46 research outputs found

    Finding a Repository with the Help of Machine-Actionable DMPs: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Finding a suitable repository to deposit research data is a difficult task for researchers since the landscape consists of thousands of repositories and automated tool support is limited. Machine-actionable DMPs can improve the situation since they contain relevant context information in a structured and machine-friendly way and therefore enable automated support in repository recommendation. This work describes the current practice of repository selection and the available support today. We outline the opportunities and challenges of using machine-actionable DMPs to improve repository recommendation. By linking the use case of repository recommendation to the ten principles for machine-actionable DMPs, we show how this vision can be realized. A filterable and searchable repository registry that provides rich metadata for each indexed repository record is a key element in the architecture described. At the example of repository registries we show that by mapping machine-actionable DMP content and data policy elements to their filter criteria and querying their APIs a ranked list of repositories can be suggested.  [This paper is a conference pre-print presented at IDCC 2020 after lightweight peer review.

    Creating Structured and Reusable Data for Tourism and Commerce Images of Edo:Using IIIF Curation Platform to Extract Information from Historical Materials

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    This presentation is for a lightning talk of DH2020. Our final research goal is to restore Edo’s historical city conditions (Tokyo’s former name before the late 19th century) using historical materials. In particular, we focus on non-textual materials. For textual materials, TEI is the de facto standard. For non-textual materials, we need to find new ways as just collecting images is insufficient. We need to organize images as data for analysis across historical materials. The tool used for this work is the IIIF Curation Platform (ICP) . “Curation” with ICP is a generic method that allows us to gather IIIF images or parts of images and add metadata to each. Curation allows images to be organized as structured and reusable data . A large number of digitized pre-modern Japanese books are being released by multiple Japanese institutions . We used ICP to organize 1255 images from eight guidebooks in the Edo period then organized 2489 images from the Edo shopping guidebook


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    University of Tokyo (東京大学

    ニホン ノ ナンキョク カンソク カツドウ ニオケル チリ ジョウホウ システム GIS ポータルサイト

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    デジタル化された空間情報を元にした地理情報システム(GIS)は,現在様々な分野で活用されている.日本南極地域観測で得られた地図データを,研究者を始め多くの人々に容易に利用可能にするため,情報・システム研究機構新領域融合研究センターの新領域融合プロジェクトのもと,南極GISポータルサイトを構築した.国土地理院および国立極地研究所が保有する南極域の地図データを,Web上で利用可能なようにデジタル化し,南極域の基礎的な空間情報がほぼ整備された.南極GISポータルサイトにより,地図を利用する基本的な作業がWeb上で行えるようになった.また,南極GISポータルサイトでは,Google Earth等のアプリケーションと連携が可能な地図データセットが提供されている.異なった種類の地図の位置データの整合性をとるという問題は残されているが,今後,南極GISポータルサイトを基礎とした,より充実した活用方法等が望まれる.GIS (Geographic Information Systems) based on digitized spatial informations have been employed in various fields recently. GIS portal site of Japanese Antarctica research has been built under the project of transdisciplinary research integration of Research Organization of Information and Systems to make good use of Antarctic map data for researchers and the public. The map data of Antarctica that the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan and the National Institute of Polar Research hold were digitized for use on the GIS portal site Web services. Fundamental spatial information on the Antarctic region was prepared, and GIS portal site of Japanese Antarctica research provides basic map operation services on the Web. GIS portal site of Japanese Antarctica research also serves data set of the map that are available for Google Earth and the other GIS application. Although the location errors of various kind of map data should be fixed, substantial use of GIS portal site of Japanese Antarctica research are expected

    Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) as a Platform for Data and Model Integration: Cases in the Field of Water Resources Management and Disaster Risk Reduction

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    The development of data and model integration platforms has furthered scientific inquiry and helped to solve pressing social and environmental problems. While several e-infrastructure platforms have been developed, the concept of data and model integration remains obscure, and these platforms have produced few firm results. This article investigates data and model integration on the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) platform, using three case projects from water-related fields. We provide concrete examples of data and model integration by analyzing the data transfer and analysis process, and demonstrate what platform functions are needed to promote the advantages of data and model integration. In addition, we introduce the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a valuable tool for promoting data and model integration and open science. Our investigation reveals that DIAS advances data and model integration in five main ways: it is a “sophisticated and robust integration platform”; has “rich APIs, including a metadata management system, for high-quality data archive and utilization”; functions as a “core hydrological model”; and promotes a “collaborative R&D community” and “open science and data repositories”. This article will appeal especially to researchers interested in new methods of analysis, and information technology experts responsible for developing e-infrastructure systems to support environmental and scientific research

    Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) as a platform for data and model integration: Cases in the field of water resources management and disaster risk reduction

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    The development of data and model integration platforms has furthered scientific inquiry and helped to solve pressing social and environmental problems. While several e-infrastructure platforms have been developed, the concept of data and model integration remains obscure, and these platforms have produced few firm results. This article investigates data and model integration on the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) platform, using three case projects from water-related fields. We provide concrete examples of data and model integration by analyzing the data transfer and analysis process, and demonstrate what platform functions are needed to promote the advantages of data and model integration. In addition, we introduce the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a valuable tool for promoting data and model integration and open science. Our investigation reveals that DIAS advances data and model integration in five main ways: it is a "sophisticated and robust integration platform"; has "rich APIs, including a metadata management system, for high-quality data archive and utilization"; functions as a "core hydrological model"; and promotes a "collaborative R&D community" and "open science and data repositories". This article will appeal especially to researchers interested in new methods of analysis, and information technology experts responsible for developing e-infrastructure systems to support environmental and scientific research