91 research outputs found

    Rossby and Magnetic Prandtl Number Scaling of Stellar Dynamos

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    Rotational scaling relationships are examined for the degree of equipartition between magnetic and kinetic energies in stellar convection zones. These scaling relationships are approached from two paradigms, with first a glance at scaling relationship built upon an energy-balance argument and second a look at a force-based scaling. The latter implies a transition between a nearly-constant inertial scaling when in the asymptotic limit of minimal diffusion and magnetostrophy, whereas the former implies a weaker scaling with convective Rossby number. Both scaling relationships are then compared to a suite of 3D convective dynamo simulations with a wide variety of domain geometries, stratifications, and range of convective Rossby numbers.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Ap

    A model of rotating convection in stellar and planetary interiors: II -- gravito-inertial wave generation

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    Gravito-inertial waves are excited at the interface of convective and radiative regions and by the Reynolds stresses in the bulk of the convection zones of rotating stars and planets. Such waves have notable asteroseismic signatures in the frequency spectra of rotating stars, particularly among rapidly rotating early-type stars, which provides a means of probing their internal structure and dynamics. They can also transport angular momentum, chemical species, and energy from the excitation region to where they dissipate in radiative regions. To estimate the excitation and convective parameter dependence of the amplitude of those waves, a monomodal model for stellar and planetary convection as described in Paper I is employed, which provides the magnitude of the rms convective velocity as a function of rotation rate. With this convection model, two channels for wave driving are considered: excitation at a boundary between convectively stable and unstable regions and excitation due to Reynolds-stresses. Parameter regimes are found where the sub-inertial waves may carry a significant energy flux, depending upon the convective Rossby number, the interface stiffness, and the wave frequency. The super-inertial waves can also be enhanced, but only for convective Rossby numbers near unity. Interfacially excited waves have a peak energy flux near the lower cutoff frequency when the convective Rossby number of the flows that excite them are below a critical Rossby number that depends upon the stiffness of the interface, whereas that flux decreases when the convective Rossby number is larger than this critical Rossby number.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Ap

    Multisite spectroscopic seismic study of the beta Cep star V2052 Oph: inhibition of mixing by its magnetic field

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    We used extensive ground-based multisite and archival spectroscopy to derive observational constraints for a seismic modelling of the magnetic beta Cep star V2052 Ophiuchi. The line-profile variability is dominated by a radial mode (f_1=7.14846 d^{-1}) and by rotational modulation (P_rot=3.638833 d). Two non-radial low-amplitude modes (f_2=7.75603 d^{-1} and f_3=6.82308 d^{-1}) are also detected. The four periodicities that we found are the same as the ones discovered from a companion multisite photometric campaign (Handler et al. 2012) and known in the literature. Using the photometric constraints on the degrees l of the pulsation modes, we show that both f_2 and f_3 are prograde modes with (l,m)=(4,2) or (4,3). These results allowed us to deduce ranges for the mass (M \in [8.2,9.6] M_o) and central hydrogen abundance (X_c \in [0.25,0.32]) of V2052 Oph, to identify the radial orders n_1=1, n_2=-3 and n_3=-2, and to derive an equatorial rotation velocity v_eq \in [71,75] km s^{-1}. The model parameters are in full agreement with the effective temperature and surface gravity deduced from spectroscopy. Only models with no or mild core overshooting (alpha_ov \in [0,0.15] local pressure scale heights) can account for the observed properties. Such a low overshooting is opposite to our previous modelling results for the non-magnetic beta Cep star theta Oph having very similar parameters, except for a slower surface rotation rate. We discuss whether this result can be explained by the presence of a magnetic field in V2052 Oph that inhibits mixing in its interior.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures and 5 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2012 August 1

    Redeployment-based drug screening identifies the anti-helminthic niclosamide as anti-myeloma therapy that also reduces free light chain production

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    Despite recent therapeutic advancements, multiple myeloma (MM) remains incurable and new therapies are needed, especially for the treatment of elderly and relapsed/refractory patients. We have screened a panel of 100 off-patent licensed oral drugs for anti-myeloma activity and identified niclosamide, an anti-helminthic. Niclosamide, at clinically achievable non-toxic concentrations, killed MM cell lines and primary MM cells as efficiently as or better than standard chemotherapy and existing anti-myeloma drugs individually or in combinations, with little impact on normal donor cells. Cell death was associated with markers of both apoptosis and autophagy. Importantly, niclosamide rapidly reduced free light chain (FLC) production by MM cell lines and primary MM. FLCs are a major cause of renal impairment in MM patients and light chain amyloid and FLC reduction is associated with reversal of tissue damage. Our data indicate that niclosamides anti-MM activity was mediated through the mitochondria with rapid loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and production of mitochondrial superoxide. Niclosamide also modulated the nuclear factor-κB and STAT3 pathways in MM cells. In conclusion, our data indicate that MM cells can be selectively targeted using niclosamide while also reducing FLC secretion. Importantly, niclosamide is widely used at these concentrations with minimal toxicity

    Design, baseline characteristics, and retention of African American light smokers into a randomized trial involving biological data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>African Americans experience significant tobacco-related health disparities despite the fact that over half of African American smokers are light smokers (use ≤10 cigarettes per day). African Americans have been under-represented in smoking cessation research, and few studies have evaluated treatment for light smokers. This paper describes the study design, measures, and baseline characteristics from <it>Kick It at Swope III </it>(KIS-III), the first treatment study of bupropion for African American light smokers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Five hundred forty African American light smokers were randomly assigned to receive bupropion (150mg bid) (n = 270) or placebo (n = 270) for 7 weeks. All participants received written materials and health education counseling. Participants responded to survey items and provided blood samples for evaluation of phenotype and genotype of CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 enzymes involved in nicotine and bupropion metabolism. Primary outcome was cotinine-verified 7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence at Week 26 follow-up.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 2,628 individuals screened, 540 were eligible, consented, and randomized to treatment. Participants had a mean age of 46.5 years and 66.1% were women. Participants smoked an average of 8.0 cigarettes per day, had a mean exhaled carbon monoxide of 16.4ppm (range 1-55) and a mean serum cotinine of 275.8ng/ml. The mean Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence was 3.2, and 72.2% of participants smoked within 30 minutes of waking. The average number of quit attempts in the past year was 3.7 and 24.2% reported using pharmacotherapy in their most recent quit attempt. Motivation and confidence to quit were high.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>KIS-III is the first study designed to examine both nicotine and bupropion metabolism, evaluating CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 phenotype and genotype in conjunction with psychosocial factors, in the context of treatment of African American light smokers. Of 1629 smokers screened for study participation, only 18 (1.1%) were ineligible to participate in the study because they refused blood draws, demonstrating the feasibility of recruiting and enrolling African American light smokers into a clinical treatment trial involving biological data collection and genetic analyses. Future evaluation of individual factors associated with treatment outcome will contribute to advancing tailored tobacco use treatment with the goal of enhancing treatment and reducing health disparities for African American light smokers.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="URL">NCT00666978</a></p

    Convection and Dynamo Action in Massive Stars

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    Contact between numerical simulations and observations of stellar magnetism is sought, with an emphasis on those stars that are the most readily observed and those that may have magnetic activity cycles: the Sun, F-type, and B-type stars. Two approaches are taken in studying stellar dynamos and dynamics, utilizing three-dimensional MHD simulations run on massively parallel supercomputers with the full spherical geometry and employing a new compressible code in the spherical wedge geometry. A 3-D MHD simulation of the solar dynamo that utilizes the Anelastic Spherical Harmonic (ASH) code is presented. This simulation self-consistently exhibits four prominent aspects of solar magnetism: activity cycles, polarity cycles, the equatorward field migration, and grand minima. The ASH framework and this simulation's ability to capture many aspects of the solar dynamo represent a first step toward a more complete model of the Sun's global-scale magnetic activity and its cycles. The dynamics and dynamos of F-type stars are studied through global-scale ASH simulations, with significant contact made between the observed differential rotation and magnetic cycle periods of these stars and those achieved in the simulations. Separately, ASH simulations of core convection in the massive B-type stars show that generation of superequipartition magnetic fields with peak strengths above 1 MG is possible within their cores, which has implications for the evolution of these stars as well as for the properties of their remnants. The internal waves excited by overshooting convection and rotation in these star's radiative exteriors are assessed for their asteroseismic signatures. The results of 3-D compressive MHD simulations of the solar near-surface shear layer with the Compressible Spherical Segment (CSS) code are shown, with such layers arising in the coupled dynamics of ASH and CSS as well as in a more rapidly rotating, thin convective envelope of an F-type star

    Probing the shape of the mixing profile and of the thermal structure at the convective core boundary through asteroseismology

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    International audienceAims. We investigate from a theoretical perspective if space asteroseismology can be used to distinguish between different thermal structures and shapes of the near-core mixing profiles for different types of coherent oscillation modes in massive stars with convective cores; we also examine whether this capacity depends on the evolutionary stage of the models along the main sequence.Methods. We computed 1D stellar structure and evolution models for four different prescriptions of the mixing and temperature gradient in the near-core region. We investigated their effect on the frequencies of dipole prograde gravity modes in slowly pulsating B stars and in β Cep stars as well as pressure modes in β Cep stars.Results. A comparison between the mode frequencies of the different models at various stages during the main sequence evolution reveals that they are more sensitive to a change in temperature gradient than to the exact shape of the mixing profile in the near-core region. Depending on the duration of the observed light curve, we can distinguish between either just the temperature gradient, or also between the shapes of the mixing coefficient. The relative frequency differences are in general larger for more evolved models and are largest for the higher frequency pressure modes in β Cep stars.Conclusions. In order to unravel the core boundary mixing and thermal structure of the near-core region, we must have asteroseismic masses and radii with ∼1% relative precision for hundreds of stars

    Transport of angular momentum by stochastically excited waves as an explanation for the outburst of the rapidly rotating Be star HD49330

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    International audienceContext. HD 49330 is an early Be star that underwent an outburst during its five-month observation with the CoRoT satellite. An analysis of its light curve revealed several independent p and g pulsation modes, in addition to showing that the amplitude of the modes is directly correlated with the outburst.Aims. We modelled the results obtained with CoRoT to understand the link between pulsational parameters and the outburst of this Be star.Methods. We modelled the flattening of the structure of the star due to rapid rotation in two ways: Chandrasekhar-Milne’s expansion and 2D structure computed with ROTORC. We then modelled κ-driven pulsations. We also adapted the formalism of the excitation and amplitude of stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes to rapidly rotating stars, and we modelled those pulsations as well.Results. We find that while pulsation p modes are indeed excited by the κ mechanism, the observed g modes are, rather, a result of stochastic excitation. In contrast, g and r waves are stochastically excited in the convective core and transport angular momentum to the surface, increasing its rotation rate. This destabilises the external layers of the star, which then emits transient stochastically excited g waves. These transient waves produce most of the low-frequency signal detected in the CoRoT data and ignite the outburst. During this unstable phase, p modes disappear at the surface because their cavity is broken. Following the outburst and ejection of the surface layer, relaxation occurs, making the transient g waves disappear and p modes reappear.Conclusions. This work includes the first coherent model of stochastically excited gravito-inertial pulsation modes in a rapidly rotating Be star. It provides an explanation for the correlation between the variation in the amplitude of frequencies detected in the CoRoT data and the occurrence of an outburst. This scenario could apply to other pulsating Be stars, providing an explanation to the long-standing questions surrounding Be outbursts and disks