192 research outputs found

    Level of Knowledge about Human Papillomavirus Infection among Women of Kashan City, Iran

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    Abstract Aims: A few studies concentrate on the level of knowledge of HPV. This study was conducted to evaluate the level of knowledge about HPV, its risk factors, and its relation with cervical cancer in women of Kashan City, Iran. Instrument & Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in January 2015 in the population of the women of Kashan City, Iran, and 200 persons were selected by simple sampling method. The level of knowledge about HPV and cervical cancer were measured using a questionnaire with 10 questions about knowledge. The data was analyzed in SPSS 16 software by Chi-square, Exact Fisher and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Findings: Most of the participants (152 persons; 76) had “weak, 26 participants (13) had “moderate” and only 22 participants (11) had “strong” level of knowledge about HPV. There were significant differences between the level of knowledge according to educational level (p=0.014) and professional status (p<0.001) but there were no differences according to marital status (p=0.9) and age (p>0.05). In all the questions, the most frequent answer was “don’t know”. The participants had some knowledge about “HPV causing cervical cancer” (34.5), “HPV causing genital warts” (38), “sexually transmission of HPV” (37.5) and “increased risk of getting HPV by extramarital sexual affairs” (43.5) Conclusion: The level of knowledge about HPV, genital warts, and ways of infection transmission and its preventions in women of Kashan City, Iran, is insufficient

    Electron Electric Dipole Moment from Lepton Flavor Violation

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    The general Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model introduces new sources for Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) as well as CP-violation. In this paper, we show that when both sources are present, the electric dipole moment of the electron, ded_e, receives a contribution from the phase of the trilinear AA-term of staus, ϕAτ\phi_{A_\tau}. For ϕAτ=π/2\phi_{A_\tau}=\pi/2, the value of ded_e, depending on the ratios of the LFV mass elements, can range between zero and three orders of magnitude above the present bound. We show that the present bound on ded_e rules out a large portion of the CP-violating and the LFV parameter space which is consistent with the bounds on the LFV rare decays. We show that studying the correlation between ded_e and the P-odd asymmetry in τeγ\tau \to e\gamma helps us to derive a more conclusive bound on ϕAτ\phi_{A_\tau} We also discuss the possibility of cancelation among the contributions of different CP-violating phases to ded_e.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure

    A Window on the CP-violating Phases of MSSM from Lepton Flavor Violating Processes

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    It has recently been shown that by measuring the transverse polarization of the final particles in the LFV processes μeγ\mu \to e\gamma, μeee\mu \to eee and μNeN\mu N\to e N, one can derive information on the CP-violating phases of the underlying theory. We derive formulas for the transverse polarization of the final particles in terms of the couplings of the effective potential leading to these processes. We then study the dependence of the polarizations of ee and γ\gamma in the μeγ\mu \to e \gamma and μNeN\mu N \to e N on the parameters of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show that combining the information on various observables in the μeγ\mu \to e\gamma and μNeN\mu N\to e N search experiments with the information on the electric dipole moment of the electron can help us to solve the degeneracies in parameter space and to determine the values of certain phases.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Developing of Ethylene Glycol as a New Reducing Agent for Preparation of Pd-Ag/PSS Composite Membrane for Hydrogen Separation

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    In the present work, for the first time, a palladium-silver membrane has been prepared by electroless plating on the surface of a porous stainless steel disk by using ethylene glycol as a new reducing agent and polyol process. The reducing action of ethylene-glycol in the presence of PVP as a protecting surface agent produces a membrane with finely divided powder and nano-sized pores. Furthermore, the hydrogen separation ability of the membrane confirmed that the membrane with Pd77Ag23 is highly selective towards hydrogen compared to other prepared membranes. This is mainly related to the formation of dense and homogenous microstructure of the coating. Moreover, according to Graham’s law, the tests showed that hydrogen purity rises by increasing the applying temperature

    Constraints on Randall-Sundrum model from top-antitop production at the LHC

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    We study the top pair production cross section at the LHC in the context of Randall-Sundrum model including the Kaluza-Klein (KK) excited gravitons. It is shown that the recent measurement of the cross section of this process at the LHC restricts the parameter space in Randall-Sundrum (RS) model considerably. We show that the coupling parameter (kMˉpl\frac{k}{\bar{M}_{pl}}) is excluded by this measurement from 0.03 to 0.22 depending on the mass of first KK excited graviton (m1m_1). We also study the effect of KK excitations on the spin correlation of the top pairs. It is shown that the spin asymmetry in ttˉt\bar{t} events is sensitive to the RS model parameters with a reasonable choice of model parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Top pair Asymmetries at Hadron colliders with general ZZ' couplings

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    Recently it has been shown that measurement of charge asymmetry of top pair production at LHC excludes any flavor violating ZZ' vector gauge boson that could explain Tevatron forward-backward asymmetry (FBA). We consider the general form of a ZZ' gauge boson including left-handed, right-handed vector and tensor couplings to examine FBA and charge asymmetry. To evaluate top pair asymmetries at Tevatron and LHC, we consider Bq0B^0_q mixing constraints on flavor changing ZZ' couplings and show that this model still explain forward-backward asymmetry at Tevatron and charge asymmetry can not exclude it in part of parameters space.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    An Experimental Study of the Effect of High Electric Field on Mass Transfer Enhancement

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    Applying corona wind as a novel technique can lead to a great level of heat and mass transfer augmentation by using a very small amount of energy. The enhancement of forced flow evaporation rate by applying electric field (corona wind) has been experimentally evaluated in this study. Corona wind produced by a fine wire electrode charged with positive high DC voltage impinges on water surface and leads to an evaporation enhancement by disturbing the saturated air layer over water surface. The study was focused on the effect of corona wind velocity, electrode spacing, and air flow velocity on the level of the evaporation enhancement. Two sets of experiments, i.e. with and without electric field, have been conducted. The data obtained from the first experiment were used as a reference for the evaluation of the evaporation enhancement in the presence of electric field. The applied voltages ranged from corona threshold voltage to spark over voltage with increments of 1 kV. The results shows that corona wind has a great enhancement effect on water evaporation rate, but its effectiveness gradually diminishes by increasing air flow velocity. The maximum enhancements are 7.3 and 3.6 times for air velocities of 0.125 and 1.75 m.s-1 respectively

    The Impact of Kaluza-Klein Excited W Boson on the Single Top at LHC and Comparison with other Models

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    We study the s-channel single top quark production at the LHC in the context of extra dimension theories, including the Kaluza-Klein (KK) decomposition. It is shown that the presence of the first KK excitation of WW gauge boson can reduce the total cross section of s-channel single top production considerably if MWKK2.2TeVM_{W_{KK}}\sim2.2 \rm TeV (3.5TeV3.5 \rm TeV) for 7TeV7\rm TeV (14TeV14\rm TeV) in proton-proton collisions. Then the results will be compared with the impacts of other beyond Standard Model (SM) theories on the cross section of single top s-channel. The possibility of distinguishing different models via their effects on the production cross section of the s-channel is discussed.Comment: 23 pages,6 figure

    The Light Stop Scenario from Gauge Mediation

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    In this paper we embed the light stop scenario, a MSSM framework which explains the baryon asymmetry of the universe through a strong first order electroweak phase transition, in a top-down approach. The required low energy spectrum consists in the light SM-like Higgs, the right-handed stop, the gauginos and the Higgsinos while the remaining scalars are heavy. This spectrum is naturally driven by renormalization group evolution starting from a heavy scalar spectrum at high energies. The latter is obtained through a supersymmetry-breaking mix of gauge mediation, which provides the scalars masses by new gauge interactions, and gravity mediation, which generates gaugino and Higgsino masses. This supersymmetry breaking also explains the \mu\ and B_\mu\ parameters necessary for electroweak breaking and predicts small tri-linear mixing terms A_t in agreement with electroweak baryogenesis requirements. The minimal embedding predicts a Higgs mass around its experimental lower bound and by a small extension higher masses m_H\lesssim 127 GeV can be accommodated.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures; v2: changes in the conventions; v3: more details on the Higgs mass prediction, version published in JHE

    Obesity and Gastroesophageal Reflux: Quantifying the Association Between Body Mass Index, Esophageal Acid Exposure, and Lower Esophageal Sphincter Status in a Large Series of Patients with Reflux Symptoms

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    Obesity and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are increasingly important health problems. Previous studies of the relationship between obesity and GERD focus on indirect manifestations of GERD. Little is known about the association between obesity and objectively measured esophageal acid exposure. The aim of this study is to quantify the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and 24-h esophageal pH measurements and the status of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) in patients with reflux symptoms. Data of 1,659 patients (50% male, mean age 51 ± 14) referred for assessment of GERD symptoms between 1998 and 2008 were analyzed. These subjects underwent 24-h pH monitoring off medication and esophageal manometry. The relationship of BMI to 24-h esophageal pH measurements and LES status was studied using linear regression and multiple regression analysis. The difference of each acid exposure component was also assessed among four BMI subgroups (underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese) using analysis of variance and covariance. Increasing BMI was positively correlated with increasing esophageal acid exposure (adjusted R 2 = 0.13 for the composite pH score). The prevalence of a defective LES was higher in patients with higher BMI (p < 0.0001). Compared to patients with normal weight, obese patients are more than twice as likely to have a mechanically defective LES [OR = 2.12(1.63–2.75)]. An increase in body mass index is associated with an increase in esophageal acid exposure, whether BMI was examined as a continuous or as a categorical variable; 13% of the variation in esophageal acid exposure may be attributable to variation in BMI