15 research outputs found

    Ultrasound-guided thyroid nodule fine-needle biopsies — comparison of sample adequacy with different sampling techniques, different needle sizes, and with/without onsite cytological analysis

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      Wstęp: Celem niniejszego badania było porównanie diagnostycznej wydajności próbek guzków tarczycy otrzymanych metodą biopsji aspiracyjnej lub kapilarnej, wykonanej za pomocą igieł nr 22 lub nr 27 z lub bez analizy cytologicznej przeprowadzonej na miejscu. Materiały i metody: Czterystu pacjentów z guzkami tarczycy poddano biopsji cienkoigłowej pod kontrolą USG. Pacjentów podzielono na osiem grup, według wielkości zastosowanych igieł (nr 22 vs. nr 27), techniki biopsji (aspiracyjnej kontra kapilarnej), a także przeprowadzonej lub nie analizy cytologicznej na miejscu. Wskaźniki wydajności próbek obliczono dla każdej grupy i podgrupy oraz porównano je za pomocą testu chi-kwadrat. Wyniki: W grupie wszystkich ocenianych guzków (n = 400), wskaźnik wydajności był znacznie wyższy w grupie badanej techniką kapilarną niż w grupie badanej metodą aspiracyjną (97% vs. 91,5%, p = 0,032). Wskaźnik wydajności był również wyższy, gdy przeprowadzono analizę cytologiczną na miejscu niż gdy jej nie przeprowadzono (97% vs. 91,5%, p = 0,032). Wśród guzków litych (n = 205), wskaźnik wydajności również osiągnął wyższą wartość w grupie badanej techniką kapilarną względem grupy badanej techniką aspiracyjną (98,9% vs. 89,7%, p = 0,008), oraz gdy przeprowadzono analizę cytologiczną na miejscu (97,9% vs. 89,6%, p = 0,014). Inaczej niż dla powyższych wyników, wskaźnik wydajności był podobny dla igieł nr 22 i nr 27 (94,2% vs. 93,1%, p = 0,733). Wnioski: Wyniki optymalne uzyskano techniką kapilarną oraz wykonując analizę cytologiczną na miejscu. Technika kapilarna oraz analiza cytologiczna na miejscu powinny stanowić preferowane podejście w biopsji guzków tarczycy, optymalizując wskaźnik wydajności oraz samopoczucie pacjenta. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (4): 295–300)    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic adequacy of thyroid samples obtained by aspiration or capillary biopsy techniques, with 22 or 27 gauge needles, and with or without onsite cytological analysis (OCA). Material and methods: Four hundred patients with thyroid nodules underwent ultrasound (US)-guided fine-needle biopsies. Patients were divided into eight groups according to needle size (22 vs. 27 gauge), biopsy technique (aspiration vs. capillary), and whether or not OCA was performed. Sample adequacy rates were calculated for each group and subgroups and compared using chi-square tests. Results: When all nodes were evaluated (n = 400), the adequacy rate was significantly greater with the capillary than with the aspiration technique (97% vs. 91.5%, p = 0.032) and when OCA was than was not performed (97% vs. 91.5%, p = 0.032). When only solid nodules were evaluated (n = 205) the adequacy rate was also significantly greater with the capillary than with the aspiration technique (98.9% vs. 89.7%, p = 0.008) and when OCA was than was not performed (97.9% vs. 89.6%, p = 0.014). In contrast, the adequacy rate was similar for 22 and 27 gauge needles (94.2% vs. 93.1%, p = 0.733). Conclusions: Optimal results were obtained with the capillary technique and OCA. The capillary technique and OCA should be the preferred approach in thyroid nodule biopsy, optimising adequacy rates and patient comfort. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (4): 295–300)

    Rectal duplications accompanying rectovestibular fistula: Report of two cases

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    Rectal duplication (RD) cysts are rare congenital anomalies that can be diagnosed with the presence of another opening in the perineum. They seldom accompany anorectal malformations (ARM). Two cases of RD accompanying ARM at opposite ends of the phenotypic spectrum, are described. A 3-month-old baby and a 2-year-old girl with ARM were scheduled for posterior sagittal anorectoplasty. The infant had an orifice at the anal dimple and the other had an orifice at the vestibulum posterior to the rectovestibular fistula. The infant presented with no other anomalies whereas the older one presented with an unusual coexistence of caudal duplication and caudal regression syndromes. Perioperatively both orifices were found to be related to retrorectal cysts, and were excised. Clinicians should always be alert when dealing with complex malformations. Because these malformations have variable anatomical and clinical presentations, they can represent a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

    The rare presentations of a large polyp and an esophageal carcinoma in heterotropic gastric mucosa: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heterotopic gastric mucosa (HGM) is commonly seen in the upper esophagus during endoscopyand is generally considered a benign disease. A hyperplastic polyp and an adenocarcinoma arising in heterotopic gastric mucosa are quite rare occurences.</p> <p>Case presentations</p> <p>We present two cases: The first is a patient who suffered from dysphagia because of a large hyperplastic polyp that arose from HGM; the polyp was excised endoscopically. Secondly, we report a rare case of adenocarcinoma arising in HGM of the cervical esophagus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Morphologic changes or malignant transformation can develop in the inlet patch. Therefore, gastroenterologists should be aware of the possibility of HGM just distal to the upper esophageal sphincter.</p

    Effects of Single Administration of Intrahippocampal Amyloid Beta 1-42 on Spatial Learning and Memory, Microglia and NOS System in Rats

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    Deposits of amyloid beta peptides (A beta) is thought to cause progressive cognitive loss and involve to Alzheimer's disease in humans. Intracerebral or intracerebroventricular injections or infusions of A beta peptides are Commonly used to design animal models that imitate Alzheimer's disease (AD) with cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative disorders. It has been demonstrated that inflammatory responses develop after administration of A beta in vitro and in vivo. A beta and activated microglia stimulates cytokines and nitric oxide (NO). NO can also be neurotoxic primarily to its free radical properties and it has been implicated in neurodegenerative diseases. And also, there are conradictory results about the alterations of NO and nitric oxide synthase system in AD brain

    Ultrasound-guided thyroid nodule fine-needle biopsies--comparison of sample adequacy with different sampling techniques, different needle sizes, and with/without onsite cytological analysis.

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    The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic adequacy of thyroid samples obtained by aspiration or capillary biopsy techniques, with 22 or 27 gauge needles, and with or without on-site cytological analysis (OCA)

    Protective Effect of Beta Glucan on Pulmonary Aspergillosis Model in Neutropenic Rats

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    Objective: Pulmonary aspergillosis is a serious opportunistic infection which might be fatal in immunocompromised patients. Immunity against aspergillosis requires the coordinated action of components of the innate and adaptive immune systems. Beta-glucan is one of the immunomodulatory agents which got much attention in recent years. It was used as a preventive agent for the development of infections. However, information about its the possible protective effect on fungal infections are limited. The aim of this study aimed to investigate the possible protective effects of beta-glucan against Aspergillus fumigatus infection. Material and Methods: We evaluated oral beta glucan administration for its ability to enhance resistance of the rats to experimentally induced pulmonary aspergillosis. Fifty-eight rats were divided into three groups: Thirty five rats were immunosuppressed and infected with Aspergillus fumigatus (infected group); 15 were immunosuppressed, infected and treated with oral beta-glucan (beta-glucan group); and eight were healthy controls. Rats were sacrificed on the tenth day of the experiment and tissue specimens were cultured. Chitin, galactomannan antigen and glucan levels were detected. Results: Beta-glucan enhanced the resistance against Aspergillus infection. The survival rates were 62.9% and 93.4% in the infected and beta-glucan groups, respectively (p<0.05). Beta glucan also limited the fungal burden. Conclusion: Our results suggested that Aspergillus invasion did not develop in beta-glucan group in spite of the occurence of fungal colonization in neutropenic rats. Beta-glucan was able to improve the resistance against A. fumigatus infection.WoSScopu

    Ultrasound-guided thyroid nodule fine-needle biopsies - comparison of sample adequacy with different sampling techniques, different needle sizes, and with/without onsite cytological analysis

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic adequacy of thyroid samples obtained by aspiration or capillary biopsy techniques, with 22 or 27 gauge needles, and with or without onsite cytological analysis (OCA). Material and methods: Four hundred patients with thyroid nodules underwent ultrasound (US)-guided fine-needle biopsies. Patients were divided into eight groups according to needle size (22 vs. 27 gauge), biopsy technique (aspiration vs. capillary), and whether or not OCA was performed. Sample adequacy rates were calculated for each group and subgroups and compared using chi-square tests. Results: When all nodes were evaluated (n = 400), the adequacy rate was significantly greater with the capillary than with the aspiration technique (97\% vs. 91.5\%, p = 0.032) and when OCA was than was not performed (97\% vs. 91.5\%, p = 0.032). When only solid nodules were evaluated (n = 205) the adequacy rate was also significantly greater with the capillary than with the aspiration technique (98.9\% vs. 89.7\%, p = 0.008) and when OCA was than was not performed (97.9\% vs. 89.6\%, p = 0.014). In contrast, the adequacy rate was similar for 22 and 27 gauge needles (94.2\% vs. 93.1\%, p = 0.733). Conclusions: Optimal results were obtained with the capillary technique and OCA. The capillary technique and OCA should be the preferred approach in thyroid nodule biopsy, optimising adequacy rates and patient comfort

    The rare presentations of a large polyp and an esophageal carcinoma in heterotropic gastric mucosa: a case series-0

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "The rare presentations of a large polyp and an esophageal carcinoma in heterotropic gastric mucosa: a case series"</p><p>http://www.jmedicalcasereports.com/content/1/1/127</p><p>Journal of Medical Case Reports 2007;1():127-127.</p><p>Published online 2 Nov 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2174499.</p><p></p>lypectomy material, showing gastric mucosa with foveolar hyperplasia and intestinal metaplasi