97 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of high intensity intermittent training on metabolic, reproductive and mental health in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: study protocol for the iHIT- randomised controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a reproductive-metabolic condition. Insulin resistance is a hallmark of PCOS and is related to increased hyperandrogenism that drives inherent metabolic, reproductive and psychological features of the syndrome. Insulin resistance in women with PCOS is managed by weight loss, lifestyle interventions (i.e. exercise, diet) and insulin-sensitising medications. This manuscript describes the protocol of our study evaluating the effectiveness of high intensity intermittent training (HIIT) or moderate intensity exercise on cardiometabolic, reproductive and mental health in overweight women with PCOS. Methods/design We will employ a three arm, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial recruiting 60 women diagnosed with PCOS, aged between 18 and 45 years and with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 25 kg/m2. Following screening and baseline testing, women will be randomised by simple randomisation procedure using computer generated sequence allocation to undergo one of two 12-week supervised interventions: either HIIT or moderate intensity exercise (standard supervised exercise), or to standard care [Con] (unsupervised lifestyle advice) at a 1:1:1 allocation ratio. The primary outcome for this trial is to measure the improvements in metabolic health; specifically changes in insulin sensitivity in response to different exercise intensities. Baseline and post-intervention testing include anthropometric measurements, cardiorespiratory fitness testing, reproductive hormone profiles (anti-müllerian hormone and steroid profiles), metabolic health, health-related quality of life and mental health questionnaires and objective and subjective lifestyle monitoring. Reporting of the study will follow the CONSORT statement. Discussion This trial aims to demonstrate the comparative efficacy and maintenance of different exercise intensities to advance the understanding of PCOS management and provide insight into the optimal exercise intensity for improved cardiometabolic outcomes. Secondary outcomes will include the impact of different exercise protocols on reproductive hormone profiles, mental health and health-related quality of life. Trial registration Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, ACTRN12615000242527. Registered on 17 March 2015

    Guia d’actuació enfront de casos d’infecció pel nou coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 en dones embarassades i nadons

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    Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Dones embarassades; NadonsCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Mujeres embarazadas; BebésCoronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; Pregnant women; BabiesEn aquest document s’estableixen les pautes a seguir en l’abordatge de l’atenció a les dones embarassades i puèrperes i dels nadons en la situació epidemiològica actual. S’estableixen els centres de referència per a l’atenció obstètrica a les dones amb infecció COVID-19 que requereixen un ingrés hospitalari durant l’embaràs, i també els centres de referència per a l’atenció al part a les dones amb infecció per COVID-19 amb simptomatologia lleu que no requereixen ingrés hospitalari

    Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA

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    Results from the H1 and ZEUS experiments at HERA on deep inelastic scattering are reviewed. The data lead to a consistent picture of a steep rise in the F_2 structure function and in the gluon density within the proton. Important new information on the partonic structure of diffraction is emerging from H1 and ZEUS. The space-like region in which the weak and electromagnetic interactions become of equal strength is being explored for the first time. A possible excess of events at high x and Q^2 compared to the expectations of the Standard Model has been observed in both experiments.Comment: 80 pages, 42 figure

    Sex Hormones and Cognitive Functioning of Women

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    U radu se raspravlja o organizirajućim i aktivirajućim učincima spolnih hormona te o njihovu utjecaju na kognitivno funkcioniranje. Dosadašnja su istraživanja pokazala spolne razlike u nekim specifičnim kognitivnim sposobnostima. Žene su u prosjeku bolje u verbalnoj fl uentnosti, perceptivnoj brzini i točnosti, kao i finijoj motorici, dok su muškarci u prosjeku bolji u prostornim i matematičkim sposobnostima. Ove razlike u kognitivnom funkcioniranju dovode se u vezu s izlaganjem mozga fetusa različitim razinama spolnih hormona tijekom prenatalnog života. Studije na skupinama rođenim s genskim poremećajima, kao što su sindrom neosjetljivosti na androgene, kongenitalna adrenalna hiperplazija i Turnerov sindrom također upućuju na organizirajuće učinke spolnih hormona na kognitivno funkcioniranje. Nadalje, dosadašnja istraživanja pokazuju da povišene razine ženskih spolnih hormona u kasnoj folikularnoj i/ili lutealnoj fazi menstrualnog ciklusa potenciraju tipičan ženski kognitivni obrazac funkcioniranja, koji karakterizira veća učinkovitost u zadacima koje u prosjeku bolje rješavaju žene. Niske pak razine ovih hormona, koje karakteriziraju menstrualnu fazu ciklusa, potenciraju tipičan muški obrazac funkcioniranja, koji uključuje bolju učinkovitost u zadacima koje u prosjeku bolje rješavaju muškarci. U radu se također raspravlja o metodološkim razlikama u dosadašnjim istraživanjima organizirajućih i aktivirajućih učinaka spolnih hormona na kognitivno funkcioniranje, kao i o smjernicama za buduća istraživanja.This paper discusses the organisational and activational effects of sex hormones, and their infl uence on cognitive functioning. Previous studies have shown gender differences in specifi c cognitive abilities. Women generally show an advantage in verbal fl uency, perceptual speed and accuracy, as well as in fi ne motor skills, while men generally show an advantage in spatial and mathematical abilities. These differences in cognitive functioning are thought to occur as a result of foetal brain exposure to different levels of sex hormones during prenatal life. Additional evidence of organisational effects of sex hormones on cognitive functioning also comes from studies of subjects with genetic disorders, such as androgen insensitivity syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and Tyrner syndrome. Furthermore, former investigations have shown that increase in female sex hormone in the late follicular and/or luteal phase of the menstrual cycle intensifi es the typical female cognitive pattern of functioning with improved effi ciency in tasks which are usually better performed by women. At the same time, low levels of such hormones that characterise the menstrual phase of the cycle intensify the typical male cognitive pattern of functioning with better effi ciency in tasks which usually better performed by men. This paper also points to methodological differences between investigations of organizational and activational effects of sex hormones on cognitive functioning, as well a to the direction of future investigations

    Protocol d'atenció i acompanyament al naixement a Catalunya

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    Acompanyament al naixement; Voluntats de la dona; Atenció al nadóBirth support; Women's wills; Newborn careAcompañamiento en el nacimiento; Voluntades de la mujer; Atención al recién nacidoL’Organització Mundial de la Salut, l’any 2018 va proposar una sèrie d’actuacions per a l’atenció al moment del part, que tenen per lema ‘Atenció per a una experiència positiva en el naixement’. En aquest document s’actualitza el ‘Protocol del part, puerperi i atenció al nadó’, document elaborat pel Departament de Salut, publicat l’any 2003 i actualitzat l’any 2019 com a ‘Protocol d’atenció i acompanyament al naixement’, seguint les recomanacions de l’OMS, així com totes aquelles basades en l’evidència científica, amb el màxim respecte a les opinions i voluntats de les dones gestants i amb l’objectiu d’ajudar-les a elles i a les seves famílies a tenir una experiència positiva en el part. Les activitats de promoció de la salut i prevenció de la malaltia són l’eix vertebrador d’aquest protocol i de tots els que es coordinen des del Servei de Salut Maternoinfantil de la Sub-direcció de Promoció de la Salut de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya del Departament de Salut. En aquest sentit, cal ressaltar la seva relació amb el Protocol del seguiment de l’embaràs a Catalunya (3a. edició) que es va presentar el 2018, amb el qual comparteix principis i enfocament. El protocol s’estructura en tres capítols en relació a les etapes (prepart, part i puerperi), recollint en el tercer, l’atenció la nadó. Cada capítol té diversos apartats en les activitats a realitzar, la informació a donar i el registre, entre d’altres. Es recull, després, la bibliografia i una sèrie de annexos amb eines pràctiques

    Etude des dérivés de la vitamine B6 – Complexes de phosphate de pyridoxamine – Pr(EDTA)

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    Les équilibres de complexation du phosphate de pyridoxamine (PMP) par les ions paramagnétiques Pr(EDTA)- ont été étudiés par titrages potentiométriques et RMN des protons.Les constantes de stabilité ont été établies pour la gamme de pH de 3 à 10 : log β131 = 1,08 ± 0,06; log β121 = 2,16 ± 0,08; log β111 = 3,11 ± 0,10. Les déplacements induits limites des protons pour chaque type de complexe ont été déterminés, à différents pH et pour diverses concentrations d’ions paramagnétiques, suivant une méthode rigoureuse