304 research outputs found

    Creating Classes for Developing the Concept of Functions : A System of Learning Activities for Drawing out Four Qualities Tied to Nurturing the Concept of Functions

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    本研究は,数・量・図形的要素を見出し,どのような関係があるのかを考え,そこにきまりを発見していく力を育成するために以下の研究を進めた。昨年度は,函数観念の育成につながる授業の中で引き出したい4つの姿である,①事象の中に数・量・図形的要素を見つけようとする姿,②どのような関係かを考えていこうとする姿,③関係の中にある法則を見つけようとする姿,④事象を関係で見ていこうとする姿を発達段階ごとに設定し,その4つの姿を引き出すことを目的とした学習活動を仕組む授業実践を積み重ねた。さらに,本年度は,「関数の考えの指導」の関数の考えの背景となる「物事を動的に見ようとする態度」に焦点をあて,4つの姿を引き出すこととする。それらの取り組みを小学校と中学校で統一して取り組むことで「中一ギャップ」や算数・数学への円滑な移行ができると考えた。その結果,単元の事前と事後,昨年と今年とでは4つの姿をについて,どの項目についても肯定的な回答であった。また,教師が意図的に関数の考えを授業の中で取り扱っていくことが,子どもに「関数の観念」を育んでいく上で効果的であり,小・中学校で統一した指導も可能であることが分かった。This study was conducted, as a means of nurturing the ability to discover set facts when seeking out numerical, volumetric, and graphical elements in pondering relationships. Last year, four of figure you want a drawer in the class, which leads to the development of the function concept has been pulled out. This year, the focus was placed on “attitudes for seeing things dynamically”, as a precursor to thinking about functions, and the instruction thereof. It was felt that unifying these efforts in elementary and junior high schools would relieve the “first-year gap”. The result of these efforts was a positive response to all four qualities in both years, before and after the teaching units. In addition, teachers’ deliberate treatment of the idea of functions in classrooms was effective in engendering the “concept of functions” in children, showing that it is possible to have a unified way of teaching in elementary and junior high schools

    Follicular thyroglobulin (TG) suppression of thyroid-restricted genes involves the apical membrane asialoglycoprotein receptor and TG phosphorylation.

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    Follicular thyroglobulin (TG) decreases expression of the thyroid-restricted transcription factors, thyroid transcription factor (TTF)-1, TTF-2, and Pax-8, thereby suppressing expression of the sodium iodide symporter, thyroid peroxidase, TG, and thyrotropin receptor genes (Suzuki, K., Lavaroni, S., Mori, A., Ohta, M., Saito, J., Pietrarelli, M., Singer, D. S., Kimura, S., Katoh, R., Kawaoi, A. , and Kohn, L. D. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 8251-8256). The ability of highly purified 27, 19, or 12 S follicular TG to suppress thyroid-restricted gene expression correlates with their ability to bind to FRTL-5 thyrocytes and is inhibited by a specific antibody to the thyroid apical membrane asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR), which is related to the ASGPR of liver cells. Phosphorylating serine/threonine residues of TG, by autophosphorylation or protein kinase A, eliminates TG suppression and enhances transcript levels of the thyroid-restricted genes 2-fold in the absence of a change in TG binding to the ASGPR. Follicular TG suppression of thyroid-restricted genes is thus mediated by the ASPGR on the thyrocyte apical membrane and regulated by a signal system wherein phosphorylation of serine/threonine residues on the bound ligand is an important component. These data provide a hitherto unsuspected role for the ASGPR in transcriptional signaling, aside from its role in endocytosis. They establish a functional role for phosphorylated serine/threonine residues on the TG molecule

    The research of probability unit and curriculum with the intention to connect Elementary to Secondary School.: Through mathematical activities that recall probability concept

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    刻々と変化する現代社会において,不確定な事象を数学的に考察し,判断する能力は必要不可欠である。本研究では,児童・生徒が確率概念を想起することができる小中接続を意図した算数・数学的活動を行うカリキュラム・授業構成の方法を構築することを目的とする。 小中接続を意図した児童・生徒が確率概念を想起することができるような算数・数学的活動を行うカリキュラム・授業構成の方法を構築に向け,本稿では,小学校1年,6年,中学校2年と言う学習の入口,学習の接続,確率の数学的定義を行う3つの学年で目標の設定,授業構成・実践を行い,主に3点の課題を見出した。それは小学校の初期段階から確率概念に繋がるような内容を取り扱うことが可能であり,身近な事象や遊びなどを取り入れることで面白さを体感することができること,小中の接続の内容が曖昧で,中学校での学習との棲み分けが難しいこと,中学校における数学的確率における仮定の設定への意識が低いことが挙げられた。今後はこれらのことを踏まえ,単元・カリキュラムの構築をするために,さらなる理論的整備・授業実践が課題として残っている。In this research, it aims to construct curriculum that elementary and junior high school students can recall probability concepts with the intention to connect Elementary to Secondary School. In this paper, we set goals, planed lesson, practiced lesson for first grade, six grade, second grade of junior high school. As a result, three problems were found. The first is that class linked to probability concept are possible in first grade. The second is that it is difficult to devide contents of probability of six grade and secondary school. The third is junior high school students are less conscious of assumption setting. Based on these three points, it is the next task that organize and practice lesson, construct curriculum

    Assessment of Humeral Retroversion Angle in Baseball Players: A Chronological Study

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    The objective of this study was to compare the humeral retroversion angles (HRA) between baseball players, including children, and those without a history of playing baseball, clarify the characteristics of the HRA in baseball players, and to determine whether or not chronological changes of the HRA are affected by a throwing motion. We studied 32 young baseball players (Group A), 10 elementary and junior high school students who had never played competitive overhead throwing sports (Group B), 65 adult baseball players who had been playing baseball since childhood in a little league or boy\u27s baseball team (Group C), and 11 adults who had never played competitive overhead throwing sports such as baseball or handball (Group D). Computed tomography of both humeri in these subjects was taken with a 5mm slice thickness. For the measurement of HRA, slices from the center of the humeral head and slices from the humeral epicondyle were examined. In baseball players, the mean HRA on the throwing side was larger than that on the non-throwing side, regardless of age and carrier. The HRAs of the elementary and junior high school baseball players as well as those of adult baseball players were larger on the throwing side. The HRA of the throwing side was significantly greater than that of the non-throwing side in both groups of baseball players. Furthermore, the mean HRA on the throwing side of young baseball players was significantly larger than that of adult baseball players, suggesting that the adaptive bony change of the humerus was caused by throwing stress and might occur in the early formative years of a player\u27s career

    Impact of phase angle on postoperative prognosis

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    Objective Phase angle (PhA), by bioelectrical impedance analysis, has been used in patients with several diseases; however, its prognostic value in patients with gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary–pancreatic (HBP) cancer is unclear. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of PhA on postoperative short-term outcomes and long-term survival in these patients. Research Methods & Procedures This retrospective study reviewed data of 501 patients with gastrointestinal and HBP cancers who underwent first resection surgery and divided the data into the following groups according to the preoperative PhA quartile values by sex: high-PhA group with the highest quartile (Q4), normal-PhA group with middle quartiles (Q3 and Q2), and low-PhA group with the lowest quartile (Q1). Preoperative nutritional statuses, postoperative short-term outcomes during hospitalization, and 5-year survival between three groups were compared. Cox proportional hazard models were used to evaluate the prognostic effect of PhA. Results PhA positively correlated with body weight, skeletal muscle mass, and handgrip strength, and negatively correlated with age and C-reactive protein levels. The low-PhA group showed a high prevalence of malnutrition (48%) than normal-PhA (25%), and high-PhA (9%) (P < 0.001). The incidence of postoperative severe complications was 10% in all patients [14% in low-PhA, 12% in normal-PhA, and 4% in high-PhA (P = 0.018)]. The incidence of prolonged postoperative high care unit or/and intensive care unit stays was 8% in all patients [16% in low-PhA, 8% in normal-PhA, and 2% in high-PhA (P < 0.001)]. The 5-year survival rate was 74% in all patients [68% in low-PhA, 74% in normal-PhA, and 79% in high-PhA (P < 0.001)]. The multivariate analysis demonstrated that a low-PhA group was an independent risk factor for mortality (hazard ratio, 1.99; 95% confidence interval 1.05–3.90; P = 0.034). Conclusion PhA is a useful short-term and long-term postoperative prognostic marker for patients with gastrointestinal and HBP cancers

    Screening and analysis of genes expressed upon infection of broad bean with Clover yellow vein virus causing lethal necrosis

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    Clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV) causes lethal systemic necrosis in legumes, including broad bean (Vicia faba) and pea (Pisum sativum). To identify host genes involved in necrotic symptom expression after ClYVV infection, we screened cDNA fragments in which expression was changed in advance of necrotic symptom expression in broad bean (V. faba cv. Wase) using the differential display technique and secondarily with Northern blot analysis. Expression changes were confirmed in 20 genes, and the six that exhibited the most change were analyzed further. These six genes included a gene that encodes a putative nitrate-induced NOI protein (VfNOI), and another was homologous to an Arabidopsis gene that encodes a glycine- and proline-rich protein GPRP (VfGPRP). We recently reported that necrotic symptom development in ClYVV-infected pea is associated with expression of salicylic acid (SA)-dependent pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins and requires SA-dependent host responses. Interestingly, VfNOI and VfGPRP expression was correlated with that of the putative SA-dependent PR proteins in ClYVV-infected broad bean. However, broad bean infected with a recombinant ClYVV expressing the VfGPRP protein showed weaker symptoms and less viral multiplication than that infected with ClYVV expressing the GFP protein. These results imply that VfGPRP plays a role in defense against ClYVV rather than in necrotic symptom expression

    Malnutrition by European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism criteria predicts prognosis in patients with gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary–pancreatic cancer

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    Background & Aims: The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) proposed the ESPEN diagnostic criteria (EDC) for malnutrition in 2015. There is no report on the association between the EDC and prognosis in patients with gastrointestinal (GI) and hepatobiliary–pancreatic (HBP) cancer. This study aimed to (1) determine the prevalence of EDC malnutrition, (2) investigate the validity of the EDC as a nutritional and prognostic indicator, and (3) examine which components of the EDC are most related to long-term prognosis in patients with GI and HBP cancers. Methods: A total of 634 patients with primary GI and HBP cancers who underwent their first resection surgery between July 2014 and March 2018 were retrospectively recruited. According to the EDC, patients were divided into malnourished and non-malnourished groups. Clinical parameters and survival between these two groups were compared. The prognostic effects of the EDC and the EDC components were analyzed using Cox proportional hazard models. Results: The prevalence of EDC malnutrition was 22%. Anthropometric data and biochemical data were associated with EDC malnutrition. The 5-year survival rate was lower in the malnourished group (72%) than in the non-malnourished group (73%; P = 0.007). The multivariate analysis demonstrated that the malnourished group was an independent risk factor for mortality (hazard ratio = 1.70 in the malnourished group; 95% confidence interval 1.08–2.63; P = 0.024). Among EDC components, body mass index (BMI) of <18.5 kg/m2 was an independent poor prognostic factor. Conclusions: EDC malnutrition is associated with poor postoperative long-term prognosis. Among the EDC components, BMI of <18.5 kg/m2 is most associated with prognosis in patients with preoperative GI and HBP cancers

    Development of a mugineic acid family phytosiderophore analog as an iron fertilizer

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    Iron (Fe) is an essential nutrient, but is poorly bioavailable because of its low solubility in alkaline soils; this leads to reduced agricultural productivity. To overcome this problem, we first showed that the soil application of synthetic 2′-deoxymugineic acid, a natural phytosiderophore from the Poaceae, can recover Fe deficiency in rice grown in calcareous soil. However, the high cost and poor stability of synthetic 2′-deoxymugineic acid preclude its agricultural use. In this work, we develop a more stable and less expensive analog, proline-2′-deoxymugineic acid, and demonstrate its practical synthesis and transport of its Fe-chelated form across the plasma membrane by Fe(III)•2’-deoxymugineic acid transporters. Possibility of its use as an iron fertilizer on alkaline soils is supported by promotion of rice growth in a calcareous soil by soil application of metal free proline-2’-deoxymugineic acid

    Nr5a1 suppression during the murine fetal period optimizes ovarian development by fine-tuning Notch signaling

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    The nuclear receptor NR5A1 is equally expressed and required for development of the gonadal primordia of both sexes, but, after sex determination, it is upregulated in XY testes and downregulated in XX ovaries. We have recently demonstrated, in mice, that this downregulation is mediated by forkhead box L2 (FOXL2) and hypothesized that adequate suppression of Nr5a1 is essential for normal ovarian development. Further, analysis of human patients with disorders/differences of sex development suggests that overexpression of NR5A1 can result in XX (ovo)testicular development. Here, we tested the role of Nr5a1 by overexpression in fetal gonads using a Wt1-BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) transgene system. Enforced Nr5a1 expression compromised ovarian development in 46,XX mice, resulting in late-onset infertility, but did not induce (ovo)testis differentiation. The phenotype was similar to that of XX mice lacking Notch signaling. The expression level of Notch2 was significantly reduced in Nr5a1 transgenic mice, and the ovarian phenotype was almost completely rescued by in utero treatment with a NOTCH2 agonist. We conclude that suppression of Nr5a1 during the fetal period optimizes ovarian development by finetuning Notch signaling