734 research outputs found

    "Savings of Entrepreneurs"

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    Previous work on entrepreneurship and wealth has documented that entrepreneurial households are wealthier and have higher wealth mobility. However, the literature has not paid attention to the components of wealth change. Furthermore, endogeneity problems in the measurement of the interaction between saving rates and entrepreneurship are not well addressed. In this paper, by reexamining the relationship between entrepreneurship and household wealth more rigorously, I show that while entrepreneurial households save more out of their income, it is not true that they experience higher rates of wealth increase or capital gains. In my analyses, I control for the endogeneity between the decision to start a business and household savings. I find some evidence that the decision to become a business owner is endogenous to the rate of capital gains and to the rate of saving (out of income). My results also show that households do not save more in order to start a business. Therefore, the evidence suggests that business owners save more, but not that those who save more become business owners.

    "Financial Liberalization and Poverty: Channels of Influence"

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    Financial development and its effects on the economic development of a country has recently been one of the most prolific areas of research in the fields of development, finance, and international economics. So far, however, very little work has been done to analyze comprehensively the relationship between financial liberalization and poverty. There is still controversy about the exact role and the effectiveness of financial liberalization on improving economic conditions in developing countries. This paper aims to contribute to this debate by critically reviewing the relevant literature and looking closely at the channels through which financial liberalization can affect poverty.

    "Asset Poverty in The United States: Its Persistence in an Expansionary Economy"

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    From this paper's Preface, by Dr. Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, President: Economic growth and a rising stock market in the 1990s gave the impression that everyone was accumulating wealth and asset poverty rates were declining. The impression was supported by the official, income-based poverty measure, which exhibited a sharp decline. According to Senior Scholar Edward N. Wolff and Research Scholar Asena Caner, poverty measures should include wealth as well as income. Their study of asset poverty in the United States between 1984 and 1999 focuses on the lower end of the wealth distribution and shows that asset poverty rates did not decline during the period studied, and that the severity of poverty increased. It also shows that asset poverty is much more persistent than income poverty.

    Completely monotonic ratios of basic and ordinary gamma functions

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    We investigate conditions for logarithmic complete monotonicity of product ratios of gamma and q-gamma functions whose arguments are linear functions of the variable. We give necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of nonnegativity of a certain explicitly written measure in the q case and of a certain elementary function in the classical q=1 case. In the latter case we further provide simple new sufficient conditions leading to many new examples of logarithmically completely monotonic gamma ratios. Finally, we apply some of our results to study monotonicity of some gamma ratios and rational functions.Comment: 23 pages; no figure

    Assessment of Legislative Function within Turkish Democracy

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    Türkiye’de yazılı anayasa döneminin I. Meşrutiyet’le başladığı geniş kabul görür. Temel olarak 1876 Anayasası, Türk tarihindeki ilk anayasal belge değildir. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun ilk anayasal belgesinin Sened-i İttifak olduğu söylenebilir. Bu makalede, Türkiye’nin yasama fonksiyonunu öncelikle yakın geçmişteki Osmanlı’nın son dönemindeki temel yasal yapılanma olan Sened-i İttifak (1808), I. Meşrutiyet (1876), II. Meşrutiyet (1908), Kurtuluş Savaşı dönemindeki 1921 Anayasası (bazıları bu düzenlemeyi anayasa olarak kabul etmemektedirler) kapsamında analiz edeceğiz, daha sonra da Cumhuriyet dönemindeki 1924 Anayasası, 1961 Anayasası ve 1982 Anayasası’nın oluşumlarında demokrasi ile bağdaşan ve bağdaşmayan gelişmeleri demokrasi açısından inceleyeceğiz. Uluslararası sistemin ve Türkiye iç dinamiklerinin Türk yasama fonksiyonundaki etkilerinin neler olduğu o dönemin şartları göz önünde bulundurularak ele alınacaktır.It is widely accepted that the written constitution period has begun with Constitutional Monarchy I. Basically, the constitution of 1876 is not the first constitutional document in Turkish history. It can be said that the Charter of Alliance is the first document of Ottoman Empire. In this article, we will analyze the legislative function of Turkey starting from the legislative documents of Ottoman Empire which constitute the base of current legal structure such as the Charter of Alliance (1808), Constitutional Monarchy I. (1876), Constitutional Monarchy II. (1908), the Constitution of 1921 (some argue that it is not a legal constitution), and then the legislative documents of Modern Turkey such as the Constitutions of 1924, 1961 and 1982. The focus of the article will be the formations of the constitutions and compatible and incompatible developments with democracy. The article will address the effects of international political system and internal developments within Turkish political system on the Turkish legislative structure considering the conditions of that time

    Türk demokrasisinde yasama fonksiyonunun değerlendirmesi

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    It is widely accepted that the written constitution period has begun with Constitutional Monarchy I. Basically, the constitution of 1876 is not the first constitutional document in Turkish history. It can be said that the Charter of Alliance is the first document of Ottoman Empire. In this article, we will analyze the legislative function of Turkey starting from the legislative documents of Ottoman Empire which constitute the base of current legal structure such as the Charter of Alliance (1808), Constitutional Monarchy I. (1876), Constitutional Monarchy II. (1908), the Constitution of 1921 (some argue that it is not a legal constitution), and then the legislative documents of Modern Turkey such as the Constitutions of 1924, 1961 and 1982. The focus of the article will be the formations of the constitutions and compatible and incompatible developments with democracy. The article will address the effects of international political system and internal developments within Turkish political system on the Turkish legislative structure considering the conditions of that time.Türkiye’de yazılı anayasa döneminin I. Meşrutiyet’le başladığı geniş kabul görür. Temel olarak 1876 Anayasası, Türk tarihindeki ilk anayasal belge değildir. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun ilk anayasal belgesinin Sened-i İttifak olduğu söylenebilir. Bu makalede, Türkiye’nin yasama fonksiyonunu öncelikle yakın geçmişteki Osmanlı’nın son dönemindeki temel yasal yapılanma olan Sened-i İttifak (1808), I. Meşrutiyet (1876), II. Meşrutiyet (1908), Kurtuluş Savaşı dönemindeki 1921 Anayasası (bazıları bu düzenlemeyi anayasa olarak kabul etmemektedirler) kapsamında analiz edeceğiz, daha sonra da Cumhuriyet dönemindeki 1924 Anayasası, 1961 Anayasası ve 1982 Anayasası’nın oluşumlarında demokrasi ile bağdaşan ve bağdaşmayan gelişmeleri demokrasi açısından inceleyeceğiz. Uluslararası sistemin ve Türkiye iç dinamiklerinin Türk yasama fonksiyonundaki etkilerinin neler olduğu o dönemin şartları göz önünde bulundurularak ele alınacaktır