292 research outputs found

    Self-assembly, Self-organization, Nanotechnology and vitalism

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    International audienceOver the past decades, self-assembly has attracted a lot of research attention and transformed the relations between chemistry, materials science and biology. The paper explores the impact of the current interest in self-assembly techniques on the traditional debate over the nature of life. The first section describes three different research programs of self-assembly in nanotechnology in order to characterize their metaphysical implications: -1- Hybridization ( using the building blocks of living systems for making devices and machines) ; -2- Biomimetics (making artifacts mimicking nature); -3- Integration (a composite of the two previous strategies). The second section focused on the elusive boundary between selfassembly and self-organization tries to map out the various positions adopted by the promoters of self-assembly on the issue of vitalism

    Correlations between critical current density, j(sub c), critical temperature, T(sub c),and structural quality of Y1B2Cu3O(7-x) thin superconducting films

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    Correlations between critical current density (j(sub c)) critical temperature (T(sub c)) and the density of edge dislocations and nonuniform strain have been observed in YBCO thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation on (001) LaAlO3 single crystals. Distinct maxima in j(sub c) as a function of the linewidths of the (00 l) Bragg reflections and as a function of the mosaic spread have been found in the epitaxial films. These maxima in j(sub c) indicate that the magnetic flux lines, in films of structural quality approachingthat of single crystals, are insufficiently pinned which results in a decreased critical current density. T(sub c) increased monotonically with improving crystalline quality and approached a value characteristic of a pure single crystal. A strong correlation between j(sub c) and the density of edge dislocations ND was found. At the maximum of the critical current density the density of edge dislocations was estimated to be N(sub D) approximately 1-2 x 10(exp 9)/sq cm

    The Value of Information for Populations in Varying Environments

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    The notion of information pervades informal descriptions of biological systems, but formal treatments face the problem of defining a quantitative measure of information rooted in a concept of fitness, which is itself an elusive notion. Here, we present a model of population dynamics where this problem is amenable to a mathematical analysis. In the limit where any information about future environmental variations is common to the members of the population, our model is equivalent to known models of financial investment. In this case, the population can be interpreted as a portfolio of financial assets and previous analyses have shown that a key quantity of Shannon's communication theory, the mutual information, sets a fundamental limit on the value of information. We show that this bound can be violated when accounting for features that are irrelevant in finance but inherent to biological systems, such as the stochasticity present at the individual level. This leads us to generalize the measures of uncertainty and information usually encountered in information theory

    Effect of the Photon's Brownian Doppler Shift on the Weak-Localization Coherent-Backscattering Cone

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    We report the first observation of the dependence of the coherent-backscattering (CBS) enhanced cone with the frequency of the backscattered photon. The experiment is performed on a diffusing liquid suspension and the Doppler broadening of light is induced by the Brownian motion of the scatterers. Heterodyne detection on a CCD camera is used to measure the complex field (i.e., the hologram) of the light that is backscattered at a given frequency. The analysis of the holograms yield the frequency and the propagation direction of the backscattered photons. We observe that the angular CBS cone becomes more narrow in the tail of the Brownian spectrum. The experimental results are in good agreement with a simple theoretical model

    Review of the nutritional benefits and risks related to intense sweeteners

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    Unfortunately, the original version of this article [1] contained an error. The author’s names were included incorrectly, the surnames were presented before the forename: Bruyère Olivier, Ahmed H. Serge, Atlan Catherine, Belegaud Jacques, Bortolotti Murielle, Canivenc-Lavier Marie-Chantal, Charrière Sybil, Girardet Jean-Philippe, Houdart Sabine, Kalonji Esther, Nadaud Perrine, Rajas Fabienne, Slama Gérard and Margaritis Irène The author list has been corrected in the original article and is also included correctly below: Olivier Bruyère, Serge H. Ahmed, Catherine Atlan, Jacques Belegaud, Murielle Bortolotti, Marie-Chantal Canivenc-Lavier, Sybil Charrière, Jean-Philippe Girardet, Sabine Houdart, Esther Kalonji, Perrine Nadaud, Fabienne Rajas, Gérard Slama, Irène Margaritis (NB: erratum 1 p. doi: in volume 73, 49, published 23 October 2015, (eCollection 2015, PMID: 26500771, PMCID: PMC4619575))International audienceBackground : The intense sweeteners currently authorised in Europe comprise ten compounds of various chemical natures. Their overall use has sharply risen in the last 20 years. These compounds are mainly used to formulate reduced-calorie products while maintaining sweetness.Methods : This extensive analysis of the literature reviews the data currently available on the potential nutritional benefits and risks related to the consumption of products containing intense sweeteners.Results and Conclusions : Regarding nutritional benefits, the available studies, while numerous, do not provide proof that the consumption of artificial sweeteners as sugar substitutes is beneficial in terms of weight management, blood glucose regulation in diabetic subjects or the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Regarding nutritional risks (incidence of type 2 diabetes, habituation to sweetness in adults, cancers, etc.), it is not possible based on the available data to establish a link between the occurrence of these risks and the consumption of artificial sweeteners. However, some studies underline the need to improve knowledge of the links between intense sweeteners consumption and certain risks


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    All in all, neither the path of the generic principle nor that of the reduction to existing principles would appear to be fully satisfactory as the basis for establishing the legitimacy of sustainable development or as a way of making sustainability a principle of legitimacy by its own. We should probably resign ourselves to seeing in this idea a composite construction, still striving towards the formation of a new "superior common principle", without this principle yet being able to be completely clarified and validated. What we have here is an example of the sort of "compromise" described by Boltanski and Thévenot (1991, p.338): "In the compromise, the participants abandon the idea of clarifying the principle of their agreement but endeavour to maintain a frame of mind aiming at the common good." If we want to consolidate the compromise developing around sustainability, it would be well advised to seek the support of tests using well-formed objects. To this end, steps should be taken to move the emphasis away from long-term and unknowable sustainability requirements and closer to secondbest criteria focused on the transitional developments and possible risks of intentional human action, the ways of managing the linking of the different temporalities in play -- as regards the biophysical phenomena, their understanding and the main worlds of legitimacy (Godard, 1992) -- and the introduction of deliberation within the present generations as to what they feel best describes their identity, those things they would like to pass on

    Formation and Degradation of Beta-casomorphins in Dairy Processing

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    Milk proteins including casein are sources of peptides with bioactivity. One of these peptides is beta-casomorphin (BCM) which belongs to a group of opioid peptides formed from b-casein variants. Beta-casomorphin 7 (BCM7) has been demonstrated to be enzymatically released from the A1 or B b-casein variant. Epidemiological evidence suggests the peptide BCM 7 is a risk factor for development of human diseases, including increased risk of type 1 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases but this has not been thoroughly substantiated by research studies. High performance liquid chromatography coupled to UV-Vis and mass spectrometry detection as well as enzyme–linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been used to analyze BCMs in dairy products. BCMs have been detected in raw cow’s milk and human milk and a variety of commercial cheeses, but their presence has yet to be confirmed in commercial yoghurts. The finding that BCMs are present in cheese suggests they could also form in yoghurt, but be degraded during yoghurt processing. Whether BCMs do form in yoghurt and the amount of BCM forming or degrading at different processing steps needs further investigation and possibly will depend on the heat treatment and fermentation process used, but it remains an intriguing unknown

    The Self Model and the Conception of Biological Identity in Immunology

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    The self/non-self model, first proposed by F.M. Burnet, has dominated immunology for sixty years now. According to this model, any foreign element will trigger an immune reaction in an organism, whereas endogenous elements will not, in normal circumstances, induce an immune reaction. In this paper we show that the self/non-self model is no longer an appropriate explanation of experimental data in immunology, and that this inadequacy may be rooted in an excessively strong metaphysical conception of biological identity. We suggest that another hypothesis, one based on the notion of continuity, gives a better account of immune phenomena. Finally, we underscore the mapping between this metaphysical deflation from self to continuity in immunology and the philosophical debate between substantialism and empiricism about identity

    Boolean Dynamics with Random Couplings

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    This paper reviews a class of generic dissipative dynamical systems called N-K models. In these models, the dynamics of N elements, defined as Boolean variables, develop step by step, clocked by a discrete time variable. Each of the N Boolean elements at a given time is given a value which depends upon K elements in the previous time step. We review the work of many authors on the behavior of the models, looking particularly at the structure and lengths of their cycles, the sizes of their basins of attraction, and the flow of information through the systems. In the limit of infinite N, there is a phase transition between a chaotic and an ordered phase, with a critical phase in between. We argue that the behavior of this system depends significantly on the topology of the network connections. If the elements are placed upon a lattice with dimension d, the system shows correlations related to the standard percolation or directed percolation phase transition on such a lattice. On the other hand, a very different behavior is seen in the Kauffman net in which all spins are equally likely to be coupled to a given spin. In this situation, coupling loops are mostly suppressed, and the behavior of the system is much more like that of a mean field theory. We also describe possible applications of the models to, for example, genetic networks, cell differentiation, evolution, democracy in social systems and neural networks.Comment: 69 pages, 16 figures, Submitted to Springer Applied Mathematical Sciences Serie
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