1,222 research outputs found

    Analysis of the behaviour of Bacia of Côa agents(Interior North of Portugal)face to some European experiences pilot of Information Society

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    The deep development that has occurred in the last times to the level of the technologies of the information and communication was materialized in a true revolution of infrastructures, services and applications spread out by all the societies and seats on hiper sector of the information and that affect all the states, regions and citizens. The conscientious European Commission of this reality has become committed itself in the development of the Information Society in agreement clear on diverse elaborated documents and the launching of projects pilot. The development of the Information and Communication Technologies affects the everyday facilitating the fast access to the information that allows to face new challenges and to approximate the most isolated regions. But not all the regions are prepared to announce actively the Information Society. This work intends to know, based on the analysis of some of these projects pilot and its experiences, if the development agents of Bacia do Côa (North interior of Portugal) gather the essential conditions for the development of the Information Society.

    Following engineers and architects through slums: the technoscience of slum intervention in the Portuguese-speaking landscape

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    Following engineers and architects through slums: the technoscience of slum intervention in the Portuguese-speaking landscape. This article revisits the long genealogy of State intervention in informal settlements and poorly built environments throughout the 20th century, in cities such as Lisbon, Porto, Rio de Janeiro, Maputo or Macau, to better frame some socio-technical complexities involved in the current project of slum rehabilitation in Cova da Moura, Lisbon. Then, it draws upon ethnographic research with experts from the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (lnec) during a scientific assessment of informal dwellings to show that the “evaluation” of informal dwellings with a view to “reconfigure” them, is a socio-technical operation based on a “laboratorisation” of the dwelling, but one that is crucially dependent on the subjective-objective experience of expertsSeguindo engenheiros e arquitetos pelas barracas: a tecnociência da intervenção em zonas degradadas no contexto lusófono. Este artigo revisita a longa genealogia de intervenção do Estado em assentamentos informais e outros contextos habitacionais pobres ao longo do século xx, em cidades como Lisboa, Porto, Rio de Janeiro, Maputo ou Macau, para melhor enquadrar alguns elementos sociotécnicos presentes na iniciativa de reabilitação/requalificação do bairro da Cova da Moura, Amadora, Lisboa. Depois, a partir do acompanhamento etnográfico de peritos do lnec – Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil durante o seu trabalho, mostra como a avaliação das condições de habitabilidade dos alojamentos do bairro, conduzida com vista à sua reabilitação, se baseou numa “laboratorização” do alojamento, mas em que esta dependeu da experiência subjectiva dos peritos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Valores pessoais e identidade em adultos emergentes : qual o papel do social connectedness?

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    Orientação: Ana de Nazaré PriosteOs valores pessoais e o social connectedness têm sido apontadas como variáveis influentes no desenvolvimento da identidade. Com recurso a um desenho quantitativo transversal e a uma amostra de 275 adultos emergentes, o presente estudo pretende analisar, em adultos emergentes portugueses: a relação entre os valores pessoais, os dois ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade (formação e avaliação do compromisso) e o social connectedness; se os valores pessoais são preditores dos ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade; o papel mediador do social connectedness na relação entre os valores pessoais e os ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade. Os resultados dos modelos de equações estruturais mostram que: os valores pessoais predizem os ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade; o social connectedness é mediador da relação entre os valores pessoais e os ciclos de desenvolvimento da identidade. Os resultados sugerem que a adesão a valores pessoais individualistas e coletivistas contribua para a formação e avaliação dos compromissos, preservando o sentido de ligação com o mundo social e favoreçam a formação e a avaliação de compromissos. Para além disso, o sentimento de proximidade interpessoal pode funcionar como um mecanismo de confirmação em relação aos valores pessoais a que os adultos emergentes aderem, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da sua identidade. Este estudo tem implicações para a literatura relacionada com os valores pessoais e o desenvolvimento identitário nos adultos emergentes.Personal values and social connectedness have been pointed out as influent variables in identity development. By means of a transversal quantitative design and a sample of 275 emerging adults, the present study tries to analyse, in portuguese emerging adults: the relation between personal values, the two cicles of identity development (formation and evaluation of commitment) and the social connectedness; if personal values foretell the cicles of the identity development; the mediatory role of the social connectedness in the relation between personal values and the two cicles of the identity development. The results of the patterns of structural equations show that: personal values foretell the cicles of identity development; the social connectedness mediates in the relation between personal values and the cicles of identity development. The results suggest that the enrolment with individualistic and collectivist personal values contributes to the formation and evaluation of commitments, securing the feeling of binding with the social world, and helps the formation and evaluation of commitments. Furthermore, the feeling of interpersonal kinship can act as a device for confirmation in what concerns personal values to which the emerging adults adhere, helping the development of their identity. This work is engaged with the bibliography related with personal values and identity development in emerging adults

    ICT and critical thinking : a multifaceted and integrated process in the English Language Learning (ESL)

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    The increased complexity of our world today calls for learners’ active knowledge construction and collaboration in the learning process, as opposed to traditional approaches based on the assumption that knowledge is transmitted from teacher to student. Accordingly, YouTube, in parallel with Moodle forums, emerge as new learning environments, fostering a multifaceted and integrated process consistent with young digital natives’ profile and the challenges demanded by a knowledge-based society. A case study was conducted in English as a second language (ESL), involving eleventh-grade secondary education students in formal and non-formal learning environments, offline and online. The research focussed on the educational value of digital video and Moodle forum discussions and their effective contribution to a meaningful and in-depth learning, aiming to develop critical thinking skills. First phase results showed that not only were a vast majority of learners not aware of many of the skills involved in critical thinking, but clear intellectual standards inherent to disciplined and critical thinking did not govern them as well. Final results showed major differences regarding learners’ achievements, indicating that YouTube and Moodle have promoted the development of critical thinking in English (ESL). In this paper we present; a) theories that support the integration of digital videos for developing essential skills to the learning process; b) new insights into the way foreign language may be processed; c) methodologies with YouTube and Moodle in the educational context

    Feature Extraction and Object Classification in Video Sequences for Military Surveillance

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    A detecção e reconhecimento de objectos requer um sistema de aprendizagem que possa identificar automaticamente um grupo de objectos, independentemente dos dados de entrada. Para que este tipo de identificação seja possível, este sistema precisa analisar previamente um grande grupo de dados para que possa memorizar pontos de interesse de diferentes objectos. Esta é a chamada fase de treino e é o primeiro passo em todos os processos de detecção e reconhecimento de machine learning. Embora já existam muitos modelos que realizam a detecção e reconhecimento de um grande grupo de objectos, um dos objetivos deste projeto é especificar esta identificação para um grupo pequeno e especial de objetos. Isto torna-se possível usando transfer learning, que é um processo que usa o conhecimento adquirido, por um desses modelos, na resolução de um problema e aplica-o para solucionar uma questão diferente. Basicamente, tira proveito do resultado do processo de extração de características e utiliza-o para aprender a identificar outro tipo de objetos. A extração de características é um grupo de processos com o objetivo de simplificar grandes grupos de dados, criando pequenos conjuntos de informações não redundantes. Esses pequenos grupos são mais fáceis de controlar, descrevem totalmente o conjunto de dados original e, ao usá-los, os recursos necessários para analisar um grande conjunto de dados são reduzidos. Neste contexto, os dados a serem analisados ​​serão capturados por uma câmara implementada num ponto estacionário ou num veículo. Quando se lida com a captura de informação visual é normal que um grande número de dados seja gerado. Por isso, é importante analisá-lo com eficiência e identificar informações que são relevantes. Esta dissertação é realizada no âmbito militar, uma vez que os objectos a serem automaticamente identificados são tanques, armas, pessoas e veículos (carros e camiões), alcançando, assim, vigilância territorial.Object detection and recognition requires a learning system that can automatically identify a group of objects independently of the input data. To be able to perform this kind of identification, this system needs to previously analyze a large group of data, so it can memorize special features of different objects. This procedure it's called training and it's the first step in all the detection and recognition processes of machine learning. Although there are already many models that perform detection and recognition for a large group of objects, one of the goals of this project is to specify this identification into a small and special group of objects. This will be achieved by using transfer learning, that is a process that uses the knowledge gained by one of these models while solving one problem and applies it to a different one. Basically, it takes advantage of the feature extraction procedure outputs and use them to learn how to identify other kind of objects. Feature extraction is a group of processes with the goal of simplifying big groups of data by creating small sets of non-redundant information. These small groups are more manageable and can fully describe the original data set and, by using them, the resources necessary to analyse a large set of input data are decreased. In this context, the data to be analyzed will be captured by a camera implemented at a stationary point or in a vehicle. When dealing with the capture of visual information, it's normal that a large number of data is generated. So, it's important to analyze it efficiently and achieve relevant information identification. This dissertation focuses in military uses, therefore these operations are going to be used to automatically identify objects in the military field, that is, tanks, guns, people and vehicles (cars and trucks), achieving territorial surveillance

    YouTube for learning English as a foreign language : critical thinking, communicative skills

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    Publicado em "Proceedings of EDULEARN09 Conference", ISBN 978-84-612-9802-0The selection of available videos on YouTube comes up as a meaningful way to foreign language learning. The approach has been adopted in a high school, engaging 11th grade students (16/17 years old) in formal and non-formal learning environments. Our World; Teen Consumers; The World of Work and the Multicultural World were the curriculum themes covered by the current experience. The first author, an English teacher, is doing her master’s dissertation based on a case study [1] [2], which focuses on the impact of YouTube on promoting essential competences to the English language learning process. A formal research dimension is now added to this framework based on the teacher’s own practices until the moment. In this paper we present; a) theories that support the integration of YouTube for learning English as a second language; b) approaches and specific materials centred on the students and used in the classroom context, illustrating some examples; c) the study design and the techniques to collect and analyse data; d) the value added by the component of investigation to school teaching practice

    The role of individual differences in shame-induced behavior: a review of the literature and investigation of the contribution of attachment individual differences in predicting prosocial behavior following shame

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    In this article I will review research on the role of individual differences in predicting shameinduced behavior. Shame emerges essentially from a perception that one is viewed as unattractive by others and serves the important evolutionary function of warning individuals that they may be rejected and excluded by others. To help people deal with the threat of rejection, shame is postulated to motivate them to engage in socially valued behaviors that will protect or improve their social images and in this way grant them the acceptance of others and prevent their loss of group membership. Nevertheless, research has for decades focused on the negative interpersonal and psychological consequences of shame, with studies showing how this emotion leads people to hide when commiting transgressions, become more aggressive and hostile and exhibit dimished empathy for others. Only recently have the positive behavioral functions of shame begun to be uncovered, with studies showing how this emotion may also motivate people to behave in ways that promote interpersonal acceptance (e.g. striving in performance situations, engaging in reparations following wrongdoing and behaving prosocially towards others). However, the extent to which shame will promote one type of behavior or another is dependent upon individual differences that predispose people towards adaptiveness or maladaptiveness in the face of this emotion. Because space does not allow for a consideration of all such relevant individual differences, I will review evidence of the role of self-esteem and attachment individual differences in predicting adaptive versus maladaptive behavior following shame.Neste artigo serão revistos os resultados da investigação existente acerca do papel das diferenças individuais na predição do comportamento em situações de vergonha. A vergonha surge essencialmente de percepções de ausência de atractividade social aos olhos dos outros e serve a importante função evolucionária de avisar os indivíduos de que podem ser rejeitados ou excluídos. Por forma a lidar com a ameaça da rejeição, tem sido defendido que a vergonha motiva os indivíduos a terem comportamentos socialmente desejáveis que irão proteger ou melhorar as suas imagens sociais aos olhos dos outros e assim garantir-lhes que são aceites por eles. No entanto, a investigação durante décadas focou-se nas consequências interpessoais negativas da vergonha, com vários estudos a demonstrar como esta emoção leva as pessoas a fugir quando cometem transgressões, tornar-se mais agressivas e hostis e exibir menor empatia pelos outros. Apenas recentemente têm as consequências interpessoais da vergonha vindo a ser desvendadas, com alguns estudos a evidenciarem que esta emoção também pode motivar as pessoas a comportar-se de formas que promovem a sua aceitação social (e.g. dedicação em domínios de performance, reparações após transgressões, comportamento prosocial). Porém, a medida em que a vergonha irá promover um tipo de comportamento ou o outro depende de diferenças individuais que predispõem as pessoas a comportar-se adaptativamente ou não quando confrontadas com esta emoção. Porque o espaço não permite a consideração em detalhe de todas as diferenças individuais relevantes para este tópico, evidência acerca do papel da auto-estima e da vinculação na predição do comportamento em situações de vergonha será revista em maior detalhe

    Exploração de algoritmos de consenso no Quorum

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    As blockchain technology matures, more industries are becoming interested in evaluating if the technology can answer their needs for decentralized systems that guarantee data immutability and traceability. Quorum is a blockchain platform that accommodates enterprise use-cases by extending Ethereum to support private transactions and a higher transaction throughput. To achieve this, Quorum replaced Ethereum’s proof-of-stake consensus mechanism with proof-of-authority ones, supporting four different algorithms: Raft, Clique, IBFT 1.0, and QBFT. This work explores Quorum’s consensus algorithms and how they affect performance and fault-tolerance, in order to assess the best use cases for each and what should drive their choice. A GoQuorum network was set up, and benchmarks were run against this system under different scenarios while only changing the consensus algorithm for each scenario. Results showed that Raft is the most performant consensus algorithm in Quorum in both private and public transactions. Additionally, QBFT achieved the same performance as IBFT, and Clique was the worst performer across the board, particularly due to having high resource-usage. Regarding fault-tolerance, it was found that bringing validator nodes down at random, when the network has high-availability, had no impact on networks under any of the consensus algorithms.Com blockchain a entrar numa fase de maturidade, cada vez mais indústrias procuram avaliar se esta tecnologia responde às suas necessidades de sistemas distribuídos que garantam a imutabilidade e rastreabilidade dos seus dados. Quorum é uma plataforma blockchain que procura acomodar os casos de uso destas empresas ao extender Ethereum para suportar transações privadas e um maior número de transações por segundo. Para esse efeito, o Quorum substituiu o mecanismo de consenso proof-ofstake do Ethereum por um mecanismo de proof-of-authority, onde quatro algoritmos são suportados: Raft, Clique, IBFT 1.0, e QBFT. Este trabalho explora os algoritmos de consenso suportados pelo Quorum de modo a determinar como estes afetam o desempenho e tolerância a falhas das redes, e consequentemente perceber os melhores casos de uso para estes algoritmos e que fatores ter em conta aquando a sua escolha. Foi criada uma rede de GoQuorum, e vários testes de desempenho foram corridos contra a rede sob diferentes cenários, onde para cada cenário a única variável foi o algoritmo de consenso. Os resultados mostraram que o Raft foi o algoritmo de consenso com melhor desempenho, tanto em transações públicas como privadas. Adicionalmente, o QBFT e o IBFT atingiram o mesmo desempenho, e o Clique o pior de todos, particularmente pelo seu alto uso de recursos do sistema. Quanto a tolerância a falhas, foi concluído que trazer nós validadores abaixo aleatoriamente enquanto o sistema está configurado com alta disponibilidade não tem impacto nas redes, independentemente do algoritmo de consenso utilizado

    Higher-order thinking in foreign language learning

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    A project is being conducted in English as a foreign language (EFL), involving eleventh graders in formal and non-formal learning contexts, in a Portuguese high school. The goal of this study is to examine the impact of cognitive tools and higher-order thinking processes on the learning of EFL and achievement of larger processes oriented to action, involving problem solving, decision-making and creation of new products. YouTube videos emerge as cognitive tools in the process. Final results show major differences concerning learners’ achievements. Learners have developed higher-order processes oriented to action, in particular their ability to learn, to transfer the skills developed to different contexts and apply them effectively in EFL communicative situations. This paper discusses: a) major theories that support the integration of cognitive tools and thinking processes within the curriculum, focussing on the English language learning; b) some of the activities and materials; c) the final findings.This work is supported by CIED (Center for Research in Education) by FCT funds (for Science and Technology), under the PEST - OE project / CED / UI 1661/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intership inetum - development of outsystems applications

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    Mestrado em IPB-ESTGAtualmente, existe uma influência digital que permite uma conexão constante entre a humanidade, ocorrendo esta, devido às Tecnologias da Informação (TI). A expansão destas tecnologias, indispensáveis presentemente, foi possibilitada através do avanço da programação. Com base na necessidade constante desta, surgiram as plataformas low code, distintas da forma tradicional. Pioneira no setor, e criada em Portugal, OutSystems é uma plataforma low code com mais de 20 anos que se destacou e tornou numa das principais neste ramo. O presente relatório é consequência do estágio, pertencente ao Mestrado em Informática, realizado na empresa Inetum Holding Business Solutions Portugal (Inetum HBSP), empresa que desenvolve e dá suporte a aplicações empresariais com destaque em SAP e OutSystems, entre o período de 10 de outubro de 2021 e 27 de abril de 2022. Durante este período, todos os objetivos foram cumpridos, destacando-se a Integração em projetos nos mais diversos setores (Telecomunicações e Comercialização e Distribuição de Bebidas), análise de requisitos usando múltiplas ferramentas (Jira e TeamWork), uso de diversas metodologias (Kanban e Scrum), e o desenvolvimento de Front-End e Back- End usando OutSystems. Serviços de manutenção em cliente foram também conduzidos (Setor de Infraestruturas e veículos), mesmo não estando no âmbito dos objetivos. O projeto do setor Telecomunicações foi o mais complexo, desde como os desenvolvimentos foram geridos, a prazos de entrega, contatos com o Project Manager e Product Owner, trazendo uma experiência positiva e difícil de como o mundo dos negócios é.Currently, there is a digital influence that allows a constant connection between humanity, occurring this, due to Information Tecnhology (IT). The expansion of these technologies, indispensable nowadays, was made possible through the advancement of programming. Based on its constant need, low code platforms emerged, distinct from the traditional form. Pioneer in the sector, and created in Portugal, OutSystems is a low code platform with more than 20 years that stood out and became one of the leading in this field. This report is a consequence of the internship, belonging to the Master’s Degree in Informatics, and was held at Inetum HBSP, a company that develops and supports business applications with emphasis on SAP and OutSystems, from 10 October 2021 to 27 April 2022. During this period, all objectives were met, especially the integration in projects in various sectors (Telecommunications and Beverage Sales and Distribution), requirements analysis using multiple tools (Jira and Teamwork), use of various methodologies (Kanban and Scrum), and the development of Front-End and Back-End using OutSystems. Customer maintenance services were also conducted (Infrastructure and Vehicles Sector), even though they were not within the scope of the objectives. The Telecommunications sector project was the most complex, from how the developments were managed, to delivery deadlines, contacts with Project Manager and Project Owner, bringing a very positive and hard experience of what the business world is