247 research outputs found

    Public Relations, Communications, Journalism and Politics: A Comprehensive Professional Writing Portfolio

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    Public Relations, Communications, Journalism and Politics: A Comprehensive Professional Writing Portfolio contains a broad range of written materials, visual documents and social media work. These include press releases, media advisories, memorandums, pitches, feature articles and handbooks. The goal of this project is to demonstrate a diverse repertoire of skills in journalism, communications, political and public relations industries. Public relations and journalism pieces are written in the Associated Press style, and the bibliography will be completed in accordance with APA guidelines. This portfolio will serve as a tool in securing employment, demonstrating writing skills and developing ongoing relationships with our communities in politics, public relations and journalism

    A Mechanical Method for the Analyisis of Complex Spectra

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    This paper discusses the application of the punched card equipment, now commonly used in statistical and actuarial work, to the analysis of complex spectra into terms. The spectral frequencies are punched on one set of cards and as complements on another. These cards are then passed in pairs through the tabulator which is provided with a summary punch. The cards from the summary punch are sorted and tabulated. The common differences as well as a code number indicating the lines giving rise to these common differences may be easily read from the tabulation sheet. With the aid of certain refinements, the method becomes very rapid and requires only routine attention on the part of the operator

    Turtlebot robotaren bidezko mapaketa: ingurunea arakatzeko parametroen optimizazioa

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    RRT-Exploration paketea proiektuaren ezaugarriei egokitu da. Ondoren, RRT-Exploration paketean arazo batzuk aurkitu eta larrienari soluzioa eman zaio. RRT-Exploration paketearen parametroen optimizazioa egin da algoritmo genetikoen bitartez. Simulazioan eta robot errealean probatu dira parametro optimizatuak eta berezko parametroak hauen konparaketa bat egiteko. Simulazioa eta errealitatearen arteko konparaketa egin da. Gradu amaierako lan hau Euskaraz burutu da


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    Carotenoids are naturally occurring pigments in plants, algae, fungi, insects, and crustaceans. Krill and prawns contain high levels of some value-added nutrients for the aquaculture industry, such as astaxanthin which is used as a colouring agent. In birds with ornamental plumage, such as canaries, the carotenoid-pigmented plumage and red hues are exclusively due to the diet. In this regard, our aim was to study the possibilities of using shrimp waste for feather colouring in canary Serinus canaria domestica. Shrimp Pandalus borealis dried waste was included in the feed of six female red lipochrome mosaic canaries Serinus canaria domestica for three months during their third molt. The basic diet consisted of a seed mixture (canary seed, sunflower seed without shell, linseed, and rapeseed), rearing food (Quiko®Bianco), and conditioning food (Quiko®Rusk) with the supplementation of an oil suspension of dried shrimp waste (3%). The ad libitum-fed birds had additional free access to pasta (Legazin® Procria White Morbida). To evaluate the effect of shrimp waste on feather colouring, covert feathers were taken from the tail in the region of the uropygial gland. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy of the most intensely coloured parts of the feathers was measured by a spectrophotometer. The chromaticity coordinates in a CIE xyY colour space were calculated from the measured spectroscopy. The results of the experiment showed that shrimp waste increased chromaticity and had no negative effect on the canaries. On this basis, the authors assumed that dried shrimp waste could be an alternative to synthetic dyes.Karotenoidi su prirodni pigmenti u biljkama, algama, gljivama, kukcima i rakovima. Kril račići i kozice sadrže visoke razine određenih hranjivih tvari koje imaju dodatnu vrijednost za industriju akvakulture, poput astaksantina koji se koristi kao bojilo. Kod ptica s ukrasnim perjem, kao što su kanarinci, karotenoidno pigmentirano perje i crvene nijanse isključivo su posljedica prehrane. Cilj nam je bio istražiti mogućnosti korištenja otpadaka račića za bojanje perja kanarinca Serinus canaria domestica. Osušeni otpad račića Pandalus borealis uključen je u hranu šest ženki crvenih lipokromnih mozaičnih kanarinaca Serinus canaria domestica tri mjeseca tijekom njihovog trećeg linjanja. Osnovna prehrana sastojala se od mješavine sjemenki (kanarinčeve sjemenke, sjemenke suncokreta bez ljuske, lanene sjemenke i sjemenke uljane repice), hrane za uzgoj (Quiko®Bianco) i hrane za kondicioniranje (Quiko®Rusk) s dodatkom uljne suspenzije osušenih otpadaka račića (3%). Ad libitum hranjene ptice imale su dodatni slobodan pristup tjestenini (Legazin® Procria White Morbida). Kako bi se procijenio učinak otpadaka račića na boju perja, pokrovno perje uzeto je iz repa u području uropigijske žlijezde. Spektrofotometrom je mjerena spektroskopija difuzne refleksije najintenzivnije obojenih dijelova perja. Koordinate kromatičnosti u CIE xyY prostoru boja izračunate su iz izmjerene spektroskopije. Rezultati eksperimenta pokazali su da otpad od račića povećava kromatičnost i nema negativan učinak na kanarince. Na temelju toga, autori su pretpostavili da bi osušeni otpad od račića mogao biti alternativa sintetskim bojama

    Fusarium blight of the cereal crops

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    Mathematical Formula of a Cone Model Used for Calculation of Snail Shell Volume

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    Problem statement: There are many species of Helix snails, each with its own unique exoskeleton shape, or shell shape. Principal analysis of measurement data from snail shells occupied by Helix points out the importance of the description and quantification of the snail shells. The present paper is aimed to compare some of the formulas in the literature used to determine the volume of snail shape. Hypothesis: The methods and formulae which exist do not reflect the real shell volume (at least not precisely enough) but rather use the external measurement and on that basis they draw conclusions for the biomass and the development stage. Organisms: 142 species of the Turkish snail (Helix lucorum). Approach: The purpose of this study is to improve and to offer a much better and accurate formula for calculations of the shell volume. Conclusion: Our results support the usage of the formulae, and confirm some of these formulas while disproving others. As a result we developed a formula which takes into consideration the varying shape and thickness of the shell and reflects the real shell volume in most of the cases

    Chestnut Living Lab

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    On the Dynamics of a Spherically Symmetric Molecule

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    An attempt is made to postulate a molecular type which bears some relationship to the known facts of monoatomic molecular structure, yet which is simple enough to allow its kinetic theory to be worked out. The molecule chosen consists of a positive nucleus, surrounded by a negatively charged spherical shell. Developments of the distance-force relationship, and of an equation of state are given

    Stipple-streak disease of potato

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