3,677 research outputs found

    Locating the critical end point using the linear sigma model coupled to quarks

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    We use the linear sigma model coupled to quarks to compute the effective potential beyond the mean field approximation, including the contribution of the ring diagrams at finite temperature and baryon density. We determine the model couplings and use them to study the phase diagram in the baryon chemical potential-temperature plane and to locate the Critical End Point.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, conference paper from ISMD 201

    Optimization of the investment casting process

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    Rapid prototyping is an important technique for manufacturing. This work refers to the manufacture of hollow patterns made of polymeric materials by rapid prototyping technologies for its use in the preparation of ceramic molds in the investment casting process. This work is focused on the development of a process for manufacturing patterns different from those that currently exist due to its hollow interior design, allowing its direct use in the fabrication of ceramic molds; avoiding cracking and fracture during the investment casting process, which is an important process for the foundry industry

    Optimiranje postupka kalupljenja u ljevačkom procesu

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    Rapid prototyping is an important technique for manufacturing. This work refers to the manufacture of hollow patterns made of polymeric materials by rapid prototyping technologies for its use in the preparation of ceramic molds in the investment casting process. This work is focused on the development of a process for manufacturing patterns different from those that currently exist due to its hollow interior design, allowing its direct use in the fabrication of ceramic molds; avoiding cracking and fracture during the investment casting process, which is an important process for the foundry industry.Brzo razvijanje prototipa važna je proizvodna tehnika. Ovaj se rad odnosi na proizvodnju Å”upljih kalupa izrađenih od polimerskih materijala pomoću tehnologija brzog razvijanja prototipa za uporabu u izradi keramičkih modela u postupku kalupljenja ljevačkog procesa. Ovaj rad je usmjeren na razvijanje postupka za proizvodnju kalupa drukčijih od onih kakvi trenutno postoje i to zbog svoje Å”uplje unutarnje izvedbe čime se omogućava izravna uporaba u izradi keramičkih modela te se izbje gava pucanje i lom tijekom postupka kalupljenja ljevačkog procesa koji predstavlja važan postupak u ljevaoničkoj industriji

    On the critical end point in a two-flavor linear sigma model coupled to quarks

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    We use the linear sigma model coupled to quarks to explore the location of the phase transition lines in the QCD phase diagram from the point of view of chiral symmetry restoration at high temperature and baryon chemical potential. We compute analytically the effective potential in the high- and low-temperature approximations up to sixth order, including the contribution of the ring diagrams to account for the plasma screening properties. We determine the model parameters, namely, the couplings and mass-parameter, from conditions valid at the first order phase transition at vanishing temperature and, using the Hagedorn limiting temperature concept applied to finite baryon density, for a critical baryochemical potential of order of the nucleon mass. We show that when using the set of parameters thus determined, the second order phase transition line (our proxy for the crossover transition) that starts at finite temperature and zero baryon chemical potential converges to the line of first order phase transitions that starts at zero temperature and finite baryon chemical potential to determine the critical end point to lie in the region 5.02<\mu_B^{\mbox{CEP}}/T_c<5.18, 0.14, where TcT_c is the critical transition temperature at zero baryon chemical potential.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, discussion extended, explicit calculations included in appendices and version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Inverse magnetic catalysis from the properties of the QCD coupling in a magnetic field

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    We compute the vacuum one-loop quark-gluon vertex correction at zero temperature in the presence of a magnetic field. From the vertex function we extract the effective quark-gluon coupling and show that it grows with increasing magnetic field strength. The effect is due to a subtle competition between the color charge associated to gluons and the color charge associated to quarks, the former being larger than the latter. In contrast, at high temperature the effective thermo-magnetic coupling results exclusively from the contribution of the color charge associated to quarks. This produces a decrease of the coupling with increasing field strength. We interpret the results in terms of a geometrical effect whereby the magnetic field induces, on average, a closer distance between the (electrically charged) quarks and antiquarks. At high temperature, since the effective coupling is proportional only to the color charge associated to quarks, such proximity with increasing field strength makes the effective coupling decrease due to asymptotic freedom. In turn, this leads to a decreasing quark condensate. In contrast, at zero temperature both the effective strong coupling and the quark condensate increase with increasing magnetic field. This is due to the color charge associated to gluons dominating over that associated to quarks, with both having the opposite sign. Thus, the gluons induce a kind of screening of the quark color charge, in spite of the quark-antiquark proximity. The implications of these results for the inverse magnetic catalysis phenomenon are discussed.Comment: Expanded discussion, references added. Version to appear in Phys. Lett.
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