36 research outputs found

    Investigating a gas hydrate system in apparent disequilibrium in the Danube Fan, Black Sea

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    Highlights • BSR position does not match BGHS as predicted based on regional TP conditions. • Use steady state and transient models to determine extent of hydrate stability. • Investigate the influence of topographic focusing on hydrate stability. • Variable thermal properties of sediment impact hydrate stability. The Danube Fan in the western Black Sea shows many features indicating the presence of gas and gas hydrates, including a bottom simulating reflection (BSR), high-amplitude anomalies beneath the BSR and the presence of gas flares at the seafloor. The BSR depth derived from 3D P-cable seismic data of an older slope canyon of the fan (the S2 canyon) suggests that the BSR is not in equilibrium with the present-day topography. The Danube Fan was abandoned ∼7.5 ka, and the S2 canyon was likely incised ∼20 ka, suggesting that the gas hydrate system has had at least 7.5 ka years to equilibrate to the present-day conditions. Here we examine the extent and position of the hydrate stability zone through constructing both steady and transient state models of a 2D profile across the S2 canyon. This was done using inputs from mapping of the 3D P-cable seismic data and geochemical analysis of core samples. Using these models, we investigate the effects of different factors including variable thermal properties of heterogeneous sediments in the vicinity of the canyon and, topographic focusing on the geothermal gradient on the extent of the hydrate stability zone. Our results indicate that both factors have a significant effect and that the hydrate system may actually be in, or approaching equilibrium

    Gas migration pathways and slope failures in the Danube Fan, Black Sea

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    Highlights: • Identify 3 groups of gas migration structures in seismic data from the Danube Fan. • Migration structures related to shallow gas migration and flares at the seafloor. • Gas migration is controlled by lithological heterogeneity and sediment deformation. • Mass transport deposits play a role in controlling vertical migration occurrence. Abstract: A large geophysical dataset, including bathymetry, and 2D and 3D P-cable seismic data, revealed evidence of numerous gas flares near the S2 Canyon in the Danube Fan, northwestern Black Sea. This dataset allows us to investigate potential relationships between gas migration pathways, gas vents observed at the seafloor and submarine slope failures. Vertical gas migration structures as revealed in the seismics appear to be concentrated near submarine slope failure structures. Where these seismically defined features extend upwards to the seafloor, they correlate with the location of gas flares. However, not all these structures reach the seafloor, in some cases because they are capped by overlying sediments. A strong correlation is inferred between gas migration pathways, heterogeneous mass transport deposits and contacts between adjacent units of contrasting lithology. Although missing age constrains prevent a final judgement, we discuss the potential relationship between submarine slope failures and gas migration in order to determine if gas migration is a precursor to failure, or if the presence of slope failures and associated mass transport deposits facilitates the migration of gas. Our observations indicate that lithological heterogeneity, mass transport deposits and minor sediment deformation control gas migration pathways and the formation of gas chimney-like features. Gas migration is focused and gradual, resulting in gas flares where the chimney-like features extend to the seafloor, with no evidence of erosive features such as pockmarks