141 research outputs found

    The measurement of superparamagnetic particle shapes and size distribution

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    Measurement of superparamagnetic particle shapes and size distributio

    Don L. Anderson and the Caltech Seismo Lab

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    The following reminiscences and recollections, scientific and otherwise, were contributed by Don Anderson’s scientific colleagues. Incomplete though they are, they give a flavor of the extraordinary range of Don’s activities, his influence on Earth science, and the phenomenon that was the Caltech Seismological Laboratory in his time

    High-pressure melt curve of shock-compressed tin measured using pyrometry and reflectance techniques

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    We have developed a new technique to measure the melt curve of a shocked metal sample and have used it to measure the high-pressure solid-liquid phase boundary of tin from 10 to 30 GPa and 1000 to 1800 K. Tin was shock compressed by plate impact using a single-stage powder gun, and we made accurate, time-resolved radiance, reflectance, and velocimetry measurements at the interface of the tin sample and a lithium fluoride window. From these measurements, we determined temperature and pressure at the interface vs time. We then converted these data to temperature vs pressure curves and plotted them on the tin phase diagram. The tin sample was initially shocked into the high-pressure solid γ phase, and a subsequent release wave originating from the back of the impactor lowered the pressure at the interface along a constant entropy path (release isentrope). When the release isentrope reaches the solid-liquid phase boundary, melt begins and the isentrope follows the phase boundary to low pressure. The onset of melt is identified by a significant change in the slope of the temperature-pressure release isentrope. Following the onset of melt, we obtain a continuous and highly accurate melt curve measurement. The technique allows a measurement along the melt curve with a single radiance and reflectance experiment. The measured temperature data are compared to the published equation of state calculations. Our data agree well with some but not all of the published melt curve calculations, demonstrating that this technique has sufficient accuracy to assess the validity of a given equation of state model

    Laboratory Shock Experiments on Basalt - Iron Sulfate Mixes at Approximately 40-50 GPa and Their Relevance to the Martian Regolith Component Present in Shergottites

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    Basaltic shergottites such as Shergotty, Zagami and EET79001 contain impact melt glass pockets that are rich in Martian atmospheric gases [1] and are known as gas-rich impact-melt (GRIM) glasses. These glasses show evidence for the presence of a Martian regolith component based on Sm and Kr isotopic studies [2]. The GRIM glasses are sometimes embedded with clusters of innumerable micron-sized iron-sulfide blebs associated with minor amounts of iron sulfate particles [3, 4]. These sulfide blebs are secondary in origin and are not related to the primary igneous sulfides occurring in Martian meteorites. The material comprising these glasses arises from the highly oxidizing Martian surface and sulfur is unlikely to occur as sulfide in the Martian regoilith. Instead, sulfur is shown to occur as sulfate based on APXS and Mossbauer results obtained by the Opportunity and Spirit rovers at Meridiani and Gusev [5]. We have earlier suggested that the micron-sized iron sulfide globules in GRIM glasses were likely produced by shock-reduction of iron sulfate occurring in the regolith at the time when the GRIM glasses were produced by the meteoroid impact that launched the Martian meteorites into space [6]. As a result of high energy deposition by shock (approx. 40-60 GPa), the iron sulfate bearing phases are likely to melt along with other regolith components and will get reduced to immiscible sulfide fluid under reducing conditions. On quenching, this generates a dispersion of micron-scale sulfide blebs. The reducing agents in our case are likely to be H2 and CO which were shock-implanted from the Martian atmosphere into these glasses along with the noble gases. We conducted lab simulation experiments in the Lindhurst Laboratory of Experimental Geophysics at Caltech and the Experimental Impact Laboratory at JSC to test whether iron sulfide globules can be produced by impact-driven reduction of iron sulfate by subjecting Columbia River Basalt (CRB) and ferric sulfate mixtures to shock pressures between 40 and 50 GPa under reducing conditions. The experimental products from the recovered samples were analyzed by SEM and microprobe techniques at JSC

    A New Approach to In-situ K-Ar Geochronology

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    The development of an in-situ geochronology capability for Mars and other planetary surfaces has the potential to fundamentally change our understanding of the evolution of terrestrial bodies in the Solar System. For Mars specifically, many of our most basic scientific questions about the geologic history of the planet require knowledge of the absolute time at which an event or process took place on its surface. For instance, what was the age and rate of early Martian climate change recorded in the mineralogy and morphology of surface lithologies (e.g., [1])? In-situ ages from a few select locations within the globally established stratigraphy of Mars would be transformative, enabling us to place direct chronologic constraints on the timing and rates of impact, volcanic, sedimentary, and aqueous processes on the Martian surface

    High-pressure melt curve of shock-compressed tin measured using pyrometry and reflectance techniques

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    We have developed a new technique to measure the melt curve of a shocked metal sample and have used it to measure the high-pressure solid-liquid phase boundary of tin from 10 to 30 GPa and 1000 to 1800 K. Tin was shock compressed by plate impact using a single-stage powder gun, and we made accurate, time-resolved radiance, reflectance, and velocimetry measurements at the interface of the tin sample and a lithium fluoride window. From these measurements, we determined temperature and pressure at the interface vs time. We then converted these data to temperature vs pressure curves and plotted them on the tin phase diagram. The tin sample was initially shocked into the high-pressure solid γ phase, and a subsequent release wave originating from the back of the impactor lowered the pressure at the interface along a constant entropy path (release isentrope). When the release isentrope reaches the solid-liquid phase boundary, melt begins and the isentrope follows the phase boundary to low pressure. The onset of melt is identified by a significant change in the slope of the temperature-pressure release isentrope. Following the onset of melt, we obtain a continuous and highly accurate melt curve measurement. The technique allows a measurement along the melt curve with a single radiance and reflectance experiment. The measured temperature data are compared to the published equation of state calculations. Our data agree well with some but not all of the published melt curve calculations, demonstrating that this technique has sufficient accuracy to assess the validity of a given equation of state model

    The Expectation Monad in Quantum Foundations

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    The expectation monad is introduced abstractly via two composable adjunctions, but concretely captures measures. It turns out to sit in between known monads: on the one hand the distribution and ultrafilter monad, and on the other hand the continuation monad. This expectation monad is used in two probabilistic analogues of fundamental results of Manes and Gelfand for the ultrafilter monad: algebras of the expectation monad are convex compact Hausdorff spaces, and are dually equivalent to so-called Banach effect algebras. These structures capture states and effects in quantum foundations, and also the duality between them. Moreover, the approach leads to a new re-formulation of Gleason's theorem, expressing that effects on a Hilbert space are free effect modules on projections, obtained via tensoring with the unit interval.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2011, arXiv:1210.029

    In situ observations of phase changes in shock compressed forsterite

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    Shockwave data on mineral‐forming compounds such as Mg2SiO4 are essential for understanding the interiors of Earth and other planets, but correct interpretation of these data depend on knowing the phase assemblage being probed at high pressure. Hence direct observations of the phase or phases making up the measured states along the forsterite Hugoniot are essential to assess whether kinetic factors inhibit the achievement of the expected equilibrium, phase‐separated assemblage. Previous shock recovery experiments on forsterite, which has orthorhombic space group Pbnm, show discrepant results as to whether forsterite undergoes segregation into its equilibrium phase assemblage of compositionally distinct structures upon shock compression. Here, we present the results of plate impact experiments on polycrystalline forsterite conducted at the Dynamic Compression Sector of the Advanced Photon Source. In situ x‐ray diffraction measurements were used to probe the crystal structure(s) in the shock state and to investigate potential decomposition into periclase and bridgmanite. In contrast to previous interpretations of the forsterite shock Hugoniot, we find that forsterite does not decompose, but instead reaches the forsterite III structure, which is a metastable structure of Mg_2SiO_4 with orthorhombic space group Cmc2_1

    In situ observations of phase changes in shock compressed forsterite

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    Shockwave data on mineral‐forming compounds such as Mg2SiO4 are essential for understanding the interiors of Earth and other planets, but correct interpretation of these data depend on knowing the phase assemblage being probed at high pressure. Hence direct observations of the phase or phases making up the measured states along the forsterite Hugoniot are essential to assess whether kinetic factors inhibit the achievement of the expected equilibrium, phase‐separated assemblage. Previous shock recovery experiments on forsterite, which has orthorhombic space group Pbnm, show discrepant results as to whether forsterite undergoes segregation into its equilibrium phase assemblage of compositionally distinct structures upon shock compression. Here, we present the results of plate impact experiments on polycrystalline forsterite conducted at the Dynamic Compression Sector of the Advanced Photon Source. In situ x‐ray diffraction measurements were used to probe the crystal structure(s) in the shock state and to investigate potential decomposition into periclase and bridgmanite. In contrast to previous interpretations of the forsterite shock Hugoniot, we find that forsterite does not decompose, but instead reaches the forsterite III structure, which is a metastable structure of Mg_2SiO_4 with orthorhombic space group Cmc2_1

    Prescriptive variability of drugs by general practitioners

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    <div><p>Prescription drug spending is growing faster than any other sector of healthcare. However, very little is known about patterns of prescribing and cost of prescribing between general practices. In this study, we examined variation in prescription rates and prescription costs through time for 55 GP surgeries in Northern Ireland Western Health and Social Care Trust. Temporal changes in variability of prescribing rates and costs were assessed using the Mann–Kendall test. Outlier practices contributing to between practice variation in prescribing rates were identified with the interquartile range outlier detection method. The relationship between rates and cost of prescribing was explored with Spearman's statistics. The differences in variability and mean number of prescribing rates associated with the practice setting and socioeconomic deprivation were tested using t-test and <i>F</i>-test respectively. The largest between-practice difference in prescribing rates was observed for Apr-Jun 2015, with the number of prescriptions ranging from 3.34 to 8.36 per patient. We showed that practices with outlier prescribing rates greatly contributed to between-practice variability. The largest difference in prescribing costs was reported for Apr-Jun 2014, with the prescription cost per patient ranging from £26.4 to £64.5. In addition, the temporal changes in variability of prescribing rates and costs were shown to undergo an upward trend. We demonstrated that practice setting and socio-economic deprivation accounted for some of the between-practice variation in prescribing. Rural practices had higher between practice variability than urban practices at all time points. Practices situated in more deprived areas had higher prescribing rates but lower variability than those located in less deprived areas. Further analysis is recommended to assess if variation in prescribing can be explained by demographic characteristics of patient population and practice features. Identification of other factors contributing to prescribing variability can help us better address potential inappropriateness of prescribing.</p></div