230 research outputs found

    Determination the set-off migration of ink in cardboard-cups used in coffee vending machines

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    The set-off migration from printing inks can cause alterations in the safety and acceptability of food. Therefore, its control in the food industry is of special importance. The aim of this study was the determination of the migration of compounds coming from different types of cardboard-cups used in coffee vending machines. The volatile compounds present in cardboard-cups were studied and specific migration studies were carried out by solid phase microextraction with headspace coupled to gas chromatography (HS-SPME-GC-MS). The migration of compounds from the cardboard-cups manufacturing material, plastic coating (LDPE) and printing inks were identified and quantified. Those migrants listed in the Regulation No. 10/2011 presented values lower than the specific migration limit (SML), although a series of non-listed and non-authorized compounds were identified. From the results obtained the risk assessment of the vending cups from two different companies has been done

    Analysis of potential migration compounds from silicone molds for food contact by SPME-GC-MS

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    Four commercially available silicone cupcake molds have been studied. An evaluation of the post-cure treatment applied to the silicone molds was carried out and the loss of volatile organic compounds after cure treatment was quantified. The two higher quality molds showed losses at the 0.5% (w/w) (recommended by BfR standard), while the two lower quality molds exceeded this limit. The migration studies were carried out using Tenax® as a solid food simulant. The volatile compounds that migrate were identified and quantified using SPME-GC-MS. Up to fourteen silicone oligomers were quantified. When the molds were subjected to post-cure treatment, none of them exceeded the global migration of 10 mg/dm2; while those lower quality molds showed migrations higher than 10 mg/dm2, so their use in contact with food is not recommended

    Validation of a rapid method for detecting nitrate in chard (Beta vulgaris cycla). Analysis of spanish commercial samples marketed in the region of huesca, spain, and estimation of the daily intake

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    Introduction: This paper presents the validation of a rapid method for the determination of nitrate content in chard samples, in order to determine, during two periods (winter and summer of 2012), the current levels of nitrate in this typical vegetable, and the toxicological risk associated with this intake. Material and Methods: A rapid colorimetric determination of nitrate in chard samples by nitration of salicylic acid was validated. The validated method was applied to analyze the content of nitrate in 56 chard samples marketed in Huesca (Spain) and collected in winter and summer seasons, and the toxicological risk associated with the intake for adult and children population was evaluated. Results: The method was specific and robust enough for the required purposes. The main performance characteristics of the method were: limits of detection and quantitation of 0.29 mg L-1 and 0.59 mg L-1, respectively; recoveries from 80.0% to 107.4%; and coefficients of variation lower than 11.4%. The detected mean nitrate content was 2293 mg kg-1 and there was evidence of risk only for extreme consumers (adults and children), especially in winter period. Conclusions: A high percentage of chard samples with a considerable concentration of nitrate were found. Taking into account the estimated dairy intake of nitrate associated with them, it could be recommended to establish a regulatory limit of nitrate to chard, a vegetable of important consumption in Spain

    Medición objetiva y percepción subjetiva de los niveles de actividad física en una muestra de niños escolares

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    El sedentarismo durante la infancia y adolescencia repercute directamente en los niveles de salud de la población. La actividad física se relaciona con una disminución del riesgo de obesidad e hígado graso y mejoría del perfil cardiometabólico en general, mayor masa ósea y fuerza muscular, e incremento en el desarrollo cognitivo a edades tempranas. Con este fin se ha recomendado la práctica de actividad física de intensidad moderada y/o vigorosa al menos durante 60 minutos diarios en niños mayores de 5 años, habiéndose desarrollado diversas guías para población infantil. Diferentes estudios demuestran unos niveles de sedentarismo altos siendo las niñas más sedentarias que los niños, y un cumplimiento de recomendaciones bajo en general en niños de cualquier edad. Estos niveles bajos de actividad física disminuyen aún más en las últimas etapas de la infancia, siendo los preadolescentes el grupo más afecto en cuanto al sedentarismo. La actividad física está influenciada, además, por el contexto familiar (recomendaciones paternas y sedentarismo de los padres) y escolar (programación de las clases de educación física) así como las horas de luz diarias, estación del año y disponibilidad de espacios abiertos o zonas ajardinadas. Se han descrito múltiples métodos de cuantificación de actividad física, siendo los cuestionarios y el registro de los sensores de movimiento (acelerómetros) los más utilizados por su sencillez de manejo y buena correlación demostrada con los métodos directos (observación, calorimetría, agua doblemente marcada o consumo de oxígeno). El objetivo principal de nuestro estudio fue describir los niveles y patrones de actividad física de una muestra de preadolescentes de entre 10 y 13 años en nuestro medio. Como objetivos secundarios planteamos determinar el índice de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones internacionales de forma global, por edad, sexos y periodos (entre semana y fin de semana); definir las cifras de sobrepeso y obesidad de nuestra muestra; estudiar las correlaciones entre medidas antropométricas y actividad física; y conocer las puntuaciones obtenidas con un cuestionario de actividad física y su asociación con los registros objetivos del acelerómetro. Un total de 106 escolares correspondientes a los cursos de quinto y sexto de primaria de colegios públicos y concertados del área de Valencia dieron su consentimiento para la participación en el estudio. Se realizaron las mediciones antropométricas (peso, talla, perímetro de cintura, perímetro de cadera, perímetro braquial, pliegue tricipital, pliegue bicipital, pliegue subescapular y pliegue suprailíaco) y registro de tensión arterial con frecuencia cardiaca en todos los niños. Se consideraron las curvas de crecimiento de Carrascosa et al1 para población española y se aplicaron los criterios de la IOTF (International Obesity Task Force) para la definición de sobrepeso y obesidad siendo sobrepeso un IMC (Índice de Masa Corporal) mayor o igual al percentil 85 y obesidad mayor o igual al percentil 95. Para valorar la percepción subjetiva de los niveles de actividad física de la muestra se empleó el cuestionario del INTA (Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de Alimentos de Chile) redactado en castellano y validado con acelerómetro previamente por Godard et al2. La cumplimentación del cuestionario fue tutelada por el equipo investigador, padres o profesores. Se recogieron 105 cuestionarios. El registro objetivo de actividad física se realizó mediante el acelerómetro Actical® versión 2.12 de Respironics Company® que permite la captación de movimientos en todos los planos. De los 106 componentes de la muestra inicial, 89 niños (84%) presentaron registros de acelerometría válidos y fueron incluidos en el estudio. El seguimiento se realizó durante una semana y se requirió la retirada del dispositivo sólo para las actividades acuáticas y descanso nocturno. Se contabilizaron como “periodos de olvido” las franjas de 60 minutos seguidos sin captación de movimientos y no se computaron en las horas analizadas. Se aceptaron los registros de actividad con un mínimo de 10 horas diarias en los siete días de la semana. El cumplimiento de recomendaciones se valoró atendiendo a los criterios de 3, 4 y 5 METs (medida de equivalente metabólico) como punto de corte entre actividad ligera y moderada. La descarga de los registros a nuestra base interna se realizó mediante el programa original del Actical® y el tratamiento estadístico de los datos se llevó a cabo con el programa PASW 18.0 (SPSS Inc). Los escolares pasaron la mayor parte del tiempo en actividad sedentaria, con una media de 1070 minutos diarios. Se registraron 50,4 minutos al día en actividad moderada correspondientes a 60 minutos ± 21,6 DE en niños y 40,8 minutos ± 19,2 DE en niñas (p<0,001) para el límite de 3 METs. El cumplimiento de recomendaciones fue mayor entre semana que el fin de semana con un 36% en cifras globales y un mayor porcentaje de niños que de niñas adecuadamente activos (57,1% vs 17%, p< 0,001). Ningún niño en rango de obesidad y sólo un 33% de los niños con sobrepeso realizaron los 60 minutos diarios de actividad física moderada/vigorosa (AFMV) recomendados frente al cumplimiento de la recomendación en el 38,5% de niños con normopeso. La correlación entre la puntuación total del cuestionario y los tiempos descritos en cada actividad con respecto a los registros objetivos del acelerómetro fue baja en general. La correlación más elevada se encuentra entre el tiempo definido por los niños en “juegos al aire libre” el fin de semana y la actividad moderada del fin de semana por acelerometría (rho= 0,38, p<0,05). Nuestros datos sugieren que el empleo de este tipo de cuestionarios en niños está sujeto a limitaciones y son necesarias más investigaciones en este campo para sistematizar su uso en las consultas de pediatría. La medición objetiva mediante acelerometría proporciona información fiable de los patrones de actividad física en niños y descubre un cumplimiento de recomendaciones bajo en la etapa de la preadolescencia. Resulta necesario implementar estrategias de promoción de salud y actividad física desde la infancia como prevención primaria de las patologías asociadas al sedentarismo en niños y adultos

    La comprensión de los medios socioculturales en la etapa de Educación Infantil

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    El medio sociocultural que rodea al niño es el principal percusor en sus aprendizajes. El contexto familiar y escolar con los principales agentes socializadores que ayudan al niño a conocerse y a formarse, integramente, como persona. Las personas, desde su nacimiento, se encuentran inmersas en un mundo complejo y de dificil comprensión, pero a medida que van desarrollándose van descubriendo, experimentando y dando significado al mundo que los rodea. A través de este Trabajo Fin de Grado se pretende elaborar una propuesta didáctica enfocada a que los niños conozcan la realidad sociocultural en la que se encuentran aprendiendo diferentes contenidos e ir dando significados a diferentes contextos donde se desenvuelven frecuentemente como puede ser el medio rural y el medio urbano.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Molecular characterization, gene expression and dependence on thyroid hormones of two type I keratin genes (sseKer1 and sseKer2) in the flatfish Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Keratins make up the largest subgroup of intermediate filaments, and, in chordates, represent the most abundant proteins in epithelial cells. They have been associated with a wide range of functions in the cell, but little information is still available about their expression profile and regulation during flatfish metamorphosis. Senegalese sole (<it>Solea senegalensis</it>) is a commercially important flatfish in which no keratin gene has been described yet.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The development of large-scale genomics of Senegalese sole has facilitated the identification of two different type I keratin genes referred to as <it>sseKer1 </it>and <it>sseKer2</it>. Main characteristics and sequence identities with other fish and mammal keratins are described. Phylogenetic analyses grouped sseKer1 and sseKer2 in a significant clade with other teleost epidermal type I keratins, and have allowed for the identification of sseKer2 as a novel keratin. The expression profile of both genes was studied during larval development and in tissues using a real-time approach. <it>sseKer1 </it>and <it>sseKer2 </it>mRNA levels were significantly higher in skin than in other tissues examined. During metamorphosis, <it>sseKer1 </it>transcripts increased significantly at first stages, and reduced thereafter. In contrast, <it>sseKer2 </it>mRNA levels did not change during early metamorphosis although a significant drop at metamorphosis climax and late metamorphosis was also detected. To study the possible regulation of <it>sseKer </it>gene expressions by thyroid hormones (THs), larvae were exposed to the goitrogen thiourea (TU). TU-treated larvae exhibited higher <it>sseKer1 </it>and <it>sseKer2 </it>mRNA levels than untreated control at both 11 and 15 days after treatment. Moreover, addition of exogenous T4 hormone to TU-treated larvae restored or even reduced the steady-state levels with respect to the untreated control, demonstrating that expression of both genes is negatively regulated by THs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have identified two keratin genes, referred to as <it>sseKer1 </it>and <it>sseKer2</it>, in Senegalese sole. Phylogenetic analyses revealed sseKer2 as a novel keratin. Although they exhibit different expression patterns during larval development, both of them are negatively regulated by THs. The co-regulation by THs could explain the reduction of both keratin transcripts after the metamorphosis climax, suggesting their role in the tissue remodelling processes that occur during metamorphosis.</p

    Migration of volatile compounds from natural biomaterials and their safety evaluation as food contact materials

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    The concern for environmental conservation is increasing, and a very important factor to consider is the search for alternatives to the use of plastics in the food packaging industry. A good option is the manufacture of containers of biodegradable materials, such as the so-called biomaterials made of vegetable fibre such as wheat, wood, bamboo or palm leaf pulp. The migration of compounds from food packaging can cause alterations in food safety and acceptability. Therefore, their control through studies of specific migration is definitely important in the food industry. Specific migration has been studied in two types of dishes (wheat pulp and wood) in contact with three liquid simulants (ethanol 10%, acetic acid 3% and ethanol 95%). The analysis of migration extracts have been carried out by solid-phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography (SPME-GC-MS) in the most suitable working conditions. In addition, those identified compounds considered of interest according to existing legislation have been quantified in order to assess whether exceed or not the migration limits established for some of them. The results obtained show that the quantified compounds are well below the specific migration limits (SML) set by the legislation, thereby showing the safety in use of this type of biodegradable dishes

    Validation of a rapid method for detecting nitrate in chard (Beta vulgaris cycla). Analysis of Spanish commercial samples marketed in the Region of Huesca, Spain, and estimation of the daily intake

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    Introduction: This paper presents the validation of a rapid method for the determination of nitrate content in chard samples, in order to determine, during two periods (winter and summer of 2012), the current levels of nitrate in this typical vegetable, and the toxicological risk associated with this intake. Material and Methods: A rapid colorimetric determination of nitrate in chard samples by nitration of salicylic acid was validated. The validated method was applied to analyze the content of nitrate in 56 chard samples marketed in Huesca (Spain) and collected in winter and summer seasons, and the toxicological risk associated with the intake for adult and children population was evaluated. Results: The method was specific and robust enough for the required purposes. The main performance characteristics of the method were: limits of detection and quantitation of 0.29 mg L-1 and 0.59 mg L-1, respectively; recoveries from 80.0% to 107.4%; and coefficients of variation lower than 11.4%. The detected mean nitrate content was 2293 mg kg-1 and there was evidence of risk only for extreme consumers (adults and children), especially in winter period. Conclusions: A high percentage of chard samples with a considerable concentration of nitrate were found. Taking into account the estimated dairy intake of nitrate associated with them, it could be recommended to establish a regulatory limit of nitrate to chard, a vegetable of important consumption in Spain

    In vitro propagation and phytochemistry of thymol-producing plants from a horticultural form of Thymus x josephi-angeli Mansanet & Aguil. (Lamiaceae)

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    Thymus L. is of great interest in horticulture as ornamentals, spices, and medicinal plants, as well as in the extracts industry due to the richness in bioactive specialized metabolites. The natural hybrid T. x josephi-angeli Mansanet & Aguil. is produced in Spain, as its horticultural forms are very popular for domestic uses and gardening. However, its micropropagation and chemical composition have not been studied yet. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to develop a micropropagation procedure for T. x josephi-angeli, and to check whether the in vitro culture had an impact on the chemical profile of the plants. The results showed a high initiation rate (>91%) after two sterilization treatments were applied. Moreover, a micropropagation rate of around 21 new rooted explants per culture cycle was obtained in treatment M7 (Murashige and Skoog with 0.064 uM 6-(gamma,gamma-Dimethylallylamino)purine) when compared to the other 10 treatments performed. Acclimatization was successful in all three approaches tested (>75%), and all plants kept growing after 4 months of outdoor cultivation. Finally, 36 volatiles were identified, and the content of major compounds remained not statistically different in acclimatized plants when compared to the wild-type plants according to the analyses made by HS-SPME-GC/MS and SPME-GC/MS. This chemical stability points out the uniformity of the microplants and the suitability of the procedure applied in this study for T. xjosephi-angeli horticultural production using in vitro techniques

    Spanish traditional tomato. Effects of genotype, location and agronomic conditions on the nutritional quality and evaluation of consumer preferences

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    Traditional tomatoes are highly valued for their organoleptic quality and cultural links with a territory. At present, strong competition has put these crops at risk, and it is necessary to differentiate the local cultivars and improve their nutritional value. This work focused on the nutritional study of four selected lines of a local tomato grown in two locations and in two agronomic conditions to nutritionally characterize the tomatoes and to study the effect of location and cultivation on nutritional parameters. Data on nutritional characterization revealed significant effects of location and treatment in most compounds. Tomatoes grown in traditional areas showed a significantly higher concentration of some phenolic acids and beta-carotene. Lycopene contents were not location dependent. The open field test showed significant differences in all the components. Regarding the best nutritional genotypes, all the components were dependent on lines, and significant differences were confirmed between them