599 research outputs found

    Lensless wide-field fluorescent imaging on a chip using compressive decoding of sparse objects.

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    We demonstrate the use of a compressive sampling algorithm for on-chip fluorescent imaging of sparse objects over an ultra-large field-of-view (>8 cm(2)) without the need for any lenses or mechanical scanning. In this lensfree imaging technique, fluorescent samples placed on a chip are excited through a prism interface, where the pump light is filtered out by total internal reflection after exciting the entire sample volume. The emitted fluorescent light from the specimen is collected through an on-chip fiber-optic faceplate and is delivered to a wide field-of-view opto-electronic sensor array for lensless recording of fluorescent spots corresponding to the samples. A compressive sampling based optimization algorithm is then used to rapidly reconstruct the sparse distribution of fluorescent sources to achieve approximately 10 microm spatial resolution over the entire active region of the sensor-array, i.e., over an imaging field-of-view of >8 cm(2). Such a wide-field lensless fluorescent imaging platform could especially be significant for high-throughput imaging cytometry, rare cell analysis, as well as for micro-array research

    Lensfree on-chip microscopy over a wide field-of-view using pixel super-resolution.

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    We demonstrate lensfree holographic microscopy on a chip to achieve approximately 0.6 microm spatial resolution corresponding to a numerical aperture of approximately 0.5 over a large field-of-view of approximately 24 mm2. By using partially coherent illumination from a large aperture (approximately 50 microm), we acquire lower resolution lensfree in-line holograms of the objects with unit fringe magnification. For each lensfree hologram, the pixel size at the sensor chip limits the spatial resolution of the reconstructed image. To circumvent this limitation, we implement a sub-pixel shifting based super-resolution algorithm to effectively recover much higher resolution digital holograms of the objects, permitting sub-micron spatial resolution to be achieved across the entire sensor chip active area, which is also equivalent to the imaging field-of-view (24 mm2) due to unit magnification. We demonstrate the success of this pixel super-resolution approach by imaging patterned transparent substrates, blood smear samples, as well as Caenoharbditis Elegans

    Initial bounds for certain subclasses of generalized salagean type Bi-univalent functions associated with the Horadam polynomials

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    This study proposes the use of Horadam polynomials which are known as their special cases, such as the Fibonacci polynomials, the Lucas polynomials, the Pell polynomials, the Pell-Lucas polynomials, and Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind. The aim of this study is to introduce a new subclass of generalized Sǎlǎgean type bi-univalent functions using Hadamard product and defined by Horadam polynomials ()nx in the open unit disk {z:1}.UCz We obtained coefficient estimates of the Taylor-Maclaurin 2a and 3a for functions f belonging to this newly defined subclass. Fekete-Szegö inequalities were also studied. Moreover, we give some interesting results using the relation between Sǎlǎgean’s differential operator and generalized Sǎlǎgean differential operator

    Lensfree optofluidic plasmonic sensor for real-time and label-free monitoring of molecular binding events over a wide field-of-view

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    We demonstrate a high-throughput biosensing device that utilizes microfluidics based plasmonic microarrays incorporated with dual-color on-chip imaging toward real-time and label-free monitoring of biomolecular interactions over a wide field-of-view of >20 mm^2. Weighing 40 grams with 8.8 cm in height, this biosensor utilizes an opto-electronic imager chip to record the diffraction patterns of plasmonic nanoapertures embedded within microfluidic channels, enabling real-time analyte exchange. This plasmonic chip is simultaneously illuminated by two different light-emitting-diodes that are spectrally located at the right and left sides of the plasmonic resonance mode, yielding two different diffraction patterns for each nanoaperture array. Refractive index changes of the medium surrounding the near-field of the nanostructures, e.g., due to molecular binding events, induce a frequency shift in the plasmonic modes of the nanoaperture array, causing a signal enhancement in one of the diffraction patterns while suppressing the other. Based on ratiometric analysis of these diffraction images acquired at the detector-array, we demonstrate the proof-of-concept of this biosensor by monitoring in real-time biomolecular interactions of protein A/G with immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody. For high-throughput on-chip fabrication of these biosensors, we also introduce a deep ultra-violet lithography technique to simultaneously pattern thousands of plasmonic arrays in a cost-effective manner

    Field-portable optofluidic plasmonic biosensor for wide-field and label-free monitoring of molecular interactions

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    We demonstrate a field-portable optofluidic plasmonic sensing device, weighing 40 g and 7.5 cm in height, which merges plasmonic microarrays with dual-wavelength lensfree on-chip imaging for real-time monitoring of protein binding kinetics

    All-optical image denoising using a diffractive visual processor

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    Image denoising, one of the essential inverse problems, targets to remove noise/artifacts from input images. In general, digital image denoising algorithms, executed on computers, present latency due to several iterations implemented in, e.g., graphics processing units (GPUs). While deep learning-enabled methods can operate non-iteratively, they also introduce latency and impose a significant computational burden, leading to increased power consumption. Here, we introduce an analog diffractive image denoiser to all-optically and non-iteratively clean various forms of noise and artifacts from input images - implemented at the speed of light propagation within a thin diffractive visual processor. This all-optical image denoiser comprises passive transmissive layers optimized using deep learning to physically scatter the optical modes that represent various noise features, causing them to miss the output image Field-of-View (FoV) while retaining the object features of interest. Our results show that these diffractive denoisers can efficiently remove salt and pepper noise and image rendering-related spatial artifacts from input phase or intensity images while achieving an output power efficiency of ~30-40%. We experimentally demonstrated the effectiveness of this analog denoiser architecture using a 3D-printed diffractive visual processor operating at the terahertz spectrum. Owing to their speed, power-efficiency, and minimal computational overhead, all-optical diffractive denoisers can be transformative for various image display and projection systems, including, e.g., holographic displays.Comment: 21 Pages, 7 Figure

    Increased bactericidal activity of colistin on <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa </i>biofilms in anaerobic conditions

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    Tolerance towards antibiotics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms is recognized as a major cause of therapeutic failure of chronic lung infection in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. This lung infection is characterized by antibiotic-tolerant biofilms in mucus with zones of O(2) depletion mainly due to polymorphonuclear leukocytic activity. In contrast to the main types of bactericidal antibiotics, it has not been possible to establish an association between the bactericidal effects of colistin and the production of detectable levels of OH ˙ on several strains of planktonic P. aeruginosa. Therefore, we propose that production of OH ˙ may not contribute significantly to the bactericidal activity of colistin on P. aeruginosa biofilm. Thus, we investigated the effect of colistin treatment on biofilm of wild-type PAO1, a catalase-deficient mutant (ΔkatA) and a colistin-resistant CF isolate cultured in microtiter plates in normoxic- or anoxic atmosphere with 1 mM nitrate. The killing of bacteria during colistin treatment was measured by CFU counts, and the OH⋅ formation was measured by 3(′)-(p-hydroxylphenyl fluorescein) fluorescein (HPF) fluorescence. Validation of the assay was done by hydrogen peroxide treatment. OH⋅ formation was undetectable in aerobic PAO1 biofilms during 3 h of colistin treatment. Interestingly, we demonstrate increased susceptibility of P. aeruginosa biofilms towards colistin during anaerobic conditions. In fact, the maximum enhancement of killing by anaerobic conditions exceeded 2 logs using 4 mg L(−1) of colistin compared to killing at aerobic conditions

    Handheld high-throughput plasmonic biosensor using computational on-chip imaging

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    We demonstrate a handheld on-chip biosensing technology that employs plasmonic microarrays coupled with a lens-free computational imaging system towards multiplexed and high-throughput screening of biomolecular interactions for point-of-care applications and resource-limited settings. This lightweight and field-portable biosensing device, weighing 60 g and 7.5 cm tall, utilizes a compact optoelectronic sensor array to record the diffraction patterns of plasmonic nanostructures under uniform illumination by a single-light emitting diode tuned to the plasmonic mode of the nanoapertures. Employing a sensitive plasmonic array design that is combined with lens-free computational imaging, we demonstrate label-free and quantitative detection of biomolecules with a protein layer thickness down to 3 nm. Integrating large-scale plasmonic microarrays, our on-chip imaging platform enables simultaneous detection of protein mono- and bilayers on the same platform over a wide range of biomolecule concentrations. In this handheld device, we also employ an iterative phase retrieval-based image reconstruction method, which offers the ability to digitally image a highly multiplexed array of sensors on the same plasmonic chip, making this approach especially suitable for high-throughput diagnostic applications in field settings
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