119 research outputs found


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    The current worldwide sociolinguistic scene has consistently produced significant effects on various territories in Education, including that of language educator schooling. Regardless of the setting where educators get their standard preparing (pre-/in-administration), such effects, from numerous points of view, have been squeezing for change in courses and projects to react to the requests of language homerooms that are getting progressively multilingual and multicultural. Zeroing in on the subareas of educational plan and materials improvement, the section moves toward the contemporary reality, raising and talking about issues identified with the worldwide spread of English, research patterns in educational plans, ELF-mindful instructor preparing encounters, other than pointing out educators' the significance of their continually take part in cycles of decolonization of language materials, particularly in ELT. The entirety of this moored in the viewpoint of an epistemic break (Kumaravadivelu 2012) which would, among different perspectives, engage experts in various pieces of the world, principally in fringe nations, to fundamentally address, relativize, and deconstruct the middle based information frameworks they have for quite a long time as a rule followed and depended on


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    Instructing English to youthful students (TEYL) is filling in ubiquity around the world. It can possibly make huge commitments to the strategy making, creating powerful philosophies for youthful students, instructor schooling, and exploration procedures in English as an unknown dialect (EFL) settings. This section audits a determination of worldwide examination on instructing English to youthful students in connection to misguided judgments about the basic period theory (CPH), educational program and strategy usage in EFL settings, and current academic patterns in TEYL. We start by summing up what is the issue here the CPH in EFL settings. At that point, we audit on going discoveries old enough related CPH examines since 2008 to decide the ideal conditions for an unknown dialect learning fulfilment of youthful students. Moving from these discoveries, we distinguish EFL instructors' relevant difficulties and strategy related worries in actualizing the English language educational plan for youthful students. Inspecting the likenesses and contrasts of TEYL rehearses in EFL settings, we expect to zero in on expert turn of events necessities of instructors of youthful students. At long last, we finish up by introducing what's to come research plan


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    Examination shows that proficient in-administration instructor improvement exercises completed in type of talks were found to have little impact on educators' conduct grinding away while missing the mark in cooking for their inside and outer requirements. Up until this point, different new applications have been proposed and tried to limit the negative impacts of such deficiencies experienced in customary expert improvement exercises. Among many, language educator networks (LTC) have uncovered promising outcomes in and for instructor improvement around the globe. Henceforth, in this article, I audit research zeroing in on LTC with regards to English as a second or unknown dialect educating. Moreover, I recommend a few hints for building up, arranging, and working inside LTC. To do that, I survey the pertinent writing accessible and conceptualize a few thoughts while building onto our insight into the act of setting up and looking after LTC

    Obstacle avoidance and distance measurement for unmanned aerial vehicles using monocular vision

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or commonly known as drones are better suited for "dull, dirty, or dangerous" missions than manned aircraft. The drone can be either remotely controlled or it can travel as per predefined path using complex automation algorithm built during its development. In general, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is the combination of Drone in the air and control system on the ground. Design of an UAV means integrating hardware, software, sensors, actuators, communication systems and payloads into a single unit for the application involved. To make it completely autonomous, the most challenging problem faced by UAVs is obstacle avoidance. In this paper, a novel method to detect frontal obstacles using monocular camera is proposed. Computer Vision algorithms like Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Speeded Up Robust Feature (SURF) are used to detect frontal obstacles and then distance of the obstacle from camera is calculated. To meet the defined objectives, designed system is tested with self-developed videos which are captured by DJI Phantom 4 pro

    Effect of gamma irradiation on quantitative traits and post harvesting analysis of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed in M1 generation

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    Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a member of family Fabaceae. It is an important monoecious annual legume, mainly grown for oilseed. Gamma irradiation is a powerful tool to induce genetic alteration and improvement in crops with beneficial mutants. The study was undertakenn to evaluate the quantitative traits of gamma rays on groundnut. Genetically healthy, dried and uniform size seeds of groundnut variety of Dharani were treated with six doses viz., 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 Gy of gamma rays. The biological damage based on lethality and injury was estimated in the M1 generation. The present investigation reveals that seed germination LD50 value recorded at 300 Gy and highest survival percentage value was obtained at 100 Gy compared to control and other treatments. In M1 generation, the morphological and quantitative traits were decreased as the dose increases. The maximum reduction was observed at 600 Gy. In general, the higher doses showed increasing plant damage compared to control. The amino acid content was high in 500 Gy doses of gamma irradiation. The lipids, protein and carbohydrate content were high in 400 Gy compared to control and other doses. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to analyse the lipid substances and the results showed that significantly more compounds were found in seeds that had received 400 Gy radiation than in untreated seeds. The current study found that gamma irradiation changes the morphology, quantitative characteristics and biochemical composition of groundnut seeds in the M1 generation.

    Estimation of Salivary Immunoglobulins and Acute Phase Proteins in Patients with Potentially Malignant Disorders, Oral Cancer and Treated Oral Cancer

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    The present study titled “Estimation of salivary immunoglobulins and acute phase proteins in patients with Potentially malignant disorders, Oral Cancer and Treated oral cancer” was conducted in the department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Ragas Dental College, Uthandi, Chennai and Dr. Rai Memorial Medical and Cancer Centre, Chennai, to estimate the salivary levels of IgA, IgG, C-reactive protein and Haptoglobin in patients with potentially malignant disorders like leukoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis, oral cancer and treated oral cancer and to compare the values with the control subjects. A total of 80 individuals were selected for the study. Among the study subjects 20 patients were suffering from Potentially Malignant Disorders, 20 patients were suffering from Oral Cancer, 20 were treated for Oral Carcinoma and 20 patients were normal controls. Informed consent was taken from all subjects before including them in the study. Participants with infectious diseases during one month before saliva sampling, active dental abcesses, and collagen vascular diseases were excluded from the study. The experimental subjects were made to sit comfortably on a Dental Chair. Sterile hand gloves were used during examination of the patients. Patients were examined under halogen lamp in the dental chair under aseptic conditions and relevant demographic data were collected. Clinical diagnosis was made and patients who showed characteristic features of Leukoplakia, Oral submucous fibrosis and Oral Cancer were prepared for sample collection. The patients were asked to rinse their mouth with water and were made to sit comfortably in a dental chair. Saliva was collected during a 15-minutes interval by spitting method. This was pooled saliva and represented the output from all the salivary glands. 2-3mL of saliva was collected in sterile containers. All samples were kept in ice after collection and then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min to remove particulate materials and the supernatant was used for estimation of the immunoglobulins and acute phase proteins. The study documents the following data: 1. Among the 80 subjects 62 (77.5%) were males and 18 (22.5%) were females. The minimum age of the study subjects was 19 years and the maximum age was 75 years. 2. Among the 80 subjects 20 (25%) had the habit of smoking, 23 (28.8%) had the habit of chewing, 12 (15%) had the habit of chewing and smoking, 10 (12.5%) had the habit of smoking and alcohol consumption, 1 (1.3%) had the habit of chewing and alcohol consumption and 3 (3.8%) had all the three habits together with a p value of 0.000 which is statistically significant. Thus a positive correlation between smoking, chewing, alcohol consumption and development of precancer and cancer has been established. 3. The most common site for leukoplakia was in the retro-commissure area with 7 (63.6%) subjects followed by buccal mucosa 2(18.2%) and one each in the tongue and floor of the mouth. 4. The present study showed all 9 cases of OSMF in the buccal mucosa with 5 (55.6%) in Grade III and 2 each in Grades I and IV and none in Grade II. 5. Among the total of 40 (100%) subjects in Groups II and III, 11 (27.5%) had carcinoma in the tongue, 17 (42.5%) had in the buccal mucosa, 7 (17.5%) had in the alveolar mucosa, 2(5%) had carcinoma in the floor of the mouth and 1 (2.5%) in the palate and 2 (5%) had in both the tongue and the floor of the mouth. 6. Elevated levels of salivary IgA, IgG, CRP and Haptoglobin were observed in patients with potentially malignant disorders like leukoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis. The mean salivary IgA in patients with potentially malignant disorders was 201.7 ± 76.01 μg/mL, the mean salivary IgG was 8.7± 4.07 μg/dL, mean salivary CRP was 0.015± 0.036 μg/mL and the mean salivary haptoglobin was 1.43 ± 0.843 mg/dL. In controls the mean salivary IgA was 72.87 ± 26.46 μg/mL, the mean salivary IgG 6.58 ± 5.60 μg/dL, the mean salivary CRP was 0.070 ± 0.13 mg/L and the mean salivary haptoglobin was 1.91 ± 0.895 mg/dL. 7. There was a significant rise in the salivary IgA, IgG, and Haptoglobin and a slight elevation in the salivary CRP levels in patients with oral carcinoma. The mean salivary IgA in patients with oral carcinoma was 253.35 ± 83.3μg/mL, the mean salivary IgG was 33.86 ± 20.31mg/dL, mean salivary CRP was 0.050 ± 0.10 μg/mL and the mean salivary haptoglobin was 4.56 ± 1.19mg/dL. In controls the mean salivary IgA was 72.87 ± 26.46 μg/mL, the mean salivary IgG 6.58 ± 5.60 μg/dL, the mean salivary CRP was 0.070 ± 0.13 mg/L and the mean salivary haptoglobin was 1.91 ± 0.895 mg/dL. 8. The salivary IgA, IgG and CRP in treated oral cancer patients remained significantly higher. The mean salivary IgA in patients with treated oral carcinoma was 76.26 ± 9.20 μg/mL, the mean salivary IgG was 17.74 ± 3.12 μg/dL and the mean salivary CRP was 0.120 ± 0.128mg/L. In controls the mean salivary IgA was 72.87 ± 26.46 μg/mL, the mean salivary IgG 6.58 ± 5.60 μg/dL and the mean salivary CRP was 0.070 ± 0.13 mg/L. 9. A significant decrease in the salivary haptoglobin levels were observed in treated oral cancer patients. The mean salivary haptoglobin in treated oral cancer patients was 1.285 ± 0.492 mg/dL and the mean salivary haptoglobin in controls was 1.91 ± 0.895 mg/dL. Thus the salivary IgA was found to be highest in patients with oral carcinoma followed by patients with potentially malignant disorders, then treated oral cancer patients and the controls having the lowest values. The salivary IgG was found to be highest in patients with oral carcinoma followed by patients treated for oral carcinoma, patients with potentially malignant disorders and lowest in the controls. The salivary CRP was highest in the patients treated for oral carcinoma followed by controls, patients with oral carcinoma and lowest in patients with potentially malignant disorders. The salivary haptoglobin was highest in oral carcinoma patients followed by controls, patients with potentially malignant disorders and lowest in patients treated for oral carcinoma. The increase of these salivary immunoglobulins and acute phase proteins in precancerous lesions and oral carcinoma may reflect the local inflammation accompanying the neoplastic process in the oral cavity or due to the direct transudation of these proteins from the blood or may be considered as a local defense mechanism against tumour development. To conclude, a statistically significant difference was observed in relation to the tested parameters between the four different groups included in the study. Salivary analysis holds promise as a noninvasive approach to identify biomarkers for human oral cancer. An extensive, well-executed study is required to ensure the practical usefulness of these biomarkers in screening for early oral cancer, possible recurrent disease and individuals with high risk of oral malignancy. Further studies should include a larger sample size to emphasize the sensitivity and specificity of these biomarkers so as to arrive at an early diagnosis aimed at the betterment of the patients

    Improvement of oil content in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) by the impacts of gamma irradiation

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    Gamma radiation dosages of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 Gy were given to the groundnut seed variety Dharani (Arachis hypogaea L.). The study's goal was to look at genetic diversity, heritability and genetic advancement for seed yield and quality characteristics in M2 generation using only a Randomized Complete Block Experiment using 3 replications from 2018 to 2019. The article's outcomes significantly enhanced the oil content of groundnut at 400 Gy to 52.44 % as compared to other dosages. For all characteristics, treated seeds displayed more variance than control seeds, particularly seed yield per plant showing the highest in GCV, PCV, H2, GA and GAM. In most traits, 400 Gy of gamma-ray treatment generates the largest changes however, 600 Gy of gamma-ray treatment also creates equivalent conditions. The link between features demonstrated that the number of pods per plant had a significant role in rationalizing seed yield variance in the M2 generation. These findings show that this yield component is one of the most important predictors of pod yield variations among plants and it is also favorably impacted by irradiation mutagens (gamma rays)

    Modification of glassy carbon electrode with trigona carbon nanopetals/ferrocene/gold nanoparticles nanocomposite for electrochemical detection of dopamine

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    In this study, we have synthesized a composite using carbon material derived from bio-inspired onion peel morphology like 2D trigona carbon nano petals (TCP) incorporated with ferrocene (FC). The FC is added with the purpose of improving the electrochemical behaviour of TCP. Further, to increase the number of electrochemically active sites in the composite, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were again decorated on TCP/FC, and thus derived electrochemically active TCP/FC/AuNPs nanocomposite. We have characterized the properties and surface morphology of this nanocomposite through spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. Further, using this nanocomposite for surface modification of glassy carbon electrode, we have developed an efficient GCE-TCP/FC/AuNPs electrode. The electrochemical efficiency of this electrode has been inspected through sensing and quantification of pharmaceutically valuable biomolecule dopamine through CV, DPV and square wave voltammetry techniques. The observed CV results reveals that the newly designed GCE-TCP/FC/AuNPs electrode has an ability to detect the dopamine with wide linear range of concentration from 5.96 × 10-6 to 0.1 × 10-4 M and its limit of detection was 2.9 × 10-6 M under 0.1 M phosphate buffer medium (pH 7.0). Therefore, it is important to mention here that this newly fabricated electrode can very well be used for real time sample analysis for sensing and detection of dopamine as it plays a key role in the neurotransmission and causes several diseases

    Modification of glassy carbon electrode with trigona carbon nanopetals/ferrocene/gold nanoparticles nanocomposite for electrochemical detection of dopamine

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    1285-1291In this study, we have synthesized a composite using carbon material derived from bio-inspired onion peel morphology like 2D trigona carbon nano petals (TCP) incorporated with ferrocene (FC). The FC is added with the purpose of improving the electrochemical behaviour of TCP. Further, to increase the number of electrochemically active sites in the composite, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were again decorated on TCP/FC, and thus derived electrochemically active TCP/FC/AuNPs nanocomposite. We have characterized the properties and surface morphology of this nanocomposite through spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. Further, using this nanocomposite for surface modification of glassy carbon electrode, we have developed an efficient GCE-TCP/FC/AuNPs electrode. The electrochemical efficiency of this electrode has been inspected through sensing and quantification of pharmaceutically valuable biomolecule dopamine through CV, DPV and square wave voltammetry techniques. The observed CV results reveals that the newly designed GCE-TCP/FC/AuNPs electrode has an ability to detect the dopamine with wide linear range of concentration from 5.96 × 10-6 to 0.1 × 10-4 M and its limit of detection was 2.9 × 10-6 M under 0.1 M phosphate buffer medium (pH 7.0). Therefore, it is important to mention here that this newly fabricated electrode can very well be used for real time sample analysis for sensing and detection of dopamine as it plays a key role in the neurotransmission and causes several diseases

    Cyclin B1 overexpression in conventional oral squamous cell carcinoma and verrucous carcinoma-A correlation with clinicopathological features

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    Background: Nuclear localization of cyclin B1 is an indicator for cells undergoing mitotic division, and the overexpression has shown promising results as a good prognostic predictor for patients of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Cyclin B1 overexpression among histological grades of conventional oral squamous cell carcinoma (COSCC), as well as comparison with verrucous carcinoma (VC) has been less investigated. Study Design: Immunohistochemical expression of cyclin B1 was compared with various clinicopathological features in 30 primary COSCC and 31 primary VC cases. Result: Cyclin B1 showed significant overexpression for some clinical features for both the variants of oral squamous cell carcinoma. In histopathological variants, statistical significance was observed among grades of COSCC, as well as COSCC and its grades with VC. The concomitant increase in cyclin B1 overexpression from VC to grades COSCC was observed. Conclusion: Our study findings draw attention to cyclin B1 overexpression is involved in early carcinogenesis, cell differentiation and tumor proliferation