38 research outputs found

    Screening of salt stress in the overexpressed type of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. for the identification of significant hub genes using a systems biology approach

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    Worldwide, it is known that abiotic and biotic stresses can affect the production of crops by a declining trend. To control the situation, SnRK2 (a subfamily 2 of SNF1-related protein kinase) overexpression levels can induce salt tolerance. This study used a dataset for 2 types of Arabidopsis thaliana including the wild and PtSnRK2.7 overexpressed in mock and salt conditions to compare and identify the salt stress-responsive genes. A computational systems biology approach was employed to identify the differentially expressed genes and determine their mechanisms in terms of molecular functionalities, cellular components, KEGG enrichment pathways and plant ontology analyses. The results indicate that the 15 genes identified for PtSnRK2.7 overexpressed type in mock against salt conditions were upregulated (AT1G19180 and AT2G23150 were downregulated) and related to various environmental stresses. Furthermore, 8 out of 15 identified genes were downregulated for the wild type exposed to salt stress and the rest were upregulated. And, the only upregulated gene found differentially expressed between wild and overexpressed types in salt stress conditions was AT4G15110. In contrast, the other two AT1G15010 and AT4G19430 were downregulated and involved in transient stress and inactivation of chloroplast, respectively. Taken together, it has been shown that A. thaliana PtSnRK2.7 overexpressed type can resist salt stress. Finally, more experimental studies and computational systems biology methodologies are needed to reveal and confirm the responsive gene for salt stress in A. thaliana

    Characterization of Non-Terpenoids in Marrubium crassidens Boiss. Essential Oil

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    Purpose: Marrubium crassidens, a plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae, was studied for its volatile components present in the aerial parts of the plant during the flowering stage. Methods: The essential oil of the plant obtained through hydrodistillation of the dried plant material was assessed for its chemical composition by GC/MS and GC-FID analyses. Results: Twenty-five compounds were identified, which constituted 94.3% of the total oil composition. The major components were identified as, m-tolualdehyde (23.3%), acetophenone (15.8%), nonacosane (13.1%), docosane (7.2%), o-tolualdehyde (4.1%), β-caryophyllene (3.8%) and caryophyllene oxide (3.4%). Non-terpenoids with 75.7% were the most abundant components of the essential oil. Conclusion: Overall, M. crassidens essential oil revealed to include rather higher proportions of non-terpenoid compounds compared with other species of genus Marrubium

    Fatty Acid Profile of Roots and Aerial Parts of Ruscus hyrcanus Woronow

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    Background: Ruscus specie are used as traditional medicine, food, and foliage. The aim of this work is the determination of fatty acid composition of Ruscus hyrcanus as a native medicinal plant of Iran for the first time together with comparison of different esterification methods. Methods: Two different esterification methods were used for preparation of esterified fatty acids from different extracts of underground and aerial parts of the herb. GC/MS analysis were used for identification and quantification of fatty acids. Finally, the results were compared. Results: Findings showed that R. hyrcanus is rich in essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid (13-25%) and linolenic acid (23-44%). Also, oil samples contain remarkable amount of palmitic acid (19-57%). Conclusion: The results showed that R. hyrcanus could be considered as a source of essential fatty acids. Also, it could be concluded that a simple esterification method with methanolic KOH and 2 min vortex is suitable for fatty acid analysis of Ruscus species

    Root and Canal Morphology of Maxillary Teeth in an Iranian Subpopulation Residing in Western Iran Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography

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    Introduction: Accurate information regarding the morphology of roots and canals is a prerequisite for successful endodontic treatment. This study aimed to assess the number of roots and canals and canal type of maxillary teeth according to the Vertucci’s classification in an Iranian subpopulation residing in Western Iran using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods and Materials: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 1750 teeth were evaluated on CBCT scans taken for purposes other than this study. For each tooth, 250 axial, sagittal and coronal sections with 1 mm slice thickness were evaluated using NNT Viewer software. The number of roots and canals and canal type according to the Vertucci’s classification were determined and reported. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics via Fisher’s exact test and Chi square test. All data analyses were performed using SPSS version 18. Results: All of the maxillary anterior teeth were single-rooted, and Vertucci’s type I was the most common canal type. Maxillary premolars were mostly single-rooted and Vertucci’s type I was the most common type except for the first maxillary premolars, in which type V had the highest frequency. Maxillary molars mostly had three roots and two canals in the mesiobuccal root and one canal in the distobuccal and palatal roots. Conclusion: Although the number of roots in this cross-sectional study was similar to the findings of previous studies, canal type was significantly different from the results of previous studies. The result of this study can help clinicians in efficient root canal treatment of teeth.Keywords: Cone-beam Computed Tomography; Maxilla; Root Canal Morpholog

    Iridoid and Furanolabdane -Type Diterpene Glycosides from Rhizomes of Eremostachys azerbaijanica Rech. f.

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    Background and objectives: The rhizomes of Eremostachys azerbaijanica Rech. f.,as an indigenous plant in East Azerbaijan province of Iran, were studied for isolation and identification of possible phytoconstituents. Methods: The air- dried and ground rhizomes were extracted with n-hexane, dichloromethane (DCM) and methanol (MeOH) using a Soxhlet apparatus. The 10%, 20% and 80% MeOH in water C18 cartridge solid phase extraction products )Sep-Pak fractions( of the MeOH extract were subjected to preparative reversed- phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the isolated pure compounds were identified by one- dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (1D-NMR) spectroscopic technique. Results: The spectroscopic data of the compounds were compared with the respective published data and the obtained results showed the presence of four pure components, 6 - Hydroxy loganin (1), Shanzhiside methyl ester (2), Eremostachiin (β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucopyranosyl ester of phlomisoic acid) (3) and  Phlomisoside II (4), with iridoid and furano labdane- type diterpene glycoside structures. Conclusion: The occurrence of these types of chemical structures might be a confirmation to close relation and similar pharmacological and biological activities between Eremostachys and Phlomis genera

    Ontogenetic variation of volatiles and antioxidant activity in leaves of Astragalus compactus Lam. (Fabaceae)

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    The genus Astragalus is a rich source of a variety of biologically active compounds including phenols, saponins, polysaccharides and essential oils. The present study was conducted to determine ontogenetic variation of the volatile organic compounds as well as total phenolic contents and antioxidant activity in leaves of A. compactus. The leaves of plant were harvested at vegetative, flowering and fructification stages and were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Total phenolic content (TPC) was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and the antioxidant capacity was evaluated with the 1,1- diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test. Different classes of volatile compounds were identified including alcohols, esters, hydrocarbons, sterols and terpenoides. Significant variation of these compounds was found during phenological stages of development. Sterols and hydrocarbons were the main components of essential oils at the vegetative stage. The presence of terpenoides (phytol) and alcohols (docosanol) was significant at the flowering stage. Fructification phase was characterized by the high content of sterols and hydrocarbons and absence of phytol. The antioxidant activity and phenolic content were related to the physiological stage and the highest amount detected at fructification phase. The ontogenetic variations of phenolic contents and antioxidant properties are largely contributed by climatic factors such as temperature and solar radiation

    Tekućinsko-čvrsti pripravci kao sredstvo za evaluaciju i poboljšanje fizičkokemijskih svojstava teško topljivih lijekova

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    The potential of liquisolid systems to improve the dissolution properties of a water-insoluble agent (indomethacin) was investigated. In this study, different formulations of liquisolid tablets using different co-solvents (non-volatile solvents) were prepared and the effect of aging on the dissolution behaviour of indomethacin liquisolid compacts was investigated. To evaluate any interaction between indomethacin and the other components in liquisolid formulations, X-ray powder diffraction (XPD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used. Dissolution test was carried out at two different pH, 1.2 and 7.2, to simulate the stomach or intestine fluid, respectively. The results showed that liquisolid formulations exhibited significantly higher drug dissolution rates at pH 1.2 and 7.2 compared to compacts prepared by the direct compression technique. The enhanced rate of indomethacin dissolution from liquisolid tablets was, due to an increase in wetting properties and surface area of drug particles available for dissolution. In order to investigate the effect of aging on the hardness and dissolution rate of liquisolid compacts, the formulations were stored at 25 oC/75% relative humidity for a period of 12 months. The results showed that aging had no significant effect on dissolution profiles of liquisolid tablets. Liquisolid compacts containing propylene glycol as vehicle produced higher dissolution rates in comparison with liquisolid compacts containing PEG 400 or Tween 80 of the same concentration. The DSC and XPD results showed no changes in crystallinity of the drug and interaction between indomethacin and excipients (Avicel and silica) during the process.U radu je ispitivan učinak tekućinsko-čvrstih sustava na poboljšanje oslobađanja u vodi netopljivih tvari (indometacina). Koristeći različita nehlapljiva otapala pripravljeno je nekoliko tekućinsko-čvrstih tableta, a zatim je proučavan učinak starenja na oslobađanje indometacina. Moguće interakcije između indometacina i drugih komponenata praćene su difrakcijom rentgenskih zraka na praškastom uzorku (XPD) i diferencijalnom pretražnom kalorimetrijom (DSC). Oslobađanje je praćeno pri dva različita pH, 1,2 i 7,2, simulirajući uvjete u želučanoj ili crijevnoj tekućini. Rezultati pokazuju da je profil oslobađanja iz tekućinsko-čvrstih pripravaka značajno bolji pri pH 1,2 ili 7,2, u usporedbi s pripravcima dobivenim kompresijom. Poboljšanje oslobađanja indometacina iz tekućinsko-čvrstih pripravaka posljedica je povećanog vlaženja površine čestica ljekovite tvari. Da bi se proučio učinak starenja na čvrstoću pripravaka i oslobađanje ljekovite tvari, tekućinsko-čvrsti pripravci su uskladišteni 12 mjeseci na 25 oC/75% relativne vlažnosti. Rezultati ukazuju da starenje nema značajni učinak na profil oslobađanja. Pripravci s propilenglikolom imaju bolji profil oslobađanja nego pripravci s istom koncentracijom PEG 400 ili Tween 80. DSC i XPD pokazuju da nije došlo do promjene kristaliničnosti niti do interakcije između indometacina i pomoćnih tvari (Avicel i silikagel) za vrijeme izrade pripravaka

    GC-MS Analysis, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Screening of Volatile Oil of Lepidium vesicarium

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    Background: Lepidium vesicarium (Cruciferae), one of the important medicinal plants with a long history of medicinal use. The current study was designed to evaluate the free radical scavenging and antimicrobial activities of the L. vesicarium EO as one of the Iranian plant species. Methods: The compositions of the EO from the aerial parts of L. vesicarium were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Furthermore, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial potentials were investigated via DPPH reagent and disk diffusion procedure, respectively. Results: A total of 18 compounds amounting 97.70% of the oil have been identified, while Benzyl cyanide (43.94%), Isothio cyanic acid (22.69%) and Benzyl isothio cyanate (20.69%) were the main constituents. The EO showed no activity against the free radicals and studied microbial strains (gram positive and gram negative and also fungi species). Conclusion: On the whole, the presence of cyanide derivatives in studied EO revealed the rational use of this plant in medicine. Comparing with other genesis of Lepidium, anti-oxidant and anti -microbial properties of L. vesicarium essential oil were not noticeable

    Comparative antibacterial effects of ginger and marjoram extract versus conventional irrigants on mature Enterococcus faecalis biofilms : an in vitro study

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    This study evaluated antibacterial effects of Ginger and Marjoram extract compared with Routine Intracanal Irrigants on Mature Enterococcus faecalis Biofilms. Sixty-six extracted human teeth, were randomly assigned to four groups 5.25% sodium hypochlori