149 research outputs found

    Towards an analysis of "banking solutions" from the perspective of exporting companies in Brazil

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    Banks in Brazil play a major role in the internationalization process of companies providing financial products and services. To examine this role, a model containing four concepts is analysed, these being “banking solutions” as the dependent variable and “relational capital”, “bank efficiency” and “technologies in services” as independent variables. Through a variance-based structural equation model (SEM), the outcome of this analysis reveals that two independent variables (“relational capital” and “bank efficiency”) have a significant and positive impact on the use of banking solutions. Also, from the export company vision it is found that “knowledge barriers” to export moderate the relationship between “bank efficiency” and “banking solutions”. Guidelines for potential future research on the subject are provided

    Banks’ support for the development of internationalization in Brazil : a perspective from Brazilian export companies

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    Purpose – Banks play a crucial role in the sustainable development of exports as they finance much of the trade. Additionally, in Brazil’s case, banks provide exporting companies with advisory and training services, which facilitate the internationalization process. This work aims to analyze the role of public and private banks in the export process of companies in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach – Interviews are conducted with a sample of 318 Brazilian exporting companies. Two research questions are posed: What type of export services do companies use from public and private banks in Brazil? Is exporting companies’ access to credit, as a type of banking service, related to their size or export experience? A descriptive study of the functions of public and private banks in helping Brazilian exports is presented. Hypotheses are proposed regarding companies’ access to credit and its relationship with their size and export experience. Findings – It is found that public and private banks in Brazil provide exporting companies with banking services, other services related to technical aspects, and export consulting. There are significant differences in access to credit in both public and private banks, depending on the exporting company’s size. Originality/value – This work contributes to the internationalization literature on the role of banks in supporting exports in an emerging country like Brazil.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vivo functional and molecular characterization of the Penicillin-Binding Protein 4 (DacB) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Background: Community and nosocomial infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa still create a major therapeutic challenge. The resistance of this opportunist pathogen to β-lactam antibiotics is determined mainly by production of the inactivating enzyme AmpC, a class C cephalosporinase with a regulation system more complex than those found in members of the Enterobacteriaceae family. This regulatory system also participates directly in peptidoglycan turnover and recycling. One of the regulatory mechanisms for AmpC expression, recently identified in clinical isolates, is the inactivation of LMM-PBP4 (Low-Molecular-Mass Penicillin-Binding Protein 4), a protein whose catalytic activity on natural substrates has remained uncharacterized until now. Results: We carried out in vivo activity trials for LMM-PBP4 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on macromolecular peptidoglycan of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The results showed a decrease in the relative quantity of dimeric, trimeric and anhydrous units, and a smaller reduction in monomer disaccharide pentapeptide (M5) levels, validating the occurrence of D,D-carboxypeptidase and D,D-endopeptidase activities. Under conditions of induction for this protein and cefoxitin treatment, the reduction in M5 is not fully efficient, implying that LMM-PBP4 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa presents better behaviour as a D,D-endopeptidase. Kinetic evaluation of the direct D,D-peptidase activity of this protein on natural muropeptides M5 and D45 confirmed this bifunctionality and the greater affinity of LMM-PBP4 for its dimeric substrate. A three-dimensional model for the monomeric unit of LMM-PBP4 provided structural information which supports its catalytic performance. Conclusions: LMM-PBP4 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bifunctional enzyme presenting both D,D-carboxypeptidase and D,D-endopeptidase activities; the D,D-endopeptidase function is predominant. Our study provides unprecedented functional and structural information which supports the proposal of this protein as a potential hydrolase-autolysin associated with peptidoglycan maturation and recycling. The fact that mutant PBP4 induces AmpC, may indicate that a putative muropeptide-subunit product of the DD-EPase activity of PBP4 could be a negative regulator of the pathway. This data contributes to understanding of the regulatory aspects of resistance to β-lactam antibiotics in this bacterial model.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, DIVINOCELL FP7 HEALTH-F3-2009-223431 from the European Commission and DIUFRO08-0060 from the Dirección de Investigación of the Universidad de La Frontera of ChilePeer Reviewe

    Prevalencia de anticuerpos contra el virus de la enfermedad de Newcastle en aves de traspatio en el centro poblado de Ahuac Sector 1 - Junín, Perú

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    The Newcastle is one of the pathogens that presents a social and economic importance at the level of the poultry industry since it presents a high morbidity and mortality in birds, being important at the level of the poultry industry. The objective of this study was to determine the presence of antibodies against Newcastle disease in backyard chickens in the Ahuac Sector 1 population center of the Ahuac district, Chupaca province, Peru. Blood samples were taken from 40 hens during May to July 2021 from backyard farms. The samples were processed in the Avian Pathology Laboratory of the SENASA Animal Health Diagnostic Center Unit, using the Indirect ELISA test. It was determined that 45% of the birds were positive for the presence of antibodies against Newcastle disease (40% of the young hens and 46.7% of the adult hens).El Newcastle es uno de los agentes patógenos que presenta una importancia a nivel social y económico, a nivel de la industria avícola puesto que presenta una alta morbilidad y mortalidad en aves, siendo de importante a nivel de la industria avícola. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la presencia de anticuerpos contra la enfermedad de Newcastle en gallinas de traspatio en el centro poblado Ahuac Sector 1 del distrito de Ahuac, provincia de Chupaca, Perú. Se tomaron muestras de sangre de 40 gallinas durante mayo y julio de 2021 de crianzas de traspatio. Las muestras fueron procesadas en el Laboratorio de Patología Aviar de la Unidad del Centro de Diagnóstico de Sanidad Animal de SENASA, mediante la prueba de ELISA indirecta. Se determinó que el 45% de las aves resultó positivo a la presencia de anticuerpos contra la enfermedad de Newcastle (40% de las gallinas jóvenes y 46,7% de las gallinas adultas)

    Servidor Web local con Autenticación y Administración de Usuarios basado en ESP32 para Viviendas Inteligentes

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    Currently, due to the global economic crisis that exists, many people try to save as much money as possible, especially in basic housing services, since they depend directly on the use that each person requires, for this reason it is important to look for alternatives to minimize expenses in terms of household resources. The purpose of this article was to develop a system that allows to control, monitor and automate a house at low cost, from any device with a web browser, connected to the local Wi-Fi network of the house with or without internet and even through the Wi-Fi network itself provided by the ESP32 development board acting as an Access Point. It was possible to develop a system with the possibility of using it with various devices that contain a web browser, maintaining the same functionalities with a responsive web design, easy to use, access control and user management, in addition to providing the ease firmware updating of the system wirelessly.Actualmente, debido a la crisis económica mundial que existe, muchas personas tratan de ahorrar la mayor cantidad dinero posible, sobre todo en los servicios básicos de las viviendas, ya que dependen directamente del uso que requiera cada persona, por ello es importante buscar alternativas que permitan minimizar los gastos en cuanto a los recursos del hogar. El propósito del presente artículo fue desarrollar un sistema que permita controlar, monitorear y automatizar una vivienda a bajo costo, desde cualquier dispositivo con un navegador web, conectado a la red local Wi-Fi de la vivienda con o sin internet e inclusive por medio de la propia red Wi-Fi que proporciona la tarjeta de desarrollo ESP32 actuando como Access Point. Se logró desarrollar un sistema con la posibilidad de utilizarlo con diversos dispositivos que contengan un navegador web, manteniendo las mismas funcionalidades con un diseño web responsive, de fácil manejo, control de acceso y gestión de usuarios, además de brindar la facilidad de actualización del firmware del sistema de forma inalámbrica

    Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome : systematic appraisal of the literature

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    Introducción: El síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral reversible abarca un amplio grupo de etiologías que se presentan clínicamente con cefalea tipo trueno; puede recurrir en un lapso de una a tres semanas y relacionarse con síntomas neurológicos como crisis epilépticas, isquemia, infarto cerebral y hemorragia subaracnoidea no aneurismática, asociado a cambios imagenológicos consistentes en vasoconstricción multifocal atribuida a pérdida del control del tono vascular cerebral. El cuadro en general se autolimita en un rango de doce semanas. Materiales y métodos: Se realiza búsqueda de literatura y, posteriormente, se revisaron los hallazgos clínicos y patológicos de este síndrome; además, se discute fisiopatología, diagnóstico, potenciales tratamientos y complicaciones. Conclusiones: El síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral reversible es un reto diagnóstico, debido a su baja incidencia y múltiples formas de presentación. Es de suma importancia desarrollar anamnesis detalladas, para realizar un diagnóstico oportuno.Artículo de revisión226-234Introduction: The reversible cerebral vasocons-triction syndrome encompasses a wide range of etiologies that present clinically with thunderclap headache, can recur over a period of 1-3 weeks and can be associated with neurological symptoms such as seizures, ischemia, stroke and non aneu-rysmatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. Materials and Methods: Literature search was performed and subsequently the clinical and pathological features of this syndrome were reviewed, plus we discuss: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and potential complications. Conclusions: The reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is a diagnostic challenge because of its low inci-dence and multiple forms of presentation is very important to develop detailed medical record, for an early diagnosis

    Methodological proposal for the valuation of costs due to an inadequate continuity of the supply of electrical energy

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    El artículo a continuación presenta una metodología que permite a los usuarios del servicio deenergía eléctrica del sector industrial, valorar los costos generados por una interrupción delsuministro de dicho servicio. El modelo propuesto se estructuró teniendo en cuenta trabajosrealizados a nivel mundial relacionados con el tema y además el marco regulatorio legal enColombia, en lo relacionado a la calidad de suministro de energía eléctrica.La metodologia contempla diecisiete componentes de costo, cada uno de los cuales puede estarincluido o no de acuerdo alperfil de la empresa en que se aplique el modelo. Así mismo se validóel modelo con usuarios industriales del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga.This paper establishes a methodology for estimating the cost when a break down occurs in theindustrial sector. The model was developed taking into account the international background ofthe topic and the currently legal system concerning the quality ofelectrical service in Colombia.The methodology is composed ofseventeen costs items from which each item may be included ornot depending on the kind ofbusiness. Furthermore, the model was validated using industrialcustomers in the city of Bucaramanga

    Sistema integrado modular para seguridad y confort de Viviendas Inteligentes basado en Internet de las Cosas

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    En la actualidad, los peligros existentes en el territorio ecuatoriano obligan a las personas a mantener sus hogares monitoreados y controlados, pero esto es sumamente complicado, ya que adquirir un Sistema y su equipamiento para realizar esta actividad es sumamente costoso y en algunos casos requiere de otros factores para poder funcionar correctamente, lo cual es una desventaja para la mayor parte de la ciudadanía y mucho más con la crisis económica que afecta a todos los países del mundo, por ello, el objetivo de la presente investigación, fue desarrollar un sistema con hardware modular, que permita el monitoreo y control de una vivienda, mediante el uso de sensores de bajo costo, permitiendo el acceso al sistema desde cualquier parte del mundo, logrando que la información que envía y recibe el usuario sea en tiempo real

    Emisión de metano en ovinos alimentados con Pennisetum purpureum y árboles que contienen taninos condensados

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    El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de los taninos condensados (TC) contenidos en el follaje de arbóreas tropicales, sobre el consumo de materia seca y orgánica (CMS, CMO), la digestibilidad de la materia seca (DMS) y emisiones de metano (CH4) en ovinos alimentados con una ración basal de pasto Pennisetum purpureum. Cuatro ovinos de pelo con un peso vivo promedio de 21.6±2.0 kg se sometieron a cuatro tratamientos en un diseño cuadro latino 4 x 4. Los tratamientos fueron P. purpureum (PP), P. purpureum + Havardia albicans (PPHA), P. purpureum + Bursera simaruba (PPBS), y P. purpureum + Acacia pennatula (PPAP); el follaje de las arbóreas se incluyó en 300 g/kg de MS de la ración. El consumo, la digestibilidad y la producción total de metano entérico se midieron por periodos de 23 h. La producción de metano se midió en cajas de respiración de circuito abierto. El consumo y digestibilidad de la MS y materia orgánica (MO) entre los tratamientos PP, PPHA, PPBS y PPAP no se afectaron por la inclusión de los follajes de arbóreas en la ración (P>0.05). Cuando la producción de CH4 se expresó en L/kg del CMS, CMO o consumo de fibra detergente neutro los resultados fueron similares entre tratamientos (PP, PPHA, PPBS y PPAP) (P>0.05). Se concluye que los TC contenidos en el follaje de Havardia albicans, Acacia pennatula y Bursera simaruba no afectaron las emisiones de CH4 al nivel de incorporación de 30 % de la MS; tampoco se observaron efectos en el CMS, CMO, DMS y concentración molar de ácidos grasos volátiles

    Autoantibodies against the immunodominant sCha epitope discriminate the risk of sudden death in chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy

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    In Chagas disease (ChD) caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, new biomarkers to predict chronic cardiac pathology are urgently needed. Previous studies in chagasic patients with mild symptomatology showed that antibodies against the immunodominant R3 epitope of sCha, a fragment of the human basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor like 5, correlated with cardiac pathology. To validate sCha as a biomarker and to understand the origin of anti-sCha antibodies, we conducted a multicenter study with several cohorts of chagasic patients with severe cardiac symptomatology. We found that levels of antibodies against sCha discriminated the high risk of sudden death, indicating they could be useful for ChD prognosis. We investigated the origin of the antibodies and performed an alanine scan of the R3 epitope. We identified a minimal epitope MRQLD, and a BLAST search retrieved several T. cruzi antigens. Five of the hits had known or putative functions, of which phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase showed the highest cross-reactivity with sCha, confirming the role of molecular mimicry in the development of anti-sCha antibodies. Altogether, we demonstrate that the development of antibodies against sCha, which originated by molecular mimicry with T. cruzi antigens, could discriminate electrocardiographic alterations associated with a high risk of sudden death.Ministerio de Economía y competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (SAF2015-63868-R (MINECO/FEDER) to N.G., and SAF2016-75988-R (MINECO/FEDER) to M.F.); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades-Agencia Estatal de Investigación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (PGC2018-096132-BI00 (MICINN/FEDER) to N.G.); Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Banco de Santander Inter-University Cooperation Grant with Latin América (CEAL-AL/2015-12 to N.G.); Red de Investigación de Centros de Enfermedades Tropicales (RICET RD12/0018/0004 to M.F.); and Comunidad de Madrid (S-2010/BMD-2332 to M.F.). CBMSO institutional grants from Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco de Santande