65 research outputs found

    Design and Immunological Validation of Macaca fascicularis Papillomavirus Type 3 Based Vaccine Candidates in Outbred Mice: Basis for Future Testing of a Therapeutic Papillomavirus Vaccine in NHPs

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    Persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are causative for cervical neoplasia and carcinomas. Despite the availability of prophylactic vaccines, morbidity and mortality induced by HPV are still too high. Thus, an efficient therapy, such as a therapeutic vaccine, is urgently required. Herein, we describe the development and validation of Macaca fascicularis papillomavirus type 3 (MfPV3) antigens delivered via nucleic-acid and adenoviral vectors in outbred mouse models. Ten artificially fused polypeptides comprising early viral regulatory proteins were designed and optionally linked to the T cell adjuvant MHC-II-associated invariant chain. Transfected HEK293 cells and A549 cells transduced with recombinant adenoviruses expressing the same panel of artificial antigens proved proper and comparable expression, respectively. Immunization of outbred CD1 and OF1 mice led to CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses against MfPV3 antigens after DNA- and adenoviral vector delivery. Moreover, in vivo cytotoxicity of vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells was demonstrated in BALB/c mice by quantifying specific killing of transferred peptide-pulsed syngeneic target cells. The use of the invariant chain as T cell adjuvant enhanced the T cell responses regarding cytotoxicity and in vitro analysis suggested an accelerated turnover of the antigens as causative. Notably, the fusion-polypeptide elicited the same level of T-cell responses as administration of the antigens individually, suggesting no loss of immunogenicity by fusing multiple proteins in one vaccine construct. These data support further development of the vaccine candidates in a follow up efficacy study in persistently infected Macaca fascicularis monkeys to assess their potential to eliminate pre-malignant papillomavirus infections, eventually instructing the design of an analogous therapeutic HPV vaccine

    Coronavirus Pseudotypes for All Circulating Human Coronaviruses for Quantification of Cross-Neutralizing Antibody Responses.

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    The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh identified human coronavirus. Understanding the extent of pre-existing immunity induced by seropositivity to endemic seasonal coronaviruses and the impact of cross-reactivity on COVID-19 disease progression remains a key research question in immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and the immunopathology of COVID-2019 disease. This paper describes a panel of lentiviral pseudotypes bearing the spike (S) proteins for each of the seven human coronaviruses (HCoVs), generated under similar conditions optimized for high titre production allowing a high-throughput investigation of antibody neutralization breadth. Optimal production conditions and most readily available permissive target cell lines were determined for spike-mediated entry by each HCoV pseudotype: SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2 and HCoV-NL63 best transduced HEK293T/17 cells transfected with ACE2 and TMPRSS2, HCoV-229E and MERS-CoV preferentially entered HUH7 cells, and CHO cells were most permissive for the seasonal betacoronavirus HCoV-HKU1. Entry of ACE2 using pseudotypes was enhanced by ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression in target cells, whilst TMPRSS2 transfection rendered HEK293T/17 cells permissive for HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV-OC43 entry. Additionally, pseudotype viruses were produced bearing additional coronavirus surface proteins, including the SARS-CoV-2 Envelope (E) and Membrane (M) proteins and HCoV-OC43/HCoV-HKU1 Haemagglutinin-Esterase (HE) proteins. This panel of lentiviral pseudotypes provides a safe, rapidly quantifiable and high-throughput tool for serological comparison of pan-coronavirus neutralizing responses; this can be used to elucidate antibody dynamics against individual coronaviruses and the effects of antibody cross-reactivity on clinical outcome following natural infection or vaccination

    An optimized IFN-γ ELISpot assay for the sensitive and standardized monitoring of CMV protein-reactive effector cells of cell-mediated immunity

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    Background: In healthy individuals, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is efficiently controlled by CMV-specific cell-mediated immunity (CMI). Functional impairment of CMI in immunocompromized individuals however can lead to uncontrolled CMV replication and severe clinical complications. Close monitoring of CMV-specific CMI is therefore clinically relevant and might allow a reliable prognosis of CMV disease as well as assist personalized therapeutic decisions. Methods: Objective of this work was the optimization and technical validation of an IFN-gamma ELISpot assay for a standardized, sensitive and reliable quantification of CMV-reactive effector cells. T-activated (R) immunodominant CMV IE-1 and pp65 proteins were used as stimulants. All basic assay parameters and reagents were tested and optimized to establish a user-friendly protocol and maximize the signal-to-noise ratio of the ELISpot assay. Results: Optimized and standardized ELISpot revealed low intra-assay, inter-assay and inter-operator variability (coefficient of variation CV below 22%) and CV inter-site was lower than 40%. Good assay linearity was obtained between 6 x 10(4) and 2 x 10(5) PBMC per well upon stimulation with T-activated (R) IE-1 (R-2 = 0.97) and pp65 (R-2 = 0.99) antigens. Remarkably, stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with T-activated (R) IE-1 and pp65 proteins resulted in the activation of a broad range of CMV-reactive effector cells, including CD3(+) CD4(+) (Th), CD3(+) CD8(+) (CTL), CD3-CD56(+) (NK) and CD3(+) CD56(+) (NKT-like) cells. Accordingly, the optimized IFN-gamma ELISpot assay revealed very high sensitivity (97%) in a cohort of 45 healthy donors, of which 32 were CMV IgG-seropositive. Conclusion: The combined use of T-activated (R) IE-1 and pp65 proteins for the stimulation of PBMC with the optimized IFN-gamma ELISpot assay represents a highly standardized, valuable tool to monitor the functionality of CMV-specific CMI with great sensitivity and reliability

    Exploiting Pan Influenza A and Pan Influenza B Pseudotype Libraries for Efficient Vaccine Antigen Selection.

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    We developed an influenza hemagglutinin (HA) pseudotype library encompassing Influenza A subtypes HA1-18 and Influenza B subtypes (both lineages) to be employed in influenza pseudotype microneutralization (pMN) assays. The pMN is highly sensitive and specific for detecting virus-specific neutralizing antibodies against influenza viruses and can be used to assess antibody functionality in vitro. Here we show the production of these viral HA pseudotypes and their employment as substitutes for wildtype viruses in influenza neutralization assays. We demonstrate their utility in detecting serum responses to vaccination with the ability to evaluate cross-subtype neutralizing responses elicited by specific vaccinating antigens. Our findings may inform further preclinical studies involving immunization dosing regimens in mice and may help in the creation and selection of better antigens for vaccine design. These HA pseudotypes can be harnessed to meet strategic objectives that contribute to the strengthening of global influenza surveillance, expansion of seasonal influenza prevention and control policies, and strengthening pandemic preparedness and response

    Antibodies against viral nucleo-, phospho-, and X protein contribute to serological diagnosis of fatal Borna disease virus 1 infections

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    Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) causes rare but often fatal encephalitis in humans. Late diagnosis prohibits an experimental therapeutic approach. Here, we report a recent case of fatal BoDV-1 infection diagnosed on day 12 after hospitalization by detection of BoDV-1 RNA in the cerebrospinal fluid. In a retrospective analysis, we detect BoDV-1 RNA 1 day after hospital admission when the cell count in the cerebrospinal fluid is still normal. We develop a new ELISA using recombinant BoDV-1 nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein, and accessory protein X to detect seroconversion on day 12. Antibody responses are also shown in seven previously confirmed cases. The individual BoDV-1 antibody profiles show variability, but the usage of three different BoDV-1 antigens results in a more sensitive diagnostic tool. Our findings demonstrate that early detection of BoDV-1 RNA in cerebrospinal fluid and the presence of antibodies against at least two different viral antigens contribute to BoDV-1 diagnosis. Physicians in endemic regions should consider BoDV-1 infection in cases of unclear encephalopathy and initiate appropriate diagnostics at an early stage

    Head-to-Head Comparison of Poxvirus NYVAC and ALVAC Vectors Expressing Identical HIV-1 Clade C Immunogens in Prime-Boost Combination with Env Protein in Nonhuman Primates.

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    UNLABELLED: We compared the HIV-1-specific cellular and humoral immune responses elicited in rhesus macaques immunized with two poxvirus vectors (NYVAC and ALVAC) expressing the same HIV-1 antigens from clade C, Env gp140 as a trimeric cell-released protein and a Gag-Pol-Nef polyprotein as Gag-induced virus-like particles (VLPs) (referred to as NYVAC-C and ALVAC-C). The immunization protocol consisted of two doses of the corresponding poxvirus vector plus two doses of a combination of the poxvirus vector and a purified HIV-1 gp120 protein from clade C. This immunogenicity profile was also compared to that elicited by vaccine regimens consisting of two doses of the ALVAC vector expressing HIV-1 antigens from clades B/E (ALVAC-vCP1521) plus two doses of a combination of ALVAC-vCP1521 and HIV-1 gp120 protein from clades B/E (similar to the RV144 trial regimen) or clade C. The results showed that immunization of macaques with NYVAC-C stimulated at different times more potent HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses and induced a trend toward higher-magnitude HIV-1-specific CD8(+) T-cell immune responses than did ALVAC-C. Furthermore, NYVAC-C induced a trend toward higher levels of binding IgG antibodies against clade C HIV-1 gp140, gp120, or murine leukemia virus (MuLV) gp70-scaffolded V1/V2 and toward best cross-clade-binding IgG responses against HIV-1 gp140 from clades A, B, and group M consensus, than did ALVAC-C. Of the linear binding IgG responses, most were directed against the V3 loop in all immunization groups. Additionally, NYVAC-C and ALVAC-C also induced similar levels of HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) responses. Interestingly, binding IgA antibody levels against HIV-1 gp120 or MuLV gp70-scaffolded V1/V2 were absent or very low in all immunization groups. Overall, these results provide a comprehensive survey of the immunogenicity of NYVAC versus ALVAC expressing HIV-1 antigens in nonhuman primates and indicate that NYVAC may represent an alternative candidate to ALVAC in the development of a future HIV-1 vaccine. IMPORTANCE: The finding of a safe and effective HIV/AIDS vaccine immunogen is one of the main research priorities. Here, we generated two poxvirus-based HIV vaccine candidates (NYVAC and ALVAC vectors) expressing the same clade C HIV-1 antigens in separate vectors, and we analyzed in nonhuman primates their immunogenicity profiles. The results showed that immunization with NYVAC-C induced a trend toward higher HIV-1-specific cellular and humoral immune responses than did ALVAC-C, indicating that this new NYVAC vector could be a novel optimized HIV/AIDS vaccine candidate for human clinical trials.This investigation was supported by the PTVDC/CAVD program with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Humoral immune monitoring data was supported by the BMGF CAVIMC 1032144 grant and the NIH/NIAID Duke Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) 5P30 AI064518. Novartis Vaccines received support for this work under contract number HHSN266200500007C from DAIDS-NIAID-NIH.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://jvi.asm.org/content/early/2015/05/29/JVI.01265-15.abstract

    Potency and durability of T and B cell immune responses after homologous and heterologous vector delivery of a trimer-stabilized, membrane-displayed HIV-1 clade ConC Env protein

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    Introduction: The generation of an HIV-1 vaccine able to induce long-lasting protective immunity remains a main challenge. Here, we aimed to modify next-generation soluble, prefusion-stabilized, close-to-native, glycan-engineered clade C gp140 envelope (Env) trimers (sC23v4 KIKO and ConCv5 KIKO) for optimal display on the cell surface following homologous or heterologous vector delivery. Methods: A combination of the following modifications scored best regarding the preservation of closed, native-like Env trimer conformation and antigenicity when using a panel of selected broadly neutralizing (bnAb) and non-neutralizing (nnAb) monoclonal antibodies for flow cytometry: i) replacing the natural cleavage site with a native flexible linker and introducing a single amino acid substitution to prevent CD4 binding (*), ii) fusing a heterologous VSV-G-derived transmembrane moiety to the gp140 C-terminus, and iii) deleting six residues proximal to the membrane. Results: When delivering membrane-tethered sC23v4 KIKO* and ConCv5 KIKO* via DNA, VSV-GP, and NYVAC vectors, the two native-like Env trimers provide differential antigenicity profiles. Whereas such patterns were largely consistent among the different vectors for either Env trimer, the membrane-tethered ConCv5 KIKO* trimer adopted a more closed and native-like structure than sC23v4 KIKO*. In immunized mice, VSV-GP and NYVAC vectors expressing the membrane-tethered ConCv5 KIKO* administered in prime/boost combination were the most effective regimens for the priming of Env-specific CD4 T cells among all tested combinations. The subsequent booster administration of trimeric ConCv5 KIKO* Env protein preserved the T cell activation levels between groups. The evaluation of the HIV-1-specific humoral responses induced in the different immunization groups after protein boosts showed that the various prime/boost protocols elicited broad and potent antibody responses, preferentially of a Th1-associated IgG2a subclass, and that the obtained antibody levels remained high at the memory phase. Discussion: In summary, we provide a feasible strategy to display multiple copies of native-like Env trimers on the cell surface, which translates into efficient priming of sustained CD4+ T cell responses after vector delivery as well as broad, potent, and sustained antibody responses following booster immunizations with the homologous, prefusion-stabilized, close-to-native ConCv5 KIKO* gp140 Env trimer

    Exploiting Pan Influenza A and Pan Influenza B pseudotype libraries for efficient vaccine antigen selection

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    We developed an influenza hemagglutinin (HA) pseudotype library encompassing Influenza A subtypes HA1-18 and Influenza B subtypes (both lineages) to be employed in influenza pseudotype microneutralization (pMN) assays. The pMN is highly sensitive and specific for detecting virus-specific neutralizing antibodies against influenza viruses and can be used to assess antibody functionality in vitro. Here we show the production of these viral HA pseudotypes and their employment as substitutes for wildtype viruses in influenza neutralization assays. We demonstrate their utility in detecting serum responses to vaccination with the ability to evaluate cross-subtype neutralizing responses elicited by specific vaccinating antigens. Our findings may inform further preclinical studies involving immunization dosing regimens in mice and may help in the creation and selection of better antigens for vaccine design. These HA pseudotypes can be harnessed to meet strategic objectives that contribute to the strengthening of global influenza surveillance, expansion of seasonal influenza prevention and control policies, and strengthening pandemic preparedness and response.Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Grand Challenges Universal Influenza Vaccines Award; UK Research and Innovation (UKRI); EC FETopen (Virofight, Grant 899619); Department of Science and Technology of South Africa; UK Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra); Scottish and Welsh governments.http://www.mdpi.com/journal/vaccinespm2022Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Computationally designed Spike antigens induce neutralising responses against the breadth of SARS-COV-2 variants

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    Updates of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are required to generate immunity in the population against constantly evolving SARS-CoV-2 variants of concerns (VOCs). Here we describe three novel in-silico designed spike-based antigens capable of inducing neutralising antibodies across a spectrum of SARS-CoV-2 VOCs. Three sets of antigens utilising pre-Delta (T2_32), and post-Gamma sequence data (T2_35 and T2_36) were designed. T2_32 elicited superior neutralising responses against VOCs compared to the Wuhan-1 spike antigen in DNA prime-boost immunisation regime in guinea pigs. Heterologous boosting with the attenuated poxvirus - Modified vaccinia Ankara expressing T2_32 induced broader neutralising immune responses in all primed animals. T2_32, T2_35 and T2_36 elicited broader neutralising capacity compared to the Omicron BA.1 spike antigen administered by mRNA immunisation in mice. These findings demonstrate the utility of structure-informed computationally derived modifications of spike-based antigens for inducing broad immune responses covering more than 2 years of evolved SARS-CoV-2 variants