63 research outputs found

    Some religious implications of Immaneul Kant\u27s epistemological dualism

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    Influence of Organomineral Fertilizer on Some Chemical Properties of Soil and Growth Performance of Rice (Oryza sativa l.) in Sokoto, Sudan Savanna Zone of Nigeria

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    An experiment was conducted to determine the influence of industrially formulated organomineral fertilizer (OMF) on some chemical properties of soil and growth performance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Sokoto, Sudan Savanna zone of Nigeria. The experiment was carried out at the screen house of the Department of Biological Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The organomineral fertilizer used in this experiment was formulated with a grade of 9:3:3 N:P:K using the following materials: urea, rock phosphate, wood ash, neem seed, blood meal, cotton seed cake, cow dung and poultry droppings.  The experiment consisted of four levels of organomineral fertilizer (130, 170, 210, 250kg/ha) and control (without fertilizer) as treatments which were laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD). The growth parameters considered for rice performance were plant height, number of leaves and tillers per plant and total dry matter yield. Soil samples were collected from each experimental pot before planting and at harvest for physical and chemical properties determination.  The result shows that treatment had significant (p<0.05) influence on soil pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and rice growth performance. Application of 250 kilogram per hectare (OMF) gave the highest increase in pH, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, number of leaves and tillers per plant, the least values on all the parameters considered were recorded in the control pots. From the findings of this research, it was concluded that application of OMF at 130, 170, 210 and 250kg/ha improved the soil nutrient status and growth and yield of rice. Thus, organic residues fortified with mineral fertilizers have great potential in improving soil fertility status and for high production of rice in Sudan savanna agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. Keywords: Organomineral Fertilizer, Levels, Soil, Rice and Sudan savann

    History as a Vehicle for National Development: a Nexus for Nigeria’s Unity

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    The relevance of the subject matter – history – in any given society is germane. History basically evaluates the dynamics of human societies in all ramifications. It houses the totality of human activities in the past for evaluation. Just as the memory is to the mind, history is to the society. Therefore, for a meaningful development in a nation like Nigeria, history as a discipline and concept is sine qua non in the road to national development. Thus, in terms of policy formulation, decision making among other topical issues on national development, it is important to resort to history for road map, Hence, the paper re-examines and revisits the relevance of history in the road to national  development with particular reference to Nigeria. The methodology is thematic and interpretation employing historical analysis, Keywords: History, Vehicle, National, Development, Nexus, Nigeri

    Protectionism and Liberalisation in the Nigerian Insurance Sector: A Critical Examination of the role of Multinational Insurance Programmes in Dealing with Protectionist Trade Barriers

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    This thesis critically examines protectionism in the Nigerian Insurance Sector and discusses it in the context of both the liberalisation efforts of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the anti-protectionist measures that are inherent in a multinational insurance programme. Chapter one introduces the work and provides insights into the background, aims and objectives of the research. The Chapter also identifies the key research questions to be answered by the work and further discusses the key concepts relevant to multinational insurance programmes. Chapter two critically analyses the global anti-protectionist legal framework for the insurance sector enshrined in the WTO General Agreement for Trade in Services (GATS). It proceeds to analyse the Nigerian insurance regulations and closely examines the extent to which they comply with or diverge from Nigeria’s GATS obligations. This Chapter briefly discusses the insurance legal framework in the United Kingdom and comparatively identifies approaches that can be adopted and lessons Nigeria should learn from the UK. Despite the identified positives from the UK regulatory framework, Chapter two points out that the GATS liberalisation efforts have been highly inadequate and ineffective in resolving the insurance sector protectionism that characterises many jurisdictions including Nigeria. It therefore identifies multinational insurance programmes as a private sector driven solution to this problem and noted that the WTO approach and any other inter-governmental approach may not yield an immediate solution to this problem. Chapter three essentially assesses the internal and external workings and operation of Multinational Insurance Programmes. The Chapter introduces and extensively discusses the Multinational Insurance Programme as a special type of insurance and argues that it was invented as a result of globalisation and it exists in two major forms – admitted and non-admitted cover. It then critically analyses the solutions and drawbacks inherent in both an admitted and non-admitted insurance cover. Finally, the chapter discusses the various forms of non-admitted cover including the design and structure of a controlled master policy. Chapter four acknowledges the fact that the adoption of Multinational Insurance Programme helps to address the problem of protectionism, but it raises an additional issue of the legality of its adoption in the context of Nigerian law and under the laws of other non-admitted jurisdictions. The chapter therefore addresses this issue and discusses instances where severe regulatory sanctions had been imposed for usage of this form of insurance. The chapter further discusses the response by experts to this legality challenge through the invention of circumventing tools or permissive options like cut-through clauses, financial interest clauses, fronting arrangements, among others. Chapter five recognises that apart from regulatory protectionism, state actors adopt fiscal measures in the form of taxation to protect a particular sector. The chapter proceeds with a critical analysis of the role of taxation as a protectionist tool in Nigeria and points out the widespread discrimination and unfair tax laws and policies that have stalled the growth of the insurance sector and affect both admitted and non-admitted insurers alike. The chapter queries the rationale for such laws and policies, especially in view of the fact that it discourages growth and investment in the insurance sector. The chapter contains solutions for each problem identified and recommends quick fix option for the implementation of some of these solutions. Chapter six of this thesis, summarises the work and concludes by making strong recommendations that can turn the fortunes of the Nigerian insurance sector through the adoption of more liberal laws and policies

    Investigation of the Impact, Hardness, Density and Water absorption of Polypropylene Filled Doum Palm Shell Particles Composite

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    Particulate fillers are used to improve the physical and mechanical properties of polymers to make it more suitable for engineering application. This study determined the impact, hardness and physical properties of polypropylene reinforced Doum palm shell particles composite; the effect of particles loading and particle size on the impact, hardness, density and water absorption properties of the composite were studied. The composites were prepared by compounding polypropylene and Doum palm shell particles using compression moulding method. The particles loading in the matrix (polypropylene) were varied from 0 - 40 wt. % at 5 wt. % intervals, after which the composites were characterized. SEM analysis was also conducted on the composites. The results showed that the addition of Doum palm shell particles stiffened the flexibility of the polymer and improved its ability to absorb and dissipate energy. Composite of 150 µm has the maximum impact strength of 4.1 kJ/m2 at 35 wt. % particles loading and 3.9 kJ/m2 at 30 wt. % particles loading for 300 µm. The hardness of the composite was improved with increase in particle loading of the composites. The hardness increases from 6.53 HRF to 9.1HRF at 35 wt. % for 150 µm particle size and 8.6 HRF for 300 µm. Density and water uptake of the composite increases with increase in particles loading and size in the composites.  The SEM images of the composites reveal a good interfacial bonding between Doum palm shell particles and the matrix. These account for the good impact and hardness properties of the composites obtained. Keywords: Impact strength, Hardness, polypropylene, Doum palm shell particles, Microstructural analysis, water absorption DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/8-1-0

    Monitoring and evaluation of education in Nigeria: challenges and ways forwards

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    The article discusses the challenges preventing effective monitoring and evaluation of education in Nigeria. Secondary data was used to support the points raised in the article. The secondary data were sourced from print material and online publication by recognized institutions and individual author. There are many challenges militating against effective monitoring and evaluation of educational programme in Nigeria. Some of the challenges include; inadequate funding of monitoring and evaluation programmme, inadequate professional monitoring and evaluating officers, poor capacity development of monitoring and evaluating officers, corruptions, insecurity, inadequate monitoring and evaluation tools, political instability and lack of political support. To solve this challenges, this article recommends the following:  the government should provide: adequate funding for monitoring and evaluation programmme, employment of more professional evaluator and monitors, constant capacity development programme for  monitoring and evaluating officers, fight all institution corruption, provide security for Monitoring and Evaluating officers, provide adequate monitoring and evaluation tools, ensure political stability and the political officeholders should support the activities of monitoring and evaluation in the country

    Conceptualising Functionalism and Its Application to the Study of African History

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    An old analogy pictures human society as a giant organism composed of many structures, all functioning in an integrated way to maintain the whole system, just as our livers, lungs, kidneys and other organs function to maintain the vitality of our entire body. Therefore, for anyone to understand any given structure, one must determine its function in society. This has given rise to what is known as the structural-functional school of sociology or more briefly, as functionalism. In the same vein, the main stream of history has to do with human development. Throughout history, man has had to meet challenges such as earning a living, dwelling together in harmony with fellow-men, establishing a just and efficient government, expressing his creative talents, and achieving a satisfactory spiritual life. The present has grown out of the past, and if we want to understand our contemporary world, we shall have to look at its roots in history. This paper, therefore, is an attempt at reconciling these symbiotic concepts – History and functionalism and showing how indispensable they are in the Contemporary African Society. To this end therefore, this paper shall focus on the theory of functionalism in various perspectives and its application to African history. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n6p22

    Effects of Particle Size and Loading on Tensile and Flexural Properties of Polypropylene Reinforced Doum Palm Shell Particles Composites

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    Natural Particulates (fillers) are reinforcement in composite materials. They are used in matrix for cost reduction, improved processing, density control, thermal conductivity, control of thermal expansion, flame retardancy and improved mechanical properties. Doum palm shell particles reinforced composite was prepared by compounding polypropylene matrix with 10 - 40 wt. % Doum palm shell particles at 5 wt. % intervals for 150 µm and 300 µm particles sizes using compression moulding techniques. The effect of the particles size and particles loading on tensile and flexural properties of the composite produced were investigated. The results showed that the tensile strength increased from 34.12 MPa for neat polypropylene to a maximum of 44.88 MPa at 10 wt. % Doum palm shell addition for 150 µm particle size; while it increased to a maximum of 39.62 MPa at 10 wt. % Doum palm shell addition for 300 µm particle size. Flexural strength increased from 37.91 MPa for neat polypropylene to a maximum of 57.68 MPa at 10 wt. % Doum palm shell addition for 150 µm particle sizes; however, it increased to a maximum of 49.63 MPa at 10 wt. % Doum palm shell addition for the 300 µm particle size. 150 µm particle size composite yield a better result compared to 300 µm particles size which is in agreement with the literature, the smaller the particle size the better the properties of the composite because it has better compaction, reduced porosity which give effective stress transfer between the matrix and the particles. The use of doum palm shell as fillers in composite will not only provide a renewable source of filler in polymer composite but also generate a non – food source of economic development for the famers in the rural areas

    Determinants of food demand among urban households in Minna Metropolis, Niger State, Nigeria

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    Agricultural products including rice, yam and cowpea play significant roles in the food consumption of urban dwellers. However, increase in crop production cost has continued to threaten urban food price in Nigeria. This study analyzed the determinants of demand for food commodities among urban households in Minna metropolis. Data were collected from 110 household heads of urban residences, which were selected through a three-stage random sampling technique. Data collected for the study were analyzed using multiple regression technique. The results showed that rice, yam and cowpea were price in-elastic. The cross-price elasticities for rice, yam and cowpea were -0.132, 0.028 and 0.005 respectively. The computed own price, cross price and income elasticity of demand for rice were –0.308, -0.132 and 0.018 respectively. For yam, the computed values were -1.262, 0.028 and 0.289 respectively. While for cowpea, these values were -0.530, 0.005 and 0.002 respectively. For the income elasticity, rice and cowpea were proven to be normal goods and yam as a luxury good. The social protection strategies in form of food aids policy should be put into action to minimize the inflationary pressure on food items in the urban areas
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