141 research outputs found

    Analisa Pengaruh Kepemilikan Polis Asuransi Kesehatan terhadap Kemauan Membayar Produk Pelayanan Laboratorium Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Background: The willingness to pay of society for theproducts of laboratory services need to be improved.Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectof health insurance police ownership on willingness to pay forlaboratory services.Methods: A cross sectional study design using 100respondents taken proportionally from eight selected districtsin Banyuwangi. Variables that were examined include thewillingness to pay as measured by the method of contingentvaluation and ownership of health insurance police. The datacollection tool is a questionnaire. Data were analyzed usinglogistic regression.Results: The results showed that the level of willingness topay of respondents for all types of laboratory examinations isstill low. Most respondents (76%) did not have health insurance.Only about 50% of respondents who do not have healthinsurance are willing to pay for laboratory examination.Respondents who have health insurance tend to want to payfor laboratory services. From 24 respondents who have healthinsurance, more than 50% of respondents (15 respondents)were willing to pay for laboratory services. The ownership ofhealth insurance of respondents did not significantly affectthe willingness to pay for laboratory examination product (sig.= 0.287, B =- 0.511). This may be due to the fact that BanyuwangiDistrict society community so familiar with health insuranceand only few has it, so most are out-of-pocket payments.Conclusion: The ownership of health insurance do notsignificantly affect the willingness to pay for laboratoryexamination.Keywords: willingness to pay, laboratory services, ownershipof health insuranc

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepemilikan Asuransi Kesehatan terhadap Kemauan Membayar Produk Pelayanan Laboratorium

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    Background: The willingness to pay of society for theproducts of laboratory services as one of the healthprecautions need to be improved. Ownership of healthinsurance is one factor that wants to study its effect onwillingness to pay for laboratory services because healthinsurance is expected to have a society can allocate funds forpreventive healthObjective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectof health insurance ownership of willingness to pay forlaboratory services.Methods: A cross sectional study design using the 100respondents who were taken proportionally from eight selecteddistricts in Banyuwangi. Variables that were examined includethe willingness to pay as measured by the method of contingentvaluation and ownership of health insurance. The datacollection tool is a questionnaire. Data were analyzed usinglogistic regression.Results: The results showed that the level of willingness topay of respondents for all types of laboratory examinations isstill low. Most respondents (76%) did not have health insurance.Only about 50% of respondents who do not have healthinsurance are willing to pay for laboratory examination.Respondents who have health insurance tend to want to payfor laboratory services. From 24 respondents who have healthinsurance, more than 50% of respondents (15 respondents)were willing to pay for laboratory services. The ownership ofhealth insurance of respondents did not significantly affectthe willingness to pay for laboratory examination product(sig. = 0.287, B =- 0.511). This may be due to the BanyuwangiRegency society has not so familiar with health insurance andstill less has it, so most of the out-of-pocket payments.Conclusion: The ownership of health insurance respondentsdid not significantly affect the willingness to pay for productslaboratory examination. It is need to introduce more productslaboratory services and health insurance benefits to theBanyuwangi community


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    Background: High maternal death is mainly caused by limitedaccess to maternity services due to unaffordable cost of services.Therefore, a special insurance scheme named JaminanPersalinan (Jampersal) was launched and it is expected to beable to solve this problem.The Muhammadiyah Maternal andChild Hospital in Malang is a private hospital that offers obstetricand neonatal emergency service for those with Jampersal.The Jampersal fee was already set similar to that of JaminanKesehatan (Jamkesmas)scheme, using INA-CBG. Therefore,it is important to elicit the possibility of Jampersal fees beingaccomodated by private hospital.Objective:This research aimed to compare between Jampersaland hospital fees and analyse efforts of a private hospital inaccomodating the INA-CBG’s pricing scheme.Methods:This study was carried out at Muhammadiyah MalangMaternal and Child Hospital. Unit cost calculation and hospitalpricing were collected using the secondary data available fromthe department of finance in the hospital, while Focus GroupDiscussion (FGD) was held with the management level to understandwillingness and opportunity of hospital managersto collaboratewith the government in providing Jampersal services.Results: The results showed that INA-CBG’s tariff was lowerthan both unit cost and hospital pricing for normal delivery anddelivery with cesarean section.The unit costand tariff of normaldelivery were Rp1.633.704,00 and Rp2.070.275,00, respectively.Both of them were higher than the INA-CBG’s tariff(i.e., Rp1.487.770,00).The INA-CBG’s tariff for cesarean section(i.e. Rp2.712.943,00) was lower than both the unit costand hospital tariff of similar service (i.e. Rp4.782.072,00 andRp 5.110.500,-, respectively). From the FGD, it was found thatunlike for cesarean section, efforts to accommodate the Jampersalpricing for patients with normal delivery are possible.Conclusions: The findings indicate that Jampersal feesarelower than both the Muhammadiyah Malang Maternal and ChildHospital’s pricing and unit cost.Development of clinicalpathwaymay become a solution for the hospital to apply theINA-CBG’s tariff.Keywords: fees, Jampersal, private hospita


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    Background: The willingness to pay of society for theproducts of laboratory services need to be improved.Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectof health insurance police ownership on willingness to pay forlaboratory services.Methods: A cross sectional study design using 100respondents taken proportionally from eight selected districtsin Banyuwangi. Variables that were examined include thewillingness to pay as measured by the method of contingentvaluation and ownership of health insurance police. The datacollection tool is a questionnaire. Data were analyzed usinglogistic regression.Results: The results showed that the level of willingness topay of respondents for all types of laboratory examinations isstill low. Most respondents (76%) did not have health insurance.Only about 50% of respondents who do not have healthinsurance are willing to pay for laboratory examination.Respondents who have health insurance tend to want to payfor laboratory services. From 24 respondents who have healthinsurance, more than 50% of respondents (15 respondents)were willing to pay for laboratory services. The ownership ofhealth insurance of respondents did not significantly affectthe willingness to pay for laboratory examination product (sig.= 0.287, B =- 0.511). This may be due to the fact that BanyuwangiDistrict society community so familiar with health insuranceand only few has it, so most are out-of-pocket payments.Conclusion: The ownership of health insurance do notsignificantly affect the willingness to pay for laboratoryexamination.Keywords: willingness to pay, laboratory services, ownershipof health insuranc


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    Background: The willingness to pay of society for theproducts of laboratory services as one of the healthprecautions need to be improved. Ownership of healthinsurance is one factor that wants to study its effect onwillingness to pay for laboratory services because healthinsurance is expected to have a society can allocate funds forpreventive healthObjective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectof health insurance ownership of willingness to pay forlaboratory services.Methods: A cross sectional study design using the 100respondents who were taken proportionally from eight selecteddistricts in Banyuwangi. Variables that were examined includethe willingness to pay as measured by the method of contingentvaluation and ownership of health insurance. The datacollection tool is a questionnaire. Data were analyzed usinglogistic regression.Results: The results showed that the level of willingness topay of respondents for all types of laboratory examinations isstill low. Most respondents (76%) did not have health insurance.Only about 50% of respondents who do not have healthinsurance are willing to pay for laboratory examination.Respondents who have health insurance tend to want to payfor laboratory services. From 24 respondents who have healthinsurance, more than 50% of respondents (15 respondents)were willing to pay for laboratory services. The ownership ofhealth insurance of respondents did not significantly affectthe willingness to pay for laboratory examination product(sig. = 0.287, B =- 0.511). This may be due to the BanyuwangiRegency society has not so familiar with health insurance andstill less has it, so most of the out-of-pocket payments.Conclusion: The ownership of health insurance respondentsdid not significantly affect the willingness to pay for productslaboratory examination. It is need to introduce more productslaboratory services and health insurance benefits to theBanyuwangi community.Keywords: willingness to pay, laboratory services, ownershipof health insuranc


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    Angka kejadian hipertensi pada lansia semakin meningkat, komplikasi hipertensi pada lansia adalah risiko stroke, aneurisma, gagal jantung, infark miokard akut dan penyakit ginjal. Penatalaksanaan hipertensi meliputi farmakologi dan non farmakologi, salah satu penatalaksanaan non farmakologi adalah rebusan seledri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan rancangan pre-test and post-test nonequivalent control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah lansia hipertensi dengan jumlah 16 responden pada masing-masing kelompok. Kelompok intervensi (rebusan seledri 200 cc dalam sehari selama lima hari) dan kelompok kontrol (intervensi standar). Analisis univariat menggunakan frekuensi usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan hasil pengukuran tekanan darah. Dan analisis bivariat menggunakan Paired T-test dan Independent T-test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan p-value 0,000 < α, (α=0,05) pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol sehingga pada penelitian ini H˳ ditolak dan Hα diterima, artinya ada pengaruh yang signifikan rebusan seledri pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol tanpa intervensi air rebusan seledri tetapi minum obat hipertensi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Senyawa aktif pada seledri dapat menurunkan tekanan darah, sehingga rebusan seledri dapat digunakan sebagai intervensi non farmakologi untuk pasien hipertensi

    Mengukur Efektivitas Interaksi pada Permainan Congklak Berbasis Touch screen, Berbasis Mouse dan Tradisional pada Anak Menggunakan Metode Relative Manipulation Time

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    Semakin berkembangnya jaman, banyak aplikasi digital beredar dan sering digunakan dalam keseharian manusia. Contohnya adalah aplikasi game yang dimainkan anak-anak. Hal ini memunculkan kekhawatiran bahwa aplikasi game tersebut kurang melatih kognitif dan motorik anak. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian terhadap tiga pasang anak dengan memainkan permainan congklak berbasis mouse, touch screen dan menggunakan perangkat tradisional sebagai tolak ukur nilai. Penilaian dilakukan dengan cara melihat nilai variabel untuk menghitung interaksi yang telah ditentukan. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa interaksi berbasis touch screen memiliki nilai lebih tinggi dalam melatih motorik dan kognitif anak dari pada interaksi berbasis mouse. Interaksi berbasis mouse sudah cukup baik, namun akan lebih baik lagi jika dilakukan perbaikan agar nilai variabel interaksi lebih optima

    Participation in community-based healthcare interventions and non-communicable diseases early detection of general population in Indonesia

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    Background Community-based Healthcare Interventions (CBHIs) are regarded as a critical component of healthcare task-sharing in LMICs and have the potential to address LMICs’ health system weaknesses to improve NCDs prevention care. This study aims to investigate the relationship between participation in CBHIs and NCDs early detection at medical facilities among Indonesians. Methods Data come from the fifth Indonesian Family Life Survey (2014–2015), a total of 27,692 individuals (14,820 female and 12,872 male individuals age 15 and older). Multiple ordered logistics and logistics regression was used to assess the association between individual participation in CBHI and early detection of NCDs at medical facilities. Findings Participation in CBHIs are associated with higher odds of having regular blood pressure test (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 3.09; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.67–3.58), cholesterol test (adjusted OR, 1.88; 95% CI, 1.60–2.22), blood glucose test (adjusted OR, 1.88; 95% CI, 1.58–2.23), electrocardiogram (adjusted OR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.06–1.76) and basic dental examination (adjusted OR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.09–1.60) at medical facilities. The odds of having pap smears (adjusted OR, 2.20; 95% CI, 1.62–2.98) and breast self-examination (adjusted OR, 1.73; 95% CI, 1.37–2.19) among females who participated in CBHIs are substantially larger than those who did not participate in CBHIs. No significant association is shown for the basic vision examination (adjusted OR, 1.14; 95% CI, 0.95–1.37), while the association of participation in CBHIs on prostate cancer checkup (adjusted OR, 0.18; 95% CI, 0.04–0.76) was negative and significant. The results were controlled with a wide range of predisposing, enabling and need factors for NCDs early detection. Conclusion and recommendation: CBHIs may benefit NCDs early detection for the general population in Indonesia. Policymakers and health practitioners need to design CBHIs programs that are attractive to the population, especially men and younger people

    Vision and Hearing Difficulties and life expectancy without ADL/IADL-limitations: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing and the Health and Retirement Study

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    BACKGROUND: Hearing and vision difficulties are some of the most common deficits experienced by older adults. Having either visual or hearing difficulty increases the risk of comorbidity, disability, and poor quality of life. So far, however, few studies have examined the association between vision and hearing difficulties on life expectancy without activities of daily living (ADL) instrumental ADL (IADL) limitations (LEWL). METHODS: Data came from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) in the US from 2002 to 2013. The outcome was defined as reporting 2+ limitations with ADL/IADL. Life expectancy was estimated by discrete-time multistate life table models, for hearing and vision difficulty separately as well as for combined vision and hearing difficulties, by sex and age. RESULTS: 13% of men in England and the US had ADL/IADL-limitations, whereas for women was 16% and 19% in England and the US. At all ages, either vision or hearing difficulty was associated with shorter LEWL compared to no difficulties. Dual sensory difficulty (vision and hearing) reduced LEWL by up to 12 years in both countries. At the ages of 50 and 60 in England, hearing difficulty was associated with fewer years lived without ADL/IADL-limitations than vision difficulty. In contrast, in the US, vision difficulty led to fewer years lived without ADL/IADL-limitations than hearing difficulty. CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of strategies to reduce the prevalence and incidence of vision and hearing difficulties has the potential to increase the number of years spent without ADL/IADL-limitations
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