14 research outputs found

    The minimal important difference of the constant work rate cycle test in severe COPD

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    Background: The Constant Work Rate Cycle Test (CWRT) is a commonly used and sensitive test to detect treatment success in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Earlier, the Minimal Important Difference (MID) of the CWRT was estimated at 101 s (or 34%) change from baseline based on one well executed study. However, this study was performed in a population of patients with mild-to-moderate COPD, and we have learned that MIDs might be quite different in patients with severe COPD. Therefore, we aimed to establish the MID of the CWRT in patients with severe COPD.Methods: We included 141 patients with severe COPD, who underwent either pulmonary rehabilitation, bronchoscopic lung volume reduction with endobronchial valves, or a sham bronchoscopy as a control group. CWRT workload was set at 75% of the peak work capacity, as determined by an incremental cycle test. We used the change in 6-min walking test (6-MWT), forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1), residual volume (RV), and St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) total score as anchors to calculate the MID.Results: All anchors had an association of ≥0.41 with change in CWRT. The MID estimates for the different anchors were: 6-MWT 278 s (95%), FEV1 273 s (90%), RV 240 s (84%), and SGRQ 208 s (71%). The average of these four MID estimates resulted in an MID of 250 s (or 85%).Conclusion: We established the MID for CWRT at 250 s (or 85%) change from baseline in patients with severe COPD.</p

    Signalling and responding to zoonotic threats using a One Health approach: a decade of the Zoonoses Structure in the Netherlands, 2011 to 2021

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    In the Netherlands, the avian influenza outbreak in poultry in 2003 and the Q fever outbreak in dairy goats between 2007 and 2010 had severe consequences for public health. These outbreaks led to the establishment of an integrated human-veterinary risk analysis system for zoonoses, the Zoonoses Structure. The aim of the Zoonoses Structure is to signal, assess and control emerging zoonoses that may pose a risk to animal and/or human health in an integrated One Health approach. The Signalling Forum Zoonoses (SO-Z), the first step of the Zoonoses Structure, is a multidisciplinary committee composed of experts from the medical, veterinary, entomology and wildlife domains. The SO-Z shares relevant signals with professionals and has monthly meetings. Over the past 10 years (June 2011 to December 2021), 390 different signals of various zoonotic pathogens in animal reservoirs and humans have been assessed. Here, we describe the Zoonoses Structure with examples from signals and responses for four zoonotic events in the Netherlands (tularaemia, Brucella canis, West Nile virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)). This may serve as an example for other countries on how to collaborate in a One Health approach to signal and control emerging zoonoses

    Adaptation, spread and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in farmed minks and associated humans in the Netherlands

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    In the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (April 2020), SARS-CoV-2 was detected in farmed minks and genomic sequencing was performed on mink farms and farm personnel. Here, we describe the outbreak and use sequence data with Bayesian phylodynamic methods to explore SARS-CoV-2 transmission in minks and humans on farms. High number of farm infections (68/126) in minks and farm workers (>50% of farms) were detected, with limited community spread. Three of five initial introductions of SARS-CoV-2 led to subsequent spread between mink farms until November 2020. Viruses belonging to the largest cluster acquired an amino acid substitution in the receptor binding domain of the Spike protein (position 486), evolved faster and spread longer and more widely. Movement of people and distance between farms were statistically significant predictors of virus dispersal between farms. Our study provides novel insights into SARS-CoV-2 transmission between mink farms and highlights the importance of combining genetic information with epidemiological information when investigating outbreaks at the animal-human interface

    Effectiveness of Passive and Active Surveillance for Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Mink during the 2020 Outbreak in the Netherlands

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    Starting December 2019, a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) spread among humans across the world. From 2020 onward, farmed mink were found susceptible to the virus. In this paper, we describe the Dutch surveillance system and the added surveillance components for early detection of SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks and their results in Dutch mink farms. In the Netherlands, a surveillance system was in place in which mink farmers could submit carcasses for postmortem evaluation and could contact a telephone helpdesk for veterinary advise. Through this system, the first SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in two mink farms was detected in April 2020. Immediately, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture commissioned a consortium of statutory and research institutes to intensify the surveillance system. The program consisted of both passive surveillance, i.e., mandatory notifications and active surveillance components, i.e., serological screenings and weekly risk-based sampling of dead mink for early detection of new SARS-CoV-2 infections. When one of the surveillance components indicated a suspicion of a possible SARS-CoV-2 infection, follow-up samplings were conducted and at confirmation, all mink were culled. During 2020, 67 out of 124 mink farms that were under surveillance became infected with SARS-CoV-2 (54%). Of these, 31 were detected based on clinical signs (passive surveillance of clinical signs) and 36 were detected through active surveillance. From the mink farms with a new SARS-CoV-2 outbreak that was detected through the surveillance, in 19% of the farms (n = 7), the mink never showed any clinical signs of SARS-CoV-2 and might have been missed by the passive notification system. This study underlines the added value of a surveillance system that can quickly be intensified. The subsequent combination of both passive and active surveillance has shown to be effective in the early detection of emerging pathogens, which is important to minimize the risk of zoonotic spill-over

    Manifestation of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Mink Related to Host-, Virus- and Farm-Associated Factors, The Netherlands 2020

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    SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks on 69 Dutch mink farms in 2020 were studied to identify risk factors for virus introduction and transmission and to improve surveillance and containment measures. Clinical signs, laboratory test results, and epidemiological aspects were investigated, such as the date and reason of suspicion, housing, farm size and distances, human contact structure, biosecurity measures, and presence of wildlife, pets, pests, and manure management. On seven farms, extensive random sampling was performed, and age, coat color, sex, and clinical signs were recorded. Mild to severe respiratory signs and general diseases such as apathy, reduced feed intake, and increased mortality were detected on 62/69 farms. Throat swabs were more likely to result in virus detection than rectal swabs. Clinical signs differed between virus clusters and were more severe for dark-colored mink, males, and animals infected later during the year. Geographical clustering was found for one virus cluster. Shared personnel could explain some cases, but other transmission routes explaining farm-to-farm spread were not elucidated. An early warning surveillance system, strict biosecurity measures, and a (temporary) ban on mink farming and vaccinating animals and humans can contribute to reducing the risks of the virus spreading and acquisition of potential mutations relevant to human and animal health

    Adaptation, spread and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in farmed minks and related humans in the Netherlands

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    In the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (April 2020), SARS-CoV-2 was detected in farmed minks and genomic sequencing was performed on mink farms and farm personnel. Here, we describe the outbreak and use sequence data with Bayesian phylodynamic methods to explore SARS-CoV-2 transmission in minks and related humans on farms. High number of farm infections (68/126) in minks and farm related personnel (>50% of farms) were detected, with limited spread to the general human population. Three of five initial introductions of SARS-CoV-2 lead to subsequent spread between mink farms until November 2020. The largest cluster acquired a mutation in the receptor binding domain of the Spike protein (position 486), evolved faster and spread more widely and longer. Movement of people and distance between farms were statistically significant predictors of virus dispersal between farms. Our study provides novel insights into SARS-CoV-2 transmission between mink farms and highlights the importance of combing genetic information with epidemiological information at the animal-human interface

    High specificity of the Salmonella Pullorum/Gallinarum rapid plate agglutination test despite vaccinations against Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium

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    In Europe, monitoring of breeding stock for Salmonella Pullorum (SP) or Salmonella Gallinarum (SG) infections is compulsory at the point of lay. Vaccinations against Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) and Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) are increasingly administered in Europe. These vaccines might induce cross-reactions in the rapid plate agglutination (RPA) SP/SG test due to shared O-antigens, possibly resulting in a lower test specificity. The extent to which the specificity of SP/SG serological tests is influenced by SE and/or ST vaccinations in the field has not been reported. In this paper, we report the diagnostic and flock specificity of the commercially available RPA SP/SG test using 1:2-1:16 serum dilutions on four panels of sera: SPF sera, field sera from flocks of varying age and SE/ST vaccination status, and reference sera from an international proficiency testing scheme. The results showed that the use of live SE/ST vaccines did not influence the specificity of the RPA SP/SG test. Inactivated vaccines showed a drop of the diagnostic specificity to 96.54% and a flock specificity of 34.1% when the 1:2 serum dilution was used. The 1:8 serum dilution showed a diagnostic specificity of 99.41% and a flock specificity of 86.4%. In conclusion, the use of SE/ST vaccines has either no effect or a modest effect on the specificity of the RPA SP/SG test used to monitor flocks. The main factors are the type of vaccine, and the serum dilution used for testing and a cut-off

    Considerations in the use of different spirometers in epidemiological studies

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    Abstract Background Spirometric lung function measurements have been proven to be excellent objective markers of respiratory morbidity. The use of different types of spirometers in epidemiological and clinical studies may present systematically different results affecting interpretation and implication of results. We aimed to explore considerations in the use of different spirometers in epidemiological studies by comparing forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) measurements between the Masterscreen pneumotachograph and EasyOne spirometers. We also provide a correction equation for correcting systematic differences using regression calibration. Methods Forty-nine volunteers had lung function measured on two different spirometers in random order with at least three attempts on each spirometer. Data were analysed using correlation plots, Bland and Altman plots and formal paired t-tests. We used regression calibration to provide a correction equation. Results The mean (SD) FEV1 and FVC was 3.78 (0.63) L and 4.78 (0.63) L for the Masterscreen pneumotachograph and 3.54 (0.60) L and 4.41 (0.83) L for the EasyOne spirometer. The mean FEV1 difference of 0.24 L and mean FVC difference of 0.37 L between the spirometers (corresponding to 6.3 and 8.4% difference, respectively) were statistically significant and consistent between younger ( 30 years) and between males and females. Regression calibration indicated that an increase of 1 L in the EasyOne measurements corresponded to an average increase of 1.032 L in FEV1 and 1.005 L in FVC in the Masterscreen measurements. Conclusion Use of different types of spirometers may result in significant systematic differences in lung function values. Epidemiological researchers need to be aware of these potential systematic differences and correct for them in analyses using methods such as regression calibration

    Signalling and responding to zoonotic threats using a One Health approach: a decade of the Zoonoses Structure in the Netherlands, 2011 to 2021.

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    In the Netherlands, the avian influenza outbreak in poultry in 2003 and the Q fever outbreak in dairy goats between 2007 and 2010 had severe consequences for public health. These outbreaks led to the establishment of an integrated human-veterinary risk analysis system for zoonoses, the Zoonoses Structure. The aim of the Zoonoses Structure is to signal, assess and control emerging zoonoses that may pose a risk to animal and/or human health in an integrated One Health approach. The Signalling Forum Zoonoses (SO-Z), the first step of the Zoonoses Structure, is a multidisciplinary committee composed of experts from the medical, veterinary, entomology and wildlife domains. The SO-Z shares relevant signals with professionals and has monthly meetings. Over the past 10 years (June 2011 to December 2021), 390 different signals of various zoonotic pathogens in animal reservoirs and humans have been assessed. Here, we describe the Zoonoses Structure with examples from signals and responses for four zoonotic events in the Netherlands (tularaemia, Brucella canis, West Nile virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)). This may serve as an example for other countries on how to collaborate in a One Health approach to signal and control emerging zoonoses

    Signalling and responding to zoonotic threats using a One Health approach : a decade of the Zoonoses Structure in the Netherlands, 2011 to 2021

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    In the Netherlands, the avian influenza outbreak in poultry in 2003 and the Q fever outbreak in dairy goats between 2007 and 2010 had severe consequences for public health. These outbreaks led to the establishment of an integrated human-veterinary risk analysis system for zoonoses, the Zoonoses Structure. The aim of the Zoonoses Structure is to signal, assess and control emerging zoonoses that may pose a risk to animal and/or human health in an integrated One Health approach. The Signalling Forum Zoonoses (SO-Z), the first step of the Zoonoses Structure, is a multidisciplinary committee composed of experts from the medical, veterinary, entomology and wildlife domains. The SO-Z shares relevant signals with professionals and has monthly meetings. Over the past 10 years (June 2011 to December 2021), 390 different signals of various zoonotic pathogens in animal reservoirs and humans have been assessed. Here, we describe the Zoonoses Structure with examples from signals and responses for four zoonotic events in the Netherlands (tularaemia, Brucella canis, West Nile virus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)). This may serve as an example for other countries on how to collaborate in a One Health approach to signal and control emerging zoonoses