43 research outputs found

    University Students’ Personal and Professional Development: The Socio-Cultural Environment Effect

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    AbstractTaking into account the role of socio-cultural environment in human development, the paper focuses on examining university students’ subjective evaluation of their local settings in the context of basic values realizability. Being one of the main factors of human behaviour and activity, basic values from this perspective can be viewed as an indicator of the socio-cultural environment potential. The study presented involved methods of exploring one's personal potential, career orientations and subjective evaluation of basic values realizability in the local settings. The results obtained are discussed in terms of university students’ personal and professional development

    On the Psychological Nature of Language Anxiety

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    The study featured two models of language anxiety. The authors identified the psychological nature of this phenomenon by analyzing its relationships with ambiguity tolerance. The study involved the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale developed by E. K. Horwitz, M. B. Horwitz, and J. Cope, improved by Z. Na, and translated by the authors, as well as E. N. Osin’s General Tolerance for Ambiguity Scale. The study involved 102 students majoring in linguistics. For statistical processing, the authors employed such methods as internal consistency assessment (Cronbach's alpha), descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sample test, Student's t-criterion, Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal- Wallis H-test, Pearson's coefficient, and Spearman's coefficient. The students demonstrated statistically significant gender differences in individual components of language anxiety and ambiguity tolerance. The attitudes to complex tasks and uncertain situations proved to be the most significant parameters of ambiguity tolerance in the context of understanding the psychological nature of language anxiety

    Biopsychosocial approach in medical rehabilitation of patients after coronavirus infection

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    This article presents the experience of defning an integrative medical and psychological model for assessing health and developing a model for subsequent rehabilitation measures based on a biopsychosocial approach. The results of the study after the rehabilitation measures: psychological correction, psychoprophylaxis of acute stress and post-traumatic stress reactions, anxiety disorders, maladaptive mental states of patients who have undergone COVID-19, improving their quality of life and adaptive capabilities in a situation of uncertaint

    An educational technology for developing professionally-oriented EFL communicative competence: its acmeological potential

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    AbstractThis paper addresses the problem of creating effective educational technologies aimed at developing university students’ professionally-oriented EFL communicative competence in research-oriented higher educational settings. Two techniques (mini-research and individual educational trajectory), being actional components of the educational technology developed, were analyzed from the acmeological potential perspective based on the study undertaken. The study participants were undergraduates and master's students majoring in non-language-related fields