20 research outputs found

    Relationship among low T3 levels, type 3 deiodinase, oxidative stress, and mortality in sepsis and septic shock : defining patient outcomes

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    Low T3 syndrome occurs frequently in patients with sepsis. Type 3 deiodinase (DIO3) is present in immune cells, but there is no description of its presence in patients with sepsis. Here, we aimed to determine the prognostic impact of thyroid hormones levels (TH), measured on ICU admission, on mortality and evolution to chronic critical illness (CCI) and the presence of DIO3 in white cells. We used a prospective cohort study with a follow-up for 28 days or deceased. Low T3 levels at admission were present in 86.5% of the patients. DIO3 was induced by 55% of blood immune cells. The cutoff value of 60 pg/mL for T3 displayed a sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 64% for predicting death, with an odds ratio of 4.89. Lower T3 yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.76 for mortality and 0.75 for evolution to CCI, thus displaying better performance than commonly used prognostic scores. The high expression of DIO3 in white cells provides a novel mechanism to explain the reduction in T3 levels in sepsis patients. Further, low T3 levels independently predict progression to CCI and mortality within 28 days for sepsis and septic shock patients

    Harmonizing bifactor models of psychopathology between distinct assessment instruments: reliability, measurement invariance, and authenticity

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    Objectives: Model configuration is important for mental health data harmonization. We provide a method to investigate the performance of different bifactor model configurations to harmonize different instruments. Methods: We used data from six samples from the Reproducible Brain Charts initiative (N = 8,606, ages 5–22 years, 41.0% females). We harmonized items from two psychopathology instruments, Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and GOASSESS, based on semantic content. We estimated bifactor models using confirmatory factor analysis, and calculated their model fit, factor reliability, between-instrument invariance, and authenticity (i.e., the correlation and factor score difference between the harmonized and original models). Results: Five out of 12 model configurations presented acceptable fit and were instrument-invariant. Correlations between the harmonized factor scores and the original full-item models were high for the p-factor (>0.89) and small to moderate (0.12–0.81) for the specific factors. 6.3%–50.9% of participants presented factor score differences between harmonized and original models higher than 0.5 z-score. Conclusions: The CBCL-GOASSESS harmonization indicates that few models provide reliable specific factors and are instrument-invariant. Moreover, authenticity was high for the p-factor and moderate for specific factors. Future studies can use this framework to examine the impact of harmonizing instruments in psychiatric research

    Population neuroscience : challenges and opportunities for psychiatric research in low- and middle-income countries

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    Objective: Population neuroscience is an emerging field that combines epidemiology and neuroscience to study how genes and the environment shape typical and atypical brain functioning. The objective of this study was to review key studies on population neuroscience from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and to identify potential gaps vis-a`-vis studies conducted in highincome countries. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to search for longitudinal cohort studies investigating the development of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in LMICs. We performed an electronic search in the EMBASE and MEDLINE databases from inception to July 5th, 2019. Results: We found six cohorts from four countries that met our search criteria: three cohorts from Brazil, one from China, one from South Africa, and one from Mauritius. Relevant examples of findings from these studies are reported. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate the impact of the valuable science output these cohort designs promote, allowing LMICs to have a share in frontline global psychiatry research. National and international funding agencies should invest in LMIC population neuroscience in order to promote replication and generalization of research from high-income countries