1,366 research outputs found

    A. St. Clair III letter to Looker and Reynolds and Moses Dawson

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    Letter from St. Clair (Lawrenceburg, Indiana) to Dawson (Cincinnati, Ohio) regarding the lack of a pro-Jackson paper in the Lawrenceburg district; proposes to Dawson that Looker and Reynolds publish one in Cincinnati.https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/dawson_correspondence/1211/thumbnail.jp

    Factors leading to emotional disorders in children.

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    The Review of Economic Performance and Social Progress 2002: Towards a Social Understanding of Productivity

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    Skills, innovation and human capital as they feature prominently on the policy agenda of industrialized countries concerned with productivity and competitiveness issues. Not surprisingly, formal education is the preferred and most conventional policy instrument of governments in pursuing these objectives. Indeed, "more is better" is often the guiding principle here. The actual linkages, however, are not as straightforward as they may appear. Certainly, there are gains to be achieved through a better understanding of the relationship between the skills developed through formal education and their causal impact on productivity, as well as a more nuanced approach to policy in this area. In this chapter, Arthur Sweetman points out, "the issue is not whether education has benefits but, rather, the magnitude of its 'true' benefits, the benefits relative to costs, and the distribution of costs and benefits. Sweetman examines three different sets of evidence, focusing on the impact of education on earnings at the individual level and on productivity at the macroeconomic level, and on issues related to the operation of the Canadian educational system.Education, Skills, Growth, Productivity, Labour Productivity, Labor Productivity, Educational Attainment, Human Capital, Knowledge, Quality, Education Quality, Private Benefit, Social Benefit, Value, Investment

    Development and simultaneous application of multiple care protocols in critical care: amulticenter feasibility study

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    Objective: To test the feasibility of and interactions among three software-driven critical care protocols. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Intensive care units in six European and American university hospitals. Patients: 174 cardiac surgery and 41 septic patients. Interventions: Application of software-driven protocols for cardiovascular management, sedation, and weaning during the first 7days of intensive care. Measurements and results: All protocols were used simultaneously in 85% of the cardiac surgery and 44% of the septic patients, and any one of the protocols was used for 73 and 44% of study duration, respectively. Protocol use was discontinued in 12% of patients by the treating clinician and in 6% for technical/administrative reasons. The number of protocol steps per unit of time was similar in the two diagnostic groups (n.s. for all protocols). Initial hemodynamic stability (a protocol target) was achieved in 26 ± 18 min (mean ± SD) in cardiac surgery and in 24 ± 18 min in septic patients. Sedation targets were reached in 2.4 ± 0.2 h in cardiac surgery and in 3.6 ± 0.2 h in septic patients. Weaning protocol was started in 164 (94%; 154 extubated) cardiac surgery and in 25 (60%; 9 extubated) septic patients. The median (interquartile range) time from starting weaning to extubation (a protocol target) was 89 min (range 44-154 min) for the cardiac surgery patients and 96 min (range 56-205 min) for the septic patients. Conclusions: Multiple software-driven treatment protocols can be simultaneously applied with high acceptance and rapid achievement of primary treatment goals. Time to reach these primary goals may provide aperformance indicato

    A dark hole in our understanding of marine ecosystems and their services : perspectives from the mesopelagic community

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    In the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures acting on the Earth system, urgent actions are needed to guarantee efficient resource management and sustainable development for our growing human population. Our oceans - the largest underexplored component of the Earth system - are potentially home for a large number of new resources, which can directly impact upon food security and the wellbeing of humanity. However, the extraction of the resources fostered by marine ecosystems has repercussions for biodiversity and the oceans ability to sequester green house gases and thereby climate. In the search for new “resources to unlock the economic potential of the global oceans, recent observations have identified a large unexploited biomass of mesopelagic fish living in the deep ocean. This biomass has recently been estimated to be 10 billion metric tonnes, at least 10 times larger than previous estimates. If we are able to exploit this community at sustainable levels without impacting upon biodiversity and compromising the oceans’ ability to sequester carbon, we can produce more food and potentially many new nutraceutical products. However, to meet the needs of present generations without compromising the needs of future generations, we need to guarantee a sustainable exploitation of these resources. To do so requires a holistic assessment of the community and an understanding of the mechanisms controlling this biomass, its role in the preservation of biodiversity and its influence on climate as well as management tools able to weigh the costs and benefits of exploitation of this community

    miR-132/212 knockout mice reveal roles for these miRNAs in regulating cortical synaptic transmission and plasticity

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    miR-132 and miR-212 are two closely related miRNAs encoded in the same intron of a small non-coding gene, which have been suggested to play roles in both immune and neuronal function. We describe here the generation and initial characterisation of a miR-132/212 double knockout mouse. These mice were viable and fertile with no overt adverse phenotype. Analysis of innate immune responses, including TLR-induced cytokine production and IFNβ induction in response to viral infection of primary fibroblasts did not reveal any phenotype in the knockouts. In contrast, the loss of miR-132 and miR-212, while not overtly affecting neuronal morphology, did affect synaptic function. In both hippocampal and neocortical slices miR-132/212 knockout reduced basal synaptic transmission, without affecting paired-pulse facilitation. Hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) induced by tetanic stimulation was not affected by miR-132/212 deletion, whilst theta burst LTP was enhanced. In contrast, neocortical theta burst-induced LTP was inhibited by loss of miR-132/212. Together these results indicate that miR-132 and/or miR-212 play a significant role in synaptic function, possibly by regulating the number of postsynaptic AMPA receptors under basal conditions and during activity-dependent synaptic plasticity

    Surgical treatment for different forms of hernias in sheep and goats

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    Sheep and goats are frequently presented with different forms of hernias to veterinary clinics. The aim of this study is to investigate the outcome of the surgical treatment of abdominal, umbilical, inguinal and scrotal hernias in sheep and goats. Fifty-eight clinical cases (sheep = 44, goat = 14) were presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia from September, 2003 to September, 2006. These animals had abdominal (sheep = 30, goat = 10), umbilical (sheep = 6, goat = 4), inguinal (sheep = 7) and scrotal (sheep = 1) hernias. All the cases of hernias in sheep and goats were subjected to full study including the history of the case, classification of hernias, the size of the hernial ring, surgical repair of the hernias, adhesions between the hernial sacs in each case, the postoperative care and follow up of the cases. The results revealed that gender had an effect on the incidence of hernia. The incidence of abdominal hernias was higher in females and the incidence of inguinal hernia was higher in males. There was a positive correlation between the history of hernia and the degree of adhesion. For the sheep, 26 out of 30 cases of abdominal hernia had good outcomes and the healing was excellent. There were postoperative complications in 4 ewes. For the goats, there were slight swellings at the site of operation in 2 out of 10 cases of abdominal hernia, while the remaining 8 cases had good outcomes. There was one case of umbilical hernia with an umbilical abscess that had broken down with sepsis formation at the surgical site. In conclusion, the success rates of surgical treatment for all types of hernias were very high and there were no significant differences in the success rates among the different types of hernias in both sheep and goats. The types of suture materials and the types of hernias had no significant effect on the outcome of the surgical treatment

    Entity linking of tweets based on dominant entity candidates

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    © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature. Entity linking, also known as semantic annotation, of textual content has received increasing attention. Recent works in this area have focused on entity linking on text with special characteristics such as search queries and tweets. The semantic annotation of tweets is specially proven to be challenging given the informal nature of the writing and the short length of the text. In this paper, we propose a method to perform entity linking on tweets built based on one primary hypothesis. We hypothesize that while there are formally many possible entity candidates for an ambiguous mention in a tweet, as listed on the disambiguation page of the corresponding entity on Wikipedia, there are only few entity candidates that are likely to be employed in the context of Twitter. Based on this hypothesis, we propose a method to identify such dominant entity candidates for each ambiguous mention and use them in the annotation process. Particularly, our proposed work integrates two phases (i) dominant entity candidate detection, which applies community detection methods for finding the dominant candidates of ambiguous mentions; and (ii) named entity disambiguation that links a tweet to entities in Wikipedia by only considering the identified dominant entity candidates. Our investigations show that: (1) there are only very few entity candidates for each ambiguous mention in a tweet that need to be considered when performing disambiguation. This helps us limit the candidate search space and hence noticeably reduce the entity linking time; (2) limiting the search space to only a subset of disambiguation options will not only improve entity linking execution time but will also lead to improved accuracy of the entity linking process when the main entity candidates of each mention are mined from a temporally aligned corpus. We show that our proposed method offers competitive results with the state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision and recall on widely used gold standard datasets while significantly reducing the time for processing each tweet