44 research outputs found


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    Pulo Kaum is one of the remote hamlets within the administrative scope of Kutagandok Village, Kutawaluya District, Karawang Regency, West Java. Unexpectedly, it turns out that this remote village in the middle of a hug rice field, there is potential of all fields. there are several duck breeders who produce boiled salted eggs and are produced in a traditional way with the amount of production not being too large. Since marketing is limited due to many similar industries in a single village as well as in a sub-region, almost every sub-region also has salted egg production communities. because duck eggs have a relatively cheap selling value here, it is necessary to do smoking to increase the selling value of the duck eggs and of course this process can also help the duck eggs to be durable. The purpose of this activity is to increase the selling value of duck eggs, and of course this process can also contribute to the durability of ducks eggs. The aim of this activity is to increase the sales value of duck eggs and to produce sustainable duck eggs using the smoking method. The operation will take place from August to September 2022 in Pulo Kaum Hamlet, Kutagandok Village, Kutawaluya District, Karawang Regency, West Java. The method of carrying out the activity consists of counseling, training and mentoring the residents of Pulo Kaum Hamlet, especially the housewives. The result of this program is an increase in sales value and income from the sale of smoked salted eggs, as well as the creation of smoked salted eggs with a longer shelf life. The conclusion of this program is that producing more and more duck eggs can further increase profits

    The Tradition of Congregational Prayer for Forty Consecutive Days; Study of Living Hadith in Kalibening Village Community

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    Allah and His Messenger encourage their people to pray in congregation. In the Kalibening community there is a tradition of praying in congregation for forty consecutive days (Arba'in), which drives Abda 'Abdul Malik as a religious leader in the village of Kalibening. This study aims to determine the theological basis of the hadith related to this tradition, how the community's understanding of the hadith, and how the receptions of the people of kalibening to the Arba'in prayer tradition. This study used a qualitative method, the data were obtained from the results of observations, interviews, questionnaires and documentation, the type of research was living hadith. The results showed that the Arba'in prayer in the Kalibening community departed from the Prophet's command. (Tirmidhi narrative hadith). The Kalibening community understands this hadith textually. Where they perform Arba'in prayers on the grounds that two virtues are promised (freedom from hellfire and hypocrisy). The benefits of performing Arba'in prayers are often encountered by congregations. By performing the Arba'in prayer, the level of religiosity of the Kalibening community has increased, they have become accustomed to praying in congregation, and are more disciplined in time

    Amorphous ultra-wide bandgap ZnOx thin films deposited at cryogenic temperatures

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    Crystalline wurtzite zinc oxide (w-ZnO) can be used as a wide band gap semiconductor for light emitting devices and for transparent or high temperature electronics. The use of amorphous zinc oxide (a-ZnO) can be an advantage in these applications. In this paper we report on X-ray amorphous a-ZnOx thin films (~500 nm) deposited at cryogenic temperatures by reactive magnetron sputtering. The substrates were cooled by a nitrogen flow through the copper substrate holder during the deposition. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, infrared, UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopies, and ellipsometry. The a-ZnOx films on glass and Ti substrates were obtained at the substrate holder temperature of approximately -100 oC. New vibration bands at 201, 372, and 473 cm-1 as well as O-H stretch and bend absorption bands in the a-ZnOx films were detected by FTIR spectroscopy. Raman spectra showed characteristic ZnO2 peaks at 386 and 858 cm-1 attributed to the peroxide ion O22- stretching and libration modes, respectively. In addition, the films contain neutral and ionized O2 and O2- species. The a-ZnOx films are highly transparent in the visible light range (approx. 87%) and exhibit a refractive index of 1.68 at 2.25 eV (550 nm). An optical band gaps is 4.65 eV with an additional band edge absorption feature at 3.50 eV. It has been shown that the deposition on actively cooled substrates can be a suitable technique to obtain low temperature phases that cannot be deposited at room temperature.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Optical depth profile and phase transitions investigation of NaNbO3 and Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 thin films

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    Optiskā gradienta un fāzu pāreju pētÄ«jumi NaNbO3 un Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 plānās kārtiĦās Anotācija NaNbO3 (NN) plānām kārtiĦām, izgatavotām ar lāzera ablācijas metodi, tika pētÄ«tas optiskās Ä«paŔības (spektrālais diapazons 250-1200 nm), to gradients, lauÅ”anas koeficienta n un aizliegtās zonas platuma Eg temperatÅ«ras atkarÄ«bas (5-830 K), izmantojot spektrālo elipsometriju (SE). Pavisam tika novērotas piecas fāzu pārejas (FP). Optiskā gradienta aprēėini parādÄ«ja, ka n samazinās pamatnes tuvumā, kas var izskaidrot nelielo FP temperatÅ«ru nobÄ«di, kas tika novērotas termooptiskos pētÄ«jumos. Tika veikti optisko Ä«paŔību, pārejas slāĦa, Eg, virsmas raupjuma biezuma atkarÄ«bās, kā arÄ« optiskā gradienta pētÄ«jumi sol-gela PbZrxTi1-xO3 (PZT, x = 30, 52, 95%) plānās kārtiĦās. SE pētÄ«jumi parādÄ«ja, ka sol-gela ėīmiskās sintēzes Ŕėīdumi nav atbildÄ«gi par gradienta veidoÅ”anos: tas veidojas no kristalizācijas procesa. Tika novērota lineāra n samazināŔanās un Eg palielināŔanas, palielinoties Zr/Ti attiecÄ«bai PZT kārtiĦās.Optical depth profile and phase transitions investigation of NaNbO3 and Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films Abstract Optical properties (spectral range 250-1200 nm), depth profile of refractive index n, temperature (5-830 K) dependence of n and optical band gap Eg of NaNbO3 (NN) thin films, made by pulsed laser deposition, were investigated by means of spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). Totally five phase transition (PT) were observed. More deep gradient calculations revealed n decrease near the substrate what can explain the slight shift of the PT temperatures observed in thermo-optical investigations. The thickness dependency of optical properties, interface, Eg, surface roughness, and depth profile of n were evaluated for sol-gel PbZrxTi1-xO3 (PZT, x = 30, 52, 95%) thin films. SE investigations evaluated that the sol-gel chemical synthesis routes are not responsible for the gradient appearance: it appears from the crystallization process. The linear decrease of n and linear increase of Eg with increase of the Zr/Ti ration in PZT thin films were detected


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    Currently Education is in the digital revolution that has changed one's perspective, interest arises when the educational model is adapted to the child's profile thanks to technology. The digital storytelling method is a story that is developed in an interesting way referring to a particular genre adapted to the learning theme. Through the digital storytelling method, it is very effective as a positive means in giving a greater meaning to the story by involving students' feelings continuously and memorable so that it becomes a great tool to improve learning outcomes and develop students' social skills optimally. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the digital storytelling method on social skills and student learning outcomes. This research is a field research with quantitative analysis of quasi-experimental designs with non-randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study were all 1st graders at MIT Tonoboyo. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling purposive sampling type. The sample in this study consisted of 32 students in the experimental class and 32 students in the control class. Collecting data using multiple choice tests, questionnaires and documentation. Test the instrument using validity, reliability and then test the level of difficulty of the questions and distinguishing power for multiple choice tests. Data analysis technique with prerequisite test is normality and homogeneity test and hypothesis test is T test and N-Gain score test using SPSS version 24. For windows. The results of this study indicate that the digital storytelling method on social skills on the t-test obtained t-count 5.490 > 1692 with a sig level. (2-tailed) 0.000 1.692 with a significance level (2-tailed) 0.000 <0.05, then the results of the N-Gain score obtained a difference in the digital storytelling method of 67.77 or 68 %, the conventional method is 47.03 or 47%, which means that there is a difference in the average use of the digital storytelling method with the conventional method on the social skills of the 1st grade students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Terpadu Tonoboyo Magelang

    Dielectric and AC-conductivity studies of Dy 2

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