27 research outputs found

    تأثير البعد الاجتماعي على الكفاءة العمرانية رؤية لتحقيق جودة الحياة بالمدن الجديدة The Impact of the Social Dimension on Urban Efficiency: A Vision to Achieve Quality of Life in New Cities

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    تهدف المجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة لوجود رؤية مجتمعية واضحة، تعمل على خلق مجتمع صحي يتميز بمؤشرات لقياس كفاءة تنيمتها ومدي قدرتها علي تحقيق الاحتياجات الاجتماعية للسكان. وعليه فقد عمل البحث علي تأكيد مفاهيم الأبعاد الاجتماعية وأثرها على كفاءة العمران ودراسة المنظور العالمي لجودة الحياة، وتقديم صياغة للمؤشرات التي تساعد علي تقيم جودة الحياة الاجتماعية ومستوياتها في مصر. وتم اختيار مدينة بدر كدراسة حالة لقياس مدى تحقيق مؤشرات جودة الحياة الاجتماعية وتقيمها مع صياغة اقتراحات وسياسات للتطوير، وينتهي البحث بنتائج دراسه استبيانية لسكان دراسة الحاله. Abstract: New urban communities seek a clear societal vision, creating a healthy society characterized ,Through indicators to measure the efficiency of development and the ability to meet the social needs of the population. Therefore, Research focused on the concepts of social dimensions and their impact on the efficiency of urbanization , and provided the formulation of indicators that help in evaluating the quality and levels of social life in Badr City as a case study and formulating proposals and policies for development, and the research ends with the results of a survey study for the residents of the study area

    تأثير البعد الاجتماعي على الكفاءة العمرانية رؤية لتحقيق جودة الحياة بالمدن الجديدة The Impact of the Social Dimension on Urban Efficiency: A Vision to Achieve Quality of Life in New Cities

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    تهدف المجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة لوجود رؤية مجتمعية واضحة، تعمل على خلق مجتمع صحي يتميز بمؤشرات لقياس كفاءة تنيمتها ومدي قدرتها علي تحقيق الاحتياجات الاجتماعية للسكان. وعليه فقد عمل البحث علي تأكيد مفاهيم الأبعاد الاجتماعية وأثرها على كفاءة العمران ودراسة المنظور العالمي لجودة الحياة، وتقديم صياغة للمؤشرات التي تساعد علي تقيم جودة الحياة الاجتماعية ومستوياتها في مصر. وتم اختيار مدينة بدر كدراسة حالة لقياس مدى تحقيق مؤشرات جودة الحياة الاجتماعية وتقيمها مع صياغة اقتراحات وسياسات للتطوير، وينتهي البحث بنتائج دراسه استبيانية لسكان دراسة الحاله. Abstract: New urban communities seek a clear societal vision, creating a healthy society characterized ,Through indicators to measure the efficiency of development and the ability to meet the social needs of the population. Therefore, Research focused on the concepts of social dimensions and their impact on the efficiency of urbanization , and provided the formulation of indicators that help in evaluating the quality and levels of social life in Badr City as a case study and formulating proposals and policies for development, and the research ends with the results of a survey study for the residents of the study area

    Total Quality Management Standards For Evaluation Mathematics Textbook For Ninth Grade In Jordan.

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    The study aimed to evaluate  mathematics textbook for the ninth grade according to the total  quality standards, and to achieve the goals of the study the researchers prepared a list of (51) Standard of total  quality standards and distributed to the seven areas, namely field goals (8) standards, and the content area (10) standards, and the presentation of content (5) standards, and the calendar (8) standards, and field activities, (5) standards, and the means (6) standards, and the output (9) criteria, was in the light of these existing analysis math book for the ninth grade, according to the analysis method content, and the idea was the unit of analysis, and the results indicate that the book has achieved the quality standards so well that they got the second area (content) ranked first by (20.12%) and won the fourth area calendar ranked second by (16.87%), either field goals it was ranked last by (10.45%) came in the penultimate came field of activities by (10.84%), while the other areas were in varying proportions came to directing by (16.81%) and display the content by (12.90%) and the means by (12.01%)

    Is Neck Circumference an Indicator for Metabolic Complication of Childhood Obesity?

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    BACKGROUND: The possible role of neck circumference (NC) for screening childhood obesity and its complication is not well characterized.AIM: To assess NC and to explore its increase as risk factor with metabolic syndrome (MS) variables. METHODS: Cross sectional case-control study included 50 obese children (BMI ≥95th percentile) and 50 healthy (BMI 15th-‹85th percentile). All were subjected to clinical examination, measuring blood pressure (BP), body weight, height, NC, waist (WC) and hip (HC)., fasting blood glucose, insulin and lipid profile.  RESULTS: MS was detected among 52% of obese participants, but not among controls (0%). Clinical parameters and most of the laboratory values were higher in subjects with MS than in non-metabolic subjects, with statistical significance only in blood pressure and triglycerides. Among obese without MS, NC showed significantly positive correlations with age, weight, height, WC, HC and negative with LDL. While among Obese with MS, NC showed significantly positive correlations with age, weight, height, BMI-SDS, WC, HC and DBP.CONCLUSION: NC can be considered as a good indicator and predictor for obesity, especially central obesity. However, NC has no relation with lipid profile or fasting blood sugar

    Neck Circumference as a Predictor of Adiposity among Healthy and Obese Children

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity, particularly in the upper part of body, is a major health problem. Because body mass index (BMI) does not adequately describe regional adiposity, other indices of body fatness are being explored.OBJECTIVES: To determine if neck circumference is a valid measure of adiposity (fat distribution) among group of Egyptian children.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This is a cross sectional study, included 50 obese subjects, aged 7 - 12 years recruited from Endocrine, obesity and Metabolism Pediatric Unit at Children Hospital, Cairo University and 50 healthy children, age and sex matched. All children were subjected to blood pressure assessment (systolic SBP and diastolic DBP), and anthropometric assessment (body weight, height, neck circumference (NC), waist (WC) and hip (HC) circumferences, and skin fold thicknesses at three sites: biceps, triceps and sub scapular. BMI [weight (kg)/height (m2)] was calculated.RESULTS: In healthy females, significant associations were detected between NC and SBP, DBP and all anthropometric measurements. However, in healthy males NC was not significantly associated with BMI, SBP and DBP. In the obese group; both sexes; insignificant association was found between NC and SBP, DBP, BMI and skinfold thickness. CONCLUSION: NC is related to fat distribution among normal healthy female children. However, this relation disappears with increasing adiposity. The results do not support the use of NC as a useful screening tool for childhood obesity

    Burnout among surgeons before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international survey

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had many significant impacts within the surgical realm, and surgeons have been obligated to reconsider almost every aspect of daily clinical practice. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study reported in compliance with the CHERRIES guidelines and conducted through an online platform from June 14th to July 15th, 2020. The primary outcome was the burden of burnout during the pandemic indicated by the validated Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure. Results: Nine hundred fifty-four surgeons completed the survey. The median length of practice was 10 years; 78.2% included were male with a median age of 37 years old, 39.5% were consultants, 68.9% were general surgeons, and 55.7% were affiliated with an academic institution. Overall, there was a significant increase in the mean burnout score during the pandemic; longer years of practice and older age were significantly associated with less burnout. There were significant reductions in the median number of outpatient visits, operated cases, on-call hours, emergency visits, and research work, so, 48.2% of respondents felt that the training resources were insufficient. The majority (81.3%) of respondents reported that their hospitals were included in the management of COVID-19, 66.5% felt their roles had been minimized; 41% were asked to assist in non-surgical medical practices, and 37.6% of respondents were included in COVID-19 management. Conclusions: There was a significant burnout among trainees. Almost all aspects of clinical and research activities were affected with a significant reduction in the volume of research, outpatient clinic visits, surgical procedures, on-call hours, and emergency cases hindering the training. Trial registration: The study was registered on clicaltrials.gov "NCT04433286" on 16/06/2020

    Human values in advertising and it's role in positive motivation.

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    یعد الإعلان نمط من أنماط الإتصال التنموی, وأداة لتحقیق التغیر المطلوب بما یتفق مع طبیعة المرحلة التی تمر بها المجتمعات. فالإعلان لایسعى إلى تحقیق مخرجات مادیة أو تجاریة بقدر ما یسعى إلى تحقیق التغیر الإیجابی, ولم تعد فاعلیة الإعلان تقاس بمدى مایحققه من تغییر فی معدلات الشراء أو المبیعات أو إقناع المتلقیین بشراء السلع أو الخدمات المعلن عنها فقط , وإنما بقدرته على التأثیر علیه وما یحققه من تغییر على مستوى الإتجاهات والسلوک من خلال تعزیز الأفکار الثقافیة والقیم الإنسانیة. وقد انعکس ذلک على تصمیم الإعلان الذی رکز على رفع الروح المعنویة وتحفیز القیم الإیجابیة والدعوة إلى التفاؤل والمشارکة، مما یؤکد على دور الإعلان فی تدعیم القیم الإنسانیة الموجودة داخل المجتمع, حیث تعد القیم عنصراً رئیسیاً فی تشکیل ثقافة المجتمع , فالقیم هی المثالیات العلیا للفرد وللمجتمع , وتتغیر القیم مع تطور المجتمعات وهذا التغیر له تطبیقاته المهمة فی استراتیجیات الإعلان، مما یؤثر بوضوح فی تصمیم الرسالة الإعلانیة حتى یتم توصیل المعانی للأفکار المطلوب توصیلها للمتلقی. فإن تأثیر القیم الإنسانیة یعتمد على الربط بین المنتجات ومشاعر وسلوک المتلقی والدوافع المختلفة المکتسبة والتی یکتسبها الفرد لإشباع إحتیاجاته سواء المادیة (الطعام والملبس والأمان والمأوى), والإحتیاجات الإجتماعیة (الإنتماء والمحبة), والإحتیاجات الفردیة (المعرفة والتعبیر عن الذات) والتی ترتبط بالإتجاهات والعواطف (کالإنتماء للأسرة أو الوطن). فقد أصبح المتلقی یتعرض لأفکار وأسالیب إعلانیة جدیدة لتغییر إتجاهاته وبث قیم وعادات مرتبطة بهویة مجتمعاتنا العربیة والمصریة. فیعمل الإعلان على إثارة مجموعة من الإستجابات العاطفیة لجذب إنتباه المتلقی، حیث یقوم على تضمین القیم الإنسانیة المؤثرة فی المتلقی والتأثیر على سلوکه من خلال التأثیر على مشاعره کالفرحة والحب والسعادة حیث تؤثر العاطفة فی طریقة التعامل مع المنتجات والخدمات المعلن عنها, وإشباع أعلى درجات الحاجات الإنسانیة وهی التعبیر عن الذات, وذلک من خلال إنشاء منتج یرتبط بنتائج أفعال المتلقی فی المجتمع وحقه فی التعبیر عن ذاته وارائه ومعتقداته بحریة و تدعیم القیم الإنسانیة المرتبطة بحیاته ومجتمعه باعتبارها قیم جاذبة للمنتج أو الخدمة المعلن عنها

    The Strategy of memes in advertising and its role in achieving persuasion

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    Advertising associations participate in promoting new extensions to be suited with the product, forming new strategies to help for the humanistic future in society. This depends on promotion of emotional acts through motivation and directional change to realize persuasion. Hence, rule of memes strategy comes to help in achieving this target (persuasion). This strategy aims advertising thoughts needed to support the humanistic and social dimensions, realize social communication, persuade the receiver for the advertised product and assure the values of social communication like trust, emotion, faithfulness and commitment. This is based on the communication among individuals in society through sending mental and emotional symbols to develop the humanistic values that’s recognized among people and to support the social humanistic relations. Hence, Advertising message can be issued to encourage for communication among people through addressing the society via its own language, culture, its own humanistic values and its needs that is facilitated in the advertised product. This will support the relation between society and the advertised product in a good positive promoting way. In our research for different cultures in different societies all over the world, we found that the recipient become affected by the product through creation of a symbolic language expressing his situation. And this language is well recognized globally where purchasing this product becomes mentally imprinted with a certain social symbol. This will achieve the social dimension in the advertisement. This research is atrial to explain the humanistic theories related to memes strategy and how to persuade the recipient with the advertised message. Currently, companies try to be associated between financial profit and humanistic target via discovering the social and humanistic symbols presented to them. This will help these companies to reach the unconscious promoter which is linked to purchasing certain product. “Froid” could reach to that level of unconsciousness through self-recognition and its feelings and desires. If psychological analysis theory at “Froid” could be applied in advertisement and the real meaning for the product could be recognized at the unconscious level “unconscious meaning of the product”, thus the actual unconscious stimulus can be reached to the recipient and can be purchase the advertised product or service which is already symbolized for certain value

    Phenotypic identification and antifungal susceptibility patterns of Candida species isolated from various clinical specimens in Suez Canal University Hospitals

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    Background:  Candida is the most common cause of fungal infections. Candida species are identified by different phenotypic methods. Accurate identification of Candida species enables appropriate selection of antifungal agents by clinicians. Azoles are the most frequently used antifungal drugs to treat Candida infections. However, resistance among previously susceptible Candida species has emerged which made antifungal susceptibility testing crucial. Aim: This study aimed to phenotypically identify the different Candida species isolated from various clinical specimens in Suez Canal University Hospitals (SCUHs), and to assess their antifungal susceptibility patterns. Method: One hundred and five clinical specimens were collected from different departments in SCUHs. Isolates were identified as Candida by colony morphology on Sabouraud dextrose agar and Gram staining. Candida species were phenotypically identified using germ tube test, hypertonic Sabouraud broth, corn meal agar, chromogenic Candida agar, KB006 HiCandida Identification Kit and Vitek 2 YST-ID system. Antifungal susceptibility to fluconazole, voriconazole and amphotericin B was done by disk diffusion method. Results: Prevalence of Candida was 54.3%. C. tropicalis was the most common species followed by C. albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis and lastly C. kefyr. Only one strain was resistant to amphotericin B. Eight strains were susceptible dose dependent, and 2 were resistant to fluconazole. No resistance was detected to voriconazole. Conclusions: The prevalence of candidiasis is remarkable. Non-albicans Candida species (NACs) cause most of these infections. Fluconazole and amphotericin B showed low resistance rates. No resistance to voriconazole was reported in this study. Therefore, voriconazole could be more effective as empirical therapy than fluconazole and amphotericin B. Accurate identification of Candida species is essential for therapeutic and prognostic impact, appropriate selection of antifungal agents by clinicians and controlling the increase of resistant Candida strains