4 research outputs found

    Where does Idiom Interpretation Apply?

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    With the upgrade of the LHC to the hi gh - luminosity LHC (HL - LHC), the tracker syst em of the CMS experiment will have to be upgraded. It is planned to use information from the tracker in the first level trigger of CMS. For this purpose CMS plans to introduce p T modules which will provide trigger capability. The luminosity increase by a f actor of five in th e HL - LHC compared to the design luminosity will lead to higher occupancy and radiation levels in the sensors. In order to cope with these, the strip granularity will be significantly increased and the sensors of the upgraded tracke r will have to be cooled to a temperature of - 20°C. Moreover, the sensor material and design have to be chosen carefully in order to withstand the anticipated radiation. This paper introduces the concept of the p T module and give s an overview of the ongoing R&D activities concerning the silicon sensor material

    On A-movement

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    In this dissertation I propose an account of the locality conditions on A-movement that is based on two recent developments within the Minimalist Program: the Multiple Spell-out hypothesis and the idea that A-movement, as opposed to A-bar movement does not leave a trace. The account I propose does not rely on minimality. Standard evidence for minimality in raising to subject is the supposed impossibility of raising over the experiencer in languages like Spanish. However, I show that raising over the experiencer is possible in Spanish. ^ I provide further evidence for the proposals I assume. On one hand, I use wanna-contraction and certain facts about do-support as further evidence for the Multiple Spell-out proposal. On the other hand I examine some standard arguments for A-movement reconstruction. I show that some standard arguments for A-movement reconstruction based on scope interactions have many interfering factors. I also show that some evidence for A-movement reconstruction based on binding can be easily accounted for under a derivational approach to binding relations.