1,377 research outputs found

    On the interaction of small and large eddies in two dimensional turbulent flows

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    Some results concerning the interaction of small and large eddies to two dimensional turbulent flows are presented. It is shown that the amplitude of small structures decays exponentially to a small value, and from this is inferred a simplified interaction law of small and large eddies. Beside their intrinsic interest for the understanding of the physics of turbulence, these results lead to new numerical schemes to be studied in a separate work

    Social Space and Social Media: Analyzing Urban Space with Big Data

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    This dissertation focuses on the key role that big data can play in minimizing the perceived disconnect between social theory and quantitative methods in the discipline of geography. It takes as its starting point the geographic concept of space, which is conceptualized very differently in social theory versus quantitative methodology. Contrary to this disparity, an examination of the disciplinary history reveals a number of historic precedents and potential pathways for a rapprochement, especially when combined with some of the new possibilities of big data. This dissertation also proposes solutions to two common barriers to the adoption of big data in the social sciences: accessing and collecting such data and, subsequently, meaningful analysis. These methods and the theoretical foundation are combined in three case studies that show the successful integration of a quantitative research methodology with social theories on space. The case studies demonstrate how such an approach can create new and alternative understandings of urban space. In doing so it answers three specific research questions: (1) How can big data facilitate the integration of social theory on space with quantitative research methodology? (2) What are the practical challenges and solutions to moving “beyond the geotag” when utilizing big data in geographical research? (3) How can the quantitative analysis of big data provide new and useful insight in the complex character of social space? More specifically, what insights does such an analysis of relational social space provide about urban mobility and cognitive neighborhoods

    Care dependency:An assessment instrument for use in long-term care facilities

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    Asymmetric catalysis with chiral monodentate phosphoramidite ligands

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    Een katalysator wordt, geheel terecht, door de meeste mensen gezien als een essentieel onderdeel van de auto. En deze past ook prima binnen de definitie van een katalysator in het algemeen: “iets dat een reactie versnelt zonder daarbij zelf verbruikt te worden”. De katalysatoren zoals die in auto’s toegepast worden zorgen ervoor dat stoffen zoals koolmonoxide en stikstofoxides omgezet worden in het minder schadelijke koolstofdioxide en stikstof. Zo’n katalysator bestaat uit een keramieken filter dat bedekt is met een laagje metaal, bijvoorbeeld platina of rhodium (Figuur 1a). Voor chemische reacties wordt ook veelvuldig gebruik gemaakt van katalysatoren. Hoewel het principe identiek is aan de katalysator in een auto, kan een chemische katalysator een totaal andere structuur hebben. De katalysatoren die in dit proefschrift beschreven worden, bestaan uit slechts enkele molekulen (Figuur 1b). Het zijn homogene katalysatoren, d.w.z. ze zijn oplosbaar in het reactiemedium, bestaande uit een metaal (M) zoals koper of rhodium en twee liganden. Een ligand is in dit geval een organisch molekuul dat het metaal bindt, in oplossing houdt en waarmee de eigenschappen van het metaal beinvloed kunnen worden. ... Zie: Samenvatting

    Analisa Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMP Negeri 2 Tana Righu

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    Education is a learning prcess that is meant to achieve students’ better behavior.To  English is one of the international language that everyone need to master in order to help him/her to communicate well in this global world. To this, English is taught in formal and informal education. This study was meant to analyze English teaching and learning process in SMP Negeri 2 Tana Ringu. This covered  what techniques and methods used by teachers in teaching English so that learners are motivated to learn English. Besides, this study also amed at finding teaching and learning problems faced by the English teacher. By interviewing the English teachers and observing the class it was found that teachers used several teaching techniques during teaching and learning process. Those techniques were lecturing, discussing, modelling and watching movie. Meanwhile, the media used by  the teacher were board, handbook, poster, audio, and movie. Although teacher already used different techniques and media, the teacher still faced difficulties. She pointed out that students were unmotivated in learning English because they viewed English as a difficult subjec
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