961 research outputs found

    Washington Legislation—1941

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    In undertaking to survey the work of the 1941 legislature the aim has not been to attain complete coverage. Space limitations and the time factor have dictated that only certain phases be considered and that brevity rather than complete analysis be the guide. In selecting topics for discussion the aim has been to give attention to those statutes which are likely to be of greatest concern to practicing lawyers. At the outset this meant that virtually all of the largest group of statutes, those dealing with the powers of governmental units, be eliminated. Of the remaining statutes all could not be discussed, or even mentioned, and while the selection has been arbitrary the attempt has been to focus upon those which appear to be of the most general interest. Special regard has been had for statutes affecting judicial procedure, to those of a regulatory character and to social legislation. Because of space and time limitations consideration of some material has necessarily been postponed until the next issue of the Review. Among the statutes which will be discussed in the later issue are those dealing with agriculture, banking, small loans, taxation, trusts, and workmen\u27s compensation. The survey has been a cooperative enterprise by the members of the law faculty of the University of Washington, with the valuable help of members of the student editorial board of the Review. In particular, Dean Falknor was assisted by Mr. Arthur Quigley. Mr. Robert Buck aided Professor O\u27Bryan. Professor Shattuck had the assistance of Mr. Herbert Droker, and Professor Sholley, of Mr. Snyder Jed King and Mr. Bayard Crutcher

    Language, Truth, and Logic and the Anglophone reception of the Vienna Circle

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    A. J. Ayer’s Language, Truth, and Logic had been responsible for introducing the Vienna Circle’s ideas, developed within a Germanophone framework, to an Anglophone readership. Inevitably, this migration from one context to another resulted in the alteration of some of the concepts being transmitted. Such alterations have served to facilitate a number of false impressions of Logical Empiricism from which recent scholarship still tries to recover. In this paper, I will attempt to point to the ways in which LTL has helped to foster the various mistaken stereotypes about Logical Empiricism which were combined into the received view. I will begin by examining Ayer’s all too brief presentation of an Anglocentric lineage for his ideas. This lineage, as we shall see, simply omits the major 19th century Germanophone influences on the rise of analytic philosophy. The Germanophone ideas he presents are selectively introduced into an Anglophone context, and directed towards various concerns that arose within that context. I will focus on the differences between Carnap’s version of the overcoming of metaphysics, and Ayer’s reconfiguration into what he calls the elimination of metaphysics. Having discussed the above, I will very briefly outline the consequences that Ayer’s radicalisation of the Vienna Circle’s doctrines had on the subsequent Anglophone reception of Logical Empiricism

    Phase fluctuations in the ABC model

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    We analyze the fluctuations of the steady state profiles in the modulated phase of the ABC model. For a system of LL sites, the steady state profiles move on a microscopic time scale of order L3L^3. The variance of their displacement is computed in terms of the macroscopic steady state profiles by using fluctuating hydrodynamics and large deviations. Our analytical prediction for this variance is confirmed by the results of numerical simulations

    Young children's research: children aged 4-8 years finding solutions at home and at school

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    Children's research capacities have become increasingly recognised by adults, yet children remain excluded from the academy, with reports of their research participation generally located in adults' agenda. Such practice restricts children's freedom to make choices in matters affecting them, underestimates children’s capabilities and denies children particular rights. The present paper reports on one aspect of a small-scale critical ethnographic study adopting a constructivist grounded approach to conceptualise ways in which children's naturalistic behaviours may be perceived as research. The study builds on multi-disciplinary theoretical perspectives, embracing 'new' sociology, psychology, economics, philosophy and early childhood education and care (ECEC). Research questions include: 'What is the nature of ECEC research?' and 'Do children’s enquiries count as research?' Initially, data were collected from the academy: professional researchers (n=14) confirmed 'finding solutions' as a research behaviour and indicated children aged 4-8 years, their practitioners and primary carers as 'theoretical sampling'. Consequently, multi-modal case studies were constructed with children (n=138) and their practitioners (n=17) in three ‘good’ schools, with selected children and their primary carers also participating at home. This paper reports on data emerging from children aged 4-8 years at school (n=17) and at home (n=5). Outcomes indicate that participating children found diverse solutions to diverse problems, some of which they set themselves. Some solutions engaged children in high order thinking, whilst others did not; selecting resources and trialing activities engaged children in 'finding solutions'. Conversely, when children's time, provocations and activities were directed by adults, the quality of their solutions was limited, they focused on pleasing adults and their motivation to propose solutions decreased. In this study, professional researchers recognised 'finding solutions' as research behaviour and children aged 4-8 years naturalistically presented with capacities for finding solutions; however, the children's encounters with adults affected the solutions they found

    Machine Learning Classification of Females Susceptibility to Visceral Fat Associated Diseases

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    The problem of classifying subjects into risk categories is a common challenge in medical research. Machine Learning (ML) methods are widely used in the areas of risk prediction and classification. The primary objective of these algorithms is to predict dichotomous responses (e.g. healthy/at risk) based on several features. Similarly to statistical inference models, also ML models are subject to the common problem of class imbalance. Therefore, they are affected by the majority class increasing the false-negative rate. In this paper, we built and evaluated eighteen ML models classifying approximately 4300 female participants from the UK Biobank into three categorical risk statuses based on responses for the discretised visceral adipose tissue values from magnetic resonance imaging. We also examined the effect of sampling techniques on classification modelling when dealing with class imbalance. Results showed that the use of sampling techniques had a significant impact. They not only drove an improvement in predicting patients risk status but also facilitated an increase in the information contained within each variable. Based on domain experts criteria, the three best models for classification were finally identified. These encouraging results will guide further developments of classification models for predicting visceral adipose tissue without the need for a costly scan

    NOV story: the way to CCN3

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    The principal aim of this historical review- the first in a new series- is to present the basic concepts that led to the discovery of NOV and to show how our ideas evolved regarding the role and functions of this new class of proteins. It should prove particularly useful to the new comers and to students who are engaged in this exciting field. It is also a good opportunity to acknowledge the input of those who participated in the development of this scientific endeavou

    Serum IL-33, a new marker predicting response to rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background. Recent works have suggested a possible link between IL-33 and B-cell biology. We aimed to study in different cohorts and with an accurate ELISA assay the possible association between serum IL-33 detection and response to rituximab (RTX) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Method. Serum IL-33, rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-citrullinated cyclic peptide antibodies (anti-CCP), high serum IgG level were assessed in 111 RA patients receiving a first course of 2 grams RTX (cohort 1) in an observational study and in 74 RA patients treated with the same schedule in routine care (cohort 2). Uni and multivariate analyzes identified factors associated with a European League Against Rheumatism response at 24 weeks. Results. At week 24, 84/111 (76%) and 54/74 (73%) patients reached EULAR response in the cohorts 1 and 2, respectively. Serum IL-33 was detectable in only 33,5% of the patients. In the combined cohorts, presence of RF or anti-CCP (OR 3.27, 95%CI [1.13-9.46]; p=0.03), high serum IgG (OR 2.32, 95%CI [1.01-5.33]; p=0.048) and detectable serum IL-33 (OR 2.40, 95%CI [1.01-5.72]; p=0.047) were all associated with RTX response in multivariate analysis. Combination of these 3 factors increased the likelihood to response to RTX. When serum IL-33 detection was added to seropositivity and serum IgG level, 100% of the patients with the 3 risk factors (corresponding to 9% of the population) responded to RTX (OR versus patients with none of the 3 risk factors = 29.61; 95% CI [1.30-674.79] p=0.034) Conclusion. Detectable serum IL-33 may predict clinical response to RTX, independently of and synergistically with autoantibodies and serum IgG level

    Dimensions and Latent Classes of Episodic Mania-Like Symptoms in Youth: An Empirical Enquiry

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    The dramatic increase in diagnostic rates of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents in the USA has led to an intense interest in the phenomenology of the disorder. Here we present data from a newly-developed instrument to assess episodic mania-like symptoms in youth in a large population-based sample (N = 5326) using parent- and self-report. We found that a substantial proportion of children screened positive for having episodes of “going high” and were at an increased risk for morbidity and impairment. Using factor analysis, we identified that episodic mania-like symptoms comprised two dimensions: An under-controlled dimension that was associated with significant impairment, and a low-risk exuberant dimension. Using latent class analysis, we identified a small group of children scoring high on a range of manic symptoms and suffering from severe psychosocial impairment and morbidity. Our results carry implications for the nosology and psychosocial impairment associated with episodic mood changes in young people