156 research outputs found
Development of an integrated safety, health and environmental management capability maturity model for Ghanaian construction companies
With high rates of accidents, injuries, illnesses, negative environmental impacts and other well-being issues still recorded in the construction sector, as well its social and economic impacts, the need for safety health and environmental (SHE) improvement has become critical. Management systems, particularly environmental management systems (EMS) and safety management systems (SHMS), have been identified as innovative and systematic approaches for companies to manage SHE risks effectively in order to improve their SHE performance. However, the adoption and implementation of EMS and SHMS in the construction sector, particularly in developing countries like Ghana, has been slow and generally low, mainly due to cost and the bureaucracy that comes with the parallel implementation of standalone management systems. There is, therefore, a need for an integrated SHE management framework for effective SHE risks management and control in the construction sector. However, there is no single integrated SHE management framework for construction organisations to use, especially those within developing countries. Neither is there any mechanism by which construction companies can ascertain their capability in implementing integrated SHE management in order to guide efforts to improve their SHE performance. This research was undertaken to develop an integrated SHE management capability maturity model (SHEM-CMM) that can be used by construction firms in the Ghanaian construction industry.To achieve the aim of the study, a quantitative research approach was adopted. It involved a comprehensive literature review to generate potential capability attributes relevant to integrated SHE management. Following the literature review, a survey of experienced SHE experts was undertaken in order to verify the suitability of the identified integrated SHE management capability attributes. Subsequently, a three-round Delphi technique was undertaken with experienced SHE management experts (round 1 n=41, round 2 n=31 and round 3 n=30) and accompanied by the application of voting analytical hierarchy process, to ascertain the relative weight/priority of the capability attributes. This study found 20 integrated SHE management capability attributes which are clustered into five categories, namely: strategy; process; people; resources; and information. Collectively, the attributes within the ‘strategy’ category are the most important, followed by the ‘people’ and then ‘process’ attributes. Drawing on the capability maturity concept, an integrated SHE management capability maturity model (SHEM-CMM) was developed. The model is composed of 20 integrated SHE management capability attributes which are mapped on to five levels of capability maturity ranging from Level 1 to Level 5, and with each level having a distinct maturity level descriptor. The integrated SHEM-CMM was then validated by 59 construction professionals including SHE experts in construction companies operating in the Ghanaian construction industry in order to ensure the adequacy and practical usefulness of the model. This research has contributed to the existing body of knowledge on SHE management by establishing integrated SHE management capability attributes and their relative weight of importance. Furthermore, the research has developed a novel integrated SHEM-CMM which has practical usefulness in the construction industry. The model provides a systematic approach for SHE management capability evaluation and improvement in construction. It is anticipated that the developed capability maturity model would be used by construction firms to systematically assess their SHE management capability and identify ways to further improve their SHE management in order to obtain better SHE performance outcomes
An Application of the Bass diffusion model to border security and illegal immigration
This research\u27s objective was to apply the Bass Diffusion model to border security and illegal immigration. The Potential Actual Illegal Immigration Population (PAIIP) model was created using the Vensim software program to illustrate and simulate illegal border crossings and assess the impact of detention, deportation, and amnesty on the communication between potential and actual illegal immigrants. This systems modeling approach combined with a secondary analysis method was used for data collection and analysis. Results indicate that no single or combination of policies solves the problem of illegal immigration. This study\u27s conclusions point out that the greater the quality of information communicated between actual illegal immigrants that reside in the United States and potential illegal immigrants that live outside of the United States increases the probability of illegal crossings. Policymakers should ensure that institutions and agencies work in unison at the local, state, and federal level to deter illegal immigration and provide national security
Selama masa pandemi Covid-19, jumlah tabungan di bawah Rp 200.000.000 mengalami penurunan yang cukup dalam sebesar 25%. Hal ini diduga dipengaruhi oleh kualitas produk, kualitas layanan dan kepercayaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas produk, kualitas pelayanan, dan kepercayaan terhadap minat menabung. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh nasabah PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk KCP Kendal Boja. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 96 nasabah aktif PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk KCP Kendal Boja yang telah menjadi nasabah lebih dari 2 tahun. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji hipotesis dan uji koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas dalam penelitian dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Hasil uji asumsi klasik dilihat dari uji multikolonieritas diketahui tidak terjadi efek multikolonieritas pada variabel bebas, pada uji heteroskedastisitas dari uji Glejser dapat dinyatakan data telah terdistribusi acak dan berdasar uji normalitas menunjukkan data telah terdistribusi secara normal yang dilihat dari nilai signifikansi (Asymp.sig) sebesar 0,734 > 0,05. Hasil uji hipotesis berdasar analisis regresi berganda dijelaskan bahwa kualitas produk, kualitas pelayanan dan kepercayaan mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat menabung Nasabah di bank Mandiri Tbk. KCP Kendal Boja
An Integrated Health Management Information System a Missing block in achieving universal health coverage in Cameroon?
An integrated Health Management Information systems (HMIS) is said to be the panacea to achieving Universal Health Coverage. Low and Medium Income countries (LMICs) is often weak; fragmented, hence data collected cannot be used for decision-making. Using institutional logics, we examined the state of HMIS in Cameroon in relations to the characteristics of HMIS of UHC. Data collection was done through interviews conducted with officials of CNIS 1 -MoPH and UHC in Yaoundé, December 2015, January and July 2016. Document review and observations were used as secondary method of data collection. Multiple logics were identified that might increase risk of HMIS failure. We argue that though integrated HMIS is essential, it is a far-fetch reality to LMICs. HMIS for UHC being a fairly new area, the aim of this paper is to help stimulate more active discussions on this issues as debate on this could shed more light on the issue
Adopting Microsoft Excel for Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Microsoft Excel was recently added to the list of software applications for signal and image processing. The use of Excel as a powerful tool for teaching signal and image data processing techniques as demonstrated in agriculture and natural resource management can be easily adopted for biomedical applications. In the same vein, Excel’s proven utility as a research tool can also be harnessed. This chapter expands the methodology of signal and image formation, visualization, enhancement, and image data fusion using Excel. Different types of techniques used in biomedical imaging are introduced, including: X-ray radiography (X-rays), computerized tomography (CT), ultrasound (U/S), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and optical imaging. However, the chapter mainly focuses on optical imaging involving a single spectrum or multiple spectra such as RGB. Specific illustrations of corresponding outputs from different techniques are discussed in the chapter for a better appreciation by the reader
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LGBT Middle Eastern/Arab Americans
Middle Eastern/Arab Americans may comprise a small portion of the United States’ population but they are a diverse group of people. Arab Americans in particular come from 22 nation states such as Iraq, Somalia, Egypt, Morocco, and Jordan and represent a range of religions. In a post 9/11 world, Middle Eastern and Arab Americans must contend with an increased amount of discrimination. However unlike People of Color (POC), Middle Eastern and Arab Americans are not protected from race based discrimination because they are officially classified as white on the United States census. Thus they do not enjoy the unearned privileges and protection that stem from whiteness. Additionally, this classification erases the complexities and differences that exist within the Middle Eastern/Arab American identities. For these reasons, Middle Eastern/Arab Americans are marginalized like POC
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran (E-Learning) dan Motivasi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Bagi Mahasiswa S1 Akuntansi FE Universitas Semarang
Covid-19 mengakibatkan kebijakan Work From Home (WFH) termasuk dunia pendidikan. Penggunaan media pembelajaran (elearning) adalah proses belajar mengajar dengan menggunakan peralatan elektronika dengan cara menciptakan dan mengembangkan metode jarak jauh dengan tujuan pendistribusian materi untuk memudahkan dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan menggunakan media pembelajaran elektronik (E-Learning) akan memberikan dampak dalam memotivasi belajar untuk berprestasi. Analisis yang digunakan untuk menguji validitas, reliabilitas serta regresi berganda menggunakan SPSS dengan data primer yang berasal dari kuesioner mahasiswa S1 Akuntansi FE Universitas Semarang dengan sampel sebanyak 85 mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menyatakan ada pengaruh yang positif dari media pembelajaran (elearning) terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa dengan nilai signifikan < 5%, motivasi berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar namun tidak signifikan. Sedangkan media pembelajaran (elearning) dan motivasi berpengaruh yang positif terhadap prestasi belajar dengan kontribusi nilai  68,3% dan 32,7% selebihnya dipengaruhi indikator lain yang tidak dimasukan didalam penelitian. Kata kunci : Pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, motivas
Sabar adalah salah satu pokok dari pilar atau tiang (maqamat) agama, dan merupakan salah satu anak tangga dalam rangka mendekatkan diri (taqarrub) kepada Allah. Apabila seseorang dapat menjadikan sabar sebagai maqamat di dalam hidupnya, maka di dalam dirinya sudah terbentuk struktur pokok atau tiang agama. Sabar bisa bersifat fisik dan juga dapat bersifat psikis. Karena sabar dapat diartikan sebagai kemampuan dalam mengendalikan emosi, dan tergantung peletakannya sebagai obyek. Dan Shalat adalah sebuah sandaran disaat seorang hamba dilanda cemas dan gelisah. Kenyataan sehari-hari membuktikan bahwa bersandar pada makhluk, betapapun tinggi kekuatan dan kekuasaannya, seringkali tidak membuahkan hasil. Yang mampu hanyalah Allah Tuhan semesta alam. Maka dari itu, hendaknya manusia menyandarkan dirinya kepada Allah SWT dengan shalat. Shalat yang dikerjakan dengan khusyuk dapat membantu menenangkan jiwa dan menghilangkan kecemasan dalam diri. Keadaan ini disebabkan karena beberapa hal, di antaranya adalah timbulnya dalam diri manusia perasaan kecil di hadapan Allah SWT.
Abu Muhammad Sahl ibn Abdullah ibn Yunus ibn Isa ibn Abdullah ibn Rafi‟ Al-Tustari, beliau merupakan Tokoh Sufi pertama kali yang hidup di abad ke 3H, yang mempunyai bukti fisik kitab tafsir. Banyak penafsiran corak sufi pada masa selanjutnya yang merujuk pada penafsirannya. Sehingga sudah dapat dipastikan penafsirannya turut menyertakan penjelasan yang kompleks tentang Sabar dan Shalat dan hubungan antara keduanya menurut kalangan sufistik.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tentang al-Qur‟ân dan tafsir, maka penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan sifatnya adalah deskriptif analisis. Untuk mengumpulkan data-data yang berkaitan dengan objek penelitian, maka peneliti menggunakan pendekatan metode maudhû‟îy (tematik). Dalam proses pengumpulan data, peneliti mengumpulkan, membaca, mencatat dan mengutip dari data-data tersebut. Sumber data yang digunakan ada dua macam yaitu sumber primer dan sekunder. Sumber primer pada penelitian ini adalah Kitab Tafsîr Al-Tustari. Adapun sumber sekudernya yaitu buku-buku dan literatur yang berkaitan dengan judul ini. Setelah data terkumpul, kemudian penulis melakukan proses analisa. Adapun dalam analisis data, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dan content analysis.
Dengan menggunakan metode tersebut peneliti mendapati bahwa sabar dan shalat memiliki hubungan yang erat dalam meminta pertolongan Allah SWT, karena dua ibadah ini amat sangat berat dan mengangkat derajat hambanya kepada tingkatan yang tinggi.
Semoga dengan adanya dua ibadah ini, kita dapat beristiqomah dan dapat mengoptimalkan bahkan memaksimalkan diri dalam menjalankannya dan menjadikan keduanya sebagai sarana untuk meminta pertolongan Allah SWT dan menjadi hamba-hamba yang mendapat kabar gembira dari rasul-Nya. Aamii
An analysis of the availability of and access to credit from the formal financial sector and the performance of SMEs
As a developing nation, South Africa faces a high rate of poverty, high levels of inequality in terms of income and a high rate of unemployment. It is officially estimated that about 27.2% of the economically active population are unemployed. SMEs are expected to be an important vehicle to address the challenges of job creation, sustainable economic growth, equitable distribution of income and the overall stimulation of economic development. SMEs in South Africa constitute 99% of all businesses, contributing to employment, income inequality and poverty alleviation (Statistic South Africa, 2018). However, despite the remarkable contribution of SMEs to the economy of South Africa, the failure rate of SMEs (at 75%) is the highest of all the efficiency-driven economies sampled by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). The World Bank affirm that the availability of and access to credit from the formal financial sector is the primary cause of the high failure rate of SMEs. Contemporary literature advance that the future survival and performance of SMEs in South Africa is pegged onto the amount of financial capital available to address their capital needs. Thus, this study sought to analyse the availability of and access to credit from the formal financial sector and the performance of SMEs from the supply and demand-side. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a sequential exploratory mixed method research design, located in the pragmatic research paradigm, was used in a two phased approach. The qualitative data collection and analysis in Phase 1 informed the quantitative data collection and analysis Phase 2. In Phase 1, in-depth face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with 8 credit and 8 business managers representing the sampling unit of selected formal financial institutions. The qualitative data collected was analysed using the five-steps process of content analysis as illustrated by Terre Blanche et al. (2006:322-326). The main findings with regard to factors that impact on the willingness of the formal financial sector to provide credit to SMEs were collateral, annual business turnover, audited financial records, relationship with the bank, credit profile, nature of the business, economic climate, ethics, nationality, government policy, management team, valid Identity Document/permit, equity contribution, entrepreneurship education, product quality, and business intelligence. Assessing credit applications from SMEs, risk assessment, inspection of financial records, proper documentation and background checks were the different tasks performed by credit and business managers. In addition, the main challenges faced by the formal financial sector in assessing and approving credit in favour of SMEs included the following: lack of investment capital; lack of collateral; lack of proper financial records; poor managerial knowledge; poor business plan; lack of industrial knowledge; and poor legal and credit laws. Lastly, contrary to the notion that formal financial institutions are not interested in investing in SMEs, on average, 70% of SMEs that applied for credit received such credit. In Phase 2, a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from formal sector owner/managers of SMEs in the city of Johannesburg. Of the 702 questionnaires distributed, 300 were returned and useable. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (version 24). A test for normality was performed using Shapiro–Wilks test. Reliability was tested using the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. Exploratory factor analysis tested the validity of factors that prevent formal financial sector from granting credit to SMEs while Binary logistic regression was used to infer on the hypotheses. Spearman’s Rho correlation analysis was used to determine whether there was any significant relationship with factors that influence access to credit and SMEs performance. The main findings revealed that access to bank finance was the only challenge that showed a significant correlation with performance. In addition, the study revealed that the South African Identity Document and collateral were the most important factors considered when applying for credit from formal financial institutions. With regard to the reasons why formal financial institutions may refuse to grant credit to SMEs, it was revealed that there was no significant positive relationship between lack of business networking and access to credit from the formal financial sector to SMEs. Conversely, the study also revealed a significant positive relationship between collateral, business information, managerial competency, business intelligence, business ethics, entrepreneurship education, legal system and macro-economy and access to credit from the formal financial sector to SMEs. Thus, it was established that there is a significant positive relationship between access to credit from the formal financial sector and the performance of SMEs
A Meta-study on the Thermal Properties of Carbon Nanotubes in Thermal Interface Materials
Computer Integrated Circuit (IC) microprocessors are becoming more powerful and densely packed while cooling mechanisms are seeing an equivalent improvement to compensate. A significant limit to cooling performance is thermal transfer between die and heatsink. In this meta study we evaluate carbon nanotube (CNT) thermal interface materials (TIMs) in order to determine how to maximise thermal transfer efficiency. We gathered information from over 15 articles focused on the thermodynamic parameters of CNT TIMs from databases such as Scopus, IEEE Xplore and ScienceDirect. Articles were filtered by key words including ‘carbon nanotubes’ and ‘thermal interface materials’ to identify scientific articles relevant to our research on TIMs. From our meta study we have found that enhancing CNTs will provide the best improvement in TIMs. The parameters analysed to determine TIM performance included thermal resistance, thermal conductivity and the effect of CNT concentration on computer operation time. Through our investigation we understood that increasing the concentration of CNT from 0 to 2 wt % increases the operation time from 75 seconds at 66°C to 200s at 63°C as well as increasing the thermal conductivity by 1.82 times for the AS5 thermal paste with 2 wt % CNT. Furthermore, CNT TIM pastes with less thickness have a lower thermal resistance of 0.4 K/W. However not all these parameters have been tested with computer chips. This means that in order to increase current heat transfer efficiency limit, we must integrate these parameters into experimental models.
Keywords: Thermal Interface Material; Thermal Paste; Carbon Nanotubes; Thermal Transfer Efficiency; Integrated Circuit; Heat Sink; Heat Dissipation
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