9 research outputs found

    A Researcher's Perspective on Function Allocation and Its Application to Air Traffic Management

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    Functional Allocation is an important research area for NASA going forward, and aims at exploring a range of potential options for future ATM (Air Traffic Management) operation concepts. The goal of this work is to gain some insight into the relative strengths and limitations of a range of different concepts, and to identify the important variables as well as any critical or threshold values for those variables for each of those concepts. This information will be captured in a form that can be easily referenced, and can then be used by decision makers to chose which concept or concepts best suit the needs of the US NAS (National Airspace System). The work presented here is one researcher's perspective on this process. A brief overview of Functional Allocation will be followed by more detailed discussion about two of the topics being currently investigated, as well as why and how this work differs from the way we have done ATM research in the past. More specifically, the goal of the analysis work is to understand the reasons for any differences in our metrics (such as delay) when adjusting input variables rather than trying to analyze the raw numbers themselves. In other words, finding which variables different concepts are sensitive to is important for this work, while finding a best or recommended operational concept is not. This will be followed by some examples of this process using results from our current studies. Finally, there will be a discussion on where we are in the process as well as our next steps

    Analysis of a Real-Time Separation Assurance System with Integrated Time-in-Trail Spacing

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    This paper describes the implementation and analysis of an integrated ground-based separation assurance and time-based metering prototype system into the Center-TRACON Automation System. The integration of this new capability accommodates constraints in four-dimensions: position (x-y), altitude, and meter-fix crossing time. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the integrated system and its ability to handle traffic levels up to twice that of today. Results suggest that the integrated system reduces the number and magnitude of time-in-trail spacing violations. This benefit was achieved without adversely affecting the resolution success rate of the system. Also, the data suggest that the integrated system is relatively insensitive to an increase in traffic of twice the current levels

    Separation Assurance and Scheduling Coordination in the Arrival Environment

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    Separation assurance (SA) automation has been proposed as either a ground-based or airborne paradigm. The arrival environment is complex because aircraft are being sequenced and spaced to the arrival fix. This paper examines the effect of the allocation of the SA and scheduling functions on the performance of the system. Two coordination configurations between an SA and an arrival management system are tested using both ground and airborne implementations. All configurations have a conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) system and either an integrated or separated scheduler. Performance metrics are presented for the ground and airborne systems based on arrival traffic headed to Dallas/ Fort Worth International airport. The total delay, time-spacing conformance, and schedule conformance are used to measure efficiency. The goal of the analysis is to use the metrics to identify performance differences between the configurations that are based on different function allocations. A surveillance range limitation of 100 nmi and a time delay for sharing updated trajectory intent of 30 seconds were implemented for the airborne system. Overall, these results indicate that the surveillance range and the sharing of trajectories and aircraft schedules are important factors in determining the efficiency of an airborne arrival management system. These parameters are not relevant to the ground-based system as modeled for this study because it has instantaneous access to all aircraft trajectories and intent. Creating a schedule external to the CD&R and the scheduling conformance system was seen to reduce total delays for the airborne system, and had a minor effect on the ground-based system. The effect of an external scheduler on other metrics was mixed

    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) National Campaign II

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    The Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) effort at NASA aims to enable access to low-altitude airspace for small UAS. This goal is being pursued partly through partnerships that NASA has developed with the UAS stakeholder community, the FAA, other government agencies, and the designated FAA UAS Test Sites. By partnering with the FAA UAS Test Sites, NASA's UTM project has performed a geographically diverse, simultaneous set of UAS operations at locations in six states. The demonstrations used an architecture that was developed by NASA in partnership with the FAA to safely coordinate such operations. These demonstrations-the second or 'Technical Capability Level (TCL 2)' National Campaign of UTM testing-was performed from May 15 through June 9, 2017. Multiple UAS operations occurred during the testing at sites located in Alaska, Nevada, Texas, North Dakota, Virginia, and New York with multiple organizations serving as UAS Service Suppliers and/or UAS Operators per the specifications provided by NASA. By engaging various members of the UAS community in development and operational roles, this campaign provided initial validation of different aspects of the UTM concept including: UAS Service Supplier technologies and procedures; geofencing technologies/conformance monitoring; ground-based surveillance/sense and avoid; airborne sense and avoid; communication, navigation, surveillance; and human factors related to UTM data creation and display. Additionally, measures of performance were defined and calculated from the flight data to establish quantitative bases for comparing flight test activities and to provide potential metrics that might be routinely monitored in future operational UTM systems

    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) National Campaign II

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    The Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) effort at NASA aims to enable access to low-altitude airspace for small UAS. This goal is being pursued partly through partnerships that NASA has developed with the UAS stakeholder community, the FAA, other government agencies, and the designated FAA UAS Test Sites. By partnering with the FAA UAS Test Sites, NASA's UTM project has performed a geographically diverse, simultaneous set of UAS operations at locations in six states. The demonstrations used an architecture that was developed by NASA in partnership with the FAA to safely coordinate such operations. These demonstrationsthe second or "Technical Capability Level (TCL 2)" National Campaign of UTM testingwas performed from May 15 through June 9, 2017. Multiple UAS operations occurred during the testing at sites located in Alaska, Nevada, Texas, North Dakota, Virginia, and New York with multiple organizations serving as UAS Service Suppliers and/or UAS Operators per the specifications provided by NASA. By engaging various members of the UAS community in development and operational roles, this campaign provided initial validation of different aspects of the UTM concept including: UAS Service Supplier technologies and procedures; geofencing technologies/conformance monitoring; ground-based surveillance/sense and avoid; airborne sense and avoid; communication, navigation, surveillance; and human factors related to UTM data creation and display. Additionally, measures of performance were defined and calculated from the flight data to establish quantitative bases for comparing flight test activities and to provide potential metrics that might be routinely monitored in future operational UTM systems

    Feasibility of Mixed Equipage Operations in the Same Airspace

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    This study used a human-in-the-loop simulation to examine the feasibility of mixed equipage operations in an automated separation assurance environment under higher traffic densities. The study involved two aircraft equipage alternatives with and without data link and four traffic conditions. In all traffic conditions the unequipped traffic count was increased linearly throughout the scenario from approximately 5 to 20 aircraft. Condition One consisted solely of this unequipped traffic, while the remaining three conditions also included a constant number of equipped aircraft operating within the same airspace: 15 equipped aircraft in condition two, 30 in condition three, and 45 in condition four. If traffic load became excessive during any run, participants were instructed to refuse sector entry to inbound unequipped aircraft until sector load became manageable. Results showed a progressively higher number of unequipped aircraft turned away under the second, third, and fourth scenario conditions. Controller workload also increased progressively. Participants rated the mixed operations concept as acceptable, with some qualifications about procedures and information displays. These results showed that mixed operations might be feasible in the same airspace, if unequipped aircraft count is held to a workable level. This level will decrease with increasing complexity. The results imply that integrated airspace configuration is feasible to a limit. The results also indicate that the conflict detection and resolution automation, equipage, and traffic density are important factors that will need to be considered for airspace configuration

    A complexity metric for automated separation

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    metric is proposed to characterize airspace complexity with respect to an automated separation assurance function. The Maneuver Option metric is a function of the number of conflict-free trajectory change options the automated separation assurance function is able to identify for each aircraft in the airspace at a given time. By aggregating the metric for all aircraft in a region of airspace, a measure of the instantaneous complexity of the airspace is produced. A six-hour simulation of Fort Worth Center air traffic was conducted to assess the metric. Results showed aircraft were twice as likely to be constrained in the vertical dimension than the horizontal one. By application of this metric, situations found to be most complex were those where level overflights and descending arrivals passed through or merged into an arrival stream. The metric identified high complexity regions that correlate well with current air traffic control operations. The Maneuver Option metric did not correlate with traffic count alone, a result consistent with complexity metrics for human-controlled airspace

    Flight Demonstration of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) at Technical Capability Level 3

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    The goal of the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) effort at NASA is to enable access to low-altitude airspace for small UAS. This goal is being achieved partly through partnerships that NASA has developed with the FAA, other government agencies, the UAS stakeholder community, and the designated FAA UAS Test Sites. This paper reports the technical and operational capabilities demonstrated during the UTM flight demonstration, March 6 through May 30, 2018. The demonstration featured geographically diverse operations, involving FAA UAS Test Sites in Alaska, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Texas and Virginia. The demonstration leveraged the contributions of 30 partner organizations serving as UAS service suppliers, UAS operators, and/or providers of sensors, surveillance, connectivity, and management roles. Utilizing the UTM architecture developed at NASA, the demonstration explored 11 use cases for small UAS operations to highlight UTM capabilities at what NASA calls Technical Capability Level (TCL) 3. TCL 3 is characterized by multiple small UAS safely operating in moderately populated areas and beyond the visual line of sight of their operators. The TCL 3 flights demonstrated the basic feasibility of such operations in the UTM environment, including USS exchanges; communication, navigation and surveillance functions; sense and avoid capabilities; and technologies and procedures to enable them