relationship between curriculum development inputs and outcome based curriculum development decision making process. Furthermore, there is a moderating effect of age, teaching experience and experience in curriculum development process on the relationship between curriculum development inputs and outcome based curriculum development decision making process. Value: The study addresses the need for curriculum decision making process. The study contributes to the curriculum policy making process. Findings of the study provide necessary guidance for curriculum policy makers and the policy makers in the general education field. Moreover, findings of this study contribute to the area of curriculum development that was beneficial to arrive at the proper decision making in constructing our own curriculum. Finally, the guidelines of this study will fulfill the requirement of the secondary school curriculum development program.  Article visualizations


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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the conceptual awareness of accounting teachers in their teaching learning process based on SOLO Taxonomy curriculum approach in secondary level schools. Further, the study explored the relationship between the curriculum development inputs and the SOLO based curriculum development process. The curriculum development inputs are teacher effectiveness, school community, school environment and technology availability. Method: Data was collected through questionnaires survey administration of accounting teachers in secondary level school in Sri Lanka. The respondent was selected on the basis of their subject and their experience. The data obtained from the teachers was input into the program Statistical Package for Social Sciences software package. Multiple Regression Analysis was applied to examine the relationship between Dependent variable and Independent variable to interpret the among curriculum development inputs and SOLO based curriculum development process. On the other hand, the study was analyzed moderating effect of individual factors between the relationship curriculum development inputs and SOLO based curriculum development process. Findings: The result indicates that the teacher’s attitudes and availability of SOLO based curriculum materials will exert the most influence upon the teaching leaning process in the secondary level schools. The results further incited that the moderating effect of age, teaching experience and experience in curriculum development process to the relationship between curriculum development inputs to the SOLO based curriculum development process. According to the analysis the gender does not moderate the relationship curriculum development inputs and the SOLO based curriculum development process. Value: The study will be applicable for curriculum development process to accounting curriculum and improve the performance of student competency level not only students who learnt accountancy but also throughout all other students in secondary level schools. The study assists curriculum policy makers in the field of curriculum development process in general education system to understand the issues related to outcome based curriculum development process in current era. Hence, findings of this study could be used to guide them in enhancing curriculum reforms and implementing new curriculum approach to enhance and overcome the current issues. The findings of this study will inform curriculum policy makers and educationists who wish to apply new curriculum approach on how they can develop SOLO based curriculum for the current education system. Thus, the findings of this study contribute to the area of curriculum development that was beneficial to arrive at the proper decision making in constructing our own curriculum. The guidelines of this study will fulfill the requirement of the secondary school curriculum development program.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this research is to measure the strategies for knowledge management and organisational performance in Libya using an approach to structural equation modelling (SEM). The research method of this analysis is a quantitative method only, where the total sample size is assumed to be 453 using simple random sampling. The structural model for this analysis showed the relationships between the variables. The results show that the framework of knowledge management is significantly related to the strategy of knowledge management, while knowledge management practise is significantly related to the strategy of knowledge management. However, the framework of knowledge management was found not to be very positively linked to organisational performance. Unexpectedly, in terms of significantly related to organisational performance, knowledge management activity has also not been considered relevant. Knowledge management approach, on the other hand, is positively linked to organisational performance and to the reciprocal relationship between the system of knowledge management and the practise of knowledge management. By offering an empirically validated model that could be used to forecast organisational performance as a whole, this study has added to established knowledge. JEL: L10; L25; L91 Article visualizations


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    This conceptual paper aims to examine the relationship between the knowledge management strategy and organizational performance in Libya transportation industry. Libya’s government policy proposals for public organisation reform have largely failed to encourage the development of information. The transport industry is suffering from a shortage of backward-integrated equipment. Most Arab nations have inherited their transparent authoritative practises from their previous founder legacies. This is despite the way in which the region needs knowledge management as never before due to the evolving way of global aggression. Also, the introduction and use of different information technologies in an enterprise will be the key to conducting knowledge management activities in the transport industry. The promotion of trust among members of intra- and inter-organizational teams is of primary concern for the establishment of a strong and sound knowledge base. It takes some time to establish a desired knowledge culture for the sharing of knowledge and exchange of knowledge. However, only a small section of the public would appreciate gains and any aspect of it could be overlooked by the rest. It should strive to develop the academic resources of the general public and involve people in basic leadership in general. JEL: L10; L25; L91 Article visualizations


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    The aim of this study is to identify the determinants of knowledge management strategies in the Libyan transportation industry for organizational performance. This study began to propose the research method through an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), after proposing a testable conceptual framework, where the items of further research can have some light to move forward. For this analysis, the sample size was 529 and simple random sampling was employed. The results of this research indicate that the main aspects of organizational performance in the Libyan Transportation Industry are the knowledge management system, knowledge management process, knowledge management strategy, organizational performance. Through proposing an empirically validated research model that could be an important implementation tool for the success of the performance of the Transportation Industry, this research has added to established knowledge. JEL: L10; L25; L91 Article visualizations

    Synthesis and characteristics of carbon nanotube using plasma arc discharge

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    Carbon nanoparticles (CNP) were synthesized in arc plasma discharge using a simple, low-cost and toxic-free precursor gas. The structural and electrical characteristics were examined. SEM image showed existence of a high density and uniform nanostructures within the cylindrical bulk CNP tube. The tube diameter and its length was 28.5 μm and 316.7 μm, respectively. The average diameter of the nanoparticles grown in the tube was 600 nm. The electrical characteristics revealed low resistance with R = 7.23 kΩ with Cu electrodes. In addition, the device exhibited a high conductivity of 3.6 x 107 Scm-1. These results indicate the potential of CNP material for power device applications

    The Regulatory Framework Governing Traditional Arbitration in Resolving Islamic Banking Disputes in Malaysia: The Time for Change

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    Introduction to The Problem: Malaysia has established its place as a global leader in Islamic banking due to the considerable efforts made by the Malaysian lawmakers to enhance the Islamic banking dispute resolution framework and provide the Islamic banking disputants with several resolution mechanisms, such as traditional arbitration. However, using traditional arbitration in resolving Islamic banking disputes is not free from criticisms. Therefore, there is a need to find an alternative or enhanced form of traditional arbitration mechanism.Purpose/Objective Study: This article examines the regulatory framework governing traditional arbitration in resolving Islamic banking disputes in Malaysia.Design/Methodology/Approach: This article is based on doctrinal legal research Methodology. Primary data was secured from several sources, such as Acts, Laws, and Court Cases. While secondary data was collected from books, journal articles, and online databases. Both data are analyzed by using critical and analytical approaches.Findings: It is found that Arbitration Act 2005 (Act 646) and I-Arbitration Rules 2018 have been subjected to several amendments to align with the international norms and best practices. However, Malaysian lawmakers should start thinking out of the box by reinforcing the Islamic banking disputants with an effective resolution mechanism known as electronic arbitration (hereinafter referred to as “e-arbitration”). Doing so would facilitate prompt access to justice in Islamic banking disputes in Malaysia.Paper Type: Research Article

    Estimating the Outdoor Recreational Value of Chitgar Forestial Park of Tehran with the Use of Contingent Valuation Method (CV)

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       Among issues related to the environment, one of the most important issues is pricing the environment. In the present study, the outdoor recreational value of Chitgar Jungle Park of Tehran and its visitors' willingness to pay per visit (WTP) were estimated by using Contingent Valuation method (CV) and 140 questionnaires based on dichotomous choice. The results revealed that 30 percent of the surveyed people were willing to pay an entrance fee and the mean willingness to pay for each visitor was estimated at 3076 Rials and its total annual recreational value was estimated at 5 billion Rials. Among the effective variables on individuals' visit of this park, recommendation, income, per-visit cost, family size, and visits during a year were 1% significant; park facilities and quality were 5% significant; and the visitors' use of personal vehicles, education, type of house, as well as job were 10% significant