19 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Semangat Literasi Mahasiswa Ilmu Perpustkaan UIN Alauddin Makassar Melalui Sesamata Fest III

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peningkatankemakemampuan Literasi Mahasiswa Jurusan ilmu perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar melalui Sesamata Fest III. Dalam penelitian ini, penulismenggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif Menurut Robert K. Yin dengan studimenggunakan data kualitatif, seperti kata-kata, gambar, dan bahan cetak untukmenjelaskan hubungan social, memberikan interprestasi atas suatu fenomena ataumemberikan makna atas suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa. Penelitian kualitatif inidilakukan dengan wawancara secara semi terstruktur.Terdapat 12 Informan yang terdiridari panitia dan peserta Event Literasi Sesamata Fest III. Adapun hasil penelitian yang ditemukan sebagai berikut : 1) Sebagian besar mahasiswa Ilmu perpustakaan pahammengenai literasi, secara umum telah mengerti dan paham mengenai literasi Informasi. Secara keseluruhan dari informan mengemukakan pendapat yang sama persis denganyang diungkapkan informan lainnya mengenai pemahaman tentang literasi. Pemahaman terhadap Literasi Informasi adalah suatu proses yang melibatkanpemahaman dan segala penguasaan atas berbagai jenis dari literasi itu sendiri. 2) mengenai Event Literasi Sesamata Fest III Dari jumlah keseluruhan informanberpendapat bahwa Sesamata Fest III itu memberikan amat banyak manfaat dalamberliterasi dan menambah banyak ilmu pengetahuan. 3) untuk meningkatkankemampuan literasi mahasiswa Jurusan ilmu Perpustakaan dari hasil wawancara dariinforman di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan Simposium Nasional ini sangat diminati dari Event Literasi Sesamata Fest III karena menghadirkan narasumber yang hebat di bidang Kepustakawanan


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    ABSTRAK PENANAMAN NILAI-NILAI KARAKTER DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PAI MELAUI METODE SAINTIFIK (STUDI DI SMP NEGERI 7 TULANG BAWANG BARAT) Oleh : Aryadi Ahmad Rasyid Pembelajaran dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter melalui metode saintifik adalah proses pembelajaran yang dirancang sedemikian rupa agar peserta didik bagai mana cara mengolah dan mengatur bersikap atau bertingkah laku dan secara aktif mengkonstruksi konsep, hukum atau prinsip melalui tahapan-tahapan mengamati (untuk mengidentifikasi atau menemukan masalah), merumuskan masalah, mengajukan atau merumuskan hipotesis, mengumpulkan data ddengan berbagai teknik, menganalisis data, menarik kesimpulan dan mengomunikasikan konsep, hukum atau prinsip yang “ditemukan”. SMP Negeri 7 Tulang Bawang Barat. Rumusan maslah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penanaman nilai-nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran PAI melalui metode saintifik (studi di SMP Negeri 7 Tulang Bawang Barat). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Penanaman nilai-nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran PAI melalui metode saintifik (studi di SMP Negeri 7 Tulang Bawang Barat). Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yaitu suatu penelitian yang ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis penanaman nilai-nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran PAI melalui metode saintifik (studi di SMP Negeri 7 Tulang Bawang Barat). Metode pengumpulan data yaitu menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan menurut miles dan humberman, yaitu data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/verivication. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa enanaman nilai-nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran PAI melalui metode saintifik (studi di SMP Negeri 7 Tulang Bawang Barat) belum berjalan dengan baik dilihat dari belum terlaksananya beberapa tahapan metode saintifik yaitu mengamati, menanya, mencoba, menalar dan mengkomunikasikan. Perlu adanya kreatifitas dan peningkatan iii kualitas dari setiap guru PAI dalam mengajar sehingga dapat memaksimalkan penanaman nilai-nilai karakter melelui metode saiintifik. Kata Kunci : Penanaman Nilai-nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran PAI melalui metode saintifi


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    Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a spectrum of pathology ranging from acetabular dysplasia with minor instability until acetabular dysplasia with hip dislocation. The incidence of DDH that require treatment is 5.1 per 1000 live birth. Early detection is important to deliver good outcome and lessen complication. Careful history taking, physical examination and ultrasonography, have increased the sensitivity in establishing diagnose of DDH. Pavlik harness is the mainstay of treatment for infant who has not commenced crawling. Despite the fact of high success rate, the use of Pavlik harness is still uncommon in Indonesia. This paper reports a case of DDH treated with Pavlik harness and assessed regularly with ultrasonography. A 3 months girl with developmental dysplasia of the left hip. The initial ultrasound shows α angle 49.40 and β angle was 50.20, femoral head subluxated to superolateral aspect. The patient had Pavlik harness and followed up with serial ultrasound at 1st, 3rd and 4th month’s time. Having had 4 months of Pavlik harness, the α angle of the left hip became 630, and β angle 490 with good structure of ilium. Femoral head was smooth and no signs of avascular necrosis. The hip has full range of motion. Parents have no difficulty in taking care of their daughter daily activities such as taking a bath, changing napkin, and clothes. This implicates, patient treated using Pavlik harness showed good outcome clinically and ultrasonographically. Pavlik harness has been proven to be a safe, simple and user friendly method for treatment of DDH before crawling age. The good result obtained from this case could initiate application of pavlik harness in larger population of early detected DDH in Indonesia. [JuKe Unila 2014; 4(8):208-217

    Quick diagnostic and management community acquired pneumonia at Sumbawa hospital: a case report

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    Pneumonia is most common cause of respiratory distress an infection of the pulmonary parenchyma. Despite being the cause of significant morbidity and mortality, it is often misdiagnosed, mistreated, and underestimated. Pneumonia historically was Typically classified as community-acquired (CAP), hospital-acquired (HAP), or ventilator-associated (VAP). A 68-year-old male was sent to the emergency department from clinic with an oxygen saturation of 86%. She has fevers with cough and generalized weakness for one week. She had been evaluated by her primary care provider on day two of illness and was started empirically on cefixime without improvement of her symptoms. The patient arrived febrile, tachycardic, tachypneic, and hypoxic on room air with right-sided crackles on exam. Lung Ultrasound of the right lower lobe demonstrates lung hepatization, a classic finding for pneumonia. In addition, a shred sign is present with both air bronchograms and focal B lines-all suggestive of poorly aerated, consolidated lung. Authors critically evaluate the evidence for the use lung ultrasound for rapid diagnostic. It is important to understand this disease, rapid diagnostic with ultrasound and when treated promptly and effectively, these patients will rapidly recovery. Good oxygenation, intravenous Antibiotic, intravenous fluids and symptomatic treatment which should be started within minutes of the patients’ arrival to emergency department

    Pesona Kekayaan Alam: Sumber Konflik di Kawasan Laut China Selatan

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    This research paper examines the influence of natural resources on international conflicts, focusing on the case study of the South China Sea dispute. The South China Sea is an area rich in natural resources, including oil, gas, and fisheries, which has resulted in competing territorial claims among several countries in the region. The objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between natural resources and the escalation of conflicts in the South China Sea. The findings suggest that the abundance of natural resources in the South China Sea has significantly contributed to the escalation of conflicts in the region. The competition for energy resources, fisheries, and strategic control has intensified rivalries and territorial disputes among the claimant states. The findings of this study contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the relationship between natural resources and international conflicts and provide insights into the challenges and potential avenues for peaceful resolution in the South China Se

    Pengaruh Campuran Bioaditif Serai Wangi Pada Bensin RON 90 Terhadap Prestasi Mesin Dan Penghematan Bahan Bakar Sepeda Motor

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    Citronella is a variety of bioadditives that are easily soluble and evaporate into fuel. The use of Bioadditives in fuel aims to improve engine performance and fuel economy. The method used in this research is an experiment with RON 90 Gasoline samples, and a mixture of Citronella Bioadditives with a ratio of S1-1.5%, S2-2.0%, S3-2.5%, S4-3.0%, and S5-3.5%. Engine performance testing using Sportdevice Dyno and impacted engine performance increased by 3.11% on the S4-3.0% type, and maximum torque increase reached 2.03% on the S2-2.0% ratio. The fuel economy test based on the distance traveled with 1000 ml of fuel volume per sample at an average speed of 40-60 km/h was able to achieve a savings of 20.93% on the S5-3.5% sample with a distance of 69.9 Km/l. This is different from RON 90 gasoline without citronella mixture can only be traveled as far as 57.8 km / l. Serai Wangi merupakan ragam bioaditif yang bersifat mudah larut dan menguap ke dalam bahan bakar. Pemakaian Bioaditif dalam bahan bakar bertujuan untuk meningkatkan performa mesin dan penghematan bahan bakar. Metode yang dipakai dalam riset ini adalah eksperimen dengan sampel Bensin RON 90, dan campuran Bioaditif Serai Wangi dengan rasio S1-1,5%, S2-2,0%, S3-2,5%, S4-3,0%, dan S5-3,5%. Pengujian performa mesin mengunakan Sportdevice Dyno dan memberi dampak prestasi mesin meningkat sebesar 3,11 % pada jenis S4-3,0%, dan kenaikan torsi maksimum mencapai 2,03 % pada rasio S2-2,0%. Uji Penghematan bahan bakar berdasarkan jarak yang ditempuh dengan 1000 ml volume bahan bakar setiap sampel pada kecepatan rata-rata 40-60 km/jam mampu meraih penghematan sebesar 20,93% pada sampel S5-3.5% dengan jarak tempuh sejauh 69,9 Km/l. Hal ini berbeda dibandingkan dengan bensin RON 90 tanpa campuran serai wangi hanya mampu ditempuh sejauh 57,8 Km/l

    Prenatal Covid-19 on Toddler Development

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    Along with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in reports of confirmed cases of pregnant women with COVID-19. Exposure to the virus in pregnancy can affect the fetus and result in long-term vulnerability to abnormalities in the child's brain development. This study aimed to determine the impact of prenatal Covid-19 on the development of toddlers. The research method uses observational cross-sectional analysis. Secondary data on confirmed Covid-19 mothers were obtained from Prof. RD Kandou General Hospital, Wolter Monginsidi Hospital, and Manado Adventist Hospital. Primary data on toddler development using the KPSP Development Questionnaire instrument were obtained from 10 Community Health Centers in Manado City with a total of 92 respondents for two, 46 respondents were born to mothers with Covid-19 during the prenatal period and 46 toddlers were born to mothers who were not confirmed to have Covid-19 during the prenatal period. The results showed that there was no significant effect with a p-value of 0.562 for toddlers born to Covid-19 mothers on impaired gross motor, fine motor, socialization, and independence, speech, and language development. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that both toddlers born to Covid-19 mothers and toddlers who were not born to Covid-19 mothers are at risk of experiencing growth disturbances, especially toddlers born during the Covid-19 pandemic because there could be long-term effects that could occur in infants who are exposed to the virus during the prenatal/intrauterine period


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    Press tools can produce products in bulk with uniform quality and short time. The automation system applied to this press tool is a system to help channel metal plates to the press tool automatically called a feeder so that it can be called an automatic press tool. The technique that will be applied in this press tool is blanking technique. Blanking is a product of forming results that is used and is produced from one single cutting process with all forms of contour being cut in full, or the result of gradual cutting with the press tool. This research aims to design and prototype an automatic press tool to produce cake mold blanking using a pneumatic system that can work more effectively and efficiently. The research method was carried out in several stages, namely the design phase, the manufacturing stage, the assembly stage and the data analysis. The results obtained from this study produce automatic press tool blanking cake molds with a pneumatic system that is given a maximum compressive strength of 8 bars and a pressure force of 6280 N. This tool is able to produce aluminum blanking results on average of 17 to 18 pieces per minute without requiring a load high operator work

    Proyek Di Desa Pendampingan Mahadesa Untuk Sosialisasi Tdc (Trade & Distribution Center) Desa Labuhan Haji

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    Program KKN Tematik di Era New Normal merupakan salah satu bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan dibimbing oleh dosen  sebagai salah satu wujud implementasi Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Pelaksanaan kegiatannya dalam masa pandemi Covid-19 maka selalu memperhatikan protokol kesehatan disetiap kegiatan. Program kerja utama dalam KKN bertema Mahadesa ini adalah sosialisasi mengenai program Mahadesa TDC (Trade Distribution Center) yang merupakan hasil kerjasama antara pemerintah Provinsi NTB dengan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) PT. GNE. Secara umum, program TDC (Trade Distribution Center) ini merupakan suatu sistem pemasaran terintegrasi (integrated marketing) berbasis digital. Desa Labuhan Haji adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak desa di Kecamatan Labuhan Haji, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, NTB yang sektor ekonominya terdampak pandemi Covid-19, khususnya UMKM dan pedagang warung. Sistem perdagangan berbasis teknologi digital ini diharapkan menjadi jembatan agar produk UMKM di Desa Labuhan Haji dapat mengakses pasar digital. Sehingga dapat mengurangi permasalahan di bidang ekonomi desa seperti dalam pendistribusian produk-produk UMKM desa, yang lingkup pendistribusiannya terbatas