196 research outputs found

    Understanding Recent Developments in the Turkish Labor Market: Empirical Essays with a Gender Focus

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    This dissertation comprises three essays on the Turkish labor market. The first essay characterizes the distinctive characteristics of the Turkish labor market with the aim of understanding the factors lying behind its long-standing poor performance relative to its European counterparts. The analysis is based on a cross-country comparison among selected European Union countries. Among all the indicators of labor market flexibility, non-wage cost rigidities are regarded as one of the most important factors in slowing down employment creation in Turkey. The second essay focuses on an employment subsidy policy which introduces a reduction in non-wage costs through social security premium incentives granted to women and young men. Exploiting a difference-in-difference-in differences strategy, I evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in creating employment for the target group. The results, net of the recent crisis effect, suggest that the policy accounts for a 1.4% to 1.6% increase in the probability of being hired for women aged 30 to 34 above men of the same age group in the periods shortly after the announcement of the policy. In the third essay of the dissertation, I analyze the labor supply response of married women to their husbands' job losses (AWE). I empirically test the hypothesis of added worker effect for the global economic crisis of 2008 by relying on the Turkey context. Identification is achieved by exploiting the exogenous variation in the output of male-dominated sectors hard-hit by the crisis and the gender-segmentation that characterizes the Turkish labor market. Findings based on the instrumental variable approach suggest that the added worker effect explains up to 64% of the observed increase in female labor force participation in Turkey. The size of the effect depends on how long it takes for wives to adjust their labor supply to their husbands' job losses


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    Endometrial cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of the women, and if it can be detected in the earlier stages, the curability and the prognosis of the endometrial cancers can be better. A 52 year-old female patient, as part of ongoing research project in our clinic on endometrial carcinoma, was referred to our clinic with a suspicion of endometrial carcinoma with increased serum CA-125 measurement. Increased F-18 FDG uptake in uterine cavity that was secondary to the diagnostic curettage was demonstrated on F 18 FDG PET images. This uptake might be secondary to benign inflammatory changes or hemorrhage arising from diagnostic curettage that patient underwent ten days ago. According to our knowledge, this is the first case demonstrating increased F-18 FDG uptake secondary to diagnostic curettage Endometrium kanseri kadınlarda en çok görülen malign tümörlerden birisidir. Erken teşhis edildiğinde tam tedavi şansı yüksektir ve prognozu çok iyi seyirlidir. Bölümümüzde endometrium kanseri ile ilgili olarak devam eden bir proje kapsamında, serum CA-125 yüksekliği ile endometrium kanseri şüphesi olan 53 yaşında kadın hasta bölümümüze refere edildi. PET görüntülerinde uterusda artmış F-18 FDG tutulumu izlenmiştir. Bu bulgunun hastanın öyküsünde 10 gün önce geçirilmiş diagnostik küretaja bağlı benign inflamatuar değişiklikler veya hemoraji ile ilgili olduğu düşünülmüştür. Bu olgu sunumunda diagnostik küretaja sekonder olduğu düşünülen F-18 FDG tutulumu muhtemelen literatürde ilk kez gösterilmektedi

    Bir Vakıf Üniversitesi Örneğinde Zirgüle (Zengüle) Makamının Uyku Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma bir vakıf üniversitesinde çalışan bireylerin uyku kalitelerini saptamak ve Zirgüle (Zengüle) makamının uyku kalitesine etkisini araştırmak amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırmaya dahil edilen 33 katılımcı Pittsburgh Uyku Kalite İndeksi (PUKİ) toplam puanlarına göre ilk olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. PUKİ puanı 0-5 olanlar Grup 1 (kontrol grubu), 6-21 olanlar Grup 2 (müzik grubu) olarak belirlendi. Daha sonra Grup 2 randomize olarak Grup 2A ve Grup 2B olmak üzere ikiye ayrıldı. Grup 2A’da yer alan katılımcılardan Zirgüle (Zengüle) makamındaki eseri, Grup 2B’de yer alan katılımcılardan kendi diledikleri bir müzik türünü haftada 7 gün boyunca her akşam uyumadan önce en az 5 dakika dinlemesi istendi. Kontrol grubunda yer alan katılımcılardan herhangi bir müzik dinlemesi istenmedi. 8. günde tüm gruplara yeniden PUKİ uygulandı, elde edilen önceki ve sonraki veriler karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Grup 1’in uygulama önceki PUKİ puanı 3,00±0,89, sonraki puanı 4,27±3,40; Grup 2A’nın önceki puanı 7,36±1,96, sonraki puanı 6,09±2,38; Grup 2B’nin önceki puanı 9,45±3,22, sonraki puanı 8,09±3,11 olarak bulundu. Grup 2B’nin önceki ve sonraki puanlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değişme tespit edilirken (p=0,006), Grup 2A (p=0,051) ve Grup 1’in (p=0,176) puanlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değişme tespit edilmedi. Sonuç: Uyumadan önce dinlenen müziğin uyku kalitesini arttırdığı, Zirgüle (Zengüle) makamının herhangi bir müzik türüne göre uyku kalitesini daha fazla arttırıcı etkisinin olmadığı sonucuna varıldı

    Successful Treatment of Mushroom Poisoning with Silybin: A Case Report

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    Although up to 100 of them known to be toxic, there are more than 5,000 mushroom species in the world. Of these, the most poisonous species belong to Amanita and Gallerina species. Alpha- and beta-amanita toxins which are associated with serious liver, kidney and central nervous system damage is produced by Amanita phalloides which is responsible for 90% of fatal mushroom poisoning in Turkey. Two cases that we aimed to present are two male patients aged 55 and 42 who collected and consumed mushrooms in the forest. The patients were admitted to the county state hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue after 18 and 24 hours. Patients with increased liver function tests were referred to our hospital for further examination and treatment, and they were discharged after successful treatment in our intensive care unit

    The Effects of Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant (Ozurdex®) on Intraocular Pressure and Anterior Chamber Angle

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    Amaç: İntravitreal deksametazon enjeksiyonunun göz içi basıncı (GİB) ve ön kamara açısı (ÖKA) üzerine etkisini incelemek. Gereç ve Yöntem: Otuz sekiz hastanın 40 gözü incelendi. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 61.39 yıl (aralık: 36-83) olup, %63.2’i kadın, %36.8’i erkekti. %70'i retina ven tıkanıklığı, %20’i diabet, %7.5‘i arka üveit ve %2.5’i psödofakik makula ödemi olgusuydu. GİB Goldmann ap- lanasyon tonometresi ile ölçüldü. GİB ve gonyoskopik muayene enjeksiyondan önce ve enjeksiyondan sonra 1.hafta, 1. 3. ve 6. aylarda ölçüldü. Spektral domain optik koherans tomografi (OKT) enjeksiyon öncesi ve sonrası 1. ay, 3. ay ve 6. ay da üst, nazal, alt, temporal kad- ranlardan alındı. OKT ile ön kamara açı derecesi (ÖKA), trabeküler iris yüzey alanı (TIYA500) ve açı açılma mesafesi (AAM500) ölçüldü. Bulgular: Enjeksiyon yapılan gözlerin GİB'ı enjeksiyon öncesi, enjeksiyon sonrası 1. hafta, 1. ve 3. aylardakine göre anlamlı düşük sap- tandı (sırasıyla p= 0.004, p= 0.002, p= 0.003). Enjeksiyon sonrası 6. ay ile enjeksiyon öncesi arasında ortalama GİB değerleri açısından anlamlı fark izlenmedi. Nazal kadranda enjeksiyon öncesi ve sonrası 1. haftadaki gonyoskopik derece, enjeksiyon sonrası 3. ve 6. aylara göre anlamlı yüksek saptandı (p= 0.007, p= 0,006; p= 0.008, p= 0,008). Gonyoskopide diğer kadranlarda anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Nazal kadranda OKT-ÖKA'nın enjeksiyon sonrası 3. ve 6. aydaki değerleri, enjeksiyon öncesi ve sonrası 1. aya göre anlamlı dar saptandı (p= 0.008, p= 0,008; p= 0.009, p= 0,008). Üst kadranda göz kapağı güvenilir ölçüm alınmasına engel olmuştur. Uygulama yapılan gözlerin alt kadran 3. ve 6. aylardaki OKT-AAM500 ve TİYA500 sonucu enjeksiyon öncesinden anlamlı olarak düşük saptanmıştır (p= 0.002, p= 0.004; p= 0.005, p= 0.001). Sonuç: İntravitreal deksametazon enjeksiyonu sonrası göz içi basıncı artabilir fakat çoğu olguda medikal tedaviyle kontrol altına alınabilir. Enjeksiyon sonrası gonyoskopide ve OKT’de bazı kadranlarda ön kamara açısında daralma olabilir.Purpose: To investigate the effects of intravitreal dexamethasone injection on intraocular pressure (IOP) and anterior chamber angle (ACA). Materials and Methods: Forty eyes of 38 patients were studied. The mean age of the patients was 61.39 years (range: 36-83), 63.2% female and 36.8% male. 70% were retinal vein occlusion, 20% were diabetic, 7.5% were posterior uveitis and 2.5% were pseudophakic macular edema. IOP was measured by Goldman applanation tonometry. IOP and gonioscopic examination were performed before and after injection on the 1st week 1st, 3rd, and 6th months. Spectral domain optic coherence tomography (OCT) was performed on the superior, nasal, inferior, temporal quadrants before and after injection on the 1st, 3rd, and 6th months. Anterior chamber angle (ACA), trabecular iris surface area (TISA500) and angle opening distance (AOD500) were measured by OCT

    Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with sustained and switching treatments using biological and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: A multicenter, observational cross-sectional study for rheumatoid arthritis

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    Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease with different disease activity grades. Several registries have been designed to determine the appropriate regimens of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs to obtain sustained clinical remission. We examined epidemiological and clinical characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis patients using a clinical registry database (BioSTaR) and analyzed the differences in patients with sustained and switched therapies. Methods A multicenter, observational cross-sectional study for rheumatoid arthritis was performed between February 2019 and September 2020 using the BioStaR-RA registry. Demographic and clinical characteristics were prospectively recorded into a specifically designed electronic database. The patients were divided into three groups due to the heterogeneity of the study cohort. Patients were grouped as Group I (Initial; within the first 6 months of treatment with biological/targeted synthetic drugs), Group ST (Sustained Treatment; any first drug lasting for at least 6 months without any change), and Group S (Switch; any switching to another drug). Comparative analysis was performed between sustained treatment (Group ST) and drug switching (Group S) groups. Results The study included a total of 565 patients. The mean age was 53.7 +/- 12.8 years, and the majority were female (80.4%). There were 104, 267, and 194 patients in Groups I, ST, and S, respectively. Erosive arthritis and hematological extra-articular involvement were more frequently detected in Group S than Group ST (p = 0.009 and p = 0.001). The patients in Group S had significantly higher disease activity scores (DAS28-CRP, CDAI, and SDAI) (p = 0.025, p = 0.010, and p = 0.003). There were significantly more patients with moderate disease activity in Group S (p < 0.05). Conclusions The groups with sustained treatment and switching included patients with different disease activity status, although higher disease activity was determined in switchers. Overall, moderate disease activity and remission were the most common disease activity levels. Lower disease activity scores, lower hematologic manifestations, better functional status, and lesser radiographic damage are associated with sustained treatment.Turkish Medicine and Medical Devices Agency ; Ankara Numune Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanes

    Türkiye Romatizma Araştırma ve Savaş Derneği ankilozan spondilit ulusal tedavi önerileri

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    Objectives: To develop Turkish League Against Rheumatism (TLAR) National Recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Materials and methods: A scientific committee of 25 experts consisting of six rheumatologists and 19 physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists was formed by TLAR. Recommendations were based on the 2006 ASsessment in Ankylosing Spondylitis International Working Group(ASAS)/European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) recommendations and a systematic review of associated publications between January 2005 and September 2010. A Delphi process was used to develop the recommendations. Twelve major recommendations were constructed for the management of AS. Voting using a numerical rating scale assessed the strength of each recommendation. Results: The 12 recommendations include patient assessment, patient follow-up along with pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. Some minor additions and changes have been made to the ASAS/EULAR recommendations. All of the recommendations had sufficient strength. Conclusion: National recommendations for the management of AS were developed based on scientific evidence and consensus expert opinion. These recommendations will be updated regularly in accordance with recent developments.Türkiye Romatizma Araştırma ve Savaş Derneği᾽nin (TRASD) Ankilozan Spondilit (AS) için ulusal tedavi önerilerinin oluşturulmasıdır. Gereç ve yöntemler: TRASD tarafından altı Romatoloji ve 19 Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon uzmanı olmak üzere toplam 25 kişiden oluşan bir bilimsel kurul oluşturuldu. Önerilerde 2006 yılında yayınlanan Ankilozan Spondilit Değerlendirme Uluslararası Çalışma Grubu (ASAS)/Romatizmaya karşı Avrupa Ligi (EULAR) önerileri ve Ocak 2005 - Eylül 2010 arasında yayınlanmış olan ilişkili yayınlar konusundaki sistematik bir inceleme temel alındı. Öneriler oluşturulurken Delphi süreci kullanıldı. Ankilozan spondilit tedavisi ile ilgili 12 ana öneri oluşturuldu. Oylama yapılarak önerilerin güçlülük düzeyi bir nümerik derecelendirme skalası ile belirlendi. Bulgular: On iki öneri hasta değerlendirilmesini, hasta takibini ve farmakolojik ve non-farmakolojik yöntemleri içermektedir. ASAS/EULAR önerilerine bazı ilaveler ve önerilerde bazı küçük değişiklikler yapılmıştır. Tüm öneriler yeterli kuvvete sahipti. Sonuç: Bilimsel kanıtlar ve uzmanların görüş birliği ile AS tedavisine yönelik ulusal öneriler oluşturulmuştur. Bu öneriler, yeni gelişmeler doğrultusunda düzenli olarak güncellenmelidi

    Volume CXIV, Number 4, November 7, 1996

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    Objective: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal disorder caused by complete or partial X chromosome monosomy that manifests various clinical features depending on the karyotype and on the genetic background of affected girls. This study aimed to systematically investigate the key clinical features of TS in relationship to karyotype in a large pediatric Turkish patient population.Methods: Our retrospective study included 842 karyotype-proven TS patients aged 0-18 years who were evaluated in 35 different centers in Turkey in the years 2013-2014.Results: The most common karyotype was 45,X (50.7%), followed by 45,X/46,XX (10.8%), 46,X,i(Xq) (10.1%) and 45,X/46,X,i(Xq) (9.5%). Mean age at diagnosis was 10.2±4.4 years. The most common presenting complaints were short stature and delayed puberty. Among patients diagnosed before age one year, the ratio of karyotype 45,X was significantly higher than that of other karyotype groups. Cardiac defects (bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta and aortic stenosis) were the most common congenital anomalies, occurring in 25% of the TS cases. This was followed by urinary system anomalies (horseshoe kidney, double collector duct system and renal rotation) detected in 16.3%. Hashimoto's thyroiditis was found in 11.1% of patients, gastrointestinal abnormalities in 8.9%, ear nose and throat problems in 22.6%, dermatologic problems in 21.8% and osteoporosis in 15.3%. Learning difficulties and/or psychosocial problems were encountered in 39.1%. Insulin resistance and impaired fasting glucose were detected in 3.4% and 2.2%, respectively. Dyslipidemia prevalence was 11.4%.Conclusion: This comprehensive study systematically evaluated the largest group of karyotype-proven TS girls to date. The karyotype distribution, congenital anomaly and comorbidity profile closely parallel that from other countries and support the need for close medical surveillance of these complex patients throughout their lifespa

    The effect of in-bed turning and mobilization training given to patients who undergo lumbar disk surgery on postoperative first mobility level: A single-blind, randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of mobilization and in-bed turning training given through the role-playing technique to patients to undergo lumbar disk surgery on the patient's pain, strain and dependence level during the first postoperative mobilization (turning, sitting, standing and walking). Methods: Patients who would undergo a lumbar disk hernia surgery were recruited from a neurosurgery clinic in Turkey. Patients who met inclusion criteria and agreed to participate (n = 40) in the study were randomly assigned to an intervention group (in-bed turning and mobilization training simulated with the role-playing technique, n = 19) and a control group (usual clinical care, n = 21). The outcome of the study was patient mobility and observer mobility scale scores. Results: Postoperative scores obtained from the patient mobility and observer mobility scale were lower in the intervention group than the scores of the control group, and the difference between the groups was found statistically significant (p < 0.05). The anxiety levels of the intervention group before (38.00 ± 6.59, p < 0.001) and after mobilization (31.63 ± 4.57, p = 0.032) were significantly lower. Conclusion: The findings indicate training improves patient care outcomes for first postoperative mobility. It is recommended that structured training for in-bed turning and mobilization should be integrated into routine clinical care in the preoperative period for patients to undergo lumbar disk hernia surgery. Practice implications: Preoperative training increases the patient's willingness to be mobilized and decreases the anxiety level and perceived pain and strain