951 research outputs found
Under-Utilization of Community Health Centers in Purworejo Regency, Central Java
The basic strategy of the Ministry of Health to achieve Health For All In Indonesia 2010 is through health paradigm, decentralization, professionalism and health service management. Community health centers play an important role to achieve the goal. Unfortunately, underutilization of community health centers is still a problem in Purworejo. The purpose of this study was to know the utilization of community health centers using a sociological health approach. Qualitative research by observation, in-depth interview and focus group discussion were done among different types of group. The study was done in Purworejo District on February and March 2000. The main problems related to under-utilization of community health centers are mostly on administration (less quality services, un-efficient, long hours waiting), strong bureaucratic system (physician has a dominant power, overlapping programs, poor coordination and integration with other divisions) and cultural behavior of the community (labeling/stigma, self-care dominant, lack of community participation). To overcome under-utilization of community health centers the administration and bureaucracy should be changed into more efficient, not bureaucratic management. In addition social changes of the community culture is needed. As a consequence through these changes the staff of the health centers will be more efficient and effective.  
Pengobatan Tradisional, Upaya Meminimalkan Biaya Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa di Jawa
Background: Traditional medicine is frequently perceived asnegative and even though many people still practice. It the useof traditional medicine is mainly due cause to tradition. Thevillager tends to use traditional medicine as primary healing.This article tried to identify frequent diseases among Javaneseand economic capability to afford health cost.Methods: Ethnography study using observation and in-depthinterviewamong 48 informants and 6 key informant of peasantcommunity in Sleman, DIY and fisherman in Rembang, CentralJava, during 2007-2008. Phenomenology approach used duringdata collection and analysis.Result: Masuk angin (wind illness) is a disease whichfrequently occur among the villager. Traditional medicine wasapplied because it is inexpensive, easy, effective and suitablewith the cognitive related to the harmony (equilibrium). Theprinciple of coining was binary opposition such as: hot x cold;loose x tight; angin masuk x angin keluar; better x awful andthe equilibrium is the basic rational of traditional medicine.Recommendation: Traditional medicine must be recognizedby the government and should be in equal position to modernmedicine in order to reduce negative opinion, so the rational ofit is recognized by others.Keywords: holistic, traditional, masuk angin, effective, chea
Penerapan Pembelajaran Dengan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik (Pmr) Secara Berkelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Di Kelas X SMA
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis serta kinerja siswa. Subyek populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA Aloysius Bandung. Pendekatan yang digunakan dengan PMR. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari: tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan aktivitas siswa selama pembelajaran. Secara keseluruhan siswa yang pembelajaran pemecahan masalah dengan metode PMR lebih baik dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah, yaitu terlihat dengan adanya peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II. Kesulitan siswa terutama pada permasalahan dengan aspek argumentasi dan keakuratan. Selain itu kelebihan dari metode ini siswa lebih terlihat menyukai yaitu terlihat dengan antusiasnya mengerjakan tugas-tugas dari guru serta memberi alasan secara geometri, kreativitas, dan generalisasi yang sebagian besar perwujudannya dilakukan oleh siswa sendiri. Berdasarkan respon dan hasil akhir LKS menunjukkan aktivitas, dan kinerja yang lebih meningkatkan untuk setiap siklusnyaKata Kunci : Pendidikan Matematika Realistik, Pemecahan Masalah Matematis The purpose of this study is to determine the increase in mathematical problem-solving skills as the well as student performance. The population subjects in this study are the high school students Aloysius Bandung . The approach applied is PMR . The used instruments consisted of : problem solving ability testing and students activities during the learning process. Overall, the students who are applying PMR method is better, which is seen from the increasing cycle I to cycle II. The primary students difficulties are on problems with aspects of argumentation and accuracy. However the advantages of this method the students look more enthusiastic in doing the tasks given are by the teachers, and they are also able to give geometrical and creative reasons. Which most of its manifestations are generally made by the students themselves. Based on the response and the final results of the students worksheets, they show the improvise activities performance in every cycle
Acculturation in Javanese Traditional Medicine Practice in YOGYAKARTA
The rampant practice of traditional medicine in the big cities in Java can not be separated from the influence of globalization. The practice of traditional medicine advertised through flyers, pamphlets, signage, television and internet. In medical practice, it can not be separated from the mixture of elements of the local culture, external/ foreign as well as modern medical later adopted in order to enhance public interest in their treatment. The purpose of this article is to analyze the practice of acculturation in traditional medicine both related to methods, tools, how to advertise and meaning behind the ways the adoption of other culture into the traditional practice.An intergrative ethnographic study was conducted in Bantul and Sleman, Yogyakarta, on traditional healers such as gurah, bekham, metaphysical/ spiritual, herbal, traditional massage therapy, as well as traditional healers specifically hemorrhoids. Other information was obtained from interviews with their patients.Medical pluralism by wrapping traditional therapy combined with health culture from the outside to attract consumers with a dogmatic way in order to improve the clients made by Javanese traditional healers. They advertise with testimony on local television screen with the aim of introducing methods, tools, disease cure rates, fees, in order made populair so the number of patients increases. Acculturation appears that more and more people believe in business practices and its treatment
Dominasi Medis Modern Atas Medis Tradisional Suku Sumuri, Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat
Declaration 1990-2015 MDG's 4 and 5 points in Indonesia fail due to a decrease in maternal and infant mortality rate is not reached until three quarters. Sumuri District, in West Papua is one of the area that maternal and infant mortality rates high, althought free health care for its residents. This paper wants to explore how the interaction between modern medicine and local medicine so the dominant health care in the community will be identified. Ethnographic study by living together with the local community to make the observation of the patient's health centers, community leader interviews, adult population, health workers and mini Focus Group Discussion among 4 mothers who has under 5 years old children conducted in June 2014. Government, oil and gas companies are aggressively introducing modern medical to the residents of SumuriDistrict, as a result communities have high interest to visit the health center for treatment and natural healing tends to disappear. New health institutions such as health centers, integrated health, midwives, nurses, physicians are able to shift the role of traditional birth attendants, traditional healer or traditional medicine. As a result of social relations within the extended family was replaced by a stronger role of midwives, nurses and doctors. However, the older generation tends to be more suitable with traditional healing compare to modern medicine
Kehidupan Suku Laut di Batam: sebuah Fenomena Kebijakan Pembangunan di Pulau Bertam Kota Batam
Suku Laut (Sea Nomads) merupakan salah komunitas pribumi (indigenous people) yang mendiami wilayah perairan Kepulauan Riau dengan jumlah terbanyak berdasarkan pendataan Departemen Sosial (Depsos) RI 1988, sekitar 11,23% terkonsentrasi berada di wilayah perairan Batam, berada di sekitar Selat Malaka, Selat Philip, dan Laut Cina Selatan. Disebut sebagai Sea Nomads karena keberadaannya yang hidup nomaden dengan melakukan seluruh aktifitas kegiatan hidup tinggal di sebuah perahu atau sampan yang beratapkan sebuah Kajang. Hidup nomaden di Laut tentu saja mempunyai resiko hidup yang sewaktu-waktu dapat mengancam jiwa jika tiba-tiba cuaca buruk datang, disamping kurang keterjangkauan akan pelayanan sosial yang harusnya mereka dapatkan sebagai warga negara diantaranya pendidikan, kesehatan, Perumahan. Hal ini juga mengingat bahwa sejak tahun 1973 Batam sebagai wilayah strategis daerah perbatasan negara tumbuh menjadi daerah Industri, perdagangan, galangan kapal, dan pariwisata yang mempunyai otoritas pengembangan wilayah. Pesatnya pembangunan di Batam tentu saja membawa pengaruh terhadap kehidupan Suku Laut, tak terkecuali dengan program pembangunan oleh Depsos RI terutama sejak tahun 1989 dengan penempatan mereka pada permukiman yang juga melibatkan unsur masyarakat setempat dalam hal ini Orsos Forum Komunikasi dan Konsultasi Sosial (FKKS) Batam yang berada di pulau Bertam-Kota Batam. Tulisan ini berusaha menggambarkan kehidupan Suku Laut yang telah mengalami Perubahan hidup menetap yang berada di pulau Bertam-Kota Batam dengan menyajikan impact yang diakibatkan oleh adanya kebijakan pembangunan
Pembelajaran Metode Circ Dengan Media Microsoft Powerpoint Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Tambusai Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015
This study was aimed to of determine there is or not effect of CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition) learning method with media Microsoft powerpoint toward student achievement of class X SMA Negeri 2 Tambusai learning year 2014/2015. This was a quasi-experiment study with Non Randomized Control Group Pretest Posttest Design. Samples were collected with non random sampling method. The samples are the student at grade XA as experiment and grade XB as control. Data collecting technique in this study was a test instrument with multiple choice questions form. Hypothesis of results showed that the tcount > ttable (4,02 > 2,01). In conclution that the CIRC (Cooperative Integrated And Reading Composition) learning method with media Microsoft Powerpoint give effect toward student achievement of class X SMA Negeri 2 Tambusai learning year 2014/2015
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