28 research outputs found

    Mixed-species RNAseq analysis of human lymphoma cells adhering to mouse stromal cells identifies a core gene set that is also differentially expressed in the lymph node microenvironment of mantle cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients

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    A subset of hematologic cancer patients is refractory to treatment or suffers relapse, due in part to minimal residual disease, whereby some cancer cells survive treatment. Cell-adhesion-mediated drug resistance is an important mechanism, whereby cancer cells receive survival signals via interaction with e.g. stromal cells. No genome-wide studies of in vitro systems have yet been performed to compare gene expression in different cell subsets within a co-culture and cells grown separately. Using RNA sequencing and species-specific read mapping, we compared transcript levels in human Jeko-1 mantle cell lymphoma cells stably adhered to mouse MS-5 stromal cells or in suspension within a co-culture or cultured separately as well as in stromal cells in co-culture or in separate culture. From 1050 differentially expressed transcripts in adherent mantle cell lymphoma cells, we identified 24 functional categories that together represent four main functional themes, anti-apoptosis, B-cell signaling, cell adhesion/migration and early mitosis. A comparison with previous mantle cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia studies, of gene expression differences between lymph node and blood, identified 116 genes that are differentially expressed in all three studies. From these genes, we suggest a core set of genes (CCL3, CCL4, DUSP4, ETV5, ICAM1, IL15RA, IL21R, IL4I1, MFSD2A, NFKB1, NFKBIE, SEMA7A, TMEM2) characteristic of cells undergoing cell-adhesion-mediated microenvironment signaling in mantle cell lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The model system developed and characterized here together with the core gene set will be useful for future studies of pathways that mediate increased cancer cell survival and drug resistance mechanisms

    Friska kalvar vid förmedling av tvÄveckors tjurkalvar

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    Det har i dag blivit allt vanligare att mjölkproducenter genom gĂ„rdsavtal levererar sina tjurkalvar vid 2–4 veckors Ă„lder till gĂ„rdar som föder upp dem till slakt. Kalvarna har vid den hĂ€r lĂ„ga Ă„ldern inte helt hunnit utveckla sitt eget immunförsvar utan Ă€r beroende av det skydd som de fĂ„r frĂ„n kon via rĂ„mjölken. NĂ€r man för samman mĂ„nga unga individer frĂ„n olika gĂ„rdar pĂ„ en ny plats uppstĂ„r lĂ€tt ”dagiseffekten”. Kalvarna som kommer frĂ„n olika besĂ€ttningar kan bĂ€ra med sig olika smittĂ€mnen och smitta varandra. De vanligaste sjukdomarna som drabbar den unga kalven Ă€r diarrĂ© och lunginflammation. Det Ă€r vanligast att kalvarna fĂ„r diarrĂ© under den första levnadsmĂ„naden. Olika smittĂ€mnen kan orsaka diarrĂ©n t.ex. bakterien E. coli, Rotavirus eller Cryptosporidier. Om kalven har fĂ„tt för liten mĂ€ngd rĂ„mjölk eller rĂ„mjölk av dĂ„lig kvalitet finns en ökad risk för att kalven fĂ„r diarrĂ©. Kalvar som har drabbats av diarrĂ© och dĂ€rmed blivit nedsatta kan lĂ€ttare insjukna i andra sjukdomar som t.ex. lunginflammation. Lunginflammation Ă€r ett vanligt förekommande hĂ€lsoproblem i besĂ€ttningar som föder upp ungnöt. Kalvar som insjuknar i lunginflammation fĂ„r feber, hosta och pĂ„verkat allmĂ€ntillstĂ„nd med slöhet och försĂ€mrad eller upphörd aptit. Kalvar som har lunginflammation behöver ofta fĂ„ behandling med antibiotika för att de ska tillfriskna. Kalvar som har haft lunginflammation kan fĂ„ en sĂ€mre tillvĂ€xt. En ökad sjuklighet bland kalvarna leder till en ökad antibiotikaförbrukning samt ekonomiska förluster för lantbrukaren, i form av veterinĂ€rkostnader, merarbete med sjuka djur, nedsatt tillvĂ€xt och ökad dödlighet. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför viktigt att hitta faktorer bĂ„de i besĂ€ttningen dĂ€r kalven föds och i den mottagande besĂ€ttningen, som har en positiv effekt pĂ„ kalvarnas hĂ€lsa och överlevnad. Genom att hitta de faktorerna och omsĂ€tta dem i praktiken kan det leda till en minskad antibiotikaförbrukning, ökad djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd och positiv ekonomisk effekt för djurĂ€garen. Den hĂ€r broschyren tar upp ett antal faktorer som har betydelse för att kalven ska fĂ„ en bra start i livet och hur man som djurĂ€gare kan arbeta förebyggande med kalvhĂ€lsan i sin besĂ€ttning

    Leys from a Nordic perspective

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    The project involved creating a popular scientific review of the cultivation and use of leys for livestock. Target groups are the agricultural sector and industry. The project had four work packages (WP): crop production, harvest and conservation, feed value for different animals, and economy. Within each work package, search strings were developed and inclusion criteria defined, and a database for each WP developed through searching in online databases. Each selected article was assessed first on the title (include or exclude), second based on reading the abstract, and third based on reading the article. The review provides an extensive list of literature related to ley production and use, a description of the most important findings, and suggestions for future research

    The female dominance in Swedish public libraries during the 20th century

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    This essay is about possible causes to the female dominance in public libraries. We have focusedon the 20th century in Sweden and the development of public libraries during this time. Forthis purpose we have done a survey of three different cities, Uppsala, Jönköping and Skara,during three different years, 1938, 1958 and 1978. We have studied salaries, gender and titlesfor the employed at the head library in each city and then made comparisons between them.In conjunction, we have also studied how women were looked upon by the rest of society,regarding their education and work opportunities.To achieve a comprehension of the society's view of women we have, in the essay, put threedifferent theories of the so called "female nature" in center. The genderization in the labourmarket has also been set to discussion.A comparison between librarians, teachers at different levels, and postoffice employees, hasalso been made regarding their salaries during the years (1938, 1958 and 1978)

    Views of Swedish commissioning parents relating to the exploitation discourse in using transnational surrogacy

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    Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a surrogate mother, is a heavily debated phenomenon. One of the most salient discourses on surrogacy is the one affirming that Westerners, in their quest for having a child, exploit poor women in countries such as India. As surrogacy within the Swedish health care system is not permitted, Swedish commissioning parents have used transnational surrogacy, and the majority has turned to India. This interview study aimed to explore how commissioning parents negotiate the present discourses on surrogacy. Findings from the study suggest that the commissioning parents' views on using surrogacy are influenced by competing discourses on surrogacy represented by media and surrogacy agencies. The use of this reproductive method resulted, then, in some ambiguity. Although commissioning parents defy the exploitation discourse by referring to what they have learnt about the surrogate mother's life situation and by pointing at the significant benefits for her, they still had a request for regulation of surrogacy in Sweden, to better protect all parties involved. This study, then, gives a complex view on surrogacy, where the commissioning parents simultaneously argue against the exploitation discourse but at the same time are uncertain if the surrogate mothers are well protected in the surrogacy arrangements. Their responses to the situation endorse the need for regulation both in Sweden and India

    OmvÀrldsanalys FoI inom transportomrÄdet : 2013

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    I denna rapport har Statens vĂ€g- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI) pĂ„ uppdrag av Trafikverket belyst internationella trender inom transportforskningen. Dels har en övergripande analys gjorts i syfte att identifiera ”heta” omrĂ„den och dels har en fördjupning skett inom omrĂ„dena ”lĂ„ngvĂ€ga transporter” och ”policyforskning”


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