7 research outputs found

    Large‐scale calculations of excitation energies in coupled cluster theory : The singlet excited states of benzene

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    Algorithms for calculating singlet excitation energies in the coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) model are discussed and an implementation of an atomic‐integral direct algorithm is presented. Each excitation energy is calculated at a cost comparable to that of the CCSD ground‐state energy. Singlet excitation energies are calculated for benzene using up to 432 basis functions. Basis‐set effects of the order of 0.2 eV are observed when the basis is increased from augmented polarized valence double‐zeta (aug‐cc‐pVDZ) to augmented polarized valence triple‐zeta (aug‐cc‐pVTZ) quality. The correlation problem is examined by performing calculations in the hierarchy of coupled cluster models CCS, CC2, CCSD, and CC3, as well as by using the CCSDR(3) perturbative triples corrections. The effect of triple excitations are less than 0.2 eV for all excitations except for the 2 1E2g state. The calculated excitation energies are compared with experiment and other theoretical [email protected]

    First-order one-electron properties in the integral-direct coupled cluster singles and doubles model

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    An integral-direct implementation of first-order one-electron properties in the coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) model is presented. The implementation increases the range of applicability of CCSD first-order one-electron property calculations significantly compared to nondirect approaches. As an application a thorough basis set investigation is performed on five diatomic molecules at the Hartree-Fock and CCSD levels for the molecular electric dipole moment, the molecular electric quadrupole moment, and the electric field gradient at the nuclei. In general, basis sets of polarized triple-zeta quality are the smallest to be recommended, and the convergence towards the basis set limit is faster at the Hartree-Fock level than at the CCSD level. Among the properties considered, the electric dipole moment is the easiest to converge. The electric dipole and especially the electric quadrupole moment require diffuse functions for high accuracy. With standard basis sets, it is not possible to calculate electric field gradients consistently within three thousandths of an atomic unit of the basis set limit - for this purpose, elaborate nonstandard basis sets are required. The electric field gradients at the nuclei in HCN and the electric dipole moment of the furan molecule are calculated at the CCSD level employing up to 417 basis functions, further demonstrating the large-scale applicability of the implementation. \uc2\ua9 1997 American Institute of Physics

    Integral-direct coupled cluster calculations of frequency-dependent polarizabilities, transition probabilities and excited-state properties

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    An atomic integral-direct implementation of molecular linear-response properties and excited-state one-electron properties is presented for the coupled cluster models CCS, CC2, and CCSD. Sample calculations are presented for the polarizability of N2and for excited-state one-electron properties and transition-properties of furan. \uc2\ua9 1998 American Institute of Physics

    The Dalton quantum chemistry program system

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    Dalton is a powerful general-purpose program system for the study of molecular electronic structure at the Hartree–Fock, Kohn–Sham, multiconfigurational self-consistent-field, Møller–Plesset, configuration-interaction, and coupled-cluster levels of theory. Apart from the total energy, a wide variety of molecular properties may be calculated using these electronic-structure models. Molecular gradients and Hessians are available for geometry optimizations, molecular dynamics, and vibrational studies, whereas magnetic resonance and optical activity can be studied in a gauge-origin-invariant manner. Frequency-dependent molecular properties can be calculated using linear, quadratic, and cubic response theory. A large number of singlet and triplet perturbation operators are available for the study of one-, two-, and three-photon processes. Environmental effects may be included using various dielectric-medium and quantum-mechanics/molecular-mechanics models. Large molecules may be studied using linear-scaling and massively parallel algorithms. Dalton is distributed at no cost from http://www.daltonprogram.org for a number of UNIX platforms