8 research outputs found

    Health-related quality of life in Indonesian type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatients measured with the Bahasa version of EQ-5D

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    Objectives To present EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D) index scores in Indonesian type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) outpatients and to investigate the associations between EQ-5D and socio-demographic characteristics and clinical condition. Methods Socio-demographic data were collected by interviewing participants, clinical data were obtained from treating physicians and self-reporting. Participants originated from primary and secondary care facilities in the Java and Sulawesi regions. Ordinal regression analysis was conducted with the quintiles of the EQ-5D index scores as the dependent variable to investigate the multivariate association with the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics and clinical condition. Results 907 participants completed the five-level Indonesian version of the EQ-5D. The mean age of the participants was 59.3 (SD 9.7), and 57% were female. The overall EQ-5D index score was 0.77 (0.75–0.79). Male participants had a higher EQ-5D index score compared to females, and the highest percentage of self-reported health problems was in the pain/ discomfort dimension (61%). Factors identified as being significantly associated with lower EQ-5D index scores were: (i) treatment in secondary care, (ii) lower educational level, (iii) dependency on caregivers, (iv) not undergoing T2DM therapy, and (v) being a housewife. Conclusion This study provides estimates of EQ-5D index scores that can be used in health economic evaluations. As housewives were found to experience more T2DM-related pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression, targeted approaches to reduce these problems should be aimed specifically at this group of patients. Potential approaches could involve diseasespecific-counselors (health literacy partners) who provide routine monitoring of T2DM therapy as well as improved health promotion among T2DM communities

    Non-antibiotic medication use in an Indonesian community cohort 0-18 months of age

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    BACKGROUND: Rational medication use for treatment is mandatory, particularly in children as they are vulnerable to possible hazards of drugs. Understanding the medication use pattern is of importance to identify the problems of drug therapy and to improve the appropriate use of medication among this population. METHODS: A post-hoc study of the RV3-BB Phase IIb trial to children aged 0-18 months which was conducted in Indonesia during January 2013 to July 2016. Any concomitant medication use and health events among 1621 trial participants during the 18 months of follow-up were documented. Information on medication use included the frequency, formulation, indication, duration of usage, number of regimens, medication types, and therapeutic classes. RESULTS: The majority of participants (N = 1333/1621; 82.2%) used at least one non-antibiotic medication for treatment during the 18-month observation period. A total of 7586 medication uses were recorded, mostly in oral formulation (90.5%). Of all illnesses recorded, 24.7% were treated with a single drug regimen of non-antibiotic medication. The most common therapeutic classes used were analgesics/antipyretics (30.1%), antihistamines for systemic use (17.4%), cough and cold preparations (13.5%), vitamins (8.6%), and antidiarrheals (6.6%). The main medication types used were paracetamol (29.9%), chlorpheniramine (16.8%), guaifenesin (8.9%), zinc (4.6%), and ambroxol (4.1%). Respiratory system disorder was the most common reason for medication use (51.9%), followed by gastrointestinal disorders (19.2%), pyrexia (16.9%), and skin disorders (7.0%). CONCLUSION: A large number of children were exposed to at least one medication during their early life, including those where evidence of efficacy and safety in a pediatric population is lacking. This supports the need for further research on pediatric drug therapy to improve the appropriate use of medication in this population

    Antimicrobial use in an Indonesian community cohort 0-18 months of age

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    BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance has become a global health emergency and is contributed to by inappropriate antibiotic use in community clinical settings. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial use pattern in infants from birth until 18 months of age in Indonesia. METHODS: A post-hoc analysis was conducted in 1621 participants from the RV3BB Phase IIb trial conducted in Indonesia from January 2013 through July 2016. Any health events were documented in the trial as adverse events. Concomitant medication surveillance recorded all medications, including antibiotics during the 18 months of follow-up. Information included the frequency, duration of usage, formulation, classes, and their indications, including prophylactic antibiotic and perinatal use. RESULTS: Of 1621 participants, 551 (33.99%) received at least one antibiotic for treatment of infections during the 18 months observation period. Additionally, during the perinatal period, prophylactic antibiotics were used in 1244 (76.74%) participants and antibiotics consumed in 235 mothers of participants (14.50%). A total of 956 antibiotic consumptions were recorded for 18 months follow up, 67 (7.01%) as part of antimicrobial combinations. The average duration of antibiotic course was 4.92 days. Penicillin and sulfonamides were the most common antibiotic classes consumed (38.81% and 24.48%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Despite the low community consumption rate, the overuse of antibiotic in URTIs and non-bloody diarrhea in our setting represents a major opportunity for antimicrobial stewardship, particularly in early life

    Economic evaluations of mammography to screen for breast cancer in low- and middle-income countries:A systematic review

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    Background Low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) have limited resources compared to high-income countries (HICs). Therefore, it is critical that LMICs implement cost-effective strat-egies to reduce the burden of breast cancer. This study aimed to answer the question of whether mammography is a cost-effective breast cancer screening method in LMICs. Methods A systematic article search was conducted through Med -line, Embase, Web of Science, and Econlit. Studies were includ-ed only if they conducted a full economic evaluation and focused on mammography screening in LMICs. Two reviewers screened through the title and abstract of each article and continued with full-text selection. Data were extracted and synthesized narrative-ly. Quality assessment for each included study was conducted using the Consensus Health Economic Criteria (CHEC) extend-ed checklist. Results This review identified 21 studies economically evaluat-ing mammography as a breast cancer screening method in LMICs. Eighteen of these studies concluded that mammography screening was a cost-effective strategy. Most studies (71%) were conducted in upper-middle-income countries (Upper MICs). The quality of the studies varied from low to good. Important factors determin-ing cost-effectiveness are the target age group (eg, 50-59 years), the screening interval (eg, biennial or triennial), as well as any combi-nation with other breast cancer control strategies (eg, combination with treatment strategy for breast cancer patients). Conclusions Mammography screening appeared to be a cost-ef-fective strategy in LMICs, particularly in Upper MICs. More studies conducted in lower-middle-income and low-income countries are needed to better understand the cost-effectiveness of mammogra-phy screening in these regions

    Psychometric properties of kidney disease quality of life-36 (KDQOL-36) in dialysis patients in Indonesia

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    Objective The study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of KDQOL-36 Bahasa Indonesia in hemodialysis (HD) and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients in Indonesia. Methods The psychometric analysis was conducted in three hospitals offering both HD and CAPD. The validity was assessed through structural, convergent, and known-group validity, while reliability was evaluated using internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Results The study involved 370 participants of which 71% received HD treatment. No floor and ceiling effects (< 10%) were identified. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a good model fit for both generic and kidney-specific domains, while exploratory factor analysis revealed three factors for kidney-specific domains and only three items with a loading factor below 0.4. Convergent validity showed positive correlations between kidney-specific domains, generic domains, and EQ-5D. The comparison of quality of life among subgroups based on dialysis type and whether or not patients had diabetes supported the hypotheses of known-group validity. Cronbach's alpha and omega values had demonstrated good internal consistency. Test-retest reliability indicated burden of kidney disease had good reliability, while other domains had moderate reliability. Conclusion The study supports the validity and reliability of both generic and kidney-specific domains of KDQOL-36 Bahasa Indonesia to evaluate quality of life in patients with HD and CAPD in Indonesia. As health-related quality of life is a crucial predictor of patient outcomes, this report contributes new evidence about validity and reliability to recommend the use of KDQOL-36 Bahasa Indonesia in dialysis centers