28 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and athletes: Endurance sport and activity resilience study—CAESAR study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic and imposed restrictions influenced athletic societies, although current knowledge about mild COVID-19 consequences on cardiopulmonary and physiologic parameters remains inconclusive. This study aimed to assess the impact of mild COVID-19 inflection on cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) performance among endurance athletes (EA) with varied fitness level.Materials and Methods: 49 EA (nmale = 43, nfemale = 6, mean age = 39.94 ± 7.80 yr, height = 178.45 cm, weight = 76.62 kg; BMI = 24.03 kgm−2) underwent double treadmill or cycle ergometer CPET and body analysis (BA) pre- and post-mild COVID-19 infection. Mild infection was defined as: (1) without hospitalization and (2) without prolonged health complications lasting for >14 days. Speed, power, heart rate (HR), oxygen uptake (VO2), pulmonary ventilation, blood lactate concentration (at the anaerobic threshold (AT)), respiratory compensation point (RCP), and maximum exertion were measured before and after COVID-19 infection. Pearson’s and Spearman’s r correlation coefficients and Student t-test were applied to assess relationship between physiologic or exercise variables and time.Results: The anthropometric measurements did not differ significantly before and after COVID-19. There was a significant reduction in VO2 at the AT and RCP (both p < 0.001). Pre-COVID-19 VO2 was 34.97 ± 6.43 ml kg·min−1, 43.88 ± 7.31 ml kg·min−1 and 47.81 ± 7.81 ml kg·min−1 respectively for AT, RCP and maximal and post-COVID-19 VO2 was 32.35 ± 5.93 ml kg·min−1, 40.49 ± 6.63 ml kg·min−1 and 44.97 ± 7.00 ml kg·min−1 respectively for AT, RCP and maximal. Differences of HR at AT (p < 0.001) and RCP (p < 0.001) was observed. The HR before infection was 145.08 ± 10.82 bpm for AT and 168.78 ± 9.01 bpm for RCP and HR after infection was 141.12 ± 9.99 bpm for AT and 165.14 ± 9.74 bpm for RCP. Time-adjusted measures showed significance for body fat (r = 0.46, p < 0.001), fat mass (r = 0.33, p = 0.020), cycling power at the AT (r = −0.29, p = 0.045), and HR at RCP (r = −0.30, p = 0.036).Conclusion: A mild COVID-19 infection resulted in a decrease in EA’s CPET performance. The most significant changes were observed for VO2 and HR. Medical Professionals and Training Specialists should be aware of the consequences of a mild COVID-19 infection in order to recommend optimal therapeutic methods and properly adjust the intensity of training

    Research on the level of awareness and consumption of energy drinks among students aged 18-25

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    Introduction and purpose: The article focuses on the analysis of young people's awareness of the consumption of energy drinks, especially those containing caffeine. The aim of the study is to understand the level of knowledge about the awareness and consumption of energy drinks among students aged 18-25. This study was conducted using surveys and involving 202 participants. Material and Methods: The study was conducted using online anonymous surveys, involving 202 participants. The participants were students aged 18-25 both women and men. The results were analyzed according to the age and gender. Moreover, based on the available literature examining aspects related to the consumption of energy drinks.Results: The study shows that the vast majority of respondents (94.06%) are aware of the impact of energy substances on the body. The charts also illustrate that caffeine, as the main ingredient in energy drinks, is well understood in terms of cardiovascular effects. Moreover, the student community is aware of the link between excessive sugar consumption and the risk of cancer development. Discussion: The study shows that young people are aware of the negative impact of energy drinks on health. Nevertheless, not all areas of knowledge are clear to them. The continuous increase in the level of education can undoubtedly contribute to the introduction of healthy eating habits among students. Most respondents declare to drink energy drinks again, it should draw our special attention.Conclusions: It is worth noting the need for further education, especially in the field of metabolic syndrome. It also highlights the role of research and education in shaping public health awareness. Finally, the article suggests that further research and targeted educational programs are critical to improving public health, especially in the context of energy drink consumption

    Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia - a literature review

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    Introduction and purpose: Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), also known as Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, is a rare and complex vascular disorder characterized by abnormal blood vessel formation. It can present significant challenges in diagnosis and management, as it is currently estimated up to 90% of those affected are never diagnosed. Despite its rarity, HHT can carry substantial implications for patients and their families, at times requiring comprehensive medical care and support. This paper aims to provide an in-depth exploration of HHT, encompassing its epidemiology, genetics, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches, and current management strategies. Moreover, we hope to point out possible areas in need of future research. Description of the state knowledge: HHT is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder that affects 1 in 5-10,000 people. Its most prominent symptoms include telangiectasia of skin and mucous membranes, recurrent epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding and arteriovenous malformations in vital organs. In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by a mutation in one of the following genes: ENG, ACVRL1, SMAD4; however, mutations in other genes have been described to cause a similar or much the same constellation of symptoms. Treatment options are focused on managing symptoms and improving quality of life, but possible new treatment options are being researched that could change the landscape of HHT management. Summary: HHT is a severely underdiagnosed disease that has seen a surge of researchers’ interest in recent years. We firmly believe that, combined with plummeting costs of genetic testing and possible new treatment options, means that HHT will become increasingly important in physicians’ everyday practice

    External validation of VO2max prediction models based on recreational and elite endurance athletes

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    In recent years, numerous prognostic models have been developed to predict VO2max. Nevertheless, their accuracy in endurance athletes (EA) stays mostly unvalidated. This study aimed to compare predicted VO2max (pVO2max) with directly measured VO2max by assessing the transferability of the currently available prediction models based on their R2^{2}, calibration-in-the-large, and calibration slope. 5,260 healthy adult EA underwent a maximal exertion cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) (84.76% male; age 34.6±9.5 yrs.; VO2max 52.97±7.39 mL·min1^{-1}·kg1^{-1}, BMI 23.59±2.73 kg·m2^{-2}). 13 models have been selected to establish pVO2max. Participants were classified into four endurance subgroups (high-, recreational-, low- trained, and “transition”) and four age subgroups (18–30, 31–45, 46–60, and ≥61 yrs.). Validation was performed according to TRIPOD guidelines. pVO2max was low-to-moderately associated with direct CPET measurements (p>0.05). Models with the highest accuracy were for males on a cycle ergometer (CE) (Kokkinos R2^{2} = 0.64), females on CE (Kokkinos R2^{2} = 0.65), males on a treadmill (TE) (Wasserman R2^{2} = 0.26), females on TE (Wasserman R2^{2} = 0.30). However, selected models underestimated pVO2max for younger and higher trained EA and overestimated for older and lower trained EA. All equations demonstrated merely moderate accuracy and should only be used as a supplemental method for physicians to estimate CRF in EA. It is necessary to derive new models on EA populations to include routinely in clinical practice and sports diagnostic

    Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal cavity in a 21 – year – old patient – case report

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    Introduction and aim: Adenoma pleomorphum (multiform adenoma) is the most popular bening tumor, that originates from the salivary glands. Neoplasm develops mainly from large salivary glands and its occurrence in the nasal cavity is rare and falls mainly in the 3-6 decade of life. Only 1% of all pleomorphic adenomas develop in the nasal and sinus cavities. Despite being a benign tumor, malignant transformation can occur in 2-10% of cases. Description of the case: We report a case of a 21-year-old female ethnically Polish patient with nasal multiform adenoma with initial diagnosis, which indicated a polyp. The final diagnosis was based on the histopathological examination of the resected lesion. The tumor was removed by an endoscopic method with no tissue margins, which may increase the risk of recurrence. Conclusions: Our case demonstrates that despite pleomorphic adenomas typically occurs in the 3rd to 6th decade of life,  clinical symptoms are nondistinctive with a polyp and nasal cavity is a very rare location there should be always be increased vigilance leading to choosing best diagnostic measures to form right diagnosis

    Validity of the Maximal Heart Rate Prediction Models among Runners and Cyclists

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    Maximal heart rate (HRmax) is a widely used measure of cardiorespiratory fitness. Prediction of HRmax is an alternative to cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), but its accuracy among endurance athletes (EA) requires evaluation. This study aimed to externally validate HRmax prediction models in the EA independently for running and cycling CPET. A total of 4043 runners (age = 33.6 (8.1) years; 83.5% males; BMI = 23.7 (2.5) kg·m -2) and 1026 cyclists (age = 36.9 (9.0) years; 89.7% males; BMI = 24.0 (2.7) kg·m -2) underwent maximum CPET. Student t-test, mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and root mean square error (RMSE) were applied to validate eight running and five cycling HRmax equations externally. HRmax was 184.6 (9.8) beats·min -1 and 182.7 (10.3) beats·min -1, respectively, for running and cycling, p = 0.001. Measured and predicted HRmax differed significantly ( p = 0.001) for 9 of 13 (69.2%) models. HRmax was overestimated by eight (61.5%) and underestimated by five (38.5%) formulae. Overestimated HRmax amounted to 4.9 beats·min -1 and underestimated HRmax was in the range up to 4.9 beats·min -1. RMSE was 9.1-10.5. MAPE ranged to 4.7%. Prediction models allow for limited precision of HRmax estimation and present inaccuracies. HRmax was more often underestimated than overestimated. Predicted HRmax can be implemented for EA as a supplemental method, but CPET is the preferable method

    Poland’s Breast Self-Exams: Empowering Awareness

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    Introduction and purpose: Breast cancer poses a significant global health challenge, especially in Poland, where it is the most prevalent cancer among women. Despite advancements in medical technology, individual awareness and proactive health practices, such as Breast Self-Examination (BSE), are crucial for early detection. This study focuses on BSE practices in the Tarnów district of Poland, a small city facing unique healthcare challenges, to understand the prevalence, knowledge, and attitudes toward BSE. The aim of study was to comprehensively investigate BSE practices among women in the Tarnów district, considering socio-demographic factors. Material and Methods: Anonymous questionnaires assessed socio-demographic characteristics, attitudes toward BSE, frequency of BSE performance, knowledge on BSE, and sources of information. The survey involved 100 Polish women in gynecologist and general practitioner offices in Tarnów County. Results were analyzed in relation to age, education, and place of residence. Results: While 90% of women were familiar with BSE, 10% had never heard of it. While 29% performed BSE monthly, 18% never conducted the examination. Knowledge gaps were identified, particularly regarding optimal BSE practices. Information sources included the Internet (44%) and gynecologists (28%). Notably, 65% expressed a willingness to participate in BSE training. Conclusions: In conclusion, the study provides valuable insights into BSE practices among women in the Tarnów district, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to encourage regular BSE. Knowledge gaps and the willingness of women to participate in training present opportunities for healthcare initiatives. The study also highlights the need for broader health education campaigns to dispel myths and enhance awareness, particularly regarding breast cancer affecting both genders. Limitations include a small sample size and geographic specificity to Tarnów district

    Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia - a literature review

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    Introduction and purpose: Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), also known as Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, is a rare and complex vascular disorder characterized by abnormal blood vessel formation. It can present significant challenges in diagnosis and management, as it is currently estimated up to 90% of those affected are never diagnosed. Despite its rarity, HHT can carry substantial implications for patients and their families, at times requiring comprehensive medical care and support. This paper aims to provide an in-depth exploration of HHT, encompassing its epidemiology, genetics, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches, and current management strategies. Moreover, we hope to point out possible areas in need of future research. Description of the state knowledge: HHT is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder that affects 1 in 5-10,000 people. Its most prominent symptoms include telangiectasia of skin and mucous membranes, recurrent epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding and arteriovenous malformations in vital organs. In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by a mutation in one of the following genes: ENG, ACVRL1, SMAD4; however, mutations in other genes have been described to cause a similar or much the same constellation of symptoms. Treatment options are focused on managing symptoms and improving quality of life, but possible new treatment options are being researched that could change the landscape of HHT management. Summary: HHT is a severely underdiagnosed disease that has seen a surge of researchers’ interest in recent years. We firmly believe that, combined with plummeting costs of genetic testing and possible new treatment options, means that HHT will become increasingly important in physicians’ everyday practice

    The use of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and detection of complications of diabetes

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    Introduction: Diabetes poses a significant global health challenge, impacting patient well-being and longevity. Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, the prevalence of diabetes continues to rise, with projections indicating a substantial increase in affected individuals in the coming years. The complications of diabetes, including cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy, underscore the importance of early detection and management. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) offers promising opportunities to revolutionize diabetes care, enabling faster diagnostics, more effective treatment strategies. Description of the State of Knowledge: Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in healthcare, leveraging machine learning and deep learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of medical data. These algorithms enable more accurate diagnosis, prediction of disease onset, and early detection of complications associated with diabetes. Machine learning models, including support vector machines and neural networks, have shown promise in identifying diabetes risk factors and predicting disease progression. Deep learning techniques, with their ability to analyze complex data patterns, offer further insights into diabetes diagnosis. Additionally, fuzzy cognitive maps provide a framework for decision-making based on patient data, enhancing early detection efforts. Summary: Artificial intelligence holds immense potential to transform diabetes care, offering solutions for early detection, personalized treatment, and improved patient outcomes. By harnessing the power of AI algorithms, healthcare providers can enhance diagnostic accuracy, predict disease progression, and implement targeted interventions