63 research outputs found

    Non-Fermi-liquid scattering rates and anomalous band dispersion in ferropnictides

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is used to study the band dispersion and the quasiparticle scattering rates in two ferropnictides systems. Our ARPES results show linear-in-energy dependent scattering rates which are constant in a wide range of control parameter and which depend on the orbital character of the bands. We demonstrate that the linear energy dependence gives rise to weakly dispersing band with a strong mass enhancement when the band maximum crosses the chemical potential. In the superconducting phase the related small effective Fermi energy favors a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS)\,\cite{Bardeen1957}-Bose-Einstein (BE)\,\cite{Bose1924} crossover state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures Supplement 4 pages, 6 figure

    Doping dependence and electron–boson coupling in the ultrafast relaxation of hot electron populations in Ba(Fe₁₋ₓCoₓ)₂As₂

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    Using femtosecond time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy we investigate the effect of electron doping on the electron dynamics in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 in a range of 0≀ 0\leq \ x< 0.15 at temperatures slightly above the NĂ©el temperature. By analyzing the time-dependent photoemission intensity of the pump laser excited population as a function of energy, we found that the relaxation times at 0 < E - EF_{F} < 0.2 eV are doping dependent and about 100 fs shorter at optimal doping than for overdoped and parent compounds. Analysis of the relaxation rates also reveals the presence of a pump fluence dependent step in the relaxation time at E - EF_{F} = 200 meV whichwe explain by coupling of the excited electronic system to a boson of this energy.Wecompare our results with static ARPES and transport measurements and find disagreement and agreement concerning the dopingdependence, respectively.Wediscuss the effect of the electron–boson coupling on the energydependent relaxation and assign the origin of the boson to a magnetic excitation

    Energy dissipation in the time domain governed by bosons in a correlated material

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    In complex materials various interactions play important roles in determining the material properties. Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES) has been used to study these processes by resolving the complex single particle self energy ÎŁ(E)\Sigma(E) and quantifying how quantum interactions modify bare electronic states. However, ambiguities in the measurement of the real part of the self energy and an intrinsic inability to disentangle various contributions to the imaginary part of the self energy often leave the implications of such measurements open to debate. Here we employ a combined theoretical and experimental treatment of femtosecond time-resolved ARPES (tr-ARPES) and show how measuring the population dynamics using tr-ARPES can be used to separate electron-boson interactions from electron-electron interactions. We demonstrate the analysis of a well-defined electron-boson interaction in the unoccupied spectrum of the cuprate Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8+x_{8+x} characterized by an excited population decay time constant τQP\tau_{QP} that maps directly to a discrete component of the equilibrium self energy not readily isolated by static ARPES experiments.Comment: 19 pages with 6 figure

    Unoccupied electronic structure and momentum-dependent scattering dynamics in Pb/Si(557) nanowire arrays

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    The unoccupied electronic structure of quasi-one-dimensional reconstructions of Pb atoms on a Si(557) surface is investigated by means of femtosecond time- and angle-resolved two-photon photoemission. Two distinct unoccupied electronic states are observed at E-EF=3.55 and 3.30 eV, respectively. Density functional theory calculations reveal that these states are spatially located predominantly on the lead wires and that they are energetically degenerated with an energy window of reduced electronic density of states in Si. We further find momentum-averaged lifetimes of 24 and 35 fs of these two states, respectively. The photoemission yield and the population dynamics depend on the electron momentum component perpendicular to the steps of the Si substrate, and the momentum-dependent dynamics cannot be described by means of rate equations. We conclude that momentum- and direction-dependent dephasing of the electronic excitations, likely caused by elastic scattering at the step edges on the vicinal surface, modifies the excited-state population dynamics in this system. © 2015 American Physical Society.DFG/FOR/170

    Ultrafast doublon dynamics in photoexcited 1T1T-TaS2{\mathrm{TaS}}_{2}

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    Strongly correlated materials exhibit intriguing properties caused by intertwined microscopic interactions that are hard to disentangle in equilibrium. Employing nonequilibrium time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on the quasi-two- dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide 1T-TaS2, we identify a spectroscopic signature of doubly occupied sites (doublons) that reflects fundamental Mott physics. Doublon-hole recombination is estimated to occur on timescales of electronic hopping ℏ/J≈14 fs. Despite strong electron-phonon coupling, the dynamics can be explained by purely electronic effects captured by the single-band Hubbard model under the assumption of weak hole doping, in agreement with our static sample characterization. This sensitive interplay of static doping and vicinity to the metal- insulator transition suggests a way to modify doublon relaxation on the few- femtosecond timescale

    Coherent excitations and electron phonon coupling in Ba/EuFe_2As_2 compounds investigated by femtosecond time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    We employed femtosecond time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy to analyze the response of the electronic structure of the 122 Fe-pnictide parent compounds Ba/EuFe_2As_2 and optimally doped BaFe_{1.85}Co_{0.15}As_2 near the \Gamma point to femtosecond optical excitation. We identify pronounced changes of the electron population within several 100 meV above and below the Fermi level, which we explain as combination of (i) coherent lattice vibrations, (ii) a hot electron and hole distribution, and (iii) transient modifications of the chemical potential. The response of the three different materials is very similar. In the Fourier transformation of the time-dependent photoemission intensity we identify three modes at 5.6, 3.3, and 2.6 THz. While the highest frequency mode is safely assigned to the A_{1g} mode, the other two modes require a discussion in comparison to literature. The time-dependent evolution of the hot electron distribution follows a simplified description of a transient three temperature model which considers two heat baths of lattice vibrations, which are more weakly and strongly coupled to transiently excited electron population. Still the energy transfer from electrons to the strongly coupled phonons results in a rather weak, momentum-averaged electron-phonon coupling quantified by values for \lambda between 30 and 70 meV^2. The chemical potential is found to present a transient modulation induced by the coherent phonons. This change in the chemical potential is particularly strong in a two band system like in the 122 Fe-pnictide compounds investigated here due to the pronounced variation of the electrons density of states close to the equilibrium chemical potential.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Fragmentation of single-particle strength around the doubly-magic nucleus 132Sn and the position of the 0f5/2 proton-hole state in 131In

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    Spectroscopic factors of neutron-hole and proton-hole states in 131Sn and 131In, respectively, were measured using one-nucleon removal reactions from doubly magic 132Sn at relativistic energies. For 131In, a 2910(50)-keV γ ray was observed for the first time and tentatively assigned to a decay from a 5=2− state at 3275(50) keV to the known 1=2− level at 365 keV. The spectroscopic factors determined for this new excited state and three other single-hole states provide first evidence for a strong fragmentation of singlehole strength in 131Sn and 131In. The experimental results are compared to theoretical calculations based on the relativistic particle-vibration couplin

    Lifetime measurement of neutron-rich even-even molybdenum isotopes

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    Background: In the neutron-rich A approximate to 100 mass region, rapid shape changes as a function of nucleon number as well as coexistence of prolate, oblate, and triaxial shapes are predicted by various theoretical models. Lifetime measurements of excited levels in the molybdenum isotopes allow the determination of transitional quadrupole moments, which in turn provides structural information regarding the predicted shape change. Purpose: The present paper reports on the experimental setup, the method that allowed one to measure the lifetimes of excited states in even-even molybdenum isotopes from mass A = 100 up to mass A = 108, and the results that were obtained. Method: The isotopes of interest were populated by secondary knock-out reaction of neutron-rich nuclei separated and identified by the GSI fragment separator at relativistic beam energies and detected by the sensitive PreSPEC-AGATA experimental setup. The latter included the Lund-York-Cologne calorimeter for identification, tracking, and velocity measurement of ejectiles, and AGATA, an array of position sensitive segmented HPGe detectors, used to determine the interaction positions of the gamma ray enabling a precise Doppler correction. The lifetimes were determined with a relativistic version of the Doppler-shift-attenuation method using the systematic shift of the energy after Doppler correction of a gamma-ray transition with a known energy. This relativistic Doppler-shift-attenuation method allowed the determination of mean lifetimes from 2 to 250 ps. Results: Even-even molybdenum isotopes from mass A = 100 to A = 108 were studied. The decays of the low-lying states in the ground-state band were observed. In particular, two mean lifetimes were measured for the first time: tau = 29.7(-9.1)(+11.3) ps for the 4(+) state of Mo-108 and tau = 3.2(-0.7)(+ 0.7) ps for the 6(+) state of Mo-102. Conclusions: The reduced transition strengths B(E2), calculated from lifetimes measured in this experiment, compared to beyond-mean-field calculations, indicate a gradual shape transition in the chain of molybdenum isotopes when going from A = 100 to A = 108 with a maximum reached at N = 64. The transition probabilities decrease for Mo-108 which may be related to its well-pronounced triaxial shape indicated by the calculations
