3,116 research outputs found

    A Schwinger-boson approach to the kagome with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions: phase diagram and dynamical structure factors

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    We have obtained the zero-temperature phase diagram of the kagome antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in Schwinger-boson mean-field theory. We find quantum phase transitions (first or second order) between different topological spin liquids and Neel ordered phases (either the 3×3\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3} state or the so-called Q=0 state). In the regime of small Schwinger-boson density, the results bear some resemblances with exact diagonalization results and we briefly discuss some issues of the mean-field treatment. We calculate the equal-time structure factor (and its angular average to allow for a direct comparison with experiments on powder samples), which extends earlier work on the classical kagome to the quantum regime. We also discuss the dynamical structure factors of the topological spin liquid and the Neel ordered phase.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Chern number spins of Mn acceptor magnets in GaAs

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    We determine the effective total spin JJ of local moments formed from acceptor states bound to Mn ions in GaAs by evaluating their magnetic Chern numbers. We find that when individual Mn atoms are close to the sample surface, the total spin changes from J=1J = 1 to J=2J = 2, due to quenching of the acceptor orbital moment. For Mn pairs in bulk, the total JJ depends on the pair orientation in the GaAs lattice and on the separation between the Mn atoms. We point out that Berry curvature variation as a function of local moment orientation can profoundly influence the quantum spin dynamics of these magnetic entities.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnon bands of N-leg integer-spin antiferromagnetic systems in the weak interchain-coupling regime

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    Using the exact results of the O(3) nonlinear sigma model (NLSM) and a few quantitative numerical data for integer-spin antiferromagnetic (AF) chains, we systematically estimate all magnon excitation energies of N-leg integer-spin AF ladders and tubes in the weak-interchain-coupling regime. Our method is based on a first-order perturbation theory for the strength of the interchain coupling. It can deal with any kind of interchain interactions, in principle. We confirm that results of the perturbation theory are in good agreement with those of a quantum Monte Carlo simulation and with our recent study based on a saddle-point approximation of the NLSM [Phys. Rev. B 72, 104438 (2005)]. Our theory further supports the existence of a Haldane (gapped) phase even in a d-dimensional (d\geq 2) spatially anisotropic integer-spin AF model, if the exchange coupling in one direction is sufficiently strong compared with those in all the other directions. The strategy in this paper is applicable to other N-leg systems consisting of gapped chains which low-energy physics is exactly or quantitatively known.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Revtex, published version, see also cond-mat/0506049 (PRB72, 104438 (2005)

    Neutrino-nucleus reactions on ^{12}C and ^{16}O

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    Exclusive and inclusive (νμ,μ),(νe,e)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-), (\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections and μ\mu^--capture rates are calculated for ^{12}C and ^{16}O using the consistent random phase approximation (RPA) and pairing model. After a pairing correction is introduced to the RPA results the flux-averaged theoretical (νμ,μ),(νe,e)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-), (\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections and μ\mu^--capture rates in 12^{12}C are in good agreement with experiment. In particular when one takes into account the experimental error bars, the recently measured range of values for the (νμ,μ)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-) cross-section is in agreement with the present theoretical results. Predictions of (νμ,μ)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-) and (νe,e)(\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections in ^{16}O are also presented.Comment: 13 pages, Revte

    Tunneling-driven breakdown of the 331 state and the emergent Pfaffian and composite Fermi liquid phases

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    We examine the possibility of creating the Moore-Read Pfaffian in the lowest Landau level when the multicomponent Halperin 331 state (believed to describe quantum Hall bilayers and wide quantum wells at the filling factor ν=1/2\nu=1/2) is destroyed by the increase of tunneling. Using exact diagonalization of the bilayer Hamiltonian with short-range and long-range (Coulomb) interactions in spherical and periodic rectangular geometries, we establish that tunneling is a perturbation that drives the 331 state into a compressible composite Fermi liquid, with the possibility for an intermediate critical state that possesses some properties of the Moore-Read Pfaffian. These results are interpreted in the two-component BCS model for Cauchy pairing with a tunneling constraint. We comment on the conditions to be imposed on a system with fluctuating density in order to achieve the stable Pfaffian phase.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Antiferromagnetic noise correlations in optical lattices

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    We analyze how noise correlations probed by time-of-flight (TOF) experiments reveal antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations of fermionic atoms in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) optical lattices. Combining analytical and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations using experimentally realistic parameters, we show that AF correlations can be detected for temperatures above and below the critical temperature for AF ordering. It is demonstrated that spin-resolved noise correlations yield important information about the spin ordering. Finally, we show how to extract the spin correlation length and the related critical exponent of the AF transition from the noise.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Superconductivity from purely repulsive interactions in the strong coupling approach : Application of the SU(2) slave-rotor theory to the Hubbard model

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    We propose a mechanism of superconductivity from purely repulsive interactions in the strong coupling regime, where the BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) mechanism such as the spin-fluctuation approach is difficult to apply. Based on the SU(2) slave-rotor representation of the Hubbard model, we find that the single energy scale for the amplitude formation of Cooper pairs and their phase coherence is separated into two energy scales, allowing the so called pseudogap state where such Cooper pairs are coherent locally but not globally, interpreted as realization of the density-phase uncertainty principle. This superconducting state shows the temperature-linear decreasing ratio of superfluid weight, resulting from strong phase fluctuations

    Nuclear Schiff moment and soft vibrational modes

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    The atomic electric dipole moment (EDM) currently searched by a number of experimental groups requires that both parity and time-reversal invariance be violated. According to current theoretical understanding, the EDM is induced by the nuclear Schiff moment. The enhancement of the Schiff moment by the combination of static quadrupole and octupole deformation was predicted earlier. Here we study a further idea of the possible enhancement in the absence of static deformation but in a nuclear system with soft collective vibrations of two types. Both analytical approximation and numerical solution of the simplified problem confirm the presence of the enhancement. We discuss related aspects of nuclear structure which should be studied beyond mean-field and random phase approximations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Nearby Doorways, Parity Doublets and Parity Mixing in Compound Nuclear States

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    We discuss the implications of a doorway state model for parity mixing in compound nuclear states. We argue that in order to explain the tendency of parity violating asymmetries measured in 233^{233}Th to have a common sign, doorways that contribute to parity mixing must be found in the same energy neighbourhood of the measured resonance. The mechanism of parity mixing in this case of nearby doorways is closely related to the intermediate structure observed in nuclear reactions in which compound states are excited. We note that in the region of interest (233^{233}Th) nuclei exhibit octupole deformations which leads to the existence of nearby parity doublets. These parity doublets are then used as doorways in a model for parity mixing. The contribution of such mechanism is estimated in a simple model.Comment: 11 pages, REVTE

    Nanoscale imaging of equilibrium quantum Hall edge currents and of the magnetic monopole response in graphene

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    The recently predicted topological magnetoelectric effect and the response to an electric charge that mimics an induced mirror magnetic monopole are fundamental attributes of topological states of matter with broken time reversal symmetry. Using a SQUID-on-tip, acting simultaneously as a tunable scanning electric charge and as ultrasensitive nanoscale magnetometer, we induce and directly image the microscopic currents generating the magnetic monopole response in a graphene quantum Hall electron system. We find a rich and complex nonlinear behavior governed by coexistence of topological and nontopological equilibrium currents that is not captured by the monopole models. Furthermore, by utilizing a tuning fork that induces nanoscale vibrations of the SQUID-on-tip, we directly image the equilibrium currents of individual quantum Hall edge states for the first time. We reveal that the edge states that are commonly assumed to carry only a chiral downstream current, in fact carry a pair of counterpropagating currents, in which the topological downstream current in the incompressible region is always counterbalanced by heretofore unobserved nontopological upstream current flowing in the adjacent compressible region. The intricate patterns of the counterpropagating equilibrium-state orbital currents provide new insights into the microscopic origins of the topological and nontopological charge and energy flow in quantum Hall systems