4 research outputs found

    Синтез, реакційна здатність та антимікробна активність заміщених тієно[2,3-d]піримідин-4(3Н)-тіо(селено)нів

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    A new series of R1,R2-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine-4(3H)-one, thione and selenone derivatives have been synthesized; the reaction of alkylation of the compounds obtained has been studied. Their structures have been confirmed by the NMR 1H and mass spectra, and elemental analysis. The antibacterial and antifungal activities in vitro against three bacterial and two fungal pathogens have been revealed using the stiff plate agar diffusion method and the serial dilution method. The minimal bactericidal, fungicidal and bacteriostatic concentrations have been obtained. The pharmacological screening has shown that some of the compounds obtained possess a good antimicrobial activity. The culture of S.aureus. appeared to be the most sensitive to compound 10a. The best fungistatic indicators against A.niger have been found for compounds 4a and 9a.Синтезирован ряд новых производных R1,R2-тиено[2,3-d]пиримидин-4(3Н)-онов, тионов и селенонов, изучена реакция алкилирования полученных соединений. Структуры полученных соединений установлены с помощью данных ЯМР 1Н и масс-спектров, а также данных элементного анализа. Антибактериальная и фунгистатическая активность in vitro против трёх видов бактерий и двух видов грибов была обнаружена с помощью метода диффузии вещества в агар и метода серийного разведения. Определены минимальные концентрации бактериальной, фунгицидной и бактериостатической активности. Фармакологическое исследование подтвердило, что некоторые из полученных продуктов проявляют хорошую антимикробную активность. Культура бактерии S.aureus наиболее чувствительна к соединению 10а. Наилучшие фунгистатические показатели против цвелевого гриба A.niger определены для соедине-ний 4а и 9а.Синтезовано ряд нових похідних R1,R2-тієно[2,3-d]піримідин-4(3Н)-онів, тіонів і селенонів та вивчено реакцію алкілування отриманих продуктів. Структури отриманих продуктів встановлені за допомогою даних ЯМР 1Н та мас-спектрів і даних елементного аналізу. Антибактеріальну і фунгістатичну активність in vitro проти 3 культур бактерій і двох видів грибів було встановлено за допомогою методу дифузії речовини в агар і методу серійних розведень. Були визначені мінімальні концентрації бактеріальної, фунгістатичної і бактеріостатичної активності. Фармакологічне дослідження підтвердило, що деякі з отриманих продуктів проявляють добру антимікробну активність. Культура бактерії S.aureus. найбільш чутлива до сполуки 10а. Найкращі фунгістатичні показники проти цвільового гриба A.niger виявлені для сполук 4а і 9а

    Properties and Printability of the Synthesized Hydrogel Based on GelMA

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    Gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) has recently attracted increasing attention. Unlike other hydrogels, it allows for the adjustment of the mechanical properties using such factors as degree of functionalization, concentration, and photocrosslinking parameters. In this study, GelMA with a high degree of substitution (82.75 ± 7.09%) was synthesized, and its suitability for extrusion printing, cytocompatibility, and biocompatibility was studied. Satisfactory printing quality was demonstrated with the 15% concentration hydrogel. The high degree of functionalization led to a decrease in the ability of human adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) to adhere to the GelMA surface. During the first 3 days after sowing, proliferation was observed. Degradation in animals after subcutaneous implantation was slowed down

    Properties and Printability of the Synthesized Hydrogel Based on GelMA

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    Gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) has recently attracted increasing attention. Unlike other hydrogels, it allows for the adjustment of the mechanical properties using such factors as degree of functionalization, concentration, and photocrosslinking parameters. In this study, GelMA with a high degree of substitution (82.75 ± 7.09%) was synthesized, and its suitability for extrusion printing, cytocompatibility, and biocompatibility was studied. Satisfactory printing quality was demonstrated with the 15% concentration hydrogel. The high degree of functionalization led to a decrease in the ability of human adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) to adhere to the GelMA surface. During the first 3 days after sowing, proliferation was observed. Degradation in animals after subcutaneous implantation was slowed down

    Properties and Printability of the Synthesized Hydrogel Based on GelMA

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    Gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) has recently attracted increasing attention. Unlike other hydrogels, it allows for the adjustment of the mechanical properties using such factors as degree of functionalization, concentration, and photocrosslinking parameters. In this study, GelMA with a high degree of substitution (82.75 ± 7.09%) was synthesized, and its suitability for extrusion printing, cytocompatibility, and biocompatibility was studied. Satisfactory printing quality was demonstrated with the 15% concentration hydrogel. The high degree of functionalization led to a decrease in the ability of human adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) to adhere to the GelMA surface. During the first 3 days after sowing, proliferation was observed. Degradation in animals after subcutaneous implantation was slowed down