14 research outputs found

    Effects of levobupivacaine on wound healing.

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.BACKGROUND: Local anesthetic infiltration along the incision may be used to provide surgical anesthesia or postoperative analgesia. However, the effect of local anesthetics on wound healing remains controversial. In this investigation, we evaluated the effects of levobupivacaine on wound healing. METHODS: Sixty Wistar albino female rats weighing 230 +/- 20 g were included, with 10 rats in each group: group early c (early control): 3 mL isotonic saline; group early I-1.25 (early levobupivacaine 1.25): 1.25 mg/kg per 3 mL levobupivacaine; group early I-2.5 (early levobupivacaine 2.5): 2.5 mg/kg per 3 mL levobupivacaine; group late c (late control): 3 mL isotonic saline; group late I-1.25 (late levobupivacaine 1.25): 1.25 mg/kg per 3 mL levobupivacaine; and group late I-2.5 (late levobupivacaine 2.5): 2.5 mg/kg per 3 mL levobupivacaine. Rats in groups early c to early I-2.5 were euthanized on the 8th day. Rats in groups late c to late I-2.5 were euthanized on the 21st day. Wound tension strength, tissue hydroxyproline, and fibrotic index levels of the tissue samples from the early c and early I-2.5 and late c and late I-2.5 groups, respectively, on the 8th and 21st days were examined. RESULTS: Levobupivacaine decreased wound tension strength on the 8th day, especially a 2.5 mg/kg dose (P < 0.001), and increased it on the 21st day (P < 0.001). It also increased the inflammatory response (P < 0.001) and collagen synthesis (8th day, P = 0.109; 21st day, P = 0.103) on both the 8th and 21st days. CONCLUSIONS: While levobupivacaine had a positive effect on wound healing during the early period, negative effects were observed thereafter. Additional studies at the molecular level are necessary to determine the cause of these apparently opposite effects

    Predictors of Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula (POPF) After Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Clinical Significance of the Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)/Platelet Count Ratio as a New Predictor

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    Purpose In this study, it was aimed to determine the predictors of clinically relevant postoperative pancreatic fistula (CR-POPF) following pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) and clinical significance of mean platelet volume (MPV)/total platelet count ratio (MPR) as a new predictor for CR-POPF

    Predictors of non-sentinel lymph node metastasis in clinical early stage (cT1-2cN0) breast cancer patients with 1/2 metastatic sentinel lymph nodes

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors that caused non-sentinel lymph nodes (nonSLNs) metastasis by considering the clinicopathological characteristics of patients who have 1-2 sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastasis in the clinical early stage (T1-2, NO) breast cancer

    Effect of gabapentin pretreatment on myoclonus after etomidate: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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    Aim: To evaluate the effects of three different doses of gabapentin pretreatment on the incidence and severity of myoclonic movements linked to etomidate injection. Method: One hundered patients, between 18 and 60 years of age and risk category American Society of Anesthesiologists I–II, with planned elective surgery under general anesthetic were included in the study. The patients were randomly divided into four groups and 2 h before the operation were given oral capsules of placebo (Group P, n = 25), 400 mg gabapentin (Group G400, n = 25), 800 mg gabapentin (Group G800, n = 25) or 1200 mg gabapentin (Group G1200, n = 25). Side effects before the operation were recorded. After preoxygenation for anesthesia induction 0.3 mg kg−1 etomidate was administered for 10 s. A single anesthetist with no knowledge of the study medication evaluated sedation and myoclonic movements on a scale between 0 and 3. Two minutes after induction, 2 μg kg−1 fentanyl and 0.8 mg kg−1 rocuronium were administered for tracheal intubation. Results: Demographic data were similar. Incidence and severity of myoclonus in Group G1200 and Group G800 were significantly lower than in Group P; sedation incidence and level were appreciably higher compared to Group P and Group G400. While there was no difference in the incidence of myoclonus between Group P and Group G400, the severity of myoclonus in Group G400 was lower than in the placebo group. In the two-hour period before induction other than sedation none of the side effects related to gabapentin were observed in any patient. Conclusion: Pretreatment with 800 mg and 1200 mg gabapentin 2 h before the operation increased the level of sedation and reduced the incidence and severity of myoclonic movements due to etomidate. Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de três doses diferentes de gabapentina como pré-tratamento sobre a incidência e gravidade dos movimentos mioclônicos associados à injeção de etomidato. Método: Cem pacientes, com idades entre 18-60 anos, estado físico ASA I-II, programados para cirurgia eletiva sob anestesia geral foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes foram randomicamente divididos em quatro grupos e, 2 horas antes da operação, receberam cápsulas orais de placebo (Grupo P, n = 25), 400 mg de gabapentina (Grupo G400, n = 25), 800 mg de gabapentina (Grupo G800, n = 25) ou 1200 mg de gabapentina (Grupo G1200, n = 25). Os efeitos colaterais antes da cirurgia foram registados. Após pré-oxigenação para a indução da anestesia, etomidate (0,3 mg.kg−1) foi administrado por 10 segundos. Um único anestesista, cego para a medicação do estudo, avaliou a sedação e os movimentos mioclônicos usando uma escala de 0 a 3. Dois minutos após a indução, fentanil (2 μgr.kg−1) e rocurônio (0,8 mg.kg−1) foram administrados para a intubação traqueal. Resultados: Os dados demográficos foram semelhantes. A incidência e gravidade da mioclonia nos grupos G1200 e G800 foram significativamente menores que no Grupo P; a incidência e o nível de sedação foram consideravelmente maiores comparados ao Grupo P e Grupo G400. Enquanto não houve diferença na incidência de mioclonia entre os grupos P e G400, a gravidade da mioclonia no Grupo G400 foi menor que no grupo placebo. No período de 2 horas antes da indução, nenhum dos efeitos colaterais relacionados à gabapentina, exceto sedação, foi observado em qualquer paciente. Conclusão: O pré-tratamento com 800 mg e 1200 mg de gabapentina 2 horas antes da operação aumentou o nível de sedação e reduziu a incidência e gravidade dos movimentos mioclônicos associados ao etomidato. Keywords: Etomidate, Injection pain, Myoclonus, Gabapentin, Palavras-chave: Etomidato, Dor à injeção, Mioclonia, Gabapentin

    Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion related to Guillain-Barré syndrome after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Background and objectives: Guillain-Barr&#233; Syndrome is one of the most common causes of acute polyneuropathy in adults. Recently, the occurrence of Guillain-Barr&#233; Syndrome after major and minor surgical operations has been increasingly debated. In Guillain-Barr&#233; syndrome, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and dysautonomy are generally observed after maximal motor deficit. Case report: A 44-year-old male patient underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. After the development of a severe headache, nausea, diplopia, and attacks of hypertension in the early postoperative period, a computer tomography of the brain was normal. Laboratory tests revealed hyponatremia linked to syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, the patient's fluids were restricted, and furosemide and 3% NaCl treatment was initiated. On the second day postoperative, the patient developed numbness moving upward from the hands and feet, loss of strength, difficulty swallowing and respiratory distress. Guillain-Barr&#233; syndrome was suspected, and the patient was moved to intensive care. Cerebrospinal fluid examination showed 320 mg/dL protein, and acute motor-sensorial axonal neuropathy was identified by electromyelography. Guillain-Barr&#233; syndrome was diagnosed, and intravenous immune globulin treatment (0.4 g/kg/day, 5 days) was initiated. After 10 days in the intensive care unit, at which the respiratory, hemodynamic, neurologic and laboratory results returned to normal, the patient was transferred to the neurology service. Conclusions: Our case report indicates that although syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and autonomic dysfunction are rarely the initial characteristics of Guillain-Barr&#233; syndrome, the possibility of postoperative syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion should be kept in mind. The presence of secondary hyponatremia in this type of clinical presentation may delay diagnosis

    Effect of gabapentin pretreatment on myoclonus after etomidate: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

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    Abstract Aim: To evaluate the effects of three different doses of gabapentin pretreatment on the incidence and severity of myoclonic movements linked to etomidate injection. Method: One hundered patients, between 18 and 60 years of age and risk category American Society of Anesthesiologists I-II, with planned elective surgery under general anesthetic were included in the study. The patients were randomly divided into four groups and 2 h before the operation were given oral capsules of placebo (Group P, n = 25), 400 mg gabapentin (Group G400, n = 25), 800 mg gabapentin (Group G800, n = 25) or 1200 mg gabapentin (Group G1200, n = 25). Side effects before the operation were recorded. After preoxygenation for anesthesia induction 0.3 mg kg−1 etomidate was administered for 10 s. A single anesthetist with no knowledge of the study medication evaluated sedation and myoclonic movements on a scale between 0 and 3. Two minutes after induction, 2 µg kg−1 fentanyl and 0.8 mg kg−1 rocuronium were administered for tracheal intubation. Results: Demographic data were similar. Incidence and severity of myoclonus in Group G1200 and Group G800 were significantly lower than in Group P; sedation incidence and level were appreciably higher compared to Group P and Group G400. While there was no difference in the incidence of myoclonus between Group P and Group G400, the severity of myoclonus in Group G400 was lower than in the placebo group. In the two-hour period before induction other than sedation none of the side effects related to gabapentin were observed in any patient. Conclusion: Pretreatment with 800 mg and 1200 mg gabapentin 2 h before the operation increased the level of sedation and reduced the incidence and severity of myoclonic movements due to etomidate