5 research outputs found

    Reintegració cromàtica d’un espècimen naturalitzat i estudi de productes

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Conservació-Restauració de Béns Culturals. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutor: Martí Beltrán, Gonzalo[cat] La manca de valor que es dona a les col·leccions d’història natural fa que aquestes quedin desplaçades a un segon terme, accelerant el seu deteriorament o sent intervingudes amb poc criteri. Un exemple seria la degradació cromàtica dels espècimens que integren aquest tipus de col·leccions. L’escàs rigor científic amb la que han estat triats al llarg de l’historia els materials destinats a la reintegració cromàtica del pelatge d’aquestes peces, unit a la inexistència de cap producte de referència per a aquest tipus d’intervencions, ha estat el punt de partida del present treball. En ell, a partir de l’estudi comparatiu de les principals substàncies emprades fins ara i d’un assaig pràctic, es pretén trobar la més adient per a la seva aplicació en taxidèrmies.[eng] The lack of value that is given to collections of natural history causes them to be displaced to a second term, accelerating their deterioration or being intervened with little discretion. An example would be the chromatic degradation of the specimens that make up this type of collection. The scarce scientific rigor with which materials destined for the chromatic reintegration of the coatings of these pieces have been chosen throughout history, coupled with the absence of any product of reference for this kind of interventions, has been the starting point of this work. In it, from the comparative study of the main substances used to date and from a practical essay, it is intended to find the most appropriate for its application in taxidermy

    New synthetic inhibitors of fatty acid synthase with anticancer activity

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    Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is a lipogenic enzyme that is highly expressed in different human cancers. Here we report the development of a new series of polyphenolic compounds 5-­30 that have been evaluated for their cytotoxic capacity in SK-­Br3 cells, a human breast cancer cell line with high FASN expression. The compounds with an IC50 < 50 M have been tested for their ability to inhibit FASN activity. Among them, derivative 30 blocks the 90% of FASN activity at low concentration (4 M), is highly cytotoxic in a broad panel of tumor cells, induces apoptosis, and blocks the activation of HER2, AKT and ERK pathways. Remarkably, 30 does not activate carnitine palmitoyltransferase-­1 (CPT-­1) nor induces in mice weight loss, which are the main drawbacks of other previously described FASN inhibitors. Thus, FASN inhibitor 30 may aid the validation of this enzyme as a therapeutic target for the treatment of cancer