38 research outputs found


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    The presence of allocatable fixed inputs may cause truly joint technologies to appear nonjoint in the short run as well as truly nonjoint technologies to appear joint. This paper demonstrates theoretically why this can happen and then documents that it actually occurs in a significant way in aggregate U.S. agricultural production. A simple testing procedure is used that requires no data on inputs allocations. The important finding is that failure to reject true (apparent) nonjointness does not justify modeling short-run (long-run) supply independent of alternative output prices.Agribusiness,


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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah rendahnya minat berwirausaha, hal tersebut ditandai dengan jumlah pengangguran di tingkat SMK yang sangat besar. Padahal lulusan SMK dipersiakan untuk bekerja dan mamu menciptakan lapangan kerja (berwirausaha). oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) mengetahui gambaran perceived desirability, (2) mengetahui gambaran perceived feasibility, (3) mengetahui gambaran minat berwirausaha, (4) mengetahui pengaruh perceived desirability terhadap minat berwirausaha, (5) mengetahui pengaruh perceived feasibility terhadap minat berwirausaha, (6) mengetahui pengaruh perceived desirability dan feasibility terhada minat berwirausaha siswa SMK Kota Cimahi, dan (7) hubungan antara perceived desirability dengan feasibility SMK Kota Cimahi Bandung. Objek yang menjadi unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK Kota Cimahi. Variabel bebas (X) dalam penelitian ini adalah perceived desirability, dan variabel terikat (Y) dari penelitian ini adalah minat berwirausaha. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, verifikatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory survey dengan teknik sampel yaitu teknik simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 100 responden. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah regresi liniear berganda dengan alat bantu software komputer SPSS 21.0 for windows. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran perceived desirability dalam kategori baik, gambaran perceived feasibility dalam kategori baik, gambaran minat berwirausaha dalam kategori baik, minat berwirausaha dipengaruhi secara positif oleh perceived desirability, minat berwirausaha dipengaruhi secara positif oleh perceived feasibility dan terdapat hubungan atau korelasi aktif antara perceived desirability dengan feasibility. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini direkomendasikan sebagai dasar untuk dilakukannya penelitian lain mengenai perceived desirability dengan feasibility dengan indikator dan objek yang berbeda.--- The background of this study is the low interest in entrepreneurship, it is marked with the number of unemployed at SMK level is very large. Whereas SMK graduates are prepared to work and generate employment (entrepreneurship). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine (1) know the description of perceived desirability, (2) know the description of perceived feasibility, (3) know the description of interest in entrepreneurship, (4) the effect of perceived desirability of the interest in entrepreneurship, (5) find out feasibility perceived influence of the interest in entrepreneurship, (6) the effect of perceived desirability and feasibility terhada interest in entrepreneurship students SMK Kota Cimahi, and (7) the relationship between perceived desirability with feasibility SMK at Cimahi. he object that becomes the unit of analysis in this study were students of SMK at Cimahi. The independent variable (X) in this study were perceived desirability, and the dependent variable (Y) of the study is interest in entrepreneurship. This type of research is descriptive verification. The method used is explanatory survey with a sample technique is simple random sampling with a sample size of 100 respondents. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with computer software tools SPSS 21.0 for Windows. The findings in this study indicate that the image perceived desirability in either category, an idea perceived feasibility in either category, an overview interest in entrepreneurship in both categories, interest in entrepreneurship is positively influenced by the perceived desirability, interest in entrepreneurship positively influenced by the perceived feasibility and there is a relationship or correlation active between the perceived desirability with feasibility. Based on these results is recommended as a basis for other studies done regarding the perceived desirability and feasibility indicators of different objects

    Evaluating Higher Education Curriculum Framework and Inhibitions for Entrepreneurial Intentions

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    The call on Universities to produce entrepreneurial-minded graduate entrepreneurs called for the development of the Entrepreneurial Curriculum Framework for Higher Education to enhance Entrepreneurial Intentions (EIs) and evaluation of factors that inhibit intentions. We evaluated factors inhibiting EIs and investigated Curriculum Framework for Higher Education that enhances intentions. A total of 385 and 165 Students and Faculty participated in the survey in 2018 and 2020 respectively. Qualitative and Quantitative approaches were adopted in data collection. Demographic and 5-point Likert scale type of questions were sufficiently asked and analyzed using SPSS, EXCEL, and Smart PLS-SEM software. Research limitations included time constraints, low response rate, and lack of modern software for analysis. Startup Capital and Risk Taking propensity ranked higher as inhibiting factors to EIs. Outcomes, Pedagogy, Assessment, and Audience of Curriculum Framework impacted EIs but Planning Competencies, Context, Content, and Objective of curriculum Framework did not. Longitudinal research for actual job creation by Students and Faculty after graduation is recommended for future study

    Assessment of Personality Traits, Personality Model and University Systems to Enhance Entrepreneurial Intention in Ghana HEI Context

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    The paper contributes to the existing literature in assessing the contributions of Personality Traits, Personality Models, and University Systems that enhance entrepreneurial intentions (EIs) in Higher Education to produce entrepreneurial mindset graduates. Qualitative and Quantitative surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019 involved 568 and 400 students and faculty respectively from eight Ghanaian Universities. Face-to-face interviews and focused group discussions were employed. Data analysis was performed using Excel, Statistical Package for Social Sciences, and Smart Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model. The findings indicated that Locus of Control, Subjective Norms, and Need for Achievement sufficiently impacted EIs. University Culture, Leadership, and Institutional Structures also impacted EIs greatly. Time and resource constraints constituted a limitation of the study. Longitudinal research to ascertain graduates’ preparedness to remain entrepreneurs and not job seekers after graduation is recommended. Governments, Public Policymakers, and University leadership in higher education need to know the factors of personality traits, Personality Models, and University systems that enhance EIs in Universities for informed decisions to produce entrepreneurial mindset graduates

    Electoral fraud or violence: the effect of observers on party manipulation strategies

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    This article reports on the effects of domestic election observers on electoral fraud and violence. Using an experimental research design and polling station data on fraud and violence during Ghana's 2012 elections, it shows that observers reduced fraud and violence at the polling stations which they monitored. It is argued that local electoral competition shapes party activists' response to observers. As expected, in single-party dominant areas, parties used their local political networks to relocate fraud to polling stations without an election observer, and, in contrast, party activists relocated violence to stations without observers in competitive areas - a response that requires less local organizational capacity. This highlights how local party organization and electoral incentives can shape the manipulative electoral strategies employed by parties in democratic elections

    “Tying Incumbents’ Hands”: The Effects of Election Monitoring on Electoral Outcome

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    Electoral observation missions (EOM) are designed to promote improvements in democratic quality by overseeing elections, but how successful are they? We argue that EOM tie the hands of incumbents, who have to adjust their electoral misconduct strategies, thus opening up political competition and making it more likely that the opposition will do well. Moreover, we propose that monitoring effects are conditioned by regime type, expecting that EOM presence has a stronger impact on electoral competition in autocracies than in democracies. Using a dataset of 580 parliamentary and presidential elections in 108 countries between 1976 and 2009 we find support for our theoretical claims. EOM increase electoral competitiveness in dictatorships by reducing margins of victory for incumbents, but leave competition unaffected in democracies. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that, contrary to previous findings, EOM increase the probability of electoral turnover in dictatorships but have no effect on democracies

    Socialization, Adaptation, Transnationalism, and the Reproductive Behavior of Sub-Saharan African Migrants in France

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    Background:  Migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) move from a region with high fertility to regions with low fertility. Yet very few studies have examined the reproductive behavior of international migrants from SSA. Objective: This study examines the roles of origin and destination socialization on the fertility and fertility ideals of SSA migrants in France. The study draws on measures of assimilation to systematically examine the effects of socialization and adaptation as well as transnationalism for the effects of sustained origin ties.  Methods: Data are from the TEO (“Trajectoires et Origines”) survey conducted in France (2008/2009). Logistic regression is used to examine current fertility (the odds of having a birth in the preceding five years), and Poisson regression is used to examine cumulative fertility (children ever born) and fertility ideals (reported ideal number of children in a family). Results: Controlling for sociodemographic factors, first-generation SSA migrants have higher fertility than second-generation SSA migrants and non-immigrants. But first and second-generation SSA migrants have higher fertility ideals than non-immigrants. Among SSA migrants, first and second-generation migrants do not differ in fertility and fertility ideals when adaptation is accounted for. Most measures of adaptation are negatively associated with actual fertility and fertility ideals. Transnationalism is associated with higher fertility ideals but less so with actual fertility. Conclusion: The study finds some evidence for origin socialization, but the findings are more strongly supportive of adaptation to the host society. Origin socialization appears to have a stronger influence on fertility ideals than actual fertility

    The Anxious and the Climbers: Ambivalent Attitudes Towards Democracy Among South Africa's Middle Class

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    Beyond the hopes placed in Africa's emergent middle class as an engine of economic growth, some analysts see this group as a bastion of political stability and enduring democratisation across the continent. This paper's approach differs from that of most studies, which treat the middle class as a homogeneous group, through two key contributions. First, using cluster analysis, I propose a novel way of conceptualising social class that broadly draws on the Weberian idea of shared life chances. I apply this method to South Africa and identify five social classes characterised by their members' living standards, overall life satisfaction, and self-perceived upward mobility. Second, the empirical analysis reveals significant discrepancies in attitudes towards democracy between the downwardly and upwardly mobile strata of the middle class, which I term the "anxious" and the "climbers", respectively. On the one hand, the "climbers" show the highest generic support for democracy as a form of government, whereas the "anxious" middle class displays feelings of resignation. On the other hand, I find indicative evidence of a status-quo bias among the "climbers". Rather than assuming a more demanding or critical stance in politics, they allow their political priorities to be at least partly shaped by an interest in securing and expanding attained living standards; being upwardly mobile is even associated with a higher tolerance for government attempts to constrain freedom of information, opinion, or expression

    Partisanship and political accountability in new democracies: Explaining compliance with formal rules and procedures in Ghana

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    Standard political agency models generally predict an inverse relationship between the degree of partisan allegiance among citizens and political accountability. Does variation in voter attachments to political parties influence the behavior of public officials in new democracies? I take advantage of data from a unique audit of local governments in Ghana—the Functional Organizational Assessment Tool (FOAT)—to examine the impact of partisanship on public officials’ compliance with formal rules and procedures. Because unattached or weakly attached voters are more responsive to the performance of incumbent officials, they are more likely to deter rent seeking, corruption, and other administrative malpractices. Analysis of the baseline FOAT results provides strong support for this idea: compliance with formal rules and procedures is significantly higher in districts where voters evince weak attachments to political parties. This result is robust to controls for alternate explanations and sheds light on the conditions under which politicians would abjure rent seeking and corruption, even in the context of a new democracy where they have so much opportunity to do so